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Messages - MyNameIsCharlie

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The Flood / NSFW I drank too much and called in sick
« on: May 20, 2016, 01:01:46 AM »
It doesn't matter. I have an offer letter from another company.

Go on

The Flood / Re: Describe your first sexual encounter
« on: May 20, 2016, 01:00:19 AM »
Sex first time was generic first time story "come over my parents aren't home" bullshit

But the first time I was gunna touch boobs I tried to take this chicks bra off but I had literally no idea how, and like I was trying to focus on kissing and taking it off and I had no clue what I was doing. Finally I pull back and say "umm I'm having technical difficulties here" and then she starts laughing and I start laughing and then we laughed for like 30 minutes

I didn't even touch them.

You eventually can do it with one hand

The Flood / Re: Everything will be okay
« on: May 20, 2016, 12:58:55 AM »
Roman is literally just a penis with a brain and body attached
Any cognitive function in Roman only happens in his genitals tbh

I've yet to hear why this is atypical

The Flood / Re: Someone said something offensive? LET'S PROTEST!
« on: May 20, 2016, 12:24:36 AM »
Protests actually are quite effective on issues about the government. It shows politicians that their voters are pissed. In this instance it isn't the students the administration would be worried about, but the parents. Protests against corporations (especially privately owned ones) are pretty useless unless it's on a topic that involves public policy
Hmm, I guess if the parents were concerned enough they could pull their kids out of schools. But the problem can't be fixed that way.

Sure it would. Schools are funded by attendance. Kids get pulled and administrators lose jobs.
Are we still talking about he racism issue? Because that was the students' fault, not the administration. I don't see how on Earth they can deal with it apart from telling them "don't or you'll get detention". It's not like they can whooop dey ass.

I didn't say racism.

The Flood / Re: Someone said something offensive? LET'S PROTEST!
« on: May 20, 2016, 12:06:07 AM »
Protests actually are quite effective on issues about the government. It shows politicians that their voters are pissed. In this instance it isn't the students the administration would be worried about, but the parents. Protests against corporations (especially privately owned ones) are pretty useless unless it's on a topic that involves public policy
Hmm, I guess if the parents were concerned enough they could pull their kids out of schools. But the problem can't be fixed that way.

Sure it would. Schools are funded by attendance. Kids get pulled and administrators lose jobs.

The Flood / Re: Not in a good place right now TBH
« on: May 19, 2016, 11:56:02 PM »
Not sweet mayne

What's up? I've been low. Maybe I can help. If you're not comfortable sharing, PM me

The Flood / Re: Everything will be okay
« on: May 19, 2016, 11:54:09 PM »
have you ever focused on anything but getting off?

From a certain point of view, everything is to get off. Even the most autistic scientists have the following plan:

1) Aqcuire skills
2) Discover X
3) Aqcuire wealth and respect
4) Be balls deep in hot bitches by midnight
Maybe to you...

The feeling of an orgasm shouldn't be a primary motivation in your life, it should be a side goal.

From an evolutionary standpoint, ejaculation is the only goal. I realize in saying this I admit I am an evolutionary dead end
Species continuity isn't a priority to an intelligent species

Or would an intelligent species accept that it is all that matters?

Off into the tall grass we go!

The Flood / Re: Everything will be okay
« on: May 19, 2016, 10:21:26 PM »
have you ever focused on anything but getting off?

From a certain point of view, everything is to get off. Even the most autistic scientists have the following plan:

1) Aqcuire skills
2) Discover X
3) Aqcuire wealth and respect
4) Be balls deep in hot bitches by midnight
Maybe to you...

The feeling of an orgasm shouldn't be a primary motivation in your life, it should be a side goal.

From an evolutionary standpoint, ejaculation is the only goal. I realize in saying this I admit I am an evolutionary dead end

The Flood / Re: A quick question to our non-virgin users
« on: May 19, 2016, 10:12:55 PM »
Absolutely. I create drama just to hate fuck.

I like your style

The Flood / Re: Everything will be okay
« on: May 19, 2016, 10:11:45 PM »
have you ever focused on anything but getting off?

From a certain point of view, everything is to get off. Even the most autistic scientists have the following plan:

1) Aqcuire skills
2) Discover X
3) Aqcuire wealth and respect
4) Be balls deep in hot bitches by midnight

The Flood / Re: Everything will be okay
« on: May 19, 2016, 10:09:15 PM »
Cool on you.

The Flood / Re: michael moore is awesome
« on: May 19, 2016, 09:43:38 PM »
Haven't watched him since the last big one... Was it the 9/11 one or the healthcare one?
the last one was capitalism: a love story

sicko was the healthcare one

both also great

Oh yeah. Forgot about that one. I was getting my MBA during it and all it showed was A) He didn't know what was going on (but no one really did, so it's forgivable) and B) the deck is so hopelessly stacked against us that you may as well throw the towel in.

The Flood / NSFW A quick question to our non-virgin users
« on: May 19, 2016, 09:41:23 PM »
Have you ever had hate-sex or a grudge fuck? Usually it's right before you break up or are in a big fight and decide you're both horny anyways.

A yes or no will do, but share the story if you want

The Flood / Re: michael moore is awesome
« on: May 19, 2016, 09:38:41 PM »
Haven't watched him since the last big one... Was it the 9/11 one or the healthcare one?

The Flood / Re: Which Lannister is the best Lannister?
« on: May 19, 2016, 09:37:31 PM »
Obviously Cerci.
TBPH, I'd grudge fuck the shit outta her. A pure hate fuck. The kind when you bite your lip and think about the bully in third grade just so you can give her a concussion when her head cracks the headboard

The Flood / Which Lannister is the best Lannister?
« on: May 19, 2016, 09:10:56 PM »
To prove they are your favorite, you must have sex with them.

The Flood / Re: If you Google 'Age of consent in Japan'
« on: May 19, 2016, 08:08:31 PM »
Yeah... No, I'm not googling that. I'll turn around and Chris Handsome will be standing there asking what I planned on doing here.

The Flood / Re: I just saw a naked man walking in the street
« on: May 19, 2016, 08:07:25 PM »
Sorry... Sorry. It was hot, and I needed to be somewhere.


Oh... You don't live near me?

What are the odds that two of us did that?

The Flood / NSFW Describe your first sexual encounter
« on: May 19, 2016, 08:04:35 PM »
If you're a virgin, describe how you fantasize about it going.

My first was a chubby slut who's name begins with an A. We were at her family's apartment, and her little brother was playing NES in the living room. We barebacked it (incredibly stupid, I know. But I was 17 and this was the 90''s)

Right after we finished up, her dad came home, drunk and belligerent. I had to jump butt ass naked from the second story, and get dressed behind a dumpster. Walked home and must have beat off twenty times in the next day. We screwed for the Summer, and then realized we hated each other.

Now you

The Flood / Re: Someone said something offensive? LET'S PROTEST!
« on: May 19, 2016, 06:45:02 PM »
Protests actually are quite effective on issues about the government. It shows politicians that their voters are pissed. In this instance it isn't the students the administration would be worried about, but the parents. Protests against corporations (especially privately owned ones) are pretty useless unless it's on a topic that involves public policy

The Flood / Re: What makes a good father?
« on: May 19, 2016, 01:38:35 AM »
Wow dude

What? You posted something that irked me. I see a dad being a good father to his princess and you made it weird. You more than likely weren't the only one feeling that way. But it's your issue, not his.

The Flood / Re: What makes a good father?
« on: May 19, 2016, 01:36:09 AM »
Don't remarry after a couple of months and move an hour away with your new wife who doesn't let you drink or listen to music.

Ok. That's doable. If anything Al Baghdadi tries to be a good mom to them too, but keeping the proper distance to not be mommy. Again, too many grey areas. I do the same with her boy, but it's hard cause his dad is an uninvolved piece of shit

The Flood / Re: Walked into the Men's bathroom...
« on: May 19, 2016, 01:33:08 AM »
Does not matter. His little girl had to pee, he took her to pee he's a good father. You deal with YOUR issues and move on. It's hard enough to be a dad without people making it weird. I have 2. Sure they're little boys, but what ANYONE else thinks is far from my mind when I'm with them. He's stepping up and being a father. You could only hope you can be as much as a man as him. I hope you do, and remember this thread and feel a little foolish for posting it.

You act like he should get a medal from the president for taking his kid to piss

I never said it was a big deal
Nor did I say he was in the wrong

Taking a girl into a male bathroom is weird regardless of how good of a parent you are
Especially when your female wife is waiting outside for you
Just pointing that out
We don't know how long the wife was there, just that she was when he walked out of the bathroom. She might have had to park the car while the dad ran her in to go potty, or she could have been paying for their stuff, or a billion other things.

I've seen women bring their young boys into the bathroom plenty of times. I don't see what's so weird about the opposite.
Men are inherently evil

Women are inherently good

You keep believing that.

The Flood / Re: What makes a good father?
« on: May 19, 2016, 01:28:07 AM »
Doing what you can to set up your child mentally, emotionally, and giving them the capacity to succeed

Which is easy to write but not so easy to do lol

Fucking tell me about it.

This is something any dad would get. My Youngest got into a fight with his older brother. He's 20 months old. His brother is over 3. The oldest took a toy from him, so he balled up a chubby little fist and punched him in the eye. I felt proud. He'll never be bullied. He already knows how to properly throw a right hook. But I still had to give him a time out for it. He's also very proud of his penis. There isn't a bathtime that happens that he doesn't grab it and yell in his lowest voice (mimicking mine, though I've never encouraged this) PEEPEE.

How can you not be proud of this? He is proud of his penis and can throw a punch. But I am forced to give him timeouts.

Because you need to show your kid how to act socially and that violence is not to be glorified??
Are you trying to make a point?

Only that being a dad has some really weird grey areas. He gets his timeouts for these. But I am still proud of him

I can't say but it seems like a lot of times it's principle vs outcome

Of course you can be proud as you should
But you still need to punish him for it
Because if you tell your 3 year old that you're proud of him for hurting another person, it won't have the best results

Oh, I get that. That's what makes being a daddy so fucking hard. You want to be sure they are strong enough to not be fucked with, but have to punish them for showing you.

The Flood / Re: ITT Post shit that makes you feel great
« on: May 19, 2016, 01:26:26 AM »
My oldest finally hit the stage when he can say what he loves. He said I love you, Jared. I nearly broke down into tears

Nah. Jared couldn't catch him. He hates Subway. Jared preyed on the chubby little fuckers that ate those footlongs. My little guys are like the raptors in Jurassic World. I just have an understanding. The Alpha toddler if you would. They'd tear that sick fuck to pieces 

The Flood / Re: What makes a good father?
« on: May 19, 2016, 01:22:39 AM »
Doing what you can to set up your child mentally, emotionally, and giving them the capacity to succeed

Which is easy to write but not so easy to do lol

Fucking tell me about it.

This is something any dad would get. My Youngest got into a fight with his older brother. He's 20 months old. His brother is over 3. The oldest took a toy from him, so he balled up a chubby little fist and punched him in the eye. I felt proud. He'll never be bullied. He already knows how to properly throw a right hook. But I still had to give him a time out for it. He's also very proud of his penis. There isn't a bathtime that happens that he doesn't grab it and yell in his lowest voice (mimicking mine, though I've never encouraged this) PEEPEE.

How can you not be proud of this? He is proud of his penis and can throw a punch. But I am forced to give him timeouts.

Because you need to show your kid how to act socially and that violence is not to be glorified??
Are you trying to make a point?

Only that being a dad has some really weird grey areas. He gets his timeouts for these. But I am still proud of him

The Flood / Re: Walked into the Men's bathroom...
« on: May 19, 2016, 01:20:11 AM »
Does not matter. His little girl had to pee, he took her to pee he's a good father. You deal with YOUR issues and move on. It's hard enough to be a dad without people making it weird. I have 2. Sure they're little boys, but what ANYONE else thinks is far from my mind when I'm with them. He's stepping up and being a father. You could only hope you can be as much as a man as him. I hope you do, and remember this thread and feel a little foolish for posting it.

You act like he should get a medal from the president for taking his kid to piss

I never said it was a big deal
Nor did I say he was in the wrong

Taking a girl into a male bathroom is weird regardless of how good of a parent you are
Especially when your female wife is waiting outside for you
Just pointing that out

And you acting like it's weird to you means there's some sort of validation?  He took his princess to piss.  That's it. Get over it. Fathers do that. When you have children, you'll understand. Until then, shut up

Why are you so asshurt
I honestly don't care if a dude takes his kid to piss
Notice how I'm just pointing out another viewpoint instead of saying that the father should be fucking lynched

I suppose boundaries and rules don't exist as long as you give your kid plenty of kisses

You posted about it, not me.

The Flood / Re: What makes a good father?
« on: May 19, 2016, 01:19:11 AM »
Doing what you can to set up your child mentally, emotionally, and giving them the capacity to succeed

Which is easy to write but not so easy to do lol

Fucking tell me about it.

This is something any dad would get. My Youngest got into a fight with his older brother. He's 20 months old. His brother is over 3. The oldest took a toy from him, so he balled up a chubby little fist and punched him in the eye. I felt proud. He'll never be bullied. He already knows how to properly throw a right hook. But I still had to give him a time out for it. He's also very proud of his penis. There isn't a bathtime that happens that he doesn't grab it and yell in his lowest voice (mimicking mine, though I've never encouraged this) PEEPEE.

How can you not be proud of this? He is proud of his penis and can throw a punch. But I am forced to give him timeouts.

The Flood / Re: Walked into the Men's bathroom...
« on: May 19, 2016, 01:12:32 AM »
Does not matter. His little girl had to pee, he took her to pee he's a good father. You deal with YOUR issues and move on. It's hard enough to be a dad without people making it weird. I have 2. Sure they're little boys, but what ANYONE else thinks is far from my mind when I'm with them. He's stepping up and being a father. You could only hope you can be as much as a man as him. I hope you do, and remember this thread and feel a little foolish for posting it.

You act like he should get a medal from the president for taking his kid to piss

I never said it was a big deal
Nor did I say he was in the wrong

Taking a girl into a male bathroom is weird regardless of how good of a parent you are
Especially when your female wife is waiting outside for you
Just pointing that out

And you acting like it's weird to you means there's some sort of validation?  He took his princess to piss.  That's it. Get over it. Fathers do that. When you have children, you'll understand. Until then, shut up

The Flood / Re: ITT Post shit that makes you feel great
« on: May 19, 2016, 01:05:15 AM »
My oldest finally hit the stage when he can say what he loves. He said I love you, daddy. I nearly broke down into tears

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