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Messages - MyNameIsCharlie

Pages: 1 ... 150151152 153154 ... 260
The Flood / What does this say about 90's kids?
« on: March 11, 2016, 09:45:34 AM »

Yes, this video really played on MTV.

The Flood / In the time of chimpanzees
« on: March 10, 2016, 09:04:08 PM »
I was a monkey

The Flood / Re: Sapphire went offsite
« on: March 10, 2016, 08:58:38 PM »
Does he still have his Sears policy?

The Flood / Re: TIL The Matrix was directed by Trannies
« on: March 10, 2016, 08:57:44 PM »
Zionist Reptilian Communist Plot Confirmed

The Flood / Re: Just heard my ration of stupid this morning
« on: March 10, 2016, 08:18:12 PM »
Trust me though. If any of your classes are skill or business based, take those at night. You could meet with someone who'll hire you

The Flood / Re: Spider-Man revealed
« on: March 10, 2016, 08:17:00 PM »
Notice a lack of Hulk. There's talk that Planet Hulk (and WWH) being a plot line in future movies. Like Civil War is on Cap 3.

The Flood / Re: Just heard my ration of stupid this morning
« on: March 10, 2016, 08:14:11 PM »
Clairemont is trash

Proudly so.

Back in the day, we sold San Diego it's weed
Yeah well there's dispensaries now so no one gives a fuck

That's why the property values are starting to raise there.

Actually I rose from Clairemont. Lived in La Jolla for a long time. I'm in Santee while I rebuild after the divorce.
I was a sheltered upper middle class kid in suburbia that went from PQ to 4S before I got the boot. Blue ribbon schools and everything. Had to learn the hard way how to survive without mommy and daddy holding your hand your entire way through the middle class adult world, and that's why I started winding up in lower income areas.

You'll pull through. Definitely know what hard times are. Soon enough, they all become memories.
That's what I've been trying to do for the past two years bub

What's your education level and what do you want to do?
community college right now since it's what I'm able to afford
if I can figure out funds I'll transfer to a uni since I have the grades but as it is I'm still working on general ed classes

That's what both my brother and I did. He went to Mesa, me to Grossmont. Both of us transferred into UCSD. BTW, you actually get a better education that way. The GenEd classes at SDSU and UCSD can get massive. Like 500 people big. At the JC's, I never saw bigger than 50. The night classes are good also for networking. I got a couple of job offers from small business owners who became friends in class.

The Flood / Re: Spider-Man revealed
« on: March 10, 2016, 03:29:03 PM »
Hopefully they'll be some introduction to him as a character. He seemed a little forced in there. They've done a good job so far... But hey, they gotta fuck up every so often. I mean... Look at IM3. They screwed that up badly

The Flood / Re: Just heard my ration of stupid this morning
« on: March 10, 2016, 03:21:58 PM »
tfw East Coast and don't know what the fuck the last page was about

We're locals having a dick measuring contest.

The Flood / Re: Just heard my ration of stupid this morning
« on: March 10, 2016, 02:57:50 PM »
Clairemont is trash

Proudly so.

Back in the day, we sold San Diego it's weed
Yeah well there's dispensaries now so no one gives a fuck

That's why the property values are starting to raise there.

Actually I rose from Clairemont. Lived in La Jolla for a long time. I'm in Santee while I rebuild after the divorce.
I was a sheltered upper middle class kid in suburbia that went from PQ to 4S before I got the boot. Blue ribbon schools and everything. Had to learn the hard way how to survive without mommy and daddy holding your hand your entire way through the middle class adult world, and that's why I started winding up in lower income areas.

You'll pull through. Definitely know what hard times are. Soon enough, they all become memories.
That's what I've been trying to do for the past two years bub

What's your education level and what do you want to do?

The Flood / Re: Just heard my ration of stupid this morning
« on: March 10, 2016, 02:42:58 PM »
Clairemont is trash

Proudly so.

Back in the day, we sold San Diego it's weed
Yeah well there's dispensaries now so no one gives a fuck

That's why the property values are starting to raise there.

Actually I rose from Clairemont. Lived in La Jolla for a long time. I'm in Santee while I rebuild after the divorce.
I was a sheltered upper middle class kid in suburbia that went from PQ to 4S before I got the boot. Blue ribbon schools and everything. Had to learn the hard way how to survive without mommy and daddy holding your hand your entire way through the middle class adult world, and that's why I started winding up in lower income areas.

You'll pull through. Definitely know what hard times are. Soon enough, they all become memories.

The Flood / Re: Just heard my ration of stupid this morning
« on: March 10, 2016, 02:36:49 PM »
Clairemont is trash

Proudly so.

Back in the day, we sold San Diego it's weed
Yeah well there's dispensaries now so no one gives a fuck

That's why the property values are starting to raise there.

Actually I rose from Clairemont. Lived in La Jolla for a long time. I'm in Santee while I rebuild after the divorce.

The Flood / Re: Just heard my ration of stupid this morning
« on: March 10, 2016, 02:33:49 PM »
Clairemont is trash

Proudly so.

Back in the day, we sold San Diego it's weed

The Flood / Re: I've decided what I want to do with my life.
« on: March 10, 2016, 02:30:56 PM »
I'm surprised there aren't more drug mules

The Flood / Re: Just heard my ration of stupid this morning
« on: March 10, 2016, 02:29:31 PM »
FYI, I live in an area of San Diego called Santee. Other San Diegans can qualify this shit happens all the time here. It has a really weird mix of rednecks, poor blacks and Mexicans and suburbanites. Oddly, it has a great school district too... Go figure
I'm not going to qualify this. It could've very easily been made up.

You don't have to say, yes, I was at Cotija taco shop this morning and saw it. Is my breakdown of Santee correct?

Are you sure you don't mean Hillcrest? Because that's where a Faggot like you would hang out.

Bitch, you're probably some spoiled kid in Tierrasanta waiting for his mommy to take him to soccer.

And those "faggots" in Hillcrest would whoop your ass and tell you that you aren't even fuckable.

The nickname is Clantee. For obvious reasons.

And don't fuck with me on San Diego shit. I was getting high in PB and fucking your mothers before you were an itch in your daddy's nuts.

Bitch I live in Carmel Valley you broke ass Faggot.

LOL, so you're spoiled too!

Tell me, how does it feel to be compared to the genius offspring of all those Korean and Indian tiger moms? Sure on here you try to be all alpha. Bet that bell curve stings like a bitch.

At least an old Clairemont stoner can come to terms with underachieving.

The Flood / Re: Just heard my ration of stupid this morning
« on: March 10, 2016, 02:23:04 PM »
FYI, I live in an area of San Diego called Santee. Other San Diegans can qualify this shit happens all the time here. It has a really weird mix of rednecks, poor blacks and Mexicans and suburbanites. Oddly, it has a great school district too... Go figure
I'm not going to qualify this. It could've very easily been made up.

You don't have to say, yes, I was at Cotija taco shop this morning and saw it. Is my breakdown of Santee correct?

Are you sure you don't mean Hillcrest? Because that's where a Faggot like you would hang out.

Bitch, you're probably some spoiled kid in Tierrasanta waiting for his mommy to take him to soccer.

And those "faggots" in Hillcrest would whoop your ass and tell you that you aren't even fuckable.

The nickname is Clantee. For obvious reasons.

And don't fuck with me on San Diego shit. I was getting high in PB and fucking your mothers before you were an itch in your daddy's nuts.

The Flood / Re: Just heard my ration of stupid this morning
« on: March 10, 2016, 02:08:24 PM »
FYI, I live in an area of San Diego called Santee. Other San Diegans can qualify this shit happens all the time here. It has a really weird mix of rednecks, poor blacks and Mexicans and suburbanites. Oddly, it has a great school district too... Go figure
I'm not going to qualify this. It could've very easily been made up.

You don't have to say, yes, I was at Cotija taco shop this morning and saw it. Is my breakdown of Santee correct?
I don't go to Santee often enough to know

What's it's nickname then?

The Flood / Re: Just heard my ration of stupid this morning
« on: March 10, 2016, 01:09:26 PM »
FYI, I live in an area of San Diego called Santee. Other San Diegans can qualify this shit happens all the time here. It has a really weird mix of rednecks, poor blacks and Mexicans and suburbanites. Oddly, it has a great school district too... Go figure
I'm not going to qualify this. It could've very easily been made up.

You don't have to say, yes, I was at Cotija taco shop this morning and saw it. Is my breakdown of Santee correct?

The Flood / Re: Just heard my ration of stupid this morning
« on: March 10, 2016, 09:59:17 AM »
You feel like going to work today charles?

I wish I could. I feel better but I still am contagious with strep.


The Flood / Re: Just heard my ration of stupid this morning
« on: March 10, 2016, 09:52:08 AM »
FYI, I live in an area of San Diego called Santee. Other San Diegans can qualify this shit happens all the time here. It has a really weird mix of rednecks, poor blacks and Mexicans and suburbanites. Oddly, it has a great school district too... Go figure

The Flood / Re: Just heard my ration of stupid this morning
« on: March 10, 2016, 09:44:04 AM »
I don't think this actually happened.

Oh yes it did. I may have misheard some of the minor stuff, but it happened.

The Flood / Re: Just heard my ration of stupid this morning
« on: March 10, 2016, 09:33:49 AM »
So, impossible questions:

Who was more stupid?

Who was more in the wrong?

The Flood / Just heard my ration of stupid this morning
« on: March 10, 2016, 09:32:48 AM »
Went to get a breakfast burrito this morning. The place I went to shares a parking lot with a 711 gas station. As I'm getting out of my car, I see a beat up pick up truck cut off a beat up Caddy. The driver of the Caddy (a 20 something black guy)  jumped out to confront the guy driving the truck (a 50ish white guy)

BG) Hey, I was next, what's yo problem!?

WG) I gotta get to work! You took too long!

BG) Where the fuck you think I'm going? We all goin ta work. You ain't special!

WG) Hey fuck you, I got to the pump first, I'm using it! *starts filling up his truck*

BG) Man fuck you nigga

WG) You just call me a nigger??


WG) Y'all should just go back ta where y'all cane from!

BG) What the fuck you say?

MG) Señior, here's your burrito

(I missed what the white guy said)


WG) I think you heard me just fine, nigger
*pump clicks done, he puts the nozzle back on the pump*


WG) I'll say it to you and your mother's ugly face *gets in his truck and peeled out away*


*Charlie drives away to eat his burrito (it was delicious) and post this

The Flood / Re: i... i don't...
« on: March 10, 2016, 12:59:07 AM »
Yo dawg! I heard you like sharpening knives! So I put a knife sharpener in yo knife sharpener so you can sharpen yo knife while you sharpen yo knives!

It's the opening line. The other says the Tesseract has been found on a HUMAN world.

"A" HUMAN world.

While it's old news that there is a cosmic story going on, it does hint that there are other human worlds.

What will this mean for the overall story?

Also, it implies that Thanos has had dealings with us before, which could be tge set up for the Inhumans.



Xandarians aren't human though.

The Flood / Re: I am revealing my ultimate weapon
« on: March 09, 2016, 04:35:44 PM »

The Flood / Re: Somebaody please explain this
« on: March 09, 2016, 04:30:07 PM »
It's called someone finding something funny that you don't. Since humor is so subjective, it often happens that something like this gets created.
it's not funny tho

Someone clearly thought it was, even if the rest of us didn't

It's the opening line. The other says the Tesseract has been found on a HUMAN world.

"A" HUMAN world.

While it's old news that there is a cosmic story going on, it does hint that there are other human worlds.

What will this mean for the overall story?

Also, it implies that Thanos has had dealings with us before, which could be tge set up for the Inhumans.


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