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Messages - MyNameIsCharlie

Pages: 1 ... 105106107 108109 ... 260
The Flood / Anyone want to get coffee?
« on: July 08, 2016, 05:15:10 PM »

The Flood / Umm... Why do the police have a bomb-robot?
« on: July 08, 2016, 10:40:27 AM »
The Dallas police killed the shooter with a robot that put a bomb near him.

I'm having some trouble with them having this device. Isn't that military shit? While they should have technology that protects them, is this too far?

"This is leftism?"

Shut the fuck up.

No, seriously, shut up.

This is a fucked up situation made worse by people like you drawing arbitrary lines.
Yet the right has to be responsible for Dylan Roofe. Funny how that works.

This isn't right or left anymore. America is becoming divided. This has to stop. Us thinking that there are sides is what caused this.
I agree.
In all seriousness, the fact that this country continues to become more and more divided is really bad and only continues to serve hurting us as a whole more and more.
This probably ends with radical changes to the police force, which will only make things worse.

Black lives matter exists because of a problem. A divide. Change needs to happen. Too many are caught up in their name. It should be Black Lives Matter Too.

Everyone is so on edge that they believe everything they read. Cops believe every black man has a gun, blacks believe that every cop wants to kill them.

What do you get? Just what happened. People acting out of fear. Never mind that 99.999999% of police are from the communities they patrol and are among the least racist members of society. Never mind that 99.999999% of blacks are law abiding citizens. The differences are hyped and now we are divided.

Yes, something needs to give. It may be for the best, it may be for the worst. But this divide is artificial. And it needs to end

"This is leftism?"

Shut the fuck up.

No, seriously, shut up.

This is a fucked up situation made worse by people like you drawing arbitrary lines.
Yet the right has to be responsible for Dylan Roofe. Funny how that works.

This isn't right or left anymore. America is becoming divided. This has to stop. Us thinking that there are sides is what caused this.

There are sides. Pick one.

Fuck you. You can take your stormfront reading goosestepping ass to drink a cup of bleach

"This is leftism?"

Shut the fuck up.

No, seriously, shut up.

This is a fucked up situation made worse by people like you drawing arbitrary lines.
Yet the right has to be responsible for Dylan Roofe. Funny how that works.

This isn't right or left anymore. America is becoming divided. This has to stop. Us thinking that there are sides is what caused this.

"This is leftism?"

Shut the fuck up.

No, seriously, shut up.

This is a fucked up situation made worse by people like you drawing arbitrary lines.

At least they can sexually reproduce.

Shut the fuck up. Seriously. You think that gets to me?

I's rather be an old man than an idiot. Try to make it personal. I truly do not give a shit.

But you are what's wrong. Your attitude. Us vs them. You paint this debate like there are different Americans. We're all just Americans. Sadly your misinformed opinions and your voice spread the idiocy like a cancer. I can only hope that you get ascending bowel cancer before you can vote.
you seem genuinely upset tho

About how you frame this.

I swore an oath 22 years ago to defend the Constitution against enemies both foreign and domestic. The Preamble says all men are created equal. You go against that. I'm thinking that if you aren't an ally, you just may be an enemy. In fact, I'm kinda wishing we wre in a place where your opinions make you an enemy combatant.
I would 360 no scope you so quick boi

Shut. Up.

Don't you get it yet? This isn't just you trolling on a forum. People are taking everything they read online seriously. Even from here.

Serious / Re: 10 Officers Shot, 3 Dead in Dallas
« on: July 08, 2016, 01:26:29 AM »
This is what happens when Americans are pitted against each other. This divide will end the US.

The Flood / Re: Are the Niggers still chimping?
« on: July 08, 2016, 01:24:37 AM »
I hope you get killed

"This is leftism?"

Shut the fuck up.

No, seriously, shut up.

This is a fucked up situation made worse by people like you drawing arbitrary lines.

At least they can sexually reproduce.

Shut the fuck up. Seriously. You think that gets to me?

I's rather be an old man than an idiot. Try to make it personal. I truly do not give a shit.

But you are what's wrong. Your attitude. Us vs them. You paint this debate like there are different Americans. We're all just Americans. Sadly your misinformed opinions and your voice spread the idiocy like a cancer. I can only hope that you get ascending bowel cancer before you can vote.
you seem genuinely upset tho

About how you frame this.

I swore an oath 22 years ago to defend the Constitution against enemies both foreign and domestic. The Preamble says all men are created equal. You go against that. I'm thinking that if you aren't an ally, you just may be an enemy. In fact, I'm kinda wishing we wre in a place where your opinions make you an enemy combatant.

"This is leftism?"

Shut the fuck up.

No, seriously, shut up.

This is a fucked up situation made worse by people like you drawing arbitrary lines.

At least they can sexually reproduce.

Shut the fuck up. Seriously. You think that gets to me?

I's rather be an old man than an idiot. Try to make it personal. I truly do not give a shit.

But you are what's wrong. Your attitude. Us vs them. You paint this debate like there are different Americans. We're all just Americans. Sadly your misinformed opinions and your voice spread the idiocy like a cancer. I can only hope that you get ascending bowel cancer before you can vote.

"This is leftism?"

Shut the fuck up.

No, seriously, shut up.

This is a fucked up situation made worse by people like you drawing arbitrary lines.

The Flood / Have you ever been sitting there and think...
« on: July 07, 2016, 04:38:13 PM »
...I wish I were in a strip club right now?

The Flood / Re: how can I increase my thetan levels?
« on: July 07, 2016, 03:02:17 PM »
SC, did she say they were low, or high?

The Flood / Re: how can I increase my thetan levels?
« on: July 07, 2016, 02:29:48 PM »
Is there a Zenuist cult? Like satanists, but to Scientologists?

If not...does anything stop us from founding one?

The Flood / Re: Who is going to win the Game of Thrones?
« on: July 07, 2016, 10:00:15 AM »
Little Sam.

It'll turn out he's a Maester and writing the history of the coming and defeat of winter.

The Flood / Re: They're replacing Iron Man with a black chick
« on: July 06, 2016, 02:32:34 PM »
no charlie you're only allowed to post in this thread if you're a whiny little butthurt rightwing SJW-hating faggot, okay

Oh. Well fuck.



(did i do it right?)

The Flood / Re: They're replacing Iron Man with a black chick
« on: July 06, 2016, 02:22:57 PM »
What's the big deal? It's a story. They write it however they see fit.  You don't like it, read something else.

There are no safe havens for le nerdy white male. Stop thinking anything is yours and yours alone. Times change. Get used to it. Gaming is changing, there's a growing number of diverse characters and stories. Same with movies and now comics.

It's not anyone pandering to a group. It's adjusting to today's world

And I addressed him. We don't know what he deleted. There were over 2,000,000 emails wiped. If even 1% had something classified, we're talking way more than Hillary's.

Hillary got in trouble for mishandling known classified email, whereas we don't know what Bush deleted, and it's impossible to try him for something we have no evidence on.

And the 1st rapist should stay free when the second is caught? That argument goes both ways. The real answer is BOTH should go to jail, regardless of what they are doing now.

The correct answer is no one gets Double Jeopardy.

Yet, when the FBI said there isn't enough to charge on, like they said with Bush, everyone's saying she should be investigated again.

All I have been saying is why is this an issue when we have seen it handled just this way before.

That's what I'm saying. I'm saying Bush wasn't corrupt, he was just dumb as rocks.

Idiocy has nothing to do with corruption.

You can be an idiot and still be an honest man.

And Haliburton won no bid contracts because they were the best...  Riiiiiight

You're doing this too.  Look at what you posted. Just leave Bush alone, he isn't President anymore. But let's nail Hillary.

Hillary is trying to become president, Bush just sits in his house and paints all day.

If it's a law, then it applies equally across the board. That's how law works. And you can say because he got away with it she should too. That's call precedent. That's also the way the law works.

If a rapist got away with it and we all know they did it, does that mean the next one should? And the law also says you can't charge someone for the same crime twice. Hillary hasn't been charged, she just had an investigation.

If he isn't, then this isn't a serious issue. If this isn't serious, then why are we treating it as such?

I believe Hurtful Turkey already went over how these two situations are fundamentally different, and as a result, not worthy of comparison. Even if they're similar, comparing instead of looking at the situation on its own, is incredibly petty, and dodging the issue altogether.

And I addressed him. We don't know what he deleted. There were over 2,000,000 emails wiped. If even 1% had something classified, we're talking way more than Hillary's.

And the 1st rapist should stay free when the second is caught? That argument goes both ways. The real answer is BOTH should go to jail, regardless of what they are doing now.

I like how you can never, ever criticize anybody on the Democrat's side (especially if their last name is Clinton) without the people who consider themselves unbiased to the two party system always trying to go back and go "W-Well the Republican's also did it!" This is the now, Bush is so long gone and it's like bitching about what Reagan did as president, the man just sits in his ranch all day and paints. Just because Bush did something bad means that Clinton gets a free pass? No, it doesn't. If the only way you're going to admit to Clinton's wrong doing is throw Bush behind bars with her go ahead, but you're going to look incredibly fucking petty in so doing.

You're doing this too.  Look at what you posted. Just leave Bush alone, he isn't President anymore. But let's nail Hillary.

If it's a law, then it applies equally across the board. That's how law works. And you can say because he got away with it she should too. That's call precedent. That's also the way the law works.

All I am saying is that if this is such a serious issue, then why isn't Bush behind bars? If he isn't, then this isn't a serious issue. If this isn't serious, then why are we treating it as such?

Well you see she's running for president, and obviously has the illuminati on her side and won't be charged for her sins. What's wrong with her deleting 22,000 classified emails? Well it's illegal for one thing. Shafty butch she is.

So we should arrest Bush? She may be running for President, he was President. He literally deleted 1000 times the emails from a private server then she did.
We should arrest both of them. I don't see why you're trying to make his some sort of a political issue when nobody here is saying what Bush did was ok.

I'm saying if you make a big deal about this, you should be calling for Bush's arrest right now too. If you aren't, then this is hypocrisy.

Well you see she's running for president, and obviously has the illuminati on her side and won't be charged for her sins. What's wrong with her deleting 22,000 classified emails? Well it's illegal for one thing. Shafty butch she is.

So we should arrest Bush? She may be running for President, he was President. He literally deleted 1000 times the emails from a private server then she did.

The Flood / Re: >mfw born without being consulted first
« on: July 05, 2016, 09:14:06 PM »
I'm sure if you ask your mom nicely enough she'd jam a coat hanger in your head

Bush's administration didn't use it to discuss classified information, though the dangerous precedent is worth criticism, and no administration should be allowed to just delete swaths of emails. All of that correspondence is capable of being preserved for public purview.
We don't know what Bush deleted. Over two MILLION emails were wiped during his investigation.  They'll never be any way to tell how deep that rabbit hole went.

When Bush had a private server, conservative pundits had no problems with him doing it. Why is Hillary suddenly a traitor for this? Her crime? She was lazy and stupid. Unfortunately history proves that this isn't a disqualification for POTUS. All of the conservatives not calling for Bush's arrest while demanding Hillary's are hypocrites.

In case you are asking what I am talking about

*starts tapping fingers on table*

We can't answer what benefit we'll reap now, we don't know what we'll discover. it's not like there's a map showing what we'll discover.

The Flood / Re: tfw I wanna be drunk
« on: July 05, 2016, 01:16:25 AM »
I'm drunk. Why's it so hard?
No alcohol here.


Well go and get some!

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