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Messages - MyNameIsCharlie

Pages: 1 ... 140141142 143144 ... 260
I'm trying to think of who would've made a better Lex Luthor.

I think Mark Strong looks the part.

Actually, no, I'm just now reading that the Lex in this movie is actually supposed to be Lex Luthor's son. Huh.

Um, why? Why not just go with the original guy himself? Why go with his geeky-ass son?

Yet again, another thing that would have been fixed with some character development

The Flood / Spoiler How would you have fixed BvS? There will be spoilers ITT
« on: March 31, 2016, 10:37:48 AM »
1) Fix Lex Luthor. In the comics he's a polished, intelligent and driven man. Not a knock off of Ledger's joker. Also, make his plan and objective clear. Aside from killing Superman, I really don't see what he was trying to accomplish.

2) Explain who characters are. The only two stories we know are Batman and Superman. The problem is we've had how nany franchises on these two? We already know. Explain out who Wonder Woman is. We know she's getting her own movie, but she's in this one. Any non-fanboy wouldn't have a clue who she is.

The Flood / Re: Wuestion
« on: March 31, 2016, 12:02:19 AM »
For those arguing about the child being effected: Should women over 40 be denied the right to give birth? After 40 the risk of your children having Downs Syndrome skyrocket. I see no laws setting a maximum age for pregnancy.

Incest isn't a sure way to birth defects.

So... As long as everyone is adult and consenting, it's no business of mine if they are together

Nigga I never said that gay people shouldn't raise kids

Ummm.... Where did I bring up gays?

I'm assuming this is addressing the gay vs traditional household argument we were having earlier?

Umm no. I'm addressing anyone who would say that the child has more of a risk for defects.

The Flood / Re: Wuestion
« on: March 30, 2016, 10:29:12 PM »
For those arguing about the child being effected: Should women over 40 be denied the right to give birth? After 40 the risk of your children having Downs Syndrome skyrocket. I see no laws setting a maximum age for pregnancy.

Incest isn't a sure way to birth defects.

So... As long as everyone is adult and consenting, it's no business of mine if they are together

Nigga I never said that gay people shouldn't raise kids

Ummm.... Where did I bring up gays?

The Flood / Re: Wuestion
« on: March 30, 2016, 10:02:01 PM »
For those arguing about the child being effected: Should women over 40 be denied the right to give birth? After 40 the risk of your children having Downs Syndrome skyrocket. I see no laws setting a maximum age for pregnancy.

Incest isn't a sure way to birth defects.

So... As long as everyone is adult and consenting, it's no business of mine if they are together

The Flood / Re: Decide what I'm having for dinner
« on: March 30, 2016, 06:40:35 PM »
Judging by your options, it looks like you really want explosive diarrhea

The Flood / Re: Y'know... I think Trump should be President
« on: March 30, 2016, 06:09:47 PM »
all these Fallout fans voting for Trump smh

Fuck it. Light the fuse.

The Flood / Y'know... I think Trump should be President
« on: March 30, 2016, 06:07:29 PM »

The world as a whole has been fucking with us for too long. Trump may just be the right man for when we collectively snap and go postal on the world.

China fucking with us economically? snap. North Korea saying they're gonna nuke us? Snap. The Middle East not standing up and fighting tgeir own damned wars? SNAP.

I'm gonna hope that he gets elected and sends out an email to everyone in the world saying:

Some of you people are all right. Don't show up to life tomorrow

The Flood / Re: Wuestion
« on: March 30, 2016, 02:43:17 PM »
As long as they take adequate precautions against pregnancy, or are prepared to raise a child with disabilities, I really don't have an issue here. As long as everyone is concenting and adult, what I personally find icky shouldn't play into what is legal and illegal.

The Flood / Re: Daily Reminder that Hitler did nothing wrong.
« on: March 30, 2016, 02:36:47 PM »
You didn't make this thread yesterday, so if you don't make it tomorrow and every day after, you're a liar and as a liar nothing you say can be trusted.

The Flood / Re: Im paying $100 to buy a girls used panties Thursday
« on: March 30, 2016, 12:28:03 PM »
I'm completely speechless at this thread.

The Flood / Re: If you agree with Cap you hate America.
« on: March 30, 2016, 10:44:16 AM »
A man who would trad freedom for security deserves neither.
People like to quote this, as though it's some pithy, profound thing, but what is the logic behind that? There is none.
In an age if collectivist thought and government reliance, it needs to be echoed more than ever.
Trading freedoms and liberties for security and safety is how both the welfare state and the fascist nation work.

Das, if you and I disagree on everything else, we agree on this

The Flood / Re: If you agree with Cap you hate America.
« on: March 30, 2016, 10:04:10 AM »
A man who would trad freedom for security deserves neither.

The Flood / Re: Why wasn't Spiderman in BvS?
« on: March 29, 2016, 09:20:59 PM »
How are they supposed to finish Star Wars with Leonard Nemoy dead?

I thought they fixed that when Professor Xavier sent the crew of Firefly back in time to reboot the timeline and the Lexx gets a whole nee crew to fight the Sith

Weren't they fighting Hydra?

And the XeeLee too

The Flood / Re: Why wasn't Spiderman in BvS?
« on: March 29, 2016, 07:57:56 PM »
How are they supposed to finish Star Wars with Leonard Nemoy dead?

I thought they fixed that when Professor Xavier sent the crew of Firefly back in time to reboot the timeline and the Lexx gets a whole nee crew to fight the Sith

The Flood / Re: Why wasn't Spiderman in BvS?
« on: March 29, 2016, 07:48:59 PM »
Uh, hello? Fox News still OWNS the rights to Spider-man. Why would they been in an Archie Comics movie?

Bill O'Reilly said was OK as long as they didn't show his origin as a black ops soldier being sent to hell and coming back as hell's general. He could appear, but not be reimagined.

The Flood / Why wasn't Spiderman in BvS?
« on: March 29, 2016, 07:44:14 PM »
I thought he was supposed to be in it? WTF MAN??  I feel we were deceived.

The Flood / Re: rank your top three users
« on: March 29, 2016, 12:51:20 PM »
Also, no Snoop or Bob Marley?

Snoop smoked so much weed he was named a prophet in the Rastafari religion

The Flood / Re: Why didn't they just let Kylo track Luke down in TFA?
« on: March 29, 2016, 11:22:44 AM »
Because that's the battle we're building to. If that battle happens too early then the story's rushed.

The Flood / What happened to 4chan?
« on: March 29, 2016, 11:11:03 AM »
I've been lurking on b/, and I've noticed the threads there are really stale. Lately it's been:

Pics you shouldn't share
Trap thread
Gore thread
Bernie/Trump hate/appreciation thread
Porn Webm thread
Choose your waifu
Incest thread

There are a few others, but those represent about 70% of threads there now. I remember them being the cutting edge of deprivity. Now... Not as much.

The Flood / Re: guac is nasty
« on: March 29, 2016, 11:04:18 AM »
It's because you have only known the processed shit you find in stores or chain restaurants.

The Flood / Re: Do you think you're better than me?
« on: March 29, 2016, 11:03:20 AM »
You have yet to sink to the levels of depravity I have. You think it funny to spam meatspin. I fap to it.

The Flood / Re: The God-Emperor of Mankind
« on: March 29, 2016, 10:44:58 AM »

The Flood / Re: rank your top three users
« on: March 29, 2016, 10:23:34 AM »
How the fuck has Kieth Richards not been mentioned yet? He did all the drugs! All of them!

Serious / Re: The Costs of Mass Deportation
« on: March 29, 2016, 09:52:23 AM »
Yeah but all the jobs the immigrants leave can be taken up by high-schoolers you know like how it was during the good ol' 70's


Because I don't remember reading in any history books about after school jobs being migrant farm workers

The Flood / Are Muslims fighting for or against the Reptilians?
« on: March 28, 2016, 11:53:54 PM »
Inquiring minds want to know

The Flood / Re: Muhammad vs Jesus
« on: March 28, 2016, 08:15:29 PM »
You've seen the images. Jesus was skinny and wiry. Man those skinny guys fight till their burger.

What is actually needed is better intelligence. Sealing off Muslim communities and raiding would only create more Jihadis. It also validates ISIS's message to Muslims that the West is at war with them. Now, if we had better intelligence, we could start getting the Jihadis right as they act, proving their guilt while stopping the attacks. Then ISIS and other terrorists are shown not as heroes or martyrs, but as failed criminals.

But, how?

I'm not sure. If we could have this, then we would act on it. I'm beginning to think that the terror attacks are allowed to happen to push an agenda. That, or the European leaders are incompetent and their own incompetence allowed the attacks to happen.

Why? Europe isn't the US. They can wiretap. They can use intelligence organizations typically used in foreign countries in their borders. Yet they don't.

ISIS enables these attacks because they can communicate with people in the West. Cut or monitor those lines and stop the attacks. 

The Flood / Re: Problem with Man of Steel
« on: March 28, 2016, 02:35:32 PM »
Snyder's dream sequences in Man of Steel and BvS are just not done well.

I thought they were fucking 10/10 in BvS.

Bruce's dreams, or rather, visions, foreshadow an impossibly tall conflict coming, and puts Superman right in the middle of it.

Probably the most effective storytelling in the series to date.

I have to agree with Sol, here. The Knightmare sequence was the coolest part of the film. it's just a shame that it has virtually no bearing on the overall narrative at all, and only really exists because there hadn't been an action scene in 20+ minutes at that point.

As for Man of Steel, I still disagree. The dream sequence there is actually not too bad, either. Snyder is a fairly intelligent director, at least, as far as visuals go. Did you notice that when Kal-El goes from his Kansas attire to his Kryptonian garb, it's full black instead of the traditional red-and-blue? This is because black is the standard colour of Kryptonian outfits if you're military. Zod's consciousness is affecting the visual representation of Kal-El in his own mind, because Zod sees Kal as another subordinate to order around. This is why he virtually makes no effort whatsoever to "soften" the impact of revealing his plans to Kal -- he simply doesn't view his opinion with favour or relevance whatsoever. Perhaps some part of him influenced the "sinking into skulls" imagery as some sort of sadistic guilty pleasure of his. Who knows.

But we aren't shown Zod as a sadist. He doesn't appear to take joy in what he does, he does it because it's a necessity. There could be an argument made for him taking his revenge on Kal because of what happened with Jor. But we are never shown really anything other than the repeated I will find hims as evidence of this. In fact, we are shown the opposite. He acts in a diplomatic manner when Kal is on his ship. If he was hell bent on hurting him, he could have just attacked him right there. Instead he transferred him to a medical bay and saw to him there.

The dream sequence would have been better if it took place after they had fought.

This points to Snyder choosing simplistic messages and pretty imagry over good story telling.

A better sequence of events would have been Kal surrendering, they Kryptonians searching his old home, hurting Martha, causing Kal to realize the Kryptonians are here with bad intentions. Kal confronts Zod about this, after telling him of Jor's vision of Kryptonians leading humanity "into the Sun." Zod gets angry at yet another El refuting his visions, and shows Kal the dream to punish him and seal his revenge on the house of El.

Then Zod's behavior fits with what he's trying to accomplish. It isn't just the securing his race, but the validation of his revenge.

What Zod lacked was character development. He's a nuanced character with a single view. The events we're shown don't convey that.

We needed to be shown and reminded that he's not acting as just his races savior. He's more a Captain Ahab chasing the House of El as his white whale.

This would have also closed the loophole of why Earth was chosen for terraforming instead of another world. The Kryptonians only needed the Genisis chamber and the Codex to start their race anywhere. They had interstellar capabilities. They could have gone to any world and dropped the World Engine.

Zod chose Earth not for expediency's sake, but because he was still punishing Jor El for not standing with him during the coup.

But we are never shown this.

The Flood / Re: Her messages on facebook
« on: March 28, 2016, 01:32:54 PM »
I think you should relax. Technical shit does happen. Getting worked up like this doesn't help.

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