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Messages - MyNameIsCharlie

Pages: 1 ... 167168169 170171 ... 260
The Flood / Re: React World is no longer going to be a thing.
« on: February 02, 2016, 06:48:05 PM »
Meh. They stopped being a channel in a community and tried to become a business. They did it in a really stupid way.

The Flood / Re: totally sobnner right now
« on: February 02, 2016, 06:46:26 PM »
You're not drunk

The Flood / Re: just fuck my shit up fam
« on: February 02, 2016, 06:31:32 PM »
Ain't no minute like the last one

The Flood / Re: Anyone have any experience with online dating?
« on: February 02, 2016, 06:30:25 PM »
I met Al Baghdadi on Plenty of Fish.

The trick is to be totally honest about who you are and who you are looking for. After that, read their profiles and try to start up an online conversation based on mutual interests. If she's a smartass, be one back. The point is to be yourself. If it doesn't work, move on to the next.

Our first online conversation was around Halloween, and we were both watching Jaws and rooting for the Shark.

The Flood / Re: I just discovered something new.
« on: February 02, 2016, 05:46:35 PM »
You also lose track of how tired you are with all the WTF'ing at the shit they say

The Flood / Philosophical debate between Sanders and Clinton
« on: February 02, 2016, 03:22:25 PM »

The Flood / Ever ask yourself, "What is the Iowa Caucus?"
« on: February 02, 2016, 03:12:48 PM »
Please allow me to plagerize an existing article to help you understand them:

The votes cast in the Iowa caucuses on Monday night mark the official beginning of the 2016 election season, but the specifics of the state’s selection process can be confusing to voters who don’t live there. Here, The Onion answers the most common questions about how the Iowa caucuses work:

Q: What is a caucus?
A: A caucus is a system of voting for people who wish casting a ballot could be three hours longer and include being lectured to.

Q: How do caucuses work?
A: Local representatives from each presidential campaign make impassioned speeches about which corner of the Grace Lutheran basement voters should stand closest to.

Q: What’s the difference between a caucus and a primary?
A: In a primary, the presidential nominees are chosen by the 6 percent of eligible voters who bother to participate, while in a caucus, the nominees are chosen by the 2 percent of eligible voters who bother to participate.

Q: Why do the Iowa caucuses matter?
A: They provide the first real gauge of whether candidates have been worthwhile investments for corporate and individual megadonors.

Q: Who can attend the Iowa caucuses?
A: Registered party members Level 7 or higher.

Q: How many precincts are there?
A: There are 1,681 official precincts, though there are rumored to be thousands more off the books.

Q: How are winners determined?
A: At the end of the night, votes from all precincts are placed in a jar together, and whichever candidate comes closest to guessing the total number of votes is awarded the state’s delegates.

Q: How can I find my closest caucus location?
A: Place a child of hearty disposition upon the palisade where the woodcock nests. By dawnbreak, you shall have your answer.

Q: When do they start?
A: At the sound of my whistle.

Q: When will we know the winner?
A: Once all the voters have gone to bed, results will be tabulated and left under each constituent’s pillow for them to find in the morning.

Q: Will I have the opportunity to say “Aye” or “Nay”?
A: Oh, boy, get ready!

Q: How do I engage with other people at the caucus?
A: Just go right up and talk to them. No need to be shy; just say who you are and be yourself. You’ll do great!

The Flood / Sorry Walking Dead fans. 7 reasons why it can't happen
« on: February 02, 2016, 02:04:40 PM »

Basically it comes down to environmental factors. Fun read nonetheless.

The Flood / Re: Almost Valentines Day?
« on: February 02, 2016, 11:11:42 AM »
The most important holiday is March 14th

The Flood / Re: Rum and coke has me philosophical
« on: February 02, 2016, 01:26:48 AM »
Leto does a good job. Like I said, can't even feel it.

Ok, time's up. Going to bed. Gotta work tomorrow

The Flood / Re: Rum and coke has me philosophical
« on: February 02, 2016, 01:19:26 AM »
How is your trt administered? (Injection, cream, ect)

Injection.  4ml. In fact, my next appointment is tomorrow.
Wait, Depo-Testosterone?

Just testosterone. I get 4ml every 3 weeks
Depo-Testosterone is just testosterone. It's just what it's called on the vial.

I didn't know that. But I get 4ml of it shot into my left buttcheak tomorrow
Ah yes, intramuscular injections fun. How often do you have to do it?

Every 3 weeks. Leto, the Nurse, is VERY good. I can barely feel it. He's ex-Navy.
Why don't they let you do it yourself at home? Was that a personal decision?

Fucking insurance. I have to go in.
I'd...contest that. There's no reason why you should have to go in every 3 weeks.

Eh. It's not a big deal. Takes 20 minutes.
Yeah but it's a hassle, and it ruins things like the ability to go on trips. Which I don't know if you're doing at all, but either way being able to do it on your own time is a nice luxury.

Yeah, but it hasn't gotten in the way yet.

The Flood / Re: Dee on BSG is gorgeous
« on: February 02, 2016, 01:18:19 AM »
Pic of her as she is

The Flood / Re: Rum and coke has me philosophical
« on: February 02, 2016, 01:16:25 AM »
How is your trt administered? (Injection, cream, ect)

Injection.  4ml. In fact, my next appointment is tomorrow.
Wait, Depo-Testosterone?

Just testosterone. I get 4ml every 3 weeks
Depo-Testosterone is just testosterone. It's just what it's called on the vial.

I didn't know that. But I get 4ml of it shot into my left buttcheak tomorrow
Ah yes, intramuscular injections fun. How often do you have to do it?

Every 3 weeks. Leto, the Nurse, is VERY good. I can barely feel it. He's ex-Navy.
Why don't they let you do it yourself at home? Was that a personal decision?

Fucking insurance. I have to go in.
I'd...contest that. There's no reason why you should have to go in every 3 weeks.

Eh. It's not a big deal. Takes 20 minutes.

The Flood / Re: Dee on BSG is gorgeous
« on: February 02, 2016, 01:14:59 AM »
Race traitor.

Eat a big bag of dicks.

Women of all races are beautiful.

The Flood / Re: Rum and coke has me philosophical
« on: February 02, 2016, 01:13:32 AM »
How is your trt administered? (Injection, cream, ect)

Injection.  4ml. In fact, my next appointment is tomorrow.
Wait, Depo-Testosterone?

Just testosterone. I get 4ml every 3 weeks
Depo-Testosterone is just testosterone. It's just what it's called on the vial.

I didn't know that. But I get 4ml of it shot into my left buttcheak tomorrow
Ah yes, intramuscular injections fun. How often do you have to do it?

Every 3 weeks. Leto, the Nurse, is VERY good. I can barely feel it. He's ex-Navy.
Why don't they let you do it yourself at home? Was that a personal decision?

Fucking insurance. I have to go in.

The Flood / Re: Rum and coke has me philosophical
« on: February 02, 2016, 01:12:54 AM »
You're in your 40's, correct?

How does it feel to watch the newer generations behind you descend into extra special retardation, and that these people are our future?

Turned 40 this past July.

Meh, they said the same about us X'ers. The WWII generation said it about the Boomers.

The only advice I would give is:

Stop taking pictures and video of the shit you guys do. It ONLY becomes People's Exibit A
I'm proud to say that neither I nor my friends are those kind of people.

OT: You, Camm, Recon, threesome, when?

I don't know. Camm has GORGEOUS eyes. The color of jade. But Recon's beard...

The Flood / Re: Rum and coke has me philosophical
« on: February 02, 2016, 01:09:10 AM »
How is your trt administered? (Injection, cream, ect)

Injection.  4ml. In fact, my next appointment is tomorrow.
Wait, Depo-Testosterone?

Just testosterone. I get 4ml every 3 weeks
Depo-Testosterone is just testosterone. It's just what it's called on the vial.

I didn't know that. But I get 4ml of it shot into my left buttcheak tomorrow
Ah yes, intramuscular injections fun. How often do you have to do it?

Every 3 weeks. Leto, the Nurse, is VERY good. I can barely feel it. He's ex-Navy.

The Flood / Dee on BSG is gorgeous
« on: February 02, 2016, 01:07:59 AM »

I could get lost in her eyes.

The Flood / Re: Rum and coke has me philosophical
« on: February 02, 2016, 01:05:53 AM »
How is your trt administered? (Injection, cream, ect)

Injection.  4ml. In fact, my next appointment is tomorrow.
Wait, Depo-Testosterone?

Just testosterone. I get 4ml every 3 weeks
Depo-Testosterone is just testosterone. It's just what it's called on the vial.

I didn't know that. But I get 4ml of it shot into my left buttcheak tomorrow

The Flood / Re: Almost Valentines Day?
« on: February 02, 2016, 01:04:48 AM »
Ex-Mrs Charlie wanted to be empowered and taken care of. Worst type of relationship. You end up in competition and judged at the same time. I wanted us to be equals. See how that ended...

Al Baghdadi and I only ask that the other has our backs. Old habits die hard and we have to communicate constantly to make sure we don't try to dominate the other.

The Flood / Re: Rum and coke has me philosophical
« on: February 02, 2016, 01:00:33 AM »
How is your trt administered? (Injection, cream, ect)

Injection.  4ml. In fact, my next appointment is tomorrow.
Wait, Depo-Testosterone?

Just testosterone. I get 4ml every 3 weeks

The Flood / Re: Almost Valentines Day?
« on: February 02, 2016, 12:59:43 AM »
The only way a lasting relationship thrives is where BOTH parties try.
egalitarian relationships can actually be quite fulfilling

They can. And damnably frustrating too. 

The Flood / Re: Rum and coke has me philosophical
« on: February 02, 2016, 12:56:38 AM »
You're in your 40's, correct?

How does it feel to watch the newer generations behind you descend into extra special retardation, and that these people are our future?

Turned 40 this past July.

Meh, they said the same about us X'ers. The WWII generation said it about the Boomers.

The only advice I would give is:

Stop taking pictures and video of the shit you guys do. It ONLY becomes People's Exibit A

Ever think that maybe what was said about the x'ers and boomers was actually right, and the newer generations are just a link in the chain of steadily growing numbers of stupid people?


The Flood / Re: Almost Valentines Day?
« on: February 02, 2016, 12:55:08 AM »
After 40 years...

Romance is a joke. It places the male in an inenviable position where he must be the active role with the only validation being her satisfaction.

The only way a lasting relationship thrives is where BOTH parties try. 

The Flood / Re: Rum and coke has me philosophical
« on: February 02, 2016, 12:51:50 AM »
You're in your 40's, correct?

How does it feel to watch the newer generations behind you descend into extra special retardation, and that these people are our future?

Turned 40 this past July.

Meh, they said the same about us X'ers. The WWII generation said it about the Boomers.

The only advice I would give is:

Stop taking pictures and video of the shit you guys do. It ONLY becomes People's Exibit A

The Flood / Re: Rum and coke has me philosophical
« on: February 02, 2016, 12:49:17 AM »
How is your trt administered? (Injection, cream, ect)

Injection.  4ml. In fact, my next appointment is tomorrow.

The Flood / Re: Rum and coke has me philosophical
« on: February 02, 2016, 12:48:39 AM »
Become drunk more often.

This thread isn't about sex for once.

To be fair, I haven't posted a sex thread in 2016.

The Flood / AMA Rum and coke has me philosophical
« on: February 02, 2016, 12:46:40 AM »
The episode of Battlestar Galactica I'm watching has 30 minutes.

While it's on I will answer any question with complete honesty. Well, no real names or contact info. Aside from that...


The Flood / Re: Hotel booking advice for America?
« on: February 02, 2016, 12:44:35 AM »

Sorry, no advice.

NYC, Boston, SF, LA and of course San Diego... Then I can give advice
I was originally heading to NYC but it was just in general too expensive to have a legit good trip.

I did go with my family a few years ago though and it is one of my favorite places on the planet. I cannot remember the restaurant but a little bit from time square there is this place that makes the most amazing steak in the world.

There are at least 5 places I think it could be.
I remember it being a bit more dark lit, like sort of a candle romantic vibe.

Depends on the time of day.

Unfortunately that describes most steakhouses.

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