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Messages - MyNameIsCharlie

Pages: 1 ... 109110111 112113 ... 260
The Flood / Re: Crayfish
« on: June 30, 2016, 12:46:31 AM »
Crab people
Crab people
Tastes like crab
Talks like people

Why do you post

Cause I'm an asshole
A real fucking asshole ooleeoh

The Flood / Some of you ask why I still post... You should know
« on: June 30, 2016, 12:35:27 AM »
I'm just a regular joe, with a regular job
I'm your average white, suburbanites slob
I like football and porno
And books about war
I got an average house with a nice hard wood floor

But sometimes that's not enough to keep a man like me interested
No way uh uh no way
I gotta go out and have fun at someone else's expense
I'm an asshole oh yeah oh yeah yeah yeah
I'm an asshole ole-ee-oo

The Flood / Re: what kind of NSA shit is that?
« on: June 29, 2016, 08:25:49 PM »
If you're on mobile, I've read a few conspiracy theories about our phones being triggered by a signal that plays during commercials that is recorded in the diagnostics and sent to Apple, Windows and Google. I think it's BS, but it could explain this if a commercial started the conversation with your friend.

But more than likely it's a coincidence

The Flood / Re: S7 GoT ending leaked
« on: June 29, 2016, 08:21:10 PM »
I forgot. I'm surrounded by Desticles. We forgot Reach and are not ODST. WE no longer BELIEVE.

And we definitely didn't Stick it.

The Flood / Re: S7 GoT ending leaked
« on: June 29, 2016, 08:12:51 PM »

The Flood / Spoiler S7 GoT ending leaked
« on: June 29, 2016, 08:06:07 PM »
Sansa: "This isn't good. I'm getting confirmed reports of White Walkers leaving Castle Black. We need to get out of here before this really out of hand"

Jon presses on fighting through hordes of Lannister forces. As the battles progress, it becomes more and more clear that the Knights have elected to follow Tyrion and turn on the more brutish warriors sent from House Clegane. Finally he fights his way through a pitched battle at the Mausoleum of the King's Hand to find Cersei's Maester slowly turning into a White Walker as Cersei and the Mountain leads Arya and Sam away.

Jon: "Your pals. Where are they going?"

Maester: "To Winterfell, to finish what we started and this time there won't be any of you left to stop us."

Sansa: "I knew that the Lannisters were good at repurposing the First Men's structures. But this is beyond anything we've seen before. The Iron Throne's castle is a wagon. Get abord that wagon is all that matters."

Cut to Casterly Rock. Jaime has just helped Tryion fight through hundreds of Clegane's troops to find Sam in control of a large Lannister seige wagon. After some banter they fight their way into a temple where Cersei left the Mountain to light a cache of Wildfire large enough to destroy all of Westeros. The two form an uneasy alliance as they finally put the giant down.

Cut to Cersei on the now mobile Iron Throne.

On one of the towers the Hound sees the castle approaching in the distance. An archer announce a new enemy.

The Hound: "It isn't one of ours. Take it down."

Jon shouting: "This is Jon Snow!"

The Hound: "Jon, do you mind telling me what you're doing on that?"

Jon: "Sir, Finishing this fight"

Credits roll.

Scenes from next season:

The Night's King: "Silence fills the empty grave, now that I am gone. But my mind is not at rest, since questions linger on. I will ask and you will answer."

Sansa: : "OK, Shoot."

The Flood / Re: Lessons gaming has taught you
« on: June 29, 2016, 06:09:19 PM »
To post in #­gaming


I'm not talking about games. It's about walking around in real life.

The Flood / Lessons gaming has taught you
« on: June 29, 2016, 05:53:28 PM »
If you are walking along and suddenly come up on some ammo and first aid kits? You are walking into a boss fight.

Now you

People vastly underestimate the hold that corporations have on international politics and the wider scientific community. Keep living in the world where what sex toy you and Abu Dhari (or whatever) are going to buy to spice it up is your biggest concern.

You do know that each of the women on that photo were all interviewed on the news? It's not like they were all just in photo and video. That picture is supposed to "prove" that the tragedies are fake and staffed by crisis actors.

But it falls apart when you look for the source of each picture. Not only were they there, but were in the events and interviewed after them.

Long haired brunette seen at every tragedy? Must be a government conspiracy to take our guns (please overlook that the gun grab has still yet to happen)

Slightly offtopic but what the fuck happened to the Sons of The Harpy plotline? It seemed like they were building up to some sort of twist in episode 1 but then nothing came of it.

I guess the slavers were funding them all along? Shocker.
a bunch of them got killed and the rest stopped rebeling because their masters got BTFO when they tried to seige kings landing. It was in the bastard bowl episode i think
I seem to recall a conversation in S6 episode 1 between Tyrion and Varys that was building up to some sort of mysterious figure funding the Harpys. S5 was also dropping mad hints that someone in Dany's council is a secret Harpy agent. I guess that plot point was just dropped at the expense of more ebin stronk womyn dany scenes then.

It was always the Masters and there was no secret agent. The rest of the Harpies were killed by the Dothraki on the beach.

Their plot line was neatly tied up

a real source, like the FDA

Literally the organization that's responsible for the propensity of GMOs. They're in the pockets of Monsanto.

Ok, federal agencies in the pockets of multinational corporations? That's a conspiracy theory.

Ok, if not the FDA, a respected journal? Maybe a non-governmental agency like the AMA?

Except dangers of GMOs aren't a conspiracy theory, they're a fact.

Fact? Got a source? And a real source, like the FDA or a respected medical journal.

Don't black people believe that every facet of law enforcement is out to kill them and the GOP wants to send them back to Africa?

Pointing out the paranoia of another group doesn't justify your paranoia.
i think hes just trying to show that all races are equally paranoid

race doesnt matter

Whites have the most outlandish conspiracy theories though. The closest that blacks have is that AIDS was created by the CIA to kill Africa. Compared to HAARP, Operation Jade Helm, Chemtrails, Vaccines = Autism, etc...

And you don't see many black families on Preppers. Whites are so paranoid they got a show on it.

I'm gonna have to ban you for failing your obligation.

Just change his banner to oath breaker

Don't black people believe that every facet of law enforcement is out to kill them and the GOP wants to send them back to Africa?

Pointing out the paranoia of another group doesn't justify your paranoia.

Seriously. Gay agenda, liberal media, operation jade helm, haarp, chemtrails, gmos, autism caused by vaccines, black agenda, jewish conspiracy, 9/11 inside job, aliens, etc...

Ok, 99.99999999999999% of people who believe in conspiracy theories are white. So... Why the paranoia?

Are you worried a gay, Jewish black man will be sent by the government to teach your children to get vaccinated with autism that reacts to chemtrails when HAARP is turned on?

The Flood / Re: the (((weeb))) list
« on: June 28, 2016, 09:26:14 PM »
The department of homeland weeb destruction will need that list. Your cooperation is appreciated

The Flood / Re: A reminder this machine exists
« on: June 28, 2016, 09:24:41 PM »
Of course it's from Asia

You say that like there was another possibility

The Flood / Re: A reminder this machine exists
« on: June 28, 2016, 08:31:45 PM »
hehe al women ar good for is making food!!!1 XD

Hey you said it not me

(Sexist jerk)

The Flood / A reminder this machine exists
« on: June 28, 2016, 07:52:46 PM »

Add a sandwich making machine and women are obsolete.

Das, here is your liberator from the Vaginal Jew

The Flood / Re: users you're a mix of
« on: June 28, 2016, 07:36:12 PM »
Probably a bit of PSU and MadMax

Loaf, how do you know for sure that this isn't happening right now? We could all be software responding to your posts.

Charlie do you ever put one second of thought into anything you say?

Do you?

More than you apparently

I'm seeing nothing to indicate that

The Flood / Re: This video made me deny atheism.
« on: June 28, 2016, 04:44:07 PM »
i swear ive seen you make this thread before back on

I don't recall that. But I am an old man.

Charlie do you ever put one second of thought into anything you say?

Do you?

The Flood / Re: This video made me deny atheism.
« on: June 28, 2016, 04:29:25 PM »
that video is your church


I'm praying and shit

I just assumed it was just to help get the child to start thinking and shit

Talking to them in an adult voice and without baby talk does that.

The Flood / This video made me deny atheism.
« on: June 28, 2016, 04:16:20 PM »

Brb. Going to church

Serious / Re: When did patriotism somehow become xenophobia?
« on: June 28, 2016, 03:53:46 PM »
How retarded must your welfare system be if illegals can claim money from your government. Don't you need ID or something?
They can't claim it without a social security number. It can be faked, but not often. The benefits most anti-immigration people usually talk about is in health care. Our ER's can't turn anyone away.

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