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Messages - MyNameIsCharlie

Pages: 1 ... 192021 2223 ... 260
The Flood / Re: I didn't believe in lesbians until I saw this
« on: October 08, 2017, 03:55:45 PM »
Weren't they actually not lez?

And actually homophobic

The Flood / I'm calling it
« on: October 08, 2017, 03:24:18 PM »

Serious / Re: tbh, Trump saved America
« on: October 07, 2017, 10:25:17 AM »
Spoken like a cuck. I bet you fucking love Israel too. Donald Trump is not for America, he is for Zionist interests and will lead us to ruin to shore up more power for the Jews.

Das, we've had this chat before

The Flood / Did you forget Reach?
« on: October 07, 2017, 01:33:06 AM »
Did you say we aren't ODST?

Did you lose Hope?

I bet you didn't Finish the Fight.

And I know you didn't stick it

The Flood / Re: I need the opinions of actual Altrighters/Alex Jones fans
« on: October 06, 2017, 12:45:14 AM »
Not one myself, but it's probably something along these lines;

Kinda ignores that some police in the US do have access to military vehicles and other gear that's not capable of "glassing" an area and more along the lines of wiping out a house full of insurgents, as well as having reserves or the actual military troops that would likely be patrolling towns in such a scenario, but meh.
Defection rate would be bretty devastating in a war on american citizens, especially in the reserve components.

Also, spicy maymay with slight relevance

Umm... Didn't the US arm both of the fighters...
Maybe, maybe not. You can't prove that in a court of law.

Afghanistan? That's fact bro.

Iran Contra? I thought Olly went down for that
Watch out, brah. Black suited G men commin for ya. You know too much. I know too much.

I know how to get enough ammonium nitrate fertilizer without the feds realizing it to make the OK city bombing look like some little firecracker. Obama can't ban this mind. Lizard ass motherfucker be shakin.

Man, it's like you want CID up in your shit
Bring it on. They have one ingress point.

Your call, bro. You know better than to post shit like that.
I'm IRR already bro. I got the papers saying "honorable discharge" on the other side of the room.

Why would you fuck up a perfectly good ETS with a CIT investigation?

The Flood / Re: I need the opinions of actual Altrighters/Alex Jones fans
« on: October 06, 2017, 12:31:13 AM »
Not one myself, but it's probably something along these lines;

Kinda ignores that some police in the US do have access to military vehicles and other gear that's not capable of "glassing" an area and more along the lines of wiping out a house full of insurgents, as well as having reserves or the actual military troops that would likely be patrolling towns in such a scenario, but meh.
Defection rate would be bretty devastating in a war on american citizens, especially in the reserve components.

Also, spicy maymay with slight relevance

Umm... Didn't the US arm both of the fighters...
Maybe, maybe not. You can't prove that in a court of law.

Afghanistan? That's fact bro.

Iran Contra? I thought Olly went down for that
Watch out, brah. Black suited G men commin for ya. You know too much. I know too much.

I know how to get enough ammonium nitrate fertilizer without the feds realizing it to make the OK city bombing look like some little firecracker. Obama can't ban this mind. Lizard ass motherfucker be shakin.

Man, it's like you want CID up in your shit
Bring it on. They have one ingress point.

Your call, bro. You know better than to post shit like that.

The Flood / Re: I need the opinions of actual Altrighters/Alex Jones fans
« on: October 06, 2017, 12:22:00 AM »
Not one myself, but it's probably something along these lines;

Kinda ignores that some police in the US do have access to military vehicles and other gear that's not capable of "glassing" an area and more along the lines of wiping out a house full of insurgents, as well as having reserves or the actual military troops that would likely be patrolling towns in such a scenario, but meh.
Defection rate would be bretty devastating in a war on american citizens, especially in the reserve components.

Also, spicy maymay with slight relevance

Umm... Didn't the US arm both of the fighters...
Maybe, maybe not. You can't prove that in a court of law.

Afghanistan? That's fact bro.

Iran Contra? I thought Olly went down for that
Watch out, brah. Black suited G men commin for ya. You know too much. I know too much.

I know how to get enough ammonium nitrate fertilizer without the feds realizing it to make the OK city bombing look like some little firecracker. Obama can't ban this mind. Lizard ass motherfucker be shakin.

Man, it's like you want CID up in your shit

The Flood / Re: I need the opinions of actual Altrighters/Alex Jones fans
« on: October 06, 2017, 12:04:36 AM »
Not one myself, but it's probably something along these lines;

Kinda ignores that some police in the US do have access to military vehicles and other gear that's not capable of "glassing" an area and more along the lines of wiping out a house full of insurgents, as well as having reserves or the actual military troops that would likely be patrolling towns in such a scenario, but meh.
Defection rate would be bretty devastating in a war on american citizens, especially in the reserve components.

Also, spicy maymay with slight relevance

Umm... Didn't the US arm both of the fighters...
Maybe, maybe not. You can't prove that in a court of law.

Afghanistan? That's fact bro.

Iran Contra? I thought Olly went down for that

The Flood / Re: I need the opinions of actual Altrighters/Alex Jones fans
« on: October 05, 2017, 11:50:53 PM »
Not one myself, but it's probably something along these lines;

Kinda ignores that some police in the US do have access to military vehicles and other gear that's not capable of "glassing" an area and more along the lines of wiping out a house full of insurgents, as well as having reserves or the actual military troops that would likely be patrolling towns in such a scenario, but meh.
Defection rate would be bretty devastating in a war on american citizens, especially in the reserve components.

Also, spicy maymay with slight relevance

Umm... Didn't the US arm both of the fighters...

The Flood / I need the opinions of actual Altrighters/Alex Jones fans
« on: October 04, 2017, 12:26:48 AM »
Why do you think that the government is always days away from enslaving us?

After every mass shooting someone cries for "common sense" gun regulation. Usually this is banning military style weapons, closing loopholes and creating a cradle to grave registration for gun so we know where illegal sales happen.

The argument always devolves to "the government is about to go tyrannical, we need these to stop it."

Why do you believe this?

Serious / Re: "Key employment dispute leaves Supreme Court divided" -
« on: October 03, 2017, 11:26:13 AM »
The side of the workers. This ruling effects legal rights. Class action suits are one of the very few ways workers can hold employers accountable. When an employee goes against a corporation, in essence they are in a reverse class action suit. One against many. If a company is accused of screwing many, why should employees be forced to be on their own?

The Flood / Re: How can you root for the Punisher and not Joker?
« on: October 03, 2017, 01:55:41 AM »
The Punisher doesn't kill innocents

To the Joker's POV, neither has he

He knows what he does is evil, he just doesn't care.

Maybe he doesn't see it as evil? Maybe it's a high price for good that so far only he's willing to pay?

What good does poisoning children and blowing up hospitals do?

To show how the system we have in place creates these tragedies.

The Joker creates those tragedies, not the "system". Half of Gotham's problems wouldn't exist if he wasn't around to make them.

I am not saying he's right. I am saying that he's not so different than the Punisher. The only difference is the scope. One aims at the people involved. The other aims at the system which decides who's involved

The Punisher does evil things to evil people because it's how he copes with his losses. The Joker does evil things to innocent people because he's the Joker, and trying to rationalize his actions defeats the purpose of the character.

The joker also uses others to cope with his loses.

His scope is just bigger.

You guys seem to think I am justifying the joker. I am not. I am saying that maybe the Punisher shouldn't be justified. Maybe he's as bad as the joker. Remember, even Batman rejected Castle's vision.

The Flood / Re: Seriously, fuck Clinton and fuck Jones
« on: October 03, 2017, 01:18:36 AM »
What agenda is Jones pushing?

The Far Right's. That the government can never be trusted.

The Flood / Re: How can you root for the Punisher and not Joker?
« on: October 03, 2017, 01:17:39 AM »
The Punisher doesn't kill innocents

To the Joker's POV, neither has he

He knows what he does is evil, he just doesn't care.

Maybe he doesn't see it as evil? Maybe it's a high price for good that so far only he's willing to pay?

What good does poisoning children and blowing up hospitals do?

To show how the system we have in place creates these tragedies.

I am not saying he's right. I am saying that he's not so different than the Punisher. The only difference is the scope. One aims at the people involved. The other aims at the system which decides who's involved

The Flood / Re: How can you root for the Punisher and not Joker?
« on: October 03, 2017, 01:12:34 AM »
I can root for the Punisher because he has a clear goal and morals, he isn't a total maniac that kills for the sake to kill, he knows what to do and how to do it. And don't equate the killing of those who do evil to others: the killers, rapists, psychos and sadists; with the death of real innocents that are slaughtered by the Joker.

Killing isn't the answer, but I will shed no tears for the death of the scum of the Earth.

Consider it possible that possibly the Joker wants to see the societal system that allows these injustices torn down. To get those who turn a blind eye "in the game."

The Flood / Re: How can you root for the Punisher and not Joker?
« on: October 03, 2017, 01:09:57 AM »
they're both trash

the ends never justify the means, the means must justify themselves

That's my point.

The Flood / Re: How can you root for the Punisher and not Joker?
« on: October 03, 2017, 01:09:05 AM »
The Punisher doesn't kill innocents

To the Joker's POV, neither has he

He knows what he does is evil, he just doesn't care.

Maybe he doesn't see it as evil? Maybe it's a high price for good that so far only he's willing to pay?

The Flood / Re: RIP Tom Petty
« on: October 03, 2017, 01:02:56 AM »
He died at 8:40pm PST.

The Flood / Re: How can you root for the Punisher and not Joker?
« on: October 03, 2017, 12:58:45 AM »
The Punisher doesn't kill innocents

To the Joker's POV, neither has he

The Flood / How can you root for the Punisher and not Joker?
« on: October 03, 2017, 12:48:21 AM »
Both are on the other side of their one bad day.

Both are considered psychopaths.

The only difference is one aimed his rage at the mob, and the other at the root of the problem: society grown comfortable with complacency.

By what means? Actively? I don't know. Passively by inaction? Daily

Serious / Re: Shooting at Vegas, more than 50 dead.
« on: October 02, 2017, 10:38:02 PM »
Oh yea, almost forgot. If you haven't bought any guns already, now is the time.
You fucking dumbasses say this every time there's a mass shooting


It's gotten to the point where I wouldn't be surprised if gun manufacturers were orchestrating these shootings because of the huge profits they see every time.

It's worse. These vultures turn up their social media marketing every time a mass shooting happens. The rest of us feel sad or mad, they feel happy.

The Flood / Seriously, fuck Clinton and fuck Jones
« on: October 02, 2017, 08:17:16 PM »
The victims aren't even cold yet. Yet these two asshats use this to push their various agendas. Be decent. Give your fucking condolences. Let the families grieve and the wounded at least get out of surgery.

Then, when you've proven yourself as a human being, then push your agenda

The Flood / Re: RIP Tom Petty
« on: October 02, 2017, 04:34:06 PM »
What a shitty day

The Flood / Re: fuck sports
« on: October 01, 2017, 10:19:58 PM »
I'm torn between baseball and basketball.

Well... nah. The NBA doesn't have the equivalent of a MLB pitchers duel. Watching two good pitchers give K after K is a complete snoozefest. I would rather watch golf

The Flood / Re: Guys I really need costume suggestions
« on: October 01, 2017, 07:39:41 PM »
Gay Captain America. Instead of the red white and blue use rainbows

The Flood / I'm eating lumpia
« on: September 30, 2017, 09:39:24 PM »
And you can't have any

Serious / Re: NHS 'not fit for 21st Century' according to inspector
« on: September 30, 2017, 05:35:01 PM »
Yet another reason to hate the baby boomers

The Flood / Flood. I need this answered
« on: September 30, 2017, 01:24:47 PM »
Is the S or C in Scent silent?

The Flood / Re: Is Trump a cuck?
« on: September 29, 2017, 11:02:13 AM »
Obama prefers women who look like full grown apes.

So? Each to their own.

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