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Messages - MyNameIsCharlie

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The Flood / Is sex violence?
« on: June 13, 2016, 11:37:48 PM »
Think about it before answering.

I don't mean rape. I mean concenting sex.

The Flood / I was walking with Mohammed on the beach
« on: June 13, 2016, 10:16:52 PM »
There were always two sets of footprints when times were good

But, when I looked at the parts of my life when things were tough I only say one

I asked: Mohammed, why have you forsaken me?

He looked me in the eye and said:

Sand people always go single file, to hide their numbers

The Flood / Re: Look what came in the mail today
« on: June 13, 2016, 07:23:16 PM »
I hope you get a weird infection from it and your cock falls off

Serious / Re: Hostage event in France- another hebbening?
« on: June 13, 2016, 06:24:04 PM »
In the most recent ISIS leader speech the bitch did call for attacks against the West during Ramadan at the same time he speaking of defeat, he mentioned how even when the caliphate falls they can run away to Khorasan region or the desert. Which is great, the later would be ideal given that drones and hellfire are cheap.

Fuck that. Cut his supply lines and let them die of thirst and starvation.

No more best girl.


holy shit why am i only just noticing how pretty she is
She left us too soon. Now nobody will realise the one true Waif(u).

She's got nice tits too

Why is everyone saying Arya's story was pointless? She got assasin's training. She's not tethered to the Many Faced God and is heading back with her list intact. She may not be able to face swap, but she is skilled enough to defeat a MFG assasin. That puts her in the top tier of warriors. Also, she's been sequestered for all of the Westerosi plot developments. She won't see Any Lannisters as anything but evil. She'll just go to town killing them. And with her training, really only the Mountain could take her.
Her 'training' can be summarized in a couple of martial arts lessons at best. If she really is this uber deadly assassin then the show runners didn't do a very good job of exemplifying it. The faceless men arc was hyped up to be this major character transformation for Arya but she never really gained anything from the experience sans being (temporarily?) blinded and stabbed by the Waif who clearly has some sort of hate boner for her even though Faceless Men aren't supposed to display emotion.

There was so many possibilities they could've ran with. Hell, I heard a theory couple weeks back that the Waif is some sort of Tyler Durden split personality character of Arya. Literally anything to show some semblance of character transgression would've sufficed but instead what we got was two seasons of filler to beat us over the head at how stronk and fierce she is, an irritating trend I'm seeing in the female characters of the show.

While, true, we weren't shown much, they did show her beating the waif blind. She's come a long way from her dancing master.

>tommen made cleganebowl illegal


Only the setting has changed. It doesn't have to be Cersei's trial by combat. All we need is for the two to fight. Hell, it could be better now.

Why is everyone saying Arya's story was pointless? She got assasin's training. She's not tethered to the Many Faced God and is heading back with her list intact. She may not be able to face swap, but she is skilled enough to defeat a MFG assasin. That puts her in the top tier of warriors. Also, she's been sequestered for all of the Westerosi plot developments. She won't see Any Lannisters as anything but evil. She'll just go to town killing them. And with her training, really only the Mountain could take her.

The Flood / Re: adventures in louisiana
« on: June 13, 2016, 11:03:29 AM »
If you're sober in Louisiana, you're doing it wrong. That's why they have drive through bars, so they're never sober enough to realize what a shit hole they're in.

Since when do feminists have a say in which characters are made?

Game devs are business people. Their goal is to make money. That's it. When you see strong female protagonists, it's because they're opening up to a new market. That's it.

Lose your goddamn egos. You think they give two shits about you? LOL. Y'all seem to think that a cal from Ms Sarkeesian means a dev will suddenly toe the feminist line. Nope. It's a call from the marketing department. They say that females like to game too, and maybe the characters and stories shouldn't be so targeted at le young white male.

It isn't the vagina in their pants that's changing gaming, it's the money in their wallet.

The Faceless Men arc was probably the most ridiculous waste of time filler I've ever had the pleasure of experiencing from a tv show. Like lmao, what was the point? "I'm going to Braavos to train with a bunch of creepy fucks then get stabbed having left with absolutely nothing gained from the experience."

Well, she's a ninja assassin now. There's that.

Serious / Re: "Morality is subjective"
« on: June 12, 2016, 07:14:11 PM »
1) I never said right ir wrong. They simply exist. You thinking they are right or wrong is one set of morals viewing another. Morals just are.

2) About science. Science exists separate from morality.

For there to be a universal morality, it would have to come either inherent in our genes, or externally, say from a god or gods. Human history proves it's not in our genes, and humanity can't even agree if there is or the number of gods.

Sadly, the only true thing even close to a universal moral code is preserve your life and the life of your family. That's really it. While we live among technological marvels, we've not made it past tribalism. States, Nations, Religions... They're all nothing more than tribes. We still fight over resources, land and power.

Your particular view on morality is a recent phenomenon. Someone able to think globally. I hope you haven't taken what I said as an attack on you. Far from it. I see hope in you. I hope that there are more and more who either do away with tribalism or expand the tribe to include everyone. That said, you're the exception, not the rule.

Serious / Re: "Morality is subjective"
« on: June 12, 2016, 05:10:08 PM »
Verb, you are a product of today's society. We're programmed from birth to hold certain actions as necessary and others as taboo. There is no natural construct for morality. If you were born in Japan, for instance, suicide isn't the moral taboo as it is here. In China the benefit of the group always trumps the benefit of the individual. In India (though they claim otherwise) the caste system is still very much real and children of the untouchable caste are forced to walk in the gutter if a higher caste is in the sidewalk.

You are choosing to hold yourself to a standard and claiming you have the best set of morals.

I wish there were a universally accepted set of morals. But, sadly, there isn't. What you hold inviolable, another finds trivial. 

The Flood / Re: Could you live with the guilt of a genocide?
« on: June 12, 2016, 05:02:20 PM »
Well, I see Stormfront is represented today...

Serious / Re: "Morality is subjective"
« on: June 12, 2016, 02:30:33 PM »
Morality is subject to where you are. Western society agrees that killing is wrong. Unless you are a soldier sent to kill on behalf of that society. We say theft is wrong, but steal when we have no other option. An Indian company using intellectual property to make anti viral drugs to combat AIDS in Africa is OK, but robbing a 7-11 is wrong when you're trying to feed your family.

Everything is relative. Morality has no static boundary.
This is called cultural relativism--and not only is it just flat-out wrong, it's a toxic way of thinking, because you can literally justify anything in the world, no matter how atrocious, by simply calling it "relative."

Just because people are idiots and think that "killing is wrong unless you're a soldier" doesn't make it true. The fact of the matter is that killing is morally neutral. It's not inherently wrong, ethically speaking. If someone is trying to rape your wife, killing the motherfucker would absolutely be morally justified.

At least in my eyes, it would be justified--but that doesn't make it subjective, just because that's my moral interpretation. Just like scientists can all have their own interpretations and hypotheses about the nature of reality, we can have our own philosophical viewpoints about the nature of ethics. But the bottom line is this: One of us is right, and the other is wrong. The way we figure out who's right and who's wrong is through discussion.

The biggest caveat of cultural relativism that nobody ever thinks about is the mere fact that it's not just the where that's culturally relative--it's also the when. For example--Do you believe Western society has made moral progress over the past few centuries? How about the past few millenia? Do you think we've grown as a society, ethically speaking?

If you said "yes," you're contradicting your culturally relativistic beliefs. If morality is relative, you cannot argue that we've progressed or regressed as a society. Thousands of years ago, when we were still living in caves and beating each other to death with clubs--we have NO better a concept of ethics now then we did when were still doing that shit. That's according to cultural relativism.

I think we have grown past that, personally. But that can only be believed if you also believe that there is an objective standard through which ethics can be measured. Some of us are going to be right, and some of us are going to be dead wrong.

You post that because of where and when you are. Morality is nothing more than what has been agreed on by the group as necessary for survival.

Example: even 20 years ago homosexuality was a complete taboo. Homosexuals were routinely attacked and persecuted. Yet today they can marry and be open on who they are. Their attackers are demonized. Last night's shooting even 20 years ago would have barely been page 3 news.

The Flood / Could you live with the guilt of a genocide?
« on: June 12, 2016, 12:51:20 PM »
Say the only way to stop Muslim extremism was to kill every Muslim man, woman and child. The governments of every non-Muslim nation meet and agree to do it.

After five years, there are no more Muslims on Earth.

Here you are, your government participated in the single largest ethnic cleansing in human history.

Would you feel guilty? Ashamed?

That's a super power

Serious / Re: 50 Dead, 53 Injured at Orlando LGBT Nightclub
« on: June 12, 2016, 10:25:20 AM »
How are we not meant to be paranoid by these people when its only these people doing it.

This is fucked.

It's not only Muslims doing it. At Sandy Hook wasn't a Muslim shooter. The guy who shot up the theater wasn't Muslim. The gyy at the naval yard wasn't Muslim. It's an easy kneejerk reaction to think that, but it isn't true

Serious / Re: 50 Dead, 53 Injured at Orlando LGBT Nightclub
« on: June 12, 2016, 10:21:02 AM »
Holy shit.

My thoughts and sympathy for the victims and their families. This is horrific.

The Flood / Re: Urban Exploration
« on: June 12, 2016, 10:13:26 AM »
I had a few friends that got really into it when moved outside of Chicago. They found some really valuable art hidden in the barn of an abandoned farm house. It had to go through probate, but there were no records of any surviving relatives of the owners. Traci made $40k selling it to a collector. It was worth triple, but hey, it was free money.

The Flood / Re: Pinterest is cancer
« on: June 12, 2016, 01:41:38 AM »
Who fucking cares?

Serious / Re: "Morality is subjective"
« on: June 12, 2016, 01:40:06 AM »
Morality is subject to where you are. Western society agrees that killing is wrong. Unless you are a soldier sent to kill on behalf of that society. We say theft is wrong, but steal when we have no other option. An Indian company using intellectual property to make anti viral drugs to combat AIDS in Africa is OK, but robbing a 7-11 is wrong when you're trying to feed your family.

Everything is relative. Morality has no static boundary.

As someone who did rage quit, I don't think that anyone really can take credit. I let Camnator prolapse my anus. I may have thought differently then, but I see that clearly now. The only way you get butthurt is if you allow it.

The true reason I quit was that I had a lot going on in my life and for whatever reason I let myself get angry over a random, anonymous person posting on a forum filled with random anonymous people. I don't blame him. I blame myself.

So if anyone drops off, it's really because they let themselves get mad, not because you made them mad.

I wonder why anime gets this so well.

The Flood / Re: Anyone else find Halo Legends absolutely terrible
« on: June 11, 2016, 03:34:44 PM »
It was anime trash.

The Flood / Re: Its insane just how short life really is.
« on: June 11, 2016, 03:21:40 PM »
I take joy in this. No stupid thing you do, no screw up or misspoken word truly matters.

All that matters is that you felt your life had meaning, because this is all you get. Only a very few leave a true legacy behind them. The Ceasars, Jesuses, Atillas, Hitlers, Ghandis etc... So few that you can memorize their names. Everyone else? We fade into obscurity.

Give your life a meaning that makes sense to you. Want to devote your life to Jesus? Go for it. You want to amass money? Get to it. Fuck as many bitches as humanly possible? Get to fucking. It doesn't matter so ling as it has meaning for you

In the end when the species is near extinction, all meaning will eventually be lost.

Very true. All things pass.

The Flood / Re: Its insane just how short life really is.
« on: June 11, 2016, 03:16:23 PM »
I take joy in this. No stupid thing you do, no screw up or misspoken word truly matters.

All that matters is that you felt your life had meaning, because this is all you get. Only a very few leave a true legacy behind them. The Ceasars, Jesuses, Atillas, Hitlers, Ghandis etc... So few that you can memorize their names. Everyone else? We fade into obscurity.

Give your life a meaning that makes sense to you. Want to devote your life to Jesus? Go for it. You want to amass money? Get to it. Fuck as many bitches as humanly possible? Get to fucking. It doesn't matter so ling as it has meaning for you

The Flood / Re: Independence Day: Resurgance
« on: June 11, 2016, 03:06:55 PM »
I'm still seeing it. I saw the original in theaters, so I have an obligation to see this one too

No you don't

If I don't Brent Spiner and Jeff Goldblum will show up at my house and break my legs

The Flood / Idris Elba vs Bill Pullman
« on: June 11, 2016, 03:05:05 PM »
The world is ending and the final strategy is to take the fight to the aliens or extra dimensional beings.

Both give their speeches (Independence Day and Pacific Rim)

Which got you more fired up?

The Flood / Re: Independence Day: Resurgance
« on: June 11, 2016, 03:01:59 PM »
I'm still seeing it. I saw the original in theaters, so I have an obligation to see this one too

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