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Messages - MyNameIsCharlie

Pages: 1 ... 172173174 175176 ... 260
The Flood / Re: Leggo mah eggo nigga
« on: January 27, 2016, 10:18:15 PM »
His nose looks like a retarded ghost.

Oh goddamnit.

I can't unsee that

The Flood / Re: Leggo mah eggo nigga
« on: January 27, 2016, 10:16:51 PM »

The Flood / Re: Is anyone here a Cub?
« on: January 27, 2016, 10:15:06 PM »
naw son, I'm a full grown bear.

I thought a Bear was a large, hairy gay man who is into other large, hairy gay men

The Flood / Leggo mah eggo nigga
« on: January 27, 2016, 10:13:27 PM »

The Flood / Re: And there it goes
« on: January 27, 2016, 10:03:19 PM »

The Flood / Is anyone here a Cub?
« on: January 27, 2016, 10:02:16 PM »
Meaning you goafter Cougars

The Flood / Re: And there it goes
« on: January 27, 2016, 10:00:02 PM »
This the older one?

The Flood / An epic fight for the ages
« on: January 27, 2016, 09:53:16 PM »

I've seen humans that are worse fighters

The Flood / Re: What celebrity would you sucker punch in the dick?
« on: January 27, 2016, 09:34:35 PM »
Russell Crowe.

A fight would ensue.

Awesome response

The Flood / Re: What celebrity would you sucker punch in the dick?
« on: January 27, 2016, 08:56:44 PM »
After extended consideration...

Tom Brady

The Flood / What celebrity would you sucker punch in the dick?
« on: January 27, 2016, 08:27:44 PM »
You will be given the opportunity to punch a single celebrity in the dick as hard as you can punch. There will be no repercussions.

Serious / Re: If the USA goes into a Bear Market...
« on: January 27, 2016, 06:58:06 PM »
Falls in asset prices aren't particularly a big deal. The problem is when bear markets are signalling some kind of economy-wide wobble. Unfortunately, other indicators point in the same direction also.

However, a repeat of 2007-08 is unlikely. Banks are stocked on liquidity, and household debt is not as big a problem as it was back then.
Sure, there isn't the debt. But there also isn't the income. Unemployment is still really high.

The Flood / Re: why did che guevara have to die?
« on: January 27, 2016, 06:56:18 PM »
What would he have done? Grow old? Retire?
Liberate America from our corporate oppressors.

And been bought off like everyone before and since

The Flood / Re: why did che guevara have to die?
« on: January 27, 2016, 06:54:37 PM »
What would he have done? Grow old? Retire?

The Flood / Re: I'm in love with an ostrich
« on: January 27, 2016, 03:24:15 PM »
I want you to know that we support you two.

Serious / If the USA goes into a Bear Market...
« on: January 27, 2016, 03:20:58 PM »
... How bad do you think it would get?

The Fed announced that the economic recovery ended in Q3 2015. On this announcement tge DOW dropped over 230 points. Stocks, so far, have been the only measurable improvement in the US economy.

So, if it goes Bear, will we repeat 2007? Will it get worse?

The Flood / Re: I'm falling in love with my ex girlfriend
« on: January 27, 2016, 01:51:08 PM »
This all depends on what your relationship was like before and why you broke up. I can't give any advice without knowing those two factors

We had a pretty stable relationship. Lived together for two years without incident.

When we moved in with her mother is when things fell apart. They have a toxic relationship together and I feel that hurt us as a couple. I was getting real sick of being the go between for them.

We decided to separate because she wanted to stay with her mother and I had had enough.

We stayed friendly and recently we've been seeing each other a lot more.

I don't know about this.  That you could stay friends bodes well, but the break up involved family. That will always haunt you.

Neither her nor I intend to keep in contact with her mother after her latest meltdown.

She'll be in contact with her mom. That's a given. She's upset with her now, but that always changes. But who knows? You two could break up by the time she does. It's not like you said you were gonna put a ring on it.

Be prepared for issues to come up. She could end up blaming you for the drama with her mom. I'm not saying you were, but people do that. Go for it, but don't bash her mom. In fact don't say anything about her.

The Flood / Re: I'm falling in love with my ex girlfriend
« on: January 27, 2016, 12:21:28 PM »
This all depends on what your relationship was like before and why you broke up. I can't give any advice without knowing those two factors

We had a pretty stable relationship. Lived together for two years without incident.

When we moved in with her mother is when things fell apart. They have a toxic relationship together and I feel that hurt us as a couple. I was getting real sick of being the go between for them.

We decided to separate because she wanted to stay with her mother and I had had enough.

We stayed friendly and recently we've been seeing each other a lot more.

I don't know about this.  That you could stay friends bodes well, but the break up involved family. That will always haunt you.

The Flood / Re: I'm falling in love with my ex girlfriend
« on: January 27, 2016, 11:57:18 AM »
This all depends on what your relationship was like before and why you broke up. I can't give any advice without knowing those two factors

The Flood / Re: no stale memes allowed itt
« on: January 26, 2016, 10:32:14 PM »
sorry jim you're not welcome in here
Your mom welcomes me in her vagina

I thought she prefers anal.

The Flood / Oh what a day!
« on: January 26, 2016, 09:56:06 PM »
What a lovely day!

The power of boners is strong indeed

Serious / Re: In a funny twist: Planned Parenthood Activists Indicted
« on: January 26, 2016, 08:31:36 PM »
Hey, I'm going down to PP to pick up some parts. You guys need anything?

It was ridiculous to begin with. The fact they had to lie so badly that they were arrested for it proves how bad conservative activists are at their job. Dumb really.

The Flood / Re: What evil act did you commit today?
« on: January 26, 2016, 08:25:29 PM »
At Target earlier:

Excuse me, you look like you play video games

Umm... Yeah

I'm looking for a game for my son. None of these games say if they're based on good Christian values. He's 8 and he always plays.

Dark Souls 2 is popular right now. It's about a Christian knight fighting demons and saving souls. It should be fine for an 8 year old.

Thank you!

*walks away laughing evil laugh*

Holy shit did you actually do that

It wasn't today, it was last month. But, yes

The Flood / Re: just took some clonazepam
« on: January 26, 2016, 08:17:30 PM »
Please tell me it was prescribed

The Flood / Re: What evil act did you commit today?
« on: January 26, 2016, 08:07:42 PM »
>dark souls 2 is popular right now

misinformation--truly the greatest of all evils

And her seeing him play scenes like this:

The Flood / What evil act did you commit today?
« on: January 26, 2016, 08:03:36 PM »
At Target earlier:

Excuse me, you look like you play video games

Umm... Yeah

I'm looking for a game for my son. None of these games say if they're based on good Christian values. He's 8 and he always plays.

Dark Souls 2 is popular right now. It's about a Christian knight fighting demons and saving souls. It should be fine for an 8 year old.

Thank you!

*walks away laughing evil laugh*

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon's most popular fetish?
« on: January 26, 2016, 03:51:13 PM »
For this whole forum in general?


Too many of you seem to think that drawings of big eyed women are better than real big tittied women

The Flood / Re: Holy shit the Sanders rally line is short
« on: January 26, 2016, 12:52:05 PM »
Make up a band and start talking about them. Say they're playing at a local gay bar. See how many hipsters you can get to show up.

The band is the Electic Seasnake Experience, featuring Joe "Big Toe" Wilson on guitar. They play Portuguese fisherman ballads in a modern Irish punk style. 

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