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Messages - MyNameIsCharlie

Pages: 1 ... 187188189 190191 ... 260
The Flood / Re: How do I get this girl back?
« on: December 15, 2015, 10:49:56 AM »
Have you tried breaking into her apartment?
Going through her trash for clues would be less illegal. OP should maybe try that.

Hmmm... But she would respond better to him sending pics of her sleeping

The Flood / Re: How do I get this girl back?
« on: December 15, 2015, 08:17:30 AM »
Have you tried breaking into her apartment?

The Flood / Re: Any photo experts here know what this thing in my photo is
« on: December 14, 2015, 11:37:31 PM »
It's the reflection of the door behind you.

The Flood / Re: Everytime I see a NSFW tag
« on: December 14, 2015, 11:34:21 PM »
While I do use it a lot, it's no where near what you guys think it is.
Its so disappointing.

That's how I feel about many users' threads. The originality is lacking in here. You guys bitch about my threads, look at the repetition going on.

I'll make a deal: I won't post a sex thread for as long as a user or mod isn't being called out, there are no anime spam posts or someone isn't being a blatant racist.

Because I would rather shitpost about sex than those three topics.

You mainly cover the topics we mentioned repeatedly alone. As for the ones you mentioned not liking, those are generally several different people each time, so it's forgivable.

When have I called a user ir mod out, been blatantly racist or spammed anime?

And I'm not the only one posting on sex. But I'm the only one repeatedly called out on it.

The Flood / Re: Everytime I see a NSFW tag
« on: December 14, 2015, 10:24:25 PM »
"would you have sex with/for/on..."

Literally every Charlie thread

Actually I've only done about 3 of those since returning.

The Flood / Re: Everytime I see a NSFW tag
« on: December 14, 2015, 10:23:46 PM »
While I do use it a lot, it's no where near what you guys think it is.
Its so disappointing.

That's how I feel about many users' threads. The originality is lacking in here. You guys bitch about my threads, look at the repetition going on.

I'll make a deal: I won't post a sex thread for as long as a user or mod isn't being called out, there are no anime spam posts or someone isn't being a blatant racist.

Because I would rather shitpost about sex than those three topics.

The Flood / Re: Everytime I see a NSFW tag
« on: December 14, 2015, 10:02:39 PM »
While I do use it a lot, it's no where near what you guys think it is.

The Flood / Re: So... Darth Vader's suit... Is it FULLY functional?
« on: December 14, 2015, 08:05:36 PM »

The Flood / NSFW So... Darth Vader's suit... Is it FULLY functional?
« on: December 14, 2015, 07:34:43 PM »
Never thought of this before, but he's still part human, even if he's "mostly machine now" as Obi Wan put it. That means he has needs.

Does that mean he has a monster robotic cock in there made of Mandalorian steel?

The Flood / What I'm most excited about for Ep VII
« on: December 14, 2015, 05:18:35 PM »
The inevitable Red Letter Media video on it

The Flood / Re: If Goerge Lucas likes Ep VII
« on: December 14, 2015, 05:17:22 PM »
It's so dense, every image has something going on in it. it's like poetry sort of, they rhyme. hopefully it'll work.

Anyone want a pizza roll?

The Flood / Re: Star Trek Beyond trailer
« on: December 14, 2015, 04:10:34 PM »
Well, your generation fucked everything up. This is what you get when you only go to sci-fi action movies that are dependent on CGI action battles. Everything will be one long CGI action battle with banter replacing dialogue.

Y'all may as well own it
lmao shut up

Look at what you get excited for. Batman v Superman, Suicide Squad, Captain America Civil War, Deadpool, X-Men Apocalypse,  Star Wars The Force Awakens, etc...

Hollywood is a business. They sell tickets to theaters and home media. They deliver a product they think you're gonna buy. Look at what you buy and ask yourself if it's what you really want.

The same goes for video games. Activision will pump out a Call of Duty every year because your generation buys it.
How do generalizations work.

Also the average age of gamers is 30 year olds you fucknut.
So fuck off with the le nostalgia and le your generation ruined everything memes.

Your generation is just as much at fault as any generation afterwards. We aren't the only ones who buy what comes out today you know.

Gen X isn't the target demographic. We haven't been for a long time. Most movies and games are aimed at the 15-25 age group. If they gave a shit about Gen X, then the movies would be angsty and starring Winona Rider...

So I guess we're not remembering the 90's TNG movies that turned Captain Picard from a Shakespeare-quoting pacifist into a bloodthirsty swashbuckler?

Those never happened

The Flood / Re: Star Trek Beyond trailer
« on: December 14, 2015, 03:25:34 PM »
Well, your generation fucked everything up. This is what you get when you only go to sci-fi action movies that are dependent on CGI action battles. Everything will be one long CGI action battle with banter replacing dialogue.

Y'all may as well own it
lmao shut up

Look at what you get excited for. Batman v Superman, Suicide Squad, Captain America Civil War, Deadpool, X-Men Apocalypse,  Star Wars The Force Awakens, etc...

Hollywood is a business. They sell tickets to theaters and home media. They deliver a product they think you're gonna buy. Look at what you buy and ask yourself if it's what you really want.

The same goes for video games. Activision will pump out a Call of Duty every year because your generation buys it.
How do generalizations work.

Also the average age of gamers is 30 year olds you fucknut.
So fuck off with the le nostalgia and le your generation ruined everything memes.

Your generation is just as much at fault as any generation afterwards. We aren't the only ones who buy what comes out today you know.

Gen X isn't the target demographic. We haven't been for a long time. Most movies and games are aimed at the 15-25 age group. If they gave a shit about Gen X, then the movies would be angsty and starring Winona Rider...

The Flood / Re: Star Trek Beyond trailer
« on: December 14, 2015, 02:49:56 PM »
Well, your generation fucked everything up. This is what you get when you only go to sci-fi action movies that are dependent on CGI action battles. Everything will be one long CGI action battle with banter replacing dialogue.

Y'all may as well own it
lmao shut up

Look at what you get excited for. Batman v Superman, Suicide Squad, Captain America Civil War, Deadpool, X-Men Apocalypse,  Star Wars The Force Awakens, etc...

Hollywood is a business. They sell tickets to theaters and home media. They deliver a product they think you're gonna buy. Look at what you buy and ask yourself if it's what you really want.

The same goes for video games. Activision will pump out a Call of Duty every year because your generation buys it.

The Flood / Re: Star Trek Beyond trailer
« on: December 14, 2015, 02:22:26 PM »
Well, your generation fucked everything up. This is what you get when you only go to sci-fi action movies that are dependent on CGI action battles. Everything will be one long CGI action battle with banter replacing dialogue.

Y'all may as well own it

The Flood / Re: Pizza Hut or Dominoes
« on: December 14, 2015, 02:00:27 PM »
Secret Option: Roundtable

The Flood / Did you know there are gay men who intentionally get AIDS?
« on: December 13, 2015, 07:17:57 PM »
I just saw a special on it. Apparently they do it for the sympathy and to belong to a group.

Never knew about these people

The Flood / Re: i hardly see the point of life
« on: December 13, 2015, 05:29:34 PM »
It's because you have been conditioned to reject the pleasures of life. At our core we are just animals wired with preset drives from which we derive pleasure. Our society put the process that we attain the means for our pleasures ahead of the pleasures themselves. As soon as you reject that do you start living in the moment and stop worrying about your meaning.

The Flood / What's with all this salt?
« on: December 13, 2015, 09:15:54 AM »
Jesus H Christ

Everyone is calling everyone else out, Challenger is melting down.

What happened?

Septagon / Re: Ok, unban me
« on: December 12, 2015, 10:31:35 PM »
From the serious board

The Flood / Re: This Site Sucks
« on: December 12, 2015, 10:30:49 PM »
Should I post about sex more?

Septagon / Ok, unban me
« on: December 12, 2015, 09:28:57 PM »
I would PM, but I can't.

24 hours is up

The Flood / Re: This is why Comic book fans are the worst
« on: December 12, 2015, 05:41:19 PM »
This thread is why Halo fanboys are the very definition of deluded

The Flood / Re: kids cant even wear a star wars shirt in school anymore
« on: December 12, 2015, 04:38:47 PM »
It's also offensive to Muslims and women. Watch your micro-aggressions bro

The Flood / Re: Reminder: Your dad probably wishes he pulled out
« on: December 12, 2015, 04:28:22 PM »
Unoriginal shit

The Flood / Re: Reminder: Your dad probably wishes he pulled out
« on: December 12, 2015, 04:27:42 PM »
Says the guy who couldn't have kids of his own, causing Mrs. Charlie to have an affair.

See my response to Challenger.

The Flood / Re: DC Updated Costumes And Powers
« on: December 12, 2015, 04:01:39 PM »
They look anime

I'll stick with Marvel

The Flood / Re: Reminder: Your dad probably wishes he pulled out
« on: December 12, 2015, 03:59:08 PM »
If only you could be a real dad and have kids of your own.

How odd... I feel a rustling haven't felt in a long ti- nope gone

The Flood / Reminder: Your dad probably wishes he pulled out
« on: December 12, 2015, 02:34:33 PM »
Every year, 9 months before your birthday he quietly berates himself for not blowing that load on your mother's stomach

The Flood / Re: Just had a thought about the SB shooters
« on: December 12, 2015, 10:51:09 AM »
It's heaven. Of course it will turn out all well.

What? Allah's gonna cover for him? Invite her over for tea and snacks so homie can get his virgin on?

He's gonna get jealous of all the other martyrs that don't have to have Allah cover for them.
Nah brah, his wife will just be totally in to polygamy.
Don't think so, brother. Bitch got used to Murrica. Ellen don't let that shit play. Remember she shot back, and she drove. She probably talked shit too.

But... This brings up another question: did she get 72 male virgins? I'll laugh my ass off if she did. Show up in heaven and get introduced to the Muslim equivalent of

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