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Messages - MyNameIsCharlie

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The Flood / Re: Today I ate a salad without dressing
« on: June 08, 2016, 04:01:19 PM »
Did you toss the salad?

So why exactly are people rooting for a criminal to be elected?

Oh yes, private email servers and the Benghazi "scandal," in which even the lead Republican prosecutor went on FNC stating that there was no way to get anything there on time. Yeah "Criminal."

That is exactly what Charlie is doing with this thread but you sure as Hell ain't giving him any crap for it.

I didn't know winning the nomination meant winning the general election.

Because that's not what I am saying. I'm saying that Trump is basically DOA. He'll carry the traditionally hardcore Red states. They'll vote for him just because that's the way they do. Hillary will carry the traditionally Blue states, but the Florida's and Ohio's? I just don't see Trump doing anything to reach the undecideds. He's squarely in the "brown people stole your future" camp.

His own party is divided on him. I'm predicting a low turnout on Republicans and a higher than average turnout for women and latinos.

I still wish Bernie had a chance, but oh well. Back to American politics as usual. Picking the lesser evil

The Left says that every four years about their Repbilican boogeyman and yet they're still locked in a 50/50 split up to the polling booths with uncertainty on who's going to win. This was said about Romney four years ago, and McCain eight yet they still persist to use this argument after both results were rather narrow. A new argument would be nice.

It's funny that those who yell loudest that Trump's unstoppable are the very white males he panders to. I hate to break it to you, but his election is contingent on getting every white male vote, and on epic disenfranchisement on women and minorities. Latinos, especially Mexican Americans, won't vote for him. In fact, I've seen some Pew data showing he's energized them for Hillary. While African Americans aren't as enthusiastic about Hillary, they are very anti Trump. Likewise women. Trump's attitude has been decidedly anti woman. He's vocal about it.

Now say that voters go along strictly sex/racial lines. 50% of the population is white. The other half is minorities. Of the white population, 50% is women. This means that the most amount of popular vote he can get is 25%.

Now, looking at age, young voters are waaaay more left leaning than older voters. Most would rather vote for Hillary than trump.

Basically he stands a snowball's chance in hell of pulling this off.

The difference here is that they were polished politicians. The establishment accepted them. Trump doesn't have this. His base barely tolerates him, when they're not attacking him outright. The sad fact is that Hillary doesn't piss off conservatives as much as Trump pisses off everyone. His entire platform is anti-establishment. The Democrats establishment, the Republican establishment, all of them. He can't energize his main base, he isn't reaching across the aisle to get swing voters, and is so hostile to his opposition that he energizes them to fight them.

"cunton" isn't even clever

I always thought Billary was good. It's still sexiest, as it connotes a woman is merely an extension of her man, and evokes Monica, the cigar and all that. Must not have had enough childish vulgarity, so it was dropped.

Do you guys really want to invade Syria? Because electing Cunton is how you invade Syria.

Clinton is a kebab remover? She removes kebabs?

It's funny that those who yell loudest that Trump's unstoppable are the very white males he panders to. I hate to break it to you, but his election is contingent on getting every white male vote, and on epic disenfranchisement on women and minorities. Latinos, especially Mexican Americans, won't vote for him. In fact, I've seen some Pew data showing he's energized them for Hillary. While African Americans aren't as enthusiastic about Hillary, they are very anti Trump. Likewise women. Trump's attitude has been decidedly anti woman. He's vocal about it.

Now say that voters go along strictly sex/racial lines. 50% of the population is white. The other half is minorities. Of the white population, 50% is women. This means that the most amount of popular vote he can get is 25%.

Now, looking at age, young voters are waaaay more left leaning than older voters. Most would rather vote for Hillary than trump.

Basically he stands a snowball's chance in hell of pulling this off.

The Flood / Re: My neighbor keeps yelling "fuck my dirty ass!"
« on: June 08, 2016, 11:05:19 AM »
And then Charlie learns that it's nit a single man but a full blown train being run next door.

I hadn't considered this as a possibility. Come to think about it... There isn't much parking and there's usually a lot.

Serious / The problem with the concept of "Social Justice"
« on: June 08, 2016, 10:31:17 AM »
It should be Social Equality

I'm an egalitarian. Everyone should get the same opportunity to reach their potential. Everyone should be leld to the same laws and be judged the same when they break them.

The word Justice connotes that a crime has taken place and a group will play. Inequality didn't start with those in it today. The systems that "Social Justice Warriors" fight against were created hundreds, or even thousands of years ago. Tearing these systems down is what needs to happen, but there isn't a need for someone to be held accountable for these systems' creation. A wealthy white male alive today didn't create the inequities that created his wealth. He used the system already in place.

In short, stop focusing on justice and accountability and start looking at the systems themselves alone.

The Flood / Trump is unelectable. Hillary will now be President
« on: June 08, 2016, 10:09:20 AM »
The ONLY group that Trump has appealed to are white males. Unless he changes his message drastically, he will lose pretty epically.

The Flood / NSFW My neighbor keeps yelling "fuck my dirty ass!"
« on: June 08, 2016, 12:41:52 AM »
I'm trying to have a cigarette, and it's starting to be distracting. Her guy must have good stamina, because it's been going on for 10 minutes.

I can only hope he nuts soon.

The Flood / Re: So my girlfriend cheated on me...
« on: June 08, 2016, 12:30:17 AM »
If I lived through it, you will

The Flood / Re: You spin me round round baby right round
« on: June 07, 2016, 10:06:18 PM »

The Flood / Re: You spin me round round baby right round
« on: June 07, 2016, 10:04:07 PM »
You need to control that impulse to post
Don't scratch the itch

The Flood / You spin me round round baby right round
« on: June 07, 2016, 10:00:40 PM »
Like a record baby round round

Don't ask me why I posted this

Serious / Re: Looks like PSU was right
« on: June 07, 2016, 03:29:04 PM »
And Caitln Jenner won woman of the year. It appears that men ARE better at everything. Including being a woman

The Flood / Re: Das, I have a proposal for you
« on: June 07, 2016, 10:32:59 AM »
Can you transplant my penis too?

I had planned on replacing it with a Vulcan cannon. But if you want your meat instead, that can be arranged

The Flood / Re: The power in my house is turned off.
« on: June 07, 2016, 10:29:55 AM »
Start moving around the furniture. Tell your roommate it just looks better there. After running into it at night a few times, he'll pay the light bill.

The Flood / Das, I have a proposal for you
« on: June 07, 2016, 10:12:45 AM »
A spider cyborg body.  Your head would be surgically removed and installed atop a 10 ft high robot spider body. You would also lead an army of lesser cyborg soldiers, all of whom are dressed as Nazis.

The Flood / Re: Should I go to Vegas?
« on: June 06, 2016, 10:50:57 PM »
One question: how old are you?

The Flood / Re: I really respect rapists.
« on: June 06, 2016, 10:26:27 PM »
Good. I'm visiting you tonight!

The secret is to just bite the pillow

The Flood / Re: Anti-Theism is literally autism: The Ideology
« on: June 06, 2016, 09:42:29 PM »
Meh. Evangelicals and Anti-Theists are the extremes. Both try to force their views on people who couldn't give less of a shit.

Nothing, I mean NOTHING triggers people like a a spooky ghost. Dress up in a ghost costume. Remember: real ghosts have pointed heads, so make sure that the hat is pointy.

The Flood / Re: Misconceptions about sex
« on: June 06, 2016, 12:14:25 AM »
What a tiny average. I'm WAAAAAY above it.
Nobody will ever take my virginity! I WILL BECOME THE GRANDMASTER WIZARD.
Not before I, I have already learned to manipulate fire, it won't be long before the elements themselves are subject to my whim! There can only be one Hargen! One grandmaster wizard!

Are you both prepared to challenge Nichola Tesla? He mastered lightening and died never knowing the touch of a woman.

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