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Messages - MyNameIsCharlie

Pages: 1 ... 151617 1819 ... 260
The Flood / Re: Wait. Manson died and Loaf stopped posting
« on: November 20, 2017, 07:59:59 PM »
A shame you're still posting

I know right

The Flood / Re: Wait. Manson died and Loaf stopped posting
« on: November 20, 2017, 07:21:56 PM »

Just like the strange coincidence that you strarted posting after Hitler "died."

The Flood / Wait. Manson died and Loaf stopped posting
« on: November 20, 2017, 06:44:00 PM »

The Flood / Re: Wish I believed in God/heaven
« on: November 20, 2017, 06:41:10 PM »
God is Loaf
Loaf is God

The Flood / Re: Who's doing nut-everyday December?
« on: November 19, 2017, 05:19:15 PM »
Y'know, a priest once told me that Jesus sees everything I do. Even the private moments when I think I am alone. This is why I shouldn't corrupt myself with the sin of masturbation. That weighed heavily on me. I tried to stop. I really did. To help I put up little pictures of Jesus in my room to remind myself. But I would just put them face down when I choked the chicken. Feeling guilty I would put the pictures in places I couldn't get to easily. Like outside my window. Still I would spank the monkey. I started glancing at the pictures while I beat my meat and it got more exciting. So exciting that I brought them in. Now I look right in Jesus's eyes while I fuck my fist.

The Flood / Re: Check out my new stuffed animal
« on: November 17, 2017, 08:44:52 PM »
You fuck it, don't you?


The Flood / Re: Justice League (2017)
« on: November 15, 2017, 08:47:00 PM »
Flixster leaked the RT score.


The Flood / Re: Hey Das
« on: November 15, 2017, 02:11:35 PM »
Wait.  Das isn't a self loathing Jew?

My life is a lie

The Flood / Re: Who else is gunna do No Fap November with me?
« on: November 15, 2017, 01:22:46 AM »
On top of normal sex I have beat off an average of twice a day

The Flood / Re: Verb gives his shitty opinions on anime (redux) #FuckAnime
« on: November 14, 2017, 10:52:39 PM »
Verb, what's your opinion on that one anime where the young man living in the idyllic fishing village discovers he has mystical powers right before a demon/warlord attacks and kills everyone in his village forcing him to go on a quest to fight said demon/warlord while meeting friends who have similar, but weaker powers than him. Then said friends sacrafice themselves forcing him to realize he's the most powerful before vanquishing the demon/warlord.

Why not?

I don't judge. It's his path and he walks it well. Just never spoke about it with him. I never really thought of it as a real concept, y'know? It was always some late night HBO thing.
Buddy... have you never looked at the casual encounters section of craigslist?

Not really. Should I be?

Why not?

I don't judge. It's his path and he walks it well. Just never spoke about it with him. I never really thought of it as a real concept, y'know? It was always some late night HBO thing.

I gotta say, he's a ton more secure in himself than I am. I don't think I could take Al Baghdadi even suggesting it. To me even suggesting swinging would be grounds for breaking up. Maybe I am not as mature as I think I am.

Is it possible to be in an emotionally committed relationship when you aren't in a sexually committed one?

The Flood / Re: In France for a week
« on: November 13, 2017, 09:52:36 AM »
Go to hostels and pick up hot backpacker chicks with the promise of a decent shower at your hotel.

The Flood / Re: Who else is gunna do No Fap November with me?
« on: November 12, 2017, 02:19:22 AM »
Why are you guys so fixated on what men do with their penises.

Dick is interesting.

Alright alright.

The Flood / Re: Is John Wick Neo?
« on: November 12, 2017, 02:18:36 AM »

The Flood / Re: Is John Wick Neo?
« on: November 12, 2017, 02:14:27 AM »
John wouldn't fight him, it was an accident. He's not a monster.

Cheap cop out

The Flood / Re: What have you done with your student loans
« on: November 12, 2017, 02:03:58 AM »
Deferred two years running

The Flood / Re: Who else is gunna do No Fap November with me?
« on: November 12, 2017, 02:03:23 AM »
Why are you guys so fixated on what men do with their penises.

The Flood / Re: Is John Wick Neo?
« on: November 12, 2017, 02:02:35 AM »
A more important question: Jackie Chan just accidentally ran over John Wick's dog. Jackie is in a room full of ladders, doesn't want any trouble and is holding a baby. John has a pencil.

Who wins.

The Flood / Is John Wick Neo?
« on: November 12, 2017, 01:57:19 AM »
Say that redditor is right and Wick is Neo after the events ofthe Matrix living a life with no idea of his godlike powers.

Is it believable?

How do you walk around the world being that edgy? You must cut people by bumping into them

Oh... I thought you were going to say you want it to happen to you...

He does

At this meeting John said:

"I'll tell you the secret to magic, any cunt could do it."

Maybe our fiction is another's reality

The Flood / Re: My mom is getting married again
« on: November 08, 2017, 01:40:39 PM »
Family values are not dependent on the number of parents. They're dependent on the parents themselves. The reason why two parent households tend to have a higher number of well adjusted kids is that there isn't the stressor of a lack of money. That's it. Being poor or single doesn't mean you can't impress upon your kid(s) family values. As Solonoid said you can be rich and screw it up.

The Flood / Re: My mom is getting married again
« on: November 08, 2017, 01:40:26 AM »
Charlie's momma was a single mom. She worked at the VA.  Gotta problem with that

The Flood / Re: My mom is getting married again
« on: November 08, 2017, 01:38:56 AM »
I am going to have to disagree with you. There isn't a "good" family value. Just family values. And couples have very little to do with said values.

That's a little pedantic, but alright. The government should be rewarding couples for perpetuating family values, and marriage is a good way to demonstrate that your partner is significant enough to be considered family.

Parents pass on their values to their children if they're convincing enough, so yeah, couples have everything to do with it.

Nope. Single parents do a great job.
I don't think anybody's saying otherwise just that kids are usually better off with two parents.

And I am saying that the number of parents is irrelevant.
Look up the statistics.

It doesn't have to do with the couple dynamic. It has to do with money. Two parents have more.
all the poor kids in single provider two parent households who turned out fine.

Name one

The Flood / If I pull that off will ot be painful ?
« on: November 08, 2017, 01:38:27 AM »
We'll see

The Flood / Re: My mom is getting married again
« on: November 07, 2017, 10:42:24 PM »
I am going to have to disagree with you. There isn't a "good" family value. Just family values. And couples have very little to do with said values.

That's a little pedantic, but alright. The government should be rewarding couples for perpetuating family values, and marriage is a good way to demonstrate that your partner is significant enough to be considered family.

Parents pass on their values to their children if they're convincing enough, so yeah, couples have everything to do with it.

Nope. Single parents do a great job.
I don't think anybody's saying otherwise just that kids are usually better off with two parents.

And I am saying that the number of parents is irrelevant.
Look up the statistics.

It doesn't have to do with the couple dynamic. It has to do with money. Two parents have more.

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