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Messages - MyNameIsCharlie

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The Flood / Re: Just had a thought about the SB shooters
« on: December 12, 2015, 10:14:07 AM »
When you think about it, these dudes are really blowing themselves up for some pussy.

The power of boners is strong indeed

The Flood / Re: Just had a thought about the SB shooters
« on: December 12, 2015, 10:13:28 AM »
It's heaven. Of course it will turn out all well.

What? Allah's gonna cover for him? Invite her over for tea and snacks so homie can get his virgin on?

He's gonna get jealous of all the other martyrs that don't have to have Allah cover for them.

The Flood / Just had a thought about the SB shooters
« on: December 12, 2015, 10:09:28 AM »
Dudes gonna show up in heaven to claim his 72 virgins with his wife right behind him.

Yeah... THAT'S gonna turn out well for him

The Flood / Re: For those of you who have been high/drunk
« on: December 12, 2015, 01:11:53 AM »
You can answer the question I just asked.

It can be, but it's different too. I've been shitfaced and overflowing with energy. Tonight I'm tempted to just go to bed. There are several factors.

Being drunk amplifies who you are that day by lowering your inhibitions.

The Flood / Re: For those of you who have been high/drunk
« on: December 12, 2015, 01:09:50 AM »
Being drunk has had some differences each time. I'm either hyper and goofy, or super tired.

If I've gotten really drunk, then I feel like shit and want to just lay around til my stomach calms the fuck down. I feel dizzy and unbalanced.

Been there, have SEVERAL of those t-shirts

The trick is knowing your limits

The Flood / Re: Are ads memes?
« on: December 12, 2015, 01:08:38 AM »
At least this isn't a sex thread.

Not all my threads are sex threads. For someone who posts as a sexually aggressive gay elite... That's a kettle and pot

The Flood / Re: For those of you who have been high/drunk
« on: December 12, 2015, 01:07:12 AM »
I'm drunk now. It's light headedness with lowered inhibitions. AMA

The Flood / Re: Do you shave your legs?
« on: December 12, 2015, 01:04:36 AM »
Closest I get is shaving my nuts

The Flood / Are ads memes?
« on: December 12, 2015, 01:01:41 AM »
If you think about it, ads are attempts to get us to act a certain way. Buy certain products.

Memes are common thoughts, common beliefs codified. Like ads.

Those who would make us think memes are the future will turn their memes to their own ends. How long before memes are telling us to wear Nike and eat McDonald's?

Cast down add and their future form... Memes

The Flood / Re: Her pussy hold 4 and a half and that's a hell of a fact
« on: December 11, 2015, 07:52:21 PM »
I'm not all that sure why I clicked this thread

The Flood / Re: Come with me, and you'll see
« on: December 11, 2015, 07:33:14 PM »
One in

Serious / Re: Why does the West have such a hard time
« on: December 11, 2015, 06:31:51 PM »
and to address the inevitable 'why is this still here?'

As crass as midget's OP is, he's still bringing up a point of discussion (Cultural relativity) so whilst he could probably do with dropping a few of the 'niggers and apes' references, there is still something to discuss under the list of topics suited for serious.

His argument falls apart because not everyone from those cultures fails to assimilate. Most western countries are melting pots where everyone adds the better parts of their background and discard the rest.

Example: do you like Doritos? A Mexican brought flavored corn chips to General Foods. To hear him talk, he sounds as American as anyone. There was pushback to the Irish at the turn of the century. Like Rock or Country music? It can be traced back to Irish folk music. Drawing a line at any point steals from our children.

And he is a goosestepping cunt, and I do hope he takes a walk off a tall building

The Flood / Come with me, and you'll see
« on: December 11, 2015, 06:25:06 PM »
A laaaand of pure inebriation
Pilsner, Ales, IPA's
And any kind of libation

Your dear, creepy uncle Charlie is getting hammered tonight

Serious / Re: Why does the West have such a hard time
« on: December 11, 2015, 04:41:24 PM »
I suggest reading the sticky at the top of serious, 'serious is getting more serious'

Serious / Re: Why do liberals view Trumps Muslim ban negatively?
« on: December 11, 2015, 03:26:40 PM »
Except that EO9066 is universally panned as the single worst thing done by the US in WWII

Serious / Re: Why does the West have such a hard time
« on: December 11, 2015, 03:25:09 PM »
I see Stormfront is being visited

Kindly sieg heil and goosestep off a tall building please
Sweet racial meme dismissal of valid points, bro.

Uh huh. "Valid" points.  Got it.

When you goose step off that building, please make sure you're at least 30 stories up

Serious / Re: Why does the West have such a hard time
« on: December 11, 2015, 02:49:48 PM »
I see Stormfront is being visited

Kindly sieg heil and goosestep off a tall building please

The Flood / Re: Got invited to a house par-tay
« on: December 11, 2015, 12:43:15 PM »
It's obviously a ruse to get you in a satanic cult. If you're cool with that, go for it

The Flood / Re: X-Men: Apocalypse trailer
« on: December 11, 2015, 09:58:12 AM »
Archangel looks pretty cool

The Flood / Re: How many of you have been to a strip club?
« on: December 11, 2015, 12:01:34 AM »
Why would you and your bros sit and stare at a girl you can't touch while you all get boners at the same time?
You don't have to worry about saying something sexist out loud and being judged for it.

You don't have to worry about that anywhere

Unless you're a bitch

Or have a girlfriend, wife, job, kids...

Nothing important.

Face it, anonymity is the best gift the Internet bestowed on man.

...but you can't pay your monitor $40 and have it rub it's booty on you for three half songs. Until it does, the nudie bar is a bastion of maleness.

The Flood / Re: How many of you have been to a strip club?
« on: December 10, 2015, 11:52:00 PM »
Why would you and your bros sit and stare at a girl you can't touch while you all get boners at the same time?

I explained that above. It's one of the last places men can just be men. You don't have to worry about saying something sexist out loud and being judged for it.


I just realized I turned into Al Bundy

The Flood / Re: My eyes are turning green? Wtf
« on: December 10, 2015, 10:32:43 PM »
We shouldn't make you angry. We wouldn't like you when you're angry

The Flood / Re: How many of you have been to a strip club?
« on: December 10, 2015, 09:53:15 PM »
>Paying to see women naked

Fucking lol.

Have you been to one? It's more than just seeing women naked. It's one of the last places men can loudly comment on how badly they want to fuck that woman right there and not end up on the 10 o'clock news as asshole of the year.

The women are generally pretty hot, they treat you nicely, even if it is insincere. You can be a guy without repercussions.
What is internet?

It's VERY different when you are there and they call you by name

The Flood / Re: How many of you have been to a strip club?
« on: December 10, 2015, 09:24:25 PM »
>Paying to see women naked

Fucking lol.

Have you been to one? It's more than just seeing women naked. It's one of the last places men can loudly comment on how badly they want to fuck that woman right there and not end up on the 10 o'clock news as asshole of the year.

The women are generally pretty hot, they treat you nicely, even if it is insincere. You can be a guy without repercussions.

The Flood / Re: How would you guys treat me
« on: December 10, 2015, 09:07:25 PM »
If I was actually Muslim?

I bet you a million bucks the SJW crowd here would try to appease me and kindly try to "educate" me on LGBT issues. They'd NEVER flat out call me a bigot.

None of you would call me a "straight edge faggot" even as a joke because I don't drink or use any drug.

Really, think. Think on how differently you'd treat me. And understand that religion is a passive silent oppressor of free speech even in so called moderates.

Tbph, I wouldn't really care. Oh, I'd fuck with you, accuse you of being in ISIS and of raping goats, but I really wouldn't care.

The Flood / Re: How many of you have been to a strip club?
« on: December 10, 2015, 09:03:47 PM »
There she goes shaking that ass on the floor
Bumpin' and grindin' that pole
The way she's grindin' that pole
I think I'm losing control

The Flood / How strong is the power of boners?
« on: December 10, 2015, 09:01:58 PM »
By this I mean how much of human behavior is driven by sex?  How different would our behavior be if reproduction were removed from our needs?

It's possible, just perfect cloning and genetic manipulation and sex becomes obsolete. You no longer have to introduce sperm to egg any more.


The Flood / Do dogs have brains?
« on: December 10, 2015, 07:24:59 PM »

Have too much faith in humanity?

Let me fix that for you

The Flood / Re: Are there ANY advantages to being short?
« on: December 10, 2015, 02:36:28 PM »
Last to get wet when it rains

The Flood / Re: Why do hospitals only sell diet pop?
« on: December 10, 2015, 12:03:33 PM »
I was hoping this was a set up for a joke

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