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Messages - MyNameIsCharlie

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There's been several well rounded answers....

Most well rounded answer yet

And that was the most well rounded

You aren't in a monogamous relationship until you discuss it with the other person. Generally I wait until I really get to know a person and genuinely want to spend more time them.

Two dates is not an acceptable amount of time.
Five is generally a long enough time to make a decision, but it's a case by case basis.

Another good indication is if the person has flaked on you more than they've seen you it probably isn't worth your time.

Most well rounded answer yet

Serious / Re: Justify democracy.
« on: March 16, 2016, 12:03:54 AM »
People vote on their best interests. When you take the general consensus on what people vote on, you are serving the best interest of the most amount of people.

Of course this falls apart when you consider moral issues and minority's rights...

The Flood / Re: I'm starting to get turned on by spanking
« on: March 16, 2016, 12:01:07 AM »
My ex liked spanking.

But what were your thoughts on it? She clearly liked it. I'm having issues about causing pain during sex. But it was a turn on. I'm pretty conflicted. I'm usually the guy who loves hearing moaning from just the pleasure. From pain? This is new territory.

The Flood / NSFW I'm starting to get turned on by spanking
« on: March 15, 2016, 11:57:44 PM »
The other day I posted about an amazing sex session. During it, I spanked Al Baghdadi. Seeing the red hand print and hearing her moan and cum when I did it...

I'm getting hard just thinking about it.

Does anyone else spank? Do your women (or men) get turned on by it? When is it too far?  She and I clearly liked it, but I never really thought about it until now. Now that we're here... It's a serious turn on.


The Flood / Hoo winz teh feit? Spoderman r Ka Ka Karot Cake?!?
« on: March 15, 2016, 07:58:13 PM »
Teh r fiten 2 teh deth

tbh if a woman agrees to a second date you shouldn't be playing the field.

That seems a little impossible. Know that you could be monogamous after a single date?

I could maybe see thinking committed after sex. There is a safety reason for this. Don't want to catch something and give it to her. But I think commitment doesn't really start until that unspoken agreement happens.

I like her a lot and we have this chemistry when we meet, kissed and hugged each other when we met again Friday night. Then NSFW
we went into her car after the movie and well, I fingered her and sucked her tits, and she touched my cock
She's crazy, she wanted to be touched in the theater when there were other people around, I had to stop her and say no.

Still sounds like fooling around

I could maybe see thinking committed after sex. There is a safety reason for this. Don't want to catch something and give it to her. But I think commitment doesn't really start until that unspoken agreement happens.

I'd really say after a person has pursued multiple dates, which Roman has. If it was a fling of one or two dates and one of them is "this isn't working out" and pursues someone else, there really isn't a problem. Roman however has gone out with the same chick a few times and then starts taking up an interest with someone else, which is pretty scummy. If he planned on saying he's done with the first chick to pursue the second before going out with her, it's whatever though. I didn't read through his most recent thread, but I remember he's tried putting chicks on the back burner to get with again when his current relationship fails, don't know if that's the case with this recent one.

So, you should only persue one at a time?
I'd say it's cool to do a couple of first and second dates to test the water with multiple people, but once you've shown enough interest in one person to schedule more dates, you should be invested in that relationship. To not do that just seems like one person is just being stringed along.

So on the third date.

Also, what constitutes a date? A quick coffee grab? Movies?

I ask because there could be dozens of little meetings that may or may not count as a date.

I'd really say after a person has pursued multiple dates, which Roman has. If it was a fling of one or two dates and one of them is "this isn't working out" and pursues someone else, there really isn't a problem. Roman however has gone out with the same chick a few times and then starts taking up an interest with someone else, which is pretty scummy. If he planned on saying he's done with the first chick to pursue the second before going out with her, it's whatever though. I didn't read through his most recent thread, but I remember he's tried putting chicks on the back burner to get with again when his current relationship fails, don't know if that's the case with this recent one.

So, you should only persue one at a time?

Is it a time thing? Maybe how many dates? Something else?

I ask because in Roman's thread many of you say he's a scumbag for "cheating" on the girl he's currently pursuing.

By his admission, they've been on a handful of dates, communicate off and on via text and have only been together for a few weeks. If being together is an accurate way of saying "Seeing each other."

So, what is your standard of being in a committed relationship? Where you see one, and only one, girl until you break up?

The way some of you post, you'd think the second she gives you her number you may as well be married.

The Flood / Re: A 34 year old wants to fuck me
« on: March 15, 2016, 02:39:57 PM »
Who the fuck does anyone think they are on judging Roman for sticking his dick in whoever allows him to. As long as they are of legal age and are consenting, it's no ones business. You don't like him? Ignore him or mute he m and move on.

You judgmental prudes should just get over yourselves. People fuck. It happens. It's happening right now. Stop getting so pissed that it isn't happening to you. You aren't more moral. Just pathetic that you act like a spoiled child pissed that another kid has a toy you don't.

Do everyone a favor and kill yourselves
I bet you didn't say that to yourself about your wife.

I judge her, but she was cheating after a 15 year long marriage and 2 kids. The guy she cheated on me with? The only thing I judge him on was encouraging her to go see him when she had a days old baby she should have been bonding with. That's irresponsible. But what he did is understandable. He only knows what she told him. To him I could be an abusive drunk who beat and raped her. I don't know.

Now, in Roman's case, he isn't really cheating on the 24 year old. They text once a week or so, aren't sexually active, and have only been on a few dates.

So, it's not even comparable. They're barely friends at this moment.

Serious / Re: Super Tuesday round 2
« on: March 15, 2016, 01:02:27 PM »
After extended consideration...

We should reelect Bill Clinton.

The Flood / Re: You know the day destroys the night
« on: March 15, 2016, 10:39:37 AM »
Try to run, try to hide

The Flood / Re: Lets talk about how awesome Dazzler is
« on: March 14, 2016, 09:58:47 PM »
Mary Jane is still the pinnacle of hawtness

The Flood / Re: Lets talk about how awesome Dazzler is
« on: March 14, 2016, 09:58:10 PM »
Does anybody else think that the Spidergwen art is just a little odd-looking?

Of the 2D...

I'd fuck her silly

The Flood / Re: A 34 year old wants to fuck me
« on: March 14, 2016, 07:07:35 PM »
Roman, don't think with your dick here. It ain't worth the herp.
She said an ex of hers didn't get it after three years with her.

Look, it's your life and dick. Feel free to do what you want with both. But, if you want my advice and would take it, it sounds like she's selling you. You're playing pussy roulette and if you don't get the click, it means having to have that uncomfortable talk with every chick you want to fuck for the rest of your life
If I use a condom how am I going to get genital herpes from her?

Skin contact on an area she doesn't know she has a sore. That's all it takes.   

The Flood / Re: A 34 year old wants to fuck me
« on: March 14, 2016, 06:12:54 PM »
Roman, don't think with your dick here. It ain't worth the herp.
She said an ex of hers didn't get it after three years with her.

Look, it's your life and dick. Feel free to do what you want with both. But, if you want my advice and would take it, it sounds like she's selling you. You're playing pussy roulette and if you don't get the click, it means having to have that uncomfortable talk with every chick you want to fuck for the rest of your life

The Flood / Re: A 34 year old wants to fuck me
« on: March 14, 2016, 06:04:05 PM »
Roman, don't think with your dick here. It ain't worth the herp.

The Flood / Re: A 34 year old wants to fuck me
« on: March 14, 2016, 06:01:00 PM »
Okay now the 34 year old just told me she has HSVII, an STD she got when she was 18 from her first partner, also the father of her child. Says she feels bad now telling me. I'm thinking about whether it is worth the risk.


The Flood / Will Jon Snow die?
« on: March 14, 2016, 12:55:07 PM »
He's been shivved.

His fate is the unknown. Thoughts?

The Flood / Who should die in Cap3?
« on: March 14, 2016, 12:24:41 PM »
It's been confirmed that one character will be killed (bets are on Peggy Carter) and there are rumors that it can be as many as 3 will be killed off.

Let's start an Avengers pool... A Dead Pool... On who will be killed

I honestly believe Loaf should be raped.

In the face

The Flood / Re: If Vision is on Stark's team...
« on: March 14, 2016, 12:36:00 AM »

Cap will likely die in the end

The Flood / Re: Trying out Plenty Of Fish
« on: March 14, 2016, 12:34:55 AM »
I met Al Baghdadi on PoF. My advice? Be yourself and be completely honest. The whole concept of online dating is that the sheer number of people guarantees you'll find a match. Pay more attention to the details of their profile than their attractiveness. Acclimate yourself before trying to nab people you think are hot.

The Flood / Re: If Vision is on Stark's team...
« on: March 13, 2016, 11:11:06 PM »
Neither side is incorrect.

But in the comic Cap did come to the conclusion that he was wrong for fighting friends over what was an ideological difference

And then Nova came back to Earth and gave everybody a collective "what the fuck?" when he saw them killing each other over writing on a sheet of paper.

Well... He DID just fight off the Annihilation Wave.

The Flood / Re: I had awesome sex today
« on: March 13, 2016, 10:48:21 PM »
Dawg that's tight I'm p happy for you fam.

Smash dat ass like a mufuggin like button, hear?

Thanks bro

The Flood / NSFW I had awesome sex today
« on: March 13, 2016, 10:29:46 PM »
Al Baghdadi and I had half an hour to kill. Bent her over the couch and torr it up for twenty minutes. One of the biggest nuts I ever blew. One of those fucks you gotta have a Gatorade after. She came twice. Maybe one of these days I'll take pics. Get to see your Uncle Charlie raw dogging a MILF. Buuut... Then again... Her booty is mine and mine alone.

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