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Messages - MyNameIsCharlie

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The Flood / Re: Flan is one of God's gifts to the world
« on: January 19, 2016, 01:18:12 PM »
When made right, Flan is delicious.

Other god-tier?

Also Spanish, but Churros and Chocolate. Fresh Churros dipped in a dark chocolate sauce

How else am I supposed to see tentacled monsters raping girls?

The Flood / Re: Torn between two girls
« on: January 18, 2016, 11:21:01 PM »
Older is better. Trust me. Though, to me, 26 may as well be 18. Older women have baggage. That can be overcome. Younger ones have drama. They just have to outgrow it.
She does have baggage she told me about. And bigger breasts than the younger one, DDD, so I made the right choice. College freshman was tempting though

She could only bring energy and regret. You chose wisely

The Flood / Re: Torn between two girls
« on: January 18, 2016, 11:13:52 PM »
Older is better. Trust me. Though, to me, 26 may as well be 18. Older women have baggage. That can be overcome. Younger ones have drama. They just have to outgrow it.

The Flood / A bunch of hookers and cocaine
« on: January 18, 2016, 07:28:50 PM »

Oh my sides

The Flood / Re: So my new roommate is on Grindr
« on: January 18, 2016, 07:26:32 PM »
Have a heart felt talk with him. Tell him he doesn't need to be looking online while you are standing right in front of him. When he leans in to kiss you, back up and tell him you are straight. Then take a picture of his confused face and post it here.

« on: January 18, 2016, 04:51:26 PM »
2016 blows. All the good musicians. Lemmy, Bowie, now Frey   

One answer: Hookers and Blow

The Flood / Re: I feel sorry for anyone who believes in a gay agenda
« on: January 18, 2016, 03:34:04 PM »
Song's broken now
I think it's ironic that the guy obsessed with frozen is the one that fucked it up.

Don't you think?
A little too ironic

The Flood / Re: If you knew you were going to die in 1 year...
« on: January 18, 2016, 03:33:04 PM »
Sand, that's exactly what people do. They come to believe that tomorrow never happens, and always push the preparation and work off.  Next thing they know they are left with no time and regret. It goes for more than just death. They push off studying until the night before the final, spend all of their money and end up with no retirement or not tell their loved ones how they feel until after the person leaves or dies.

Is it ridiculous? Very much so. But very human as well. We've deluded ourselves in thinking we're immortal. That we'll always have time.

That's kinda where I was going with this thread. Hedonistic replies aside, if there was something you wanted to do, something important, that you would push off until you had a year to live... Why not just do it now? Why not go out and make your mark?

The Flood / Re: I feel sorry for anyone who believes in a gay agenda
« on: January 18, 2016, 03:15:31 PM »
Song's broken now

OP, you post this like it's a bad thing.

The Flood / I feel sorry for anyone who believes in a gay agenda
« on: January 18, 2016, 02:53:56 PM »
Because you must live in constant fear that someone will discover that you secretly crave cock.

The Flood / Re: Has anyone spoken unironically in public?
« on: January 18, 2016, 01:46:31 PM »
Poe's law, you mean?

And speaking in public and posting are very different. I can put inflection in my voice, and as of yet, there is no sarcasm font...

To answer your subject, irony and sarcasm are nearly 80% of my speech. It's impossible to live in such a backwards society to not be.

The Flood / Re: If you knew you were going to die in 1 year...
« on: January 18, 2016, 01:17:39 PM »
No, dying doesn't grant any favors to you. But the knowledge that you know exactly when you will die may encourage some more motivation to get things done.

The Flood / If you knew you were going to die in 1 year...
« on: January 18, 2016, 12:18:27 PM »
What would you do in the meantime to make sure you accomplished something that matters?

Say you have a completely incurable heart condition. You will enjoy exactly one year of full health, but will drop dead at the end of it.

You can't cure the condition, nor can you extend the time you have.

So, now what? Try to honestly think about this.

The Flood / Re: trump for president 2016
« on: January 18, 2016, 12:55:48 AM »
Trump got his solution to illegal immigration from Game of Thrones. He got his foreign policy from Dr Strangelove. 

The Flood / I have a lot of respect for Loaf
« on: January 17, 2016, 02:10:07 PM »
Honestly, fuck users  in general. Every time there's a troll thread or something, I just wish more jimmies would have rustled. I hear about the massive meatspin attack, I always just wish, damn, that would be cool if they could have trolled like 10,000 people. Or if the 2G1C shock site links would have gone off. Seriously, Loaf deserves respect. He's just having fun. Fuck people in general though I mean seriously, human beings fucking suck. Not everyone, but honestly a good mountain of butthurt isn't a bad thing.

Serious / Re: Bernie supporters.
« on: January 17, 2016, 11:18:32 AM »
We have a legitimate basis by which to judge him. Having data about who supports a certain candidate does allow us to draw conclusions. I'm not saying the OP is correct, merely that his point is not fallacious.

He says the 18-25 year old base are idiots. All of them. May as well say ALL Muslims are terrorists, ALL Mexicans are lazy, ALL Whites are entitled racists, ALL women are sluts, ALL blacks criminals etc...

There isn't a valid point here, other than Bernie supporters tend to be young.

The Flood / Burn Calories with NO EXERCISE!
« on: January 17, 2016, 11:03:23 AM »
You can sit motionless and burn so many calories that you will be pounds lighter in mere HOURS.

Charlie, that's impossible is what you say.

It is possible and completely based on hard science.

The secret is based on your body's thermal balance. Using techniques perfected by Vietnamese monks more than 60 years ago you can increase your body's thermal balance and watch those pounds burn right off your body!

The workout is simple. You sit in a comfortable yoga position. Pour our patent pending formula over your body, light a candle and voilà! You're on your way to losing weight!

Don't just take my word for it, let's hear from our customers!

Serious / Re: Bernie supporters.
« on: January 17, 2016, 10:51:34 AM »
Worthless ad hominem that isn't worth a second thought.

Pretty much what I was thinking.

You could just as easily, and just as erroneously say that all Conservatives are just gun toting racists.
Except it's not entirely clear that support for Cruz is disproportionately racist gun-owners. It is clear that a disproportionate amount of Sanders' support comes from the young.


Serious / Re: Bernie supporters.
« on: January 17, 2016, 09:38:24 AM »
Worthless ad hominem that isn't worth a second thought.

Pretty much what I was thinking.

You could just as easily, and just as erroneously say that all Conservatives are just gun toting racists.

Serious / Re: Smart gun technology
« on: January 17, 2016, 09:12:14 AM »
From a child safety standpoint, I'm all for this. It's something like 2,000 kids died last year from unsecured firearms. 1 is too many. If this locks the guns down then do it. Gun owners only have themselves to blame. Had they been responsible, then this would be an unnecessary invention.

The Flood / Re: I ate 2 expired Reese's cups
« on: January 17, 2016, 08:59:40 AM »
Three possible scenarios:

1) Superpowers

2) Painful death

3) You will use ALL the TP in your house

The Flood / Re: Gay Marriage = Legalization of Rape
« on: January 17, 2016, 08:57:23 AM »
Jesus, Desty. You're STILL triggered?

You really are autistic.  Like, truly one of those kids whose mom needs to sit on them cause they won't just let go and keep screaming.

Are you isolated again today? I feel sorry for you. But get used to it. It's going to be like this for you forever. I really don't see any chick (or dude) ever being willing to spend more than a few minutes with you. Then, like the rest of us, they'll find you annoying and start ignoring you.

By all means then, continue guess and testing

The Flood / Re: Gay Marriage = Legalization of Rape
« on: January 16, 2016, 04:31:44 PM »
Just following ridiculous trains of thought to their final destination.

Except your train of thought is more fucked than Snowpiercer after the engine bllew up

Hence posting it in the Flood instead of Serious

Like father like son

Sadly, I'll admit he has bigger balls than I do. He fancies himself a stand up comedian and the stuff I post on an obscure forum he says out loud in front of a room full of strangers.
Hahaha what a knock-off you are! So you're acting so strange because you're trying to live up to your dad's image. You're his shadow; a joke.

You're trying too hard
No, you are. Stop trying to be someone else. Develop a personality why don't ya?

You'd have better luck triggering me by talking about Star Wars.

I figure I may as well tell you where the buttons are, rather than watch you play guess and test

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