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Messages - MyNameIsCharlie

Pages: 1 ... 154155156 157158 ... 260
Here's one I think most of us can dedicate to some chick
Met a girl, thought she was grand
fell in love, found out first hand
went well for a week or two
then it all came unglued

In a trap, trip I can't grip
never thought I'd be the one who'd slip
then I started to realize
I was living one big lie

She fucking hates me
she fucking hates me
la la la love
I tried too hard
and she tore my feelings like I had none
and ripped them away

She was queen for about an hour
after that shit got sour
she took all I ever had
no sign of guilt
no feeling of bad, no

In a trap, trip I can't grip
never thought I'd be the one who'd slip
then I started to realize
I was living one big lie


that's my story, as you see
learned my lesson and so did she
now it's over and I'm glad
'cause I'm a fool for all I've said


la la la la la la la la la love
la la la la la la la la la love
and she tore my feelings like I had none
she fucking hates me

The Flood / Re: Floodian Gladitorial Games
« on: March 02, 2016, 10:51:10 PM »
You have my sword.

Sadly, I am one of the emperor's eunuchs. I was allowed to keep the sausage, but the berries are in a jar that adorn his bedchamber. I cannot own a gladiator. Surely there is one who would train you and lead you to glory?

The Flood / Re: So I went on a date with a gurl
« on: March 02, 2016, 10:45:03 PM »
If she actually meets again, yes

The Flood / Floodian Gladitorial Games
« on: March 02, 2016, 10:43:16 PM »
Emperor Cheatavious has declared that the games shall begin.

We need:

Trainers/Owners. Gladiators are slaves. No easy way to put that. But we need owners to stay off the arena, get none of the glory, but some of the money.

Gladiators. After 10 wins they earn their freedom.  They get glory, hot slave bitches... and the ever present risk of a bloody death.

Of the gladiators, there are the heavies that carry half armor and two handed weapons. The middle weights that have no armor, but have a shield and sword. Finally the lightweights that use a trident and net.


Who will volunteer?

The Flood / Re: Could you date an adult film star?
« on: March 02, 2016, 10:11:08 PM »
The porn industry is flooded with AIDS dude

Source? Because I've heard the complete opposite.

It's a mixed bag. While they are tested regularly, many don't report a positive test because it effectively ends their careers. Generally you're safe, but there are break outs among certain movies when someone hid a positive test.

The Flood / Re: God's of Egypt review
« on: March 02, 2016, 10:08:25 PM »
wow...fuck this website, I spent 8 hours on this paper.

i deserve some sort of money/service

Isn't he Cheat?

The Flood / Re: God's of Egypt review
« on: March 02, 2016, 10:05:17 PM »
Hmmm... Was the Rock in it?

The Flood / Re: Could you date an adult film star?
« on: March 02, 2016, 05:53:38 PM »
If I loved them, I would find a way. But I sincerely doubt my ability to love someone like that.

He said she was normal and pretty cool. Made good money and loved to party.  It was in Ohio (Ohio State) and she had gigs almost every week. She made about $2,000 per gig, which was a few filming scenes.

The Flood / Re: Could you date an adult film star?
« on: March 02, 2016, 05:50:43 PM »
Nah. Have a fling with her, sure.

He said they dated for 13 months

The Flood / Could you date an adult film star?
« on: March 02, 2016, 05:48:44 PM »
Was talking with a buddy at work. He said he dated a porn star in college. He wasn't one himself and said he was ok with her doing it. Said that she just acted, there was no emotion for her at work. Basically slthey made love, while her films were just an act.

I don't think it would be cool with me. I'm not really quite that open minded.


The Flood / Re: I don't see myself being an office drone...
« on: March 02, 2016, 05:22:08 PM »
Learn to separate pleasure from profession. The two don't and shouldn't mix.
But that's the thing, I want a job where I can talk about what I like. History's one of those things, but not as much as science fiction, Star Wars, geeky stuff, video games, etc...

If you can write and market your self well, start a blog and get advertising money

The Flood / Re: I don't see myself being an office drone...
« on: March 02, 2016, 05:18:54 PM »
Two words: Drug. Mule.

Make lots of money, untaxed, and go to exotic places.

Sure there are risks, but the payout is good
My asshole shall remain un-violated.

They only do that for small stuff. Get a pilots license or a boat. Then you don't have to jam anything up your ass

The Flood / Re: I don't see myself being an office drone...
« on: March 02, 2016, 05:16:55 PM »
Two words: Drug. Mule.

Make lots of money, untaxed, and go to exotic places.

Sure there are risks, but the payout is good

The Flood / Re: Who would win in a fight between Hillary and Bernie?
« on: March 02, 2016, 05:11:50 PM »

Will Hillary be picturing Bill dip his cigar in Monica's cooch?

If she is... We might see a Mortal Kombat fatality

And the gun lobby wonders why people think they're a bunch of psychos instead of responsible and law abiding citizens.

The Flood / Re: Can we go just one day without talking about sex?
« on: March 02, 2016, 05:06:51 PM »
In fact, my last one was a week ago

The Flood / Re: Can we go just one day without talking about sex?
« on: March 02, 2016, 05:04:55 PM »
Hey now. When was my last sex thread? I go days ar a time without posting those.

The Flood / Re: hip hop music
« on: March 02, 2016, 03:02:30 PM »
Guys... The memes are becoming aware.

We have two options:

1) We destroy them now, while they are weak and can't destroy us. If we fail, the memes will no doubt seek revenge and kill all of us.

2) We try to nurture the memes and direct them to beneficial goals. We run a risk of them finding out our true nature and emulating us, or deciding that we must be ruled or destroyed for the world's best interests.

What should we do?

The Flood / Re: Your opinion on babies?
« on: March 02, 2016, 02:54:53 PM »
Birth to 18 months is fun and cute. From 18 months to 4 years old they're little asshole drunks. I speak from direct experience

The Flood / Re: You aren't really badass until...
« on: March 02, 2016, 02:49:39 PM »
Done a bit of research, the general consensus is that this is from an Israeli MP exercise. But it might also be an American SWAT training exercise. Hard to tell with no unit patches.

I'm thinking it's SWAT because of the magazine sizes on the rifles. Those look like 10 round magazines, and if they're military, they'll use 30.

The Flood / Re: You aren't really badass until...
« on: March 02, 2016, 02:02:54 PM »
Even the dogs look badass.
Stopman, stop, man.

Just because Charlie says "You aren't bla bla" doesn't mean that you are not "bla bla". Charlie is a person, just like you, but the difference is that he bullshits a lot. His thread ideas come out of his ass, so it goes without saying that he isn't serious when making them.

How do you know I am not truly retarded? I might be totally serious on everything. I could be if I were a demented retard.

But, why would this be even considered as a "serious" statement as to what constitutes being a badass? Why would ANY thread with an OP of "You aren't X without Y."

Why are you taking this seriously? Why am I responding seriously??

I think I need a few beers and you need whatever your preschool teacher lets you have... Milk and crackers? Cookies and juice? I don't know

The Flood / You aren't really badass until...
« on: March 02, 2016, 01:02:57 PM » carry a holstered attack dog

The Flood / Re: Titanic is the Greatest Love Story Ever
« on: March 02, 2016, 10:16:12 AM »
Oh fuck you. That cunt had room for two on tgat fucking door. Instead she let him die of hypothermia and pushed his body off so his family could never find it.

What was it really? A weekend fling with a commoner that had the ultimate no strings attached clause

The Flood / Re: Songs that make you really happy just hearing them
« on: March 02, 2016, 12:01:58 AM »
Jackson 5, I Want You Back.

While it's a great song in its own right, I have a vid of my oldest singing and dancing to it at 18 months. It's one of my most favorite memories

The Flood / Re: Please help me I hear voices
« on: March 01, 2016, 11:55:14 PM »
If you're being serious, do deep breathing and pick a point to focus on. Now, are you on something? If you are, it will pass. If you aren't, then once you get your clarity back, head to an ER. Tell them and they will help.

The Flood / Which do you think is more attractive to women?
« on: March 01, 2016, 09:24:04 PM »
Chris Evans' physique and looks from Captain America


Tony Stark's wealth and style

The Flood / Is anyone actually a furry?
« on: March 01, 2016, 08:51:11 PM »
The more that I think about it, I have never really met a furry in person. I think there are just trolls and perverts pretending to be furries on line.

The Flood / Re: Hey Charlie (Or any southern California people)
« on: March 01, 2016, 08:48:25 PM »
Have you ever heard of the McKamey Manor? I want to go there so damn bad. Have any of you ever been?

Heres a video.


Yeah. I don't get the draw to it. They cross the line and actually physically fuck with you. Easier to go to compton in a klan get up and run out. Same thing, ones free

The Flood / Re: alphy what the fuck is wrong with your city?
« on: March 01, 2016, 07:58:40 PM »
fucking beaners

The two men in the truck, identified as Sean Fowler, 20, and Daiquon Horne,22, were arrested on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon, grand theft auto and evading police, Lawhead said.


The Flood / Re: The Blaze sums up how I feel about Trump supporters
« on: March 01, 2016, 02:57:28 PM »
Are you guys mad that he's "speaking his mind?"

By most Trump supporter's criteria, shouldn't you be voting him in for president?

Trump is a bad thing. He is actually dangerous. At a minimum he'll ruin several decades worth of work in international relations. At worst he's eyeing Poland for invasion.

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