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Messages - MyNameIsCharlie

Pages: 1 ... 116117118 119120 ... 260
The Flood / Re: Can I post something without getting banned?
« on: June 17, 2016, 10:08:06 AM »
I thought our NSFW policy was pretty clear. Tag the thread as NSFW or put a warning in the title and then put the link (no embeds) to the site you want in a spoiler. Example:

Title: (NSWF) "Hey look at this!"
lol that's a real website
I'm slightly concerned with some of the things they are selling though. A single "black lion" for $12? "

This doctor designed male enhancement pill promises super stamina, rock hard erections and increased penis size, sexual confidence and ejaculation load. It decreases the occurrence of premature ejaculation and lasts up to 72 hours."

Doesn't sound very, eh, safe.
it's probably a fucking sugar pill or fish oil or something
Or a dangerous mix of certain chemicals. "Rock hard erection" for 72 hours? I better hope not.

That's a three day weekend in Vegas for me

The Flood / Re: Anonymous hacks ISIS's twitter, makes it fabulous
« on: June 16, 2016, 09:29:25 PM »
why does ISIS have a twitter

I know right. It goes against their strong hatred of the West.
it's funny you say this when twitter announced it would be removing their accounts they called for people to respect their right to free speech

Since when has ISIS respected free speech? Why do they even want a twitter to begin with?
many people challenged them in that regard but they ignored and tried to play victim. they have twitter because it's a big platform for their propaganda campaigns and recruitment, well it was anyway.

LOL. ISIS can never be a victim.


Playing the victim is exactly what they want to do. Enrage the Western powers through acts of terrorism so we gang up on them, then they turn to the rest of the Muslim world and say see the Western Devils are persecuting Muslims, we all should fight and our newly created ISIS Caliphate should lead. They're absolutely trying to start a fight where they are seen as the victims

The Flood / Re: Game of Thrones (Ep8 Spoilers) Issue.
« on: June 16, 2016, 10:43:26 AM »
Jon Snow waited. The canfles above him blinked and sparked out of the air. There were wite walckers in the castle. He didn’t see them, but had expected them now for years. His warnings to Cing Lanisser were not listenend to and now it was too late. Far too late for now, anyway.
Jon was a nites wach for fourteen years. When he was young he watched the crows  and he said to dad “I want to be on the wall daddy.”
Dad said “No! You will BE KILL BY Walckers”
There was a time when he believed him. Then as he got oldered he stopped. But now in the castle base of the Wall he knew there were walckers.
“This is lanisser” the runner crackered. “You must fight the walckers!”
So Jon gotted his dragon steal sword and blew up the wall.
“HE GOING TO KILL US” said the walckers
“I will stab at him” said the nite cing  and he puled out teh ise sword. Jon stabbed at him and tried to kill him up. But then the ceiling fell and they were trapped and not able to kill.
“No! I must kill the walckers” he shouted
The crow said “No, Jon. You are the walckers”
And then Jon was a zombie

The Flood / Re: You shouldn't be allowed to post here if
« on: June 16, 2016, 10:35:46 AM »
I think you should PM Duardo with this idea

The Flood / Re: Game of Thrones (Ep8 Spoilers) Issue.
« on: June 16, 2016, 10:32:46 AM »
Not really. She's not in it to stop the walkers. Her sole focus is protecting Sansa. Her dialogue supported that focus.
She's not in RiverRun to protect Sansa, sansa is nowhere near RiverRun... She is there on a mission to get the support of the Blackfish, which bringing up the White Walkers would be a definitive method.
See the above post. That's how the conversation would have gone. It would have been bad writing if they did go that way

The Flood / Re: Game of Thrones (Ep8 Spoilers) Issue.
« on: June 16, 2016, 10:29:30 AM »
Not really. She's not in it to stop the walkers. Her sole focus is protecting Sansa. Her dialogue supported that focus.

Jono got BTFO ITT

Aside from a Strict Constitutional argument, I have yet to see a coherent argument against adding a few checks and balances to firearm purchases.

The Flood / Re: Do You Think Marriage Would Work Out for You?
« on: June 15, 2016, 07:11:34 PM »
I think that everyone will agree with me when I say for me: no. Been there, have 15 T shirts and it did not work

The Flood / Re: Where were you when you discovered memes?
« on: June 15, 2016, 06:27:02 PM »
Why do you say this like it's a point of pride

that should be the most shameful day in your life

It's neither. A point of pride is the first time I licked a vagina, or shot a gun. This is purely informational. And nothing is shameful either.

The Flood / Where were you when you discovered memes?
« on: June 15, 2016, 06:24:53 PM »
First off, shut the fuck up. Just shut up. My generation, the 35-50 year olds invented internet memes. So I can discuss this.

Now, I was in Film Appreciation 101 at UCSD. I saw "All your base are belong to us" written on the wall.  I looked it up online and discovered memes.

The Flood / Re: TRUMPU 2016
« on: June 15, 2016, 06:20:28 PM »
That video changed my mind. I'm now voting for

and his name is


The Flood / Re: Watching Fant4stic
« on: June 15, 2016, 05:35:29 PM »

You gotta be kidding me bro. She's not going to cheat on you just because she's at some paradise island. Not more likely anyway.

And if she does, who cares? Just go fuck another chick and get back at her.

Yeah because revenge is sweet right? Its not like that shit never gets any worse...

Two wrongs don't make a right.


If a chick cheats on you, You continue to fuck her while fucking as many other chicks as you can at the same time.

That's a great way for you to lose your manhood if she's a total psycho, also fuck dishonesty.

If I ever get cheated on, its over.

Lose my manhood? In this hypothetical scenario, she cheated on me first. So whatever happens to her is karma.

Also lol at letting any woman overpower you. Impossible.

The thing about a girl cutting your dick off while your sleeping, is that you're asleep.

You're assuming PSU sleeps. It's a well known fact that PSU subsists on sports, beer, kinky sex and fried foods.

Nowhere in that list do you see sleep

I wouldn't call missionary kinky, but that's just me.

You forget that they're dressed like Smurfette and Handy Smurf

Had it been papa Smurf and vanity Smurf you'd have been on to something.

I heard an unconfirmed rumor about them also doing Velma and Scooby

You gotta be kidding me bro. She's not going to cheat on you just because she's at some paradise island. Not more likely anyway.

And if she does, who cares? Just go fuck another chick and get back at her.

Yeah because revenge is sweet right? Its not like that shit never gets any worse...

Two wrongs don't make a right.


If a chick cheats on you, You continue to fuck her while fucking as many other chicks as you can at the same time.

That's a great way for you to lose your manhood if she's a total psycho, also fuck dishonesty.

If I ever get cheated on, its over.

Lose my manhood? In this hypothetical scenario, she cheated on me first. So whatever happens to her is karma.

Also lol at letting any woman overpower you. Impossible.

The thing about a girl cutting your dick off while your sleeping, is that you're asleep.

You're assuming PSU sleeps. It's a well known fact that PSU subsists on sports, beer, kinky sex and fried foods.

Nowhere in that list do you see sleep

I wouldn't call missionary kinky, but that's just me.

You forget that they're dressed like Smurfette and Handy Smurf

You gotta be kidding me bro. She's not going to cheat on you just because she's at some paradise island. Not more likely anyway.

And if she does, who cares? Just go fuck another chick and get back at her.

Yeah because revenge is sweet right? Its not like that shit never gets any worse...

Two wrongs don't make a right.


If a chick cheats on you, You continue to fuck her while fucking as many other chicks as you can at the same time.

That's a great way for you to lose your manhood if she's a total psycho, also fuck dishonesty.

If I ever get cheated on, its over.

Lose my manhood? In this hypothetical scenario, she cheated on me first. So whatever happens to her is karma.

Also lol at letting any woman overpower you. Impossible.

The thing about a girl cutting your dick off while your sleeping, is that you're asleep.

You're assuming PSU sleeps. It's a well known fact that PSU subsists on sports, beer, kinky sex and fried foods.

Nowhere in that list do you see sleep

The Flood / Re: I'm meeting a 36 year old for a fwb situation
« on: June 15, 2016, 01:58:29 PM »
Wait so this is a woman that has kids and is looking for a fuck buddy?

There's probably a good reason why her husband left this skank of a mother.

Her looking for a FWB doesn't have any bearing on her divorce. There could be tons of reasons why her marriage failed. She likely is focusing on her kids and just wants the sex without the relationship. As long as she's discrete with Roman and any other fuck buddies she has, I see nothing wrong with this.

I was joking before, but I am serious. She's likely cheating on you. I say this because you're concerned about it. If you had complete trust, you wouldn't worry about it. A lack of trust comes from an intuition that she could cheat. She's very likely given subtle signs she's capable of cheating. You may have picked up on these subconsciously.

Now this holiday is a perfect opportunity for her to do it. Away from you, lots of alcohol and friends trusted not to tell you, and attractive men and women there for the same thing.

I've learned that the one thing you should trust is your intuition. I suspected ex Mrs Charlie was cheating, but my fore brain said naawww you're in a long term marriage with two kids. Oh was the fore brain wrong. Should've trusted my intuition.

So, yeah, be worried. She very likely is fucking someone right now. Or getting drunk enough to do it.

The Flood / Re: Where can I study white Magick?
« on: June 15, 2016, 12:53:15 PM »
Al Baghdadi's family is into this. I don't know fam. I'm still torn on whether it's real or not. Though, from what they put her through, she still has nightmares. Somehow her 2 year old son has the nightmares on the same nights and at the same times. It's weird, they both wake up screaming at the exact same moment. If I weren't a night owl, I wouldn't notice.

The Flood / Re: I'm meeting a 36 year old for a fwb situation
« on: June 15, 2016, 01:10:31 AM »
That thurr is a big bitch.

I knew you liked em big, but god damn

Serious / Re: 50 Dead, 53 Injured at Orlando LGBT Nightclub
« on: June 14, 2016, 11:34:39 PM »
I'm reading reports that he frequented that club and several men recognized him from his Grindr profile. Anyone else confirm?

It's been making the headlines, yes

So he's just the most extreme sort of closeted self loather. He turned to radical Islam to take his gay away.  If he were born white, it would have been the skinheads or WBC. If this is all true, then this is more a hate crime than it was an act of terrorism. He only turned to ISIS or whoever because he was Muslim. It was the accident of birth that led to this being classified as terrorism.

As someone who was cheated on, I can say she's being fucked right now. Probably by teo guys. Maybe three. All the while her girlfriends are cheering her on. She'll come back and say it was a nice quiet trip, sooooo boring. But the next time she closes her eyes while you're on top of her groaning away, she'll be picturing the Spaniard who made her go ass to mouth

Serious / Re: 50 Dead, 53 Injured at Orlando LGBT Nightclub
« on: June 14, 2016, 09:42:08 PM »
I'm reading reports that he frequented that club and several men recognized him from his Grindr profile. Anyone else confirm?

The Flood / Re: poor people shouldn't have rights
« on: June 14, 2016, 06:19:24 PM »
You act like they have them to take away. Poor guy rapes a woman behind a dumpster? He's going away for 20 years. Rich guy? Time served so his future isn't destroyed

The Flood / Re: Amereecah! Amereecah!
« on: June 14, 2016, 05:14:37 PM »
What the fuck did Bill ever see in that shebeast demon Hillary anyway?

She came from a wealthy family and he came from a trailer park. You do the math

The Flood / Re: I fucking HATE when people do this.
« on: June 14, 2016, 05:13:27 PM »
I don't tip waiters. I'm not being rude, I just don't believe in tipping. It's their job to serve customers. I'm a customer. They want more money? Do a better job and ask their boss for a raise. It's not my problem that restaurants are too cheap to properly pay them.

and now we wait

The Flood / Amereecah! Amereecah!
« on: June 14, 2016, 05:10:50 PM »


The Flood / Re: Meanwhile in Gun Nut world
« on: June 14, 2016, 04:33:02 PM »

The Flood / Re: It's all downhill from here.
« on: June 14, 2016, 02:12:03 PM »
I have a patch in my beard. Woke up one morning and there it was.

The Flood / Re: Cursed Female Mind Games
« on: June 14, 2016, 12:08:23 PM »
It's just the dance. You can't seem needy and clingy. They don't like a guy who responds right away. You gotta come off like you have a full day and are making time for her. If you respond immediately, you seem like you have nothing else going on and will be holding on to her as your sole connection.

Wait till tomorrow and give her a call. Don't be indifferent, but don't make it out like she's everything.

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