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Messages - MyNameIsCharlie

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The Flood / Re: Everything We Say And Do
« on: January 26, 2016, 12:38:22 PM »
Everything your mom does is just dick bait to attract my cock

Pretty much.

The Flood / Is this a good or a bad side effect
« on: January 26, 2016, 12:06:26 PM »
A few months ago I was fitted for a CPAP. basically it's a Darth Vader mask that forces air through your sinuses while you sleep so you keep breathing.

Anyways, not all that air goes in your lungs. In fact, a lot of it goes in your esophagus. The side effect is about an hour of impressive farts when you get up. All dry, some lasting over a minute.

Disgusting for others, sure. But you get to feel that release, which is awesome.

The Flood / I actually HEARD the Flood today
« on: January 26, 2016, 11:44:35 AM »
I'm standing in line at the local doughnut shop and I hear two young men behind me talking.  The younger of two keeps going on and on about how he thinks he's fucked up in the head.

He then says who else do you know who jerks off to that Rugrats cartoon?

It was like this forum came alive

The Flood / Re: I feel like I've been more of a jerk lately than normal
« on: January 26, 2016, 11:37:16 AM »
If you had a one complete meal with large drink and dessert coupon for your localmall's food court, what would you get?

The Flood / Re: Would you rather
« on: January 26, 2016, 11:34:33 AM »
I'll go back and stop the menace known as There is nothing more important than that.

Go to DeeJ's parents' house the night he was conceived and make his mom take it anal.

The Flood / Re: Captain! Main power failing!
« on: January 26, 2016, 02:49:07 AM »
Burn the niggers for emergency fuel

It's the future, sir!

There are no niggers!

We have chinks and currie munchers! But historically they don't give enough energy! There might be a hebe, but we have no way to find them quickly enough!

The Flood / Re: Holy motherfucking shit
« on: January 26, 2016, 02:42:21 AM »
So... Should I expose her?

The Flood / Re: What do you live for?
« on: January 26, 2016, 02:41:40 AM »
For my family who love me so much and have done so much for me. I don't want them to lose me.
For myself, life is supposed to be enjoyed.
For God, because of all the things I've been saved from.
Music, for it puts me on this higher plane emotionally.

If you haven't heard him, look up Saul Williams on YouTube. Specifically, look up 1987. Lyrically one of the best ones ever made

The Flood / Re: What do you live for?
« on: January 26, 2016, 02:39:12 AM »


Seriously though because I want to be around when we eventually put people on mars. That's probably the closest I've got to a driving force right now.


The Flood / Holy motherfucking shit
« on: January 26, 2016, 02:38:30 AM »
I just found one of my coworkers on Suicide Girls. I'm 100 percent positive. Her profile is in Hopefuls, name PyRanha.

I knew she did MMA, and she was hot... But now... LOL

The Flood / What do you live for?
« on: January 26, 2016, 02:25:49 AM »
Eli's thread is one of my favorite. Why? I'm up way too late and thinking.

I'm thinking about what drives me. I know why I pushed through the flu this week and kept me up late and up too early.

I live for my boys. Yes, they're adopted. But that doesn't matter to me. I strive every minute to be the best man I can be for them.

The Flood / Re: Which bumber sticker would better trigger the Berniefags?
« on: January 26, 2016, 02:21:15 AM »
Or, you could, you know, get involved? Do more than troll with a bumper sticker?
University campuses are a hopeless place for campaigning, the leftist establishment has them on eternal lockdown. I could pass out fliers all day but all it would accomplish is getting cunts with nose rings to scream at be for being gibsmedatphobic or something.

I also have nobody to support in this election, I hate all of the candidates. I just happen to hate Sanders the most.

Ok. I would engage the drones in arguments as often as I could. You won't convert them, but those listening are another story

Actually, for the first time in too long, yes. I don't feel I have to change. I just be myself. I am with someone who is herself. And we accept each other as we are. Neither of us thought it would last beyond 6 weeks. But we came to realize that life is too damned short for the drama we create for ourselves.
Okay one last question I guess before I stop bothering with this (I got shit I really need to work on and these threads need to stop distracting me) what advice would you give to someone who fundamentally hates themselves? Because that's the core issue here.

I think that very few people actually hate themselves. I think we all paint ourselves into boxes and hate what we become. All it takes is to find someone who cares, if even for a minute.

The trick is to just be who you are and make no apologies. If they act weird at your weirdness, then do not waste a second with them.

The sad truth is, we're all the same. We put on airs to make people think we're better, but we all share the exact same baggage.

That's why Eli should just find someone for tomorrow. Validate who he is, unchanged, and he restores his self value. What do you think love is? It's simply acceptance.
We agree on most things where with the exception of the relationship bit and the self hatred thing. His problems run a bit deeper than you're probably seeing, and the way I see it, he's got some shit to sort out before dumping his heart and soul on another person again.

Living together in mutual happiness is one thing, but making another person your entire life's purpose is a whole other thing. I've been there, and when I got cut off front that it almost completely destroyed me. But the other thing is, I dealt with really bad depression for just over a decade, which is almost half my lifespan. It clouds your mind and gives you tunnel vision, so it becomes easy to despise yourself but love someone else unconditionally. Fact is, it's suffocating for the other person and they probably can't handle being your entire life's purpose.

He is who he is. I don't feel he should change that. He has demons driving him. We all do.  No one is happy all the time. The best advice I can give is to find someone who accepts him for who he is right now and take it day by day. All a therapist does is help you channel emotions to what they think is productive. I have known a few therapists, and their lives were more fucked up than mine.

At the end of the day, we walk our paths alone. Best to be who we are and surround ourselves with people who accept us for just that. Even if they're only there for a day.
I guess it's not so much finding a "therapist" as it's more finding someone with the proper wisdom. Someone who has the experience and actually understands.

I'm not claiming to be wise. But I know pain and self loathing. The best advice I can give, the only advice I can give is for Eli to be Eli and find anyone who makes him happy tomorrow.

If he goes around holding out for Mrs Right, he'll search forever and end up conforming to a mode of life that deepens the pain he feels now.

Okay. I'll have to do this in chunks. But right now I can talk a little bit about what's up with your noggin and the way it's functioning.

For starters, this is depression. Plain as day. Now, keep in mind, depression is a natural aspect of the human emotional spectrum. But, when you go too low, it muddles you up a little bit and it warps your worldview.

Now, to break down what's happening to you. You don't connect to being loved. You just don't feel it. But you do want it. And you want somebody there, for you. This is hard. Multiple facets to discuss. But here we go.

Your depression is taking a golf club to your self esteem. Your life is in disarray and you dislike mostly all the facets of yourself. But you want somebody beyond your family to contradict that. You want somebody to pull you out of the mud.

But this is the thing. You're conning yourself. Sub-consciously. You don't even know it or likely see it.

Let this sink in here. We as people project signals to each other all the time. Through body language, through attitude, you name it. And, human brains pick up on it, sub-consciously, and actively depending on how astute the viewer is.

So, here is one of the issues. In order for people to become interested in one another, you need two things. A physical, and mental attraction. In well over 90% of all cases, a physical attractor is what starts key interaction between two people.

Now, your current state, of messy self loathing, and feeling unloved, is creating a signal that you give off to anybody who looks at you. Remember. They don't see it with  their active mind. Their sub-conscious does. And do you know what that signal does to you?

It nulls your physical attractor. People will look at you, and pass you over, because you want to be passed over. But you have a brain and it knows something is wrong. Which is why you still want love. Your head is now in the middle of a fight with itself. One part of your active mind wants to be fixed.

And there's another part that's hidden, that doesn't want that. That's the part that you're sub consciously projecting at all times. So right now, you're actually caught in a feedback loop.

You want to be loved. But you're projecting a sense of disinterest and disconnection. You don't feel loved and so therefore you can't find that spark to give off that lure. Which will never attract anybody to you. EVER. You're conning yourself. But you're not, not really. This isn't your fault.

That's the first portion. I'll see what I can get later when I wake up. But think about that for a bit, and see if it rings any bells to you and makes some kind of sense.

This isn't wrong.

But it isn't right either.

All a doc will do is either therapy or throw pills at him. Both don't get to the core of it, unless he is chemically depressed.

Therapy barely works. Drugs are a band aid on a gunshot wound.

He feels he needs affection to validate his self worth. The worst thing he could do is get advice that doesn't apply and change himself for someone who won't accept him for who he is.

It's better by far to just worry about tomorrow, and let the rest of the week sort itself out

Wrong.  Fuck off. Jumping to conclusions. I'm not gonna tell him to go to a therapist. I know his situation inside and out. And if he talks to me, we can break it apart.

If I was going to tell him to go to a therapist I would tell him to stall off the pills as long as possible. Unless it's chemical inbalance. That's not in my range.

But for now, there needs to be a lot of talking between me and him.

And what? Push him to work his issues out to what you consider productive? Accept his personal demons and belittle them? His pain made him who he is. It's a process that starts when we realize our parents are just people and ends in the grave.

Eli is who he is. I don't think that he's wrong here. Life is too short to conform to what someone else thinks is normal. Especially since everyone and no one is normal.

Humanity is messy. We carry the same weight differently. He feels pain and my advice is unchanged: find someone for tomorrow alone. If the day after tomorrow everything falls apart, so be it.

For a day they both were themselves

Actually, for the first time in too long, yes. I don't feel I have to change. I just be myself. I am with someone who is herself. And we accept each other as we are. Neither of us thought it would last beyond 6 weeks. But we came to realize that life is too damned short for the drama we create for ourselves.
Okay one last question I guess before I stop bothering with this (I got shit I really need to work on and these threads need to stop distracting me) what advice would you give to someone who fundamentally hates themselves? Because that's the core issue here.

I think that very few people actually hate themselves. I think we all paint ourselves into boxes and hate what we become. All it takes is to find someone who cares, if even for a minute.

The trick is to just be who you are and make no apologies. If they act weird at your weirdness, then do not waste a second with them.

The sad truth is, we're all the same. We put on airs to make people think we're better, but we all share the exact same baggage.

That's why Eli should just find someone for tomorrow. Validate who he is, unchanged, and he restores his self value. What do you think love is? It's simply acceptance.
We agree on most things where with the exception of the relationship bit and the self hatred thing. His problems run a bit deeper than you're probably seeing, and the way I see it, he's got some shit to sort out before dumping his heart and soul on another person again.

Living together in mutual happiness is one thing, but making another person your entire life's purpose is a whole other thing. I've been there, and when I got cut off front that it almost completely destroyed me. But the other thing is, I dealt with really bad depression for just over a decade, which is almost half my lifespan. It clouds your mind and gives you tunnel vision, so it becomes easy to despise yourself but love someone else unconditionally. Fact is, it's suffocating for the other person and they probably can't handle being your entire life's purpose.

He is who he is. I don't feel he should change that. He has demons driving him. We all do.  No one is happy all the time. The best advice I can give is to find someone who accepts him for who he is right now and take it day by day. All a therapist does is help you channel emotions to what they think is productive. I have known a few therapists, and their lives were more fucked up than mine.

At the end of the day, we walk our paths alone. Best to be who we are and surround ourselves with people who accept us for just that. Even if they're only there for a day.

Okay. I'll have to do this in chunks. But right now I can talk a little bit about what's up with your noggin and the way it's functioning.

For starters, this is depression. Plain as day. Now, keep in mind, depression is a natural aspect of the human emotional spectrum. But, when you go too low, it muddles you up a little bit and it warps your worldview.

Now, to break down what's happening to you. You don't connect to being loved. You just don't feel it. But you do want it. And you want somebody there, for you. This is hard. Multiple facets to discuss. But here we go.

Your depression is taking a golf club to your self esteem. Your life is in disarray and you dislike mostly all the facets of yourself. But you want somebody beyond your family to contradict that. You want somebody to pull you out of the mud.

But this is the thing. You're conning yourself. Sub-consciously. You don't even know it or likely see it.

Let this sink in here. We as people project signals to each other all the time. Through body language, through attitude, you name it. And, human brains pick up on it, sub-consciously, and actively depending on how astute the viewer is.

So, here is one of the issues. In order for people to become interested in one another, you need two things. A physical, and mental attraction. In well over 90% of all cases, a physical attractor is what starts key interaction between two people.

Now, your current state, of messy self loathing, and feeling unloved, is creating a signal that you give off to anybody who looks at you. Remember. They don't see it with  their active mind. Their sub-conscious does. And do you know what that signal does to you?

It nulls your physical attractor. People will look at you, and pass you over, because you want to be passed over. But you have a brain and it knows something is wrong. Which is why you still want love. Your head is now in the middle of a fight with itself. One part of your active mind wants to be fixed.

And there's another part that's hidden, that doesn't want that. That's the part that you're sub consciously projecting at all times. So right now, you're actually caught in a feedback loop.

You want to be loved. But you're projecting a sense of disinterest and disconnection. You don't feel loved and so therefore you can't find that spark to give off that lure. Which will never attract anybody to you. EVER. You're conning yourself. But you're not, not really. This isn't your fault.

That's the first portion. I'll see what I can get later when I wake up. But think about that for a bit, and see if it rings any bells to you and makes some kind of sense.

This isn't wrong.

But it isn't right either.

All a doc will do is either therapy or throw pills at him. Both don't get to the core of it, unless he is chemically depressed.

Therapy barely works. Drugs are a band aid on a gunshot wound.

He feels he needs affection to validate his self worth. The worst thing he could do is get advice that doesn't apply and change himself for someone who won't accept him for who he is.

It's better by far to just worry about tomorrow, and let the rest of the week sort itself out

Actually, for the first time in too long, yes. I don't feel I have to change. I just be myself. I am with someone who is herself. And we accept each other as we are. Neither of us thought it would last beyond 6 weeks. But we came to realize that life is too damned short for the drama we create for ourselves.
Okay one last question I guess before I stop bothering with this (I got shit I really need to work on and these threads need to stop distracting me) what advice would you give to someone who fundamentally hates themselves? Because that's the core issue here.

I think that very few people actually hate themselves. I think we all paint ourselves into boxes and hate what we become. All it takes is to find someone who cares, if even for a minute.

The trick is to just be who you are and make no apologies. If they act weird at your weirdness, then do not waste a second with them.

The sad truth is, we're all the same. We put on airs to make people think we're better, but we all share the exact same baggage.

That's why Eli should just find someone for tomorrow. Validate who he is, unchanged, and he restores his self value. What do you think love is? It's simply acceptance.

The Flood / Re: Which bumber sticker would better trigger the Berniefags?
« on: January 26, 2016, 01:44:17 AM »
Or, you could, you know, get involved? Do more than troll with a bumper sticker?

Actually, for the first time in too long, yes. I don't feel I have to change. I just be myself. I am with someone who is herself. And we accept each other as we are. Neither of us thought it would last beyond 6 weeks. But we came to realize that life is too damned short for the drama we create for ourselves.

Telling him to get help is counterproductive. What could a shrink tell him? Let his guard down? Some other pie in the sky bullshit? I've been to more than a few. They all read the same textbooks and give minor variations on the same shit. At the end of the day it comes down to Eli. Their advice boils down to telling a homeless person to get a job as a stockbroker buy a mansion.

What he needs is to just find someone who's there tomorrow. Not necessarily next week. Just tomorrow. Relearn self worth. If she's good enough for longer, great. If not, then oh well. She'll get someone tomorrow and so will he.

We're all broken. The game is just making tomorrow livable.


Tread carefully, 'ol Charles is one of the people that encouraged Roman.
We all know how that went.

Roman gets in where he fits in. Mad that he banged a fatty? That's your problem. He doesn't feel he has a problem. He feels happy.

People that fuck with him are the unhappy ones.
With all due respect, this is coming from the guy with a horribly failed marriage and a whole string of other problems. You don't even seem to have your own shit sorted out yet. All I'm saying is I don't think you're the best candidate for advice in this department. Not that any of are, but...y'know what I mean.

All true. But, given all of my shit, I haven't taken the noose-express out of all this. In fact, I still get up and smile. Why?

I know where my pleasures lie. I go to them. I sought someone who needed me for a week, and it stretched to over a year.  I don't try to hold on. I let it happen. You know what? I have been happier for this year than I was for a decade and a half of forcing it.

Like I said, I have been there and back.

Sandtrap, you're dead wrong. Depression IS part and parcel of the human experience. You can't know a high without a low. No pleasure without pain. Chasing the eternal high is an addict's dream.

I tried that for 15 years. You know what? It ALWAYS fails. Always.

We define our pleasure by our pain, and our pain by our pleasure.

Telling him to get help is counterproductive. What could a shrink tell him? Let his guard down? Some other pie in the sky bullshit? I've been to more than a few. They all read the same textbooks and give minor variations on the same shit. At the end of the day it comes down to Eli. Their advice boils down to telling a homeless person to get a job as a stockbroker buy a mansion.

What he needs is to just find someone who's there tomorrow. Not necessarily next week. Just tomorrow. Relearn self worth. If she's good enough for longer, great. If not, then oh well. She'll get someone tomorrow and so will he.

We're all broken. The game is just making tomorrow livable.


Tread carefully, 'ol Charles is one of the people that encouraged Roman.
We all know how that went.

Roman gets in where he fits in. Mad that he banged a fatty? That's your problem. He doesn't feel he has a problem. He feels happy.

People that fuck with him are the unhappy ones.

The Flood / Re: Captain! Main power failing!
« on: January 26, 2016, 01:24:03 AM »
Цялата власт основните тласкащи !

Основната тласкащи офлайн!

We're a community. Love it or hate it, we're all friends. This is what friends do sometimes. We lay our shit out and ask for help. Even when y'all fuck with us, it still helps. How else would we know we're acting like little bitches?

Blame his parents? No. As attractive as an idea that is, they start us on the path, we walk it. Could they have better prepared us? Sure. But anyone over the age of 16 has been molding ourselves ever since.

That's the failure of modern psychiatry.

We are on our own and after a certain day, your parents are just other people giving advice from their point of view. You become an adult when you realize that.

Eli is clearly there. He knows he needs affection. He gets in his own way because he wants it to last. The only advice I can give is just to worry about tomorrow. Forget next week, next month and next year. Just tomorrow. The rest will line up on its own.

The Flood / Re: I'm hornier now than I was when I was younger
« on: January 26, 2016, 01:08:51 AM »
I started masturbating when I was 3 years old.
that's disturbing

I started masturbating when I was 3 years old.
That makes no sense.
I remember being in Hawaii when I was 4 and masturbating on the beach dead srs

My kids are 3 and 1. (Feel old yet? Some of you read the post when my oldest was born)

Both of their favorite thing to play with is their penis. Both Al Baghdadi and Ex-Mrs Charlie have asked when they will stop.

All I can say is... Well... Never.

It's a dudes favorite toy

The Flood / Re: Captain! Main power failing!
« on: January 26, 2016, 01:04:52 AM »
Justifying ironic autism with butthurt is still autism.

Captain! We have Anal Cling-Ons! Should we engage the subspace bidet?

Telling him to get help is counterproductive. What could a shrink tell him? Let his guard down? Some other pie in the sky bullshit? I've been to more than a few. They all read the same textbooks and give minor variations on the same shit. At the end of the day it comes down to Eli. Their advice boils down to telling a homeless person to get a job as a stockbroker buy a mansion.

What he needs is to just find someone who's there tomorrow. Not necessarily next week. Just tomorrow. Relearn self worth. If she's good enough for longer, great. If not, then oh well. She'll get someone tomorrow and so will he.

We're all broken. The game is just making tomorrow livable.

Eli. Move on to someone else. Find someone who does reciprocate. Trust me on this. Do not stay in this hell. I was there for a long, long time. If you don't have someone, find them. Even if they're just around a little bit.

Im not stuck on one person tho

I just want to be in love, with someone who loves me. And i dont have that

I know exactly what you mean.

My advice remains the same. Find Mrs Right now, instead of holding out for Mrs Right. Even if it lasts a day, you restore your feeling of self worth. When you get that back, you can hold out or on a bit longer.

Thanks man

Youre alright, you know that

I can be stupid. I know that. But I have been there and back, and if what I have been through helps someone else, then it wasn't for nothing.

What I have learned is that doing what makes you happy is worth it. If even for a day. Life's too short to feel that way.

Eli. Move on to someone else. Find someone who does reciprocate. Trust me on this. Do not stay in this hell. I was there for a long, long time. If you don't have someone, find them. Even if they're just around a little bit.

Im not stuck on one person tho

I just want to be in love, with someone who loves me. And i dont have that

I know exactly what you mean.

My advice remains the same. Find Mrs Right now, instead of holding out for Mrs Right. Even if it lasts a day, you restore your feeling of self worth. When you get that back, you can hold out or on a bit longer.

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