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Messages - MyNameIsCharlie

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The Flood / Re: It's Friday night and I'm drunk again
« on: July 23, 2016, 02:50:45 AM »
Ok. I am hammered. Nearing black out.

I'm not proud, but this does fear good to be out of control

The Flood / Re: No mentally unstable users allowed
« on: July 23, 2016, 02:48:30 AM »
So... I'm left out

The Flood / Re: debt collector calling me
« on: July 23, 2016, 02:47:58 AM »
tfw ill get my credit report next month :^(
I told you, Discover gives it right now. Just do it.
I've had discover for a long time and they still can't give me my score

I've only seen their commercials this week.

The Flood / Re: No mentally unstable users allowed
« on: July 23, 2016, 01:57:35 AM »
That rules me out

The Flood / Re: It's Friday night and I'm drunk again
« on: July 23, 2016, 01:48:12 AM »
Please swallow uranium

That's pretty expensive.

You gonna front the bill?

Maybe that'll activate my mutant gene. Then I can achieve my goal of being Deadpool.

The Flood / Re: It's Friday night and I'm drunk again
« on: July 23, 2016, 12:59:09 AM »
I had the boys Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and today until 3. THEN she tried to pawn them off on me for tomorrow too.

What should I call Ex Mrs Charlie's guy?

Anyways he has them tomorrow and Sunday. She's running away.

The Flood / Re: It's Friday night and I'm drunk again
« on: July 23, 2016, 12:56:19 AM »
Oh goddamn I am hammered.
It's been a long while since I've been THIS drunk. I'm giving y'all less than 15 till I pass out. I can only hope I get myself to bed and my CPAP on. Otherwise it's a stiff neck from the couch.

The Flood / Re: It's Friday night and I'm drunk again
« on: July 23, 2016, 12:47:06 AM »
2 of her cats aren't litter trained.
Jesus christ, I'd fucking fry them up faster than a korean barbeque.

They're sweet. I will give them that. But she can't be hard enough to break them.

What does that say about our kids?

My oldest is ADHD.  We have to be hard to redirect his energy. She couldn't for her cats. Yet I am the only one for our kids

The Flood / Re: It's Friday night and I'm drunk again
« on: July 23, 2016, 12:44:31 AM »
Oh, update: Ex Mrs Charlie decided to not dump the boys on me. I'm not happy about this, but her pantywaist boyfriend is watching them while she does whatever she does. I met him, al Baghdadi and I agree he's a good soul, but has no backbone. I'd rather have them, but I am legally bound to what she decides on her time.

And she's giving him the exact same excuses she gave me when she was cheating. So god knows how he feels

You try talking to him and letting him know what's up with her? I don't know how much you care about his feelings, but you could try and spare him the same pain she inflicted upon you.

I'm not. While I know that all he could know was what she told him, he encouraged her to leave a week old infant so she could be with him. He's weak. I knew that from the start. Bow that they're 4 and 2, it's a different story. But he said it was OK to leave a baby with whatever she painted me as.

Well I can't blame you for not wanting to spare his feelings considering what went down.

I don't feel bad for him. He made his bed.

Check this out as a red flag:

He, Ex Mrs Charlie and his DAUGHTER went to pick a puppy out. They adopted one. When Ex Mrs Charlie couldn't take it? She brought the puppy back to the pound. How do you think his daughter took it?

that's just...

oh man

The puppy was at her house for TWO MONTHS

Oh, it gets worse. 2 of her cats aren't litter trained. He has to clean up piss and shit from those two.

And she put to sleep the cat I trained.

For those of you who questioned me about the cats to verify I was really Charlie, Mervyn isn't with us anymore

wait what

why would she put one of your cats to sleep? i could understand if it was old and would walk anymore or was sick or something, but the way you're talking about it makes me feel like there was nothing wrong with him.

In all fairness, he was 14. But, we nursed her cat along till he was 15. Mervyn lived a ling and good life. But he didn't get a natural death like her cat did

The Flood / Re: It's Friday night and I'm drunk again
« on: July 23, 2016, 12:42:40 AM »
Oh, update: Ex Mrs Charlie decided to not dump the boys on me. I'm not happy about this, but her pantywaist boyfriend is watching them while she does whatever she does. I met him, al Baghdadi and I agree he's a good soul, but has no backbone. I'd rather have them, but I am legally bound to what she decides on her time.

And she's giving him the exact same excuses she gave me when she was cheating. So god knows how he feels

You try talking to him and letting him know what's up with her? I don't know how much you care about his feelings, but you could try and spare him the same pain she inflicted upon you.

I'm not. While I know that all he could know was what she told him, he encouraged her to leave a week old infant so she could be with him. He's weak. I knew that from the start. Bow that they're 4 and 2, it's a different story. But he said it was OK to leave a baby with whatever she painted me as.

Well I can't blame you for not wanting to spare his feelings considering what went down.

In all honesty, I really feel badly for him. She's fixed things so he's fully dependent on her. I don't think he really knows how much her bitch he really is.

Like you said though this is a bed of his own making. He's going to need to sleep in it now. Not sure why someone would be wanting to make a permanent arrangement with a woman who's willing to cheat on her husband though. If she's willing to cheat him she's probably willing to cheat on you too.

You did say he's weak though so maybe he's just desperate to be with someone.

His problems are his. I found out that I was in a 17 year long rebound relationship.

She did say she's leaving on THE EXACT SAME SEMINARS that she used as an excuse to cheat on me with.

How does this make him feel?

Knowing he's hearing the same excuses she gave to me?

But I can't care. I don't care.  How's that pillow, Tim? Is it comfy? I rested my head on it. That blanket warm?  Hope so, cause your dumb ass used it to cover fucking my wife.

Al Baghdadi is twice the woman Ex Mrs Charlie is. I can only hope you find the comfort I found after she drains you

The Flood / Re: debt collector calling me
« on: July 23, 2016, 12:35:57 AM »
tfw ill get my credit report next month :^(
I told you, Discover gives it right now. Just do it.

The Flood / Re: It's Friday night and I'm drunk again
« on: July 23, 2016, 12:32:58 AM »
Oh, update: Ex Mrs Charlie decided to not dump the boys on me. I'm not happy about this, but her pantywaist boyfriend is watching them while she does whatever she does. I met him, al Baghdadi and I agree he's a good soul, but has no backbone. I'd rather have them, but I am legally bound to what she decides on her time.

And she's giving him the exact same excuses she gave me when she was cheating. So god knows how he feels

You try talking to him and letting him know what's up with her? I don't know how much you care about his feelings, but you could try and spare him the same pain she inflicted upon you.

I'm not. While I know that all he could know was what she told him, he encouraged her to leave a week old infant so she could be with him. He's weak. I knew that from the start. Bow that they're 4 and 2, it's a different story. But he said it was OK to leave a baby with whatever she painted me as.

Well I can't blame you for not wanting to spare his feelings considering what went down.

I don't feel bad for him. He made his bed.

Check this out as a red flag:

He, Ex Mrs Charlie and his DAUGHTER went to pick a puppy out. They adopted one. When Ex Mrs Charlie couldn't take it? She brought the puppy back to the pound. How do you think his daughter took it?

that's just...

oh man

The puppy was at her house for TWO MONTHS

Oh, it gets worse. 2 of her cats aren't litter trained. He has to clean up piss and shit from those two.

And she put to sleep the cat I trained.

For those of you who questioned me about the cats to verify I was really Charlie, Mervyn isn't with us anymore

The Flood / Re: It's Friday night and I'm drunk again
« on: July 23, 2016, 12:30:05 AM »
Oh, update: Ex Mrs Charlie decided to not dump the boys on me. I'm not happy about this, but her pantywaist boyfriend is watching them while she does whatever she does. I met him, al Baghdadi and I agree he's a good soul, but has no backbone. I'd rather have them, but I am legally bound to what she decides on her time.

And she's giving him the exact same excuses she gave me when she was cheating. So god knows how he feels

You try talking to him and letting him know what's up with her? I don't know how much you care about his feelings, but you could try and spare him the same pain she inflicted upon you.

I'm not. While I know that all he could know was what she told him, he encouraged her to leave a week old infant so she could be with him. He's weak. I knew that from the start. Bow that they're 4 and 2, it's a different story. But he said it was OK to leave a baby with whatever she painted me as.

Well I can't blame you for not wanting to spare his feelings considering what went down.

In all honesty, I really feel badly for him. She's fixed things so he's fully dependent on her. I don't think he really knows how much her bitch he really is.

The Flood / Re: It's Friday night and I'm drunk again
« on: July 23, 2016, 12:26:38 AM »
Oh, update: Ex Mrs Charlie decided to not dump the boys on me. I'm not happy about this, but her pantywaist boyfriend is watching them while she does whatever she does. I met him, al Baghdadi and I agree he's a good soul, but has no backbone. I'd rather have them, but I am legally bound to what she decides on her time.

And she's giving him the exact same excuses she gave me when she was cheating. So god knows how he feels

You try talking to him and letting him know what's up with her? I don't know how much you care about his feelings, but you could try and spare him the same pain she inflicted upon you.

I'm not. While I know that all he could know was what she told him, he encouraged her to leave a week old infant so she could be with him. He's weak. I knew that from the start. Bow that they're 4 and 2, it's a different story. But he said it was OK to leave a baby with whatever she painted me as.

Well I can't blame you for not wanting to spare his feelings considering what went down.

I don't feel bad for him. He made his bed.

Check this out as a red flag:

He, Ex Mrs Charlie and his DAUGHTER went to pick a puppy out. They adopted one. When Ex Mrs Charlie couldn't take it? She brought the puppy back to the pound. How do you think his daughter took it?

that's just...

oh man

The puppy was at her house for TWO MONTHS

The Flood / Re: It's Friday night and I'm drunk again
« on: July 23, 2016, 12:25:55 AM »
More so for the sake of your kids.

I have my plans.

She has her house as the fun one, and I am the disciplinarian.

Meredith, if you're reading this, I am going for full custody if you don't change your ways. Our sons can't be spoiled by you and reigned in by me. They WILL be adults one day. I can't be the only one making sure they're functional.

Sorry, but she could guess the forums I frequent
How do you plan to take custody back?

I have my ways.

The Flood / Re: It's Friday night and I'm drunk again
« on: July 23, 2016, 12:25:23 AM »
I know it doesn't matter all that much since you're mixing, but what rum?

Bacardi Silver

The Flood / Re: It's Friday night and I'm drunk again
« on: July 23, 2016, 12:24:34 AM »
Oh, update: Ex Mrs Charlie decided to not dump the boys on me. I'm not happy about this, but her pantywaist boyfriend is watching them while she does whatever she does. I met him, al Baghdadi and I agree he's a good soul, but has no backbone. I'd rather have them, but I am legally bound to what she decides on her time.

And she's giving him the exact same excuses she gave me when she was cheating. So god knows how he feels

You try talking to him and letting him know what's up with her? I don't know how much you care about his feelings, but you could try and spare him the same pain she inflicted upon you.

I'm not. While I know that all he could know was what she told him, he encouraged her to leave a week old infant so she could be with him. He's weak. I knew that from the start. Bow that they're 4 and 2, it's a different story. But he said it was OK to leave a baby with whatever she painted me as.

Well I can't blame you for not wanting to spare his feelings considering what went down.

I don't feel bad for him. He made his bed.

Check this out as a red flag:

He, Ex Mrs Charlie and his DAUGHTER went to pick a puppy out. They adopted one. When Ex Mrs Charlie couldn't take it? She brought the puppy back to the pound. How do you think his daughter took it?

The Flood / Re: It's Friday night and I'm drunk again
« on: July 23, 2016, 12:21:28 AM »
More so for the sake of your kids.

I have my plans.

She has her house as the fun one, and I am the disciplinarian.

Meredith, if you're reading this, I am going for full custody if you don't change your ways. Our sons can't be spoiled by you and reigned in by me. They WILL be adults one day. I can't be the only one making sure they're functional.

Sorry, but she could guess the forums I frequent

The Flood / Re: It's Friday night and I'm drunk again
« on: July 23, 2016, 12:16:47 AM »
Oh, update: Ex Mrs Charlie decided to not dump the boys on me. I'm not happy about this, but her pantywaist boyfriend is watching them while she does whatever she does. I met him, al Baghdadi and I agree he's a good soul, but has no backbone. I'd rather have them, but I am legally bound to what she decides on her time.

And she's giving him the exact same excuses she gave me when she was cheating. So god knows how he feels
Spare the poor lad Charlie, no one deserves to deal with a cheating whore.

See my above post to LC

The Flood / Re: It's Friday night and I'm drunk again
« on: July 23, 2016, 12:15:51 AM »
Oh, update: Ex Mrs Charlie decided to not dump the boys on me. I'm not happy about this, but her pantywaist boyfriend is watching them while she does whatever she does. I met him, al Baghdadi and I agree he's a good soul, but has no backbone. I'd rather have them, but I am legally bound to what she decides on her time.

And she's giving him the exact same excuses she gave me when she was cheating. So god knows how he feels

You try talking to him and letting him know what's up with her? I don't know how much you care about his feelings, but you could try and spare him the same pain she inflicted upon you.

I'm not. While I know that all he could know was what she told him, he encouraged her to leave a week old infant so she could be with him. He's weak. I knew that from the start. Bow that they're 4 and 2, it's a different story. But he said it was OK to leave a baby with whatever she painted me as.

The Flood / Re: It's Friday night and I'm drunk again
« on: July 23, 2016, 12:12:43 AM »
Did you go scuba diving or snorkeling when you were in Hawaii?

A like for an honest question.

I went ziplining, hiking and cliff diving, but no snorkeling or SCUBA. It was planned (snorkeling) but we just ran out of time

That's a shame. I recently went to Maui and went snorkeling off of Lanai. Wish I had an underwater camera because I saw a spotted eagle ray when I was in the water and a pod of about 100 dolphins when I was in the boat.

Got any good pics from your hikes though?

I went hiking up in the mountains when I took this shot.


I have some great pics, but I won't share them. After Camnator said he'd rape my kids, I deleted my logins from imgur.

The Flood / Re: It's Friday night and I'm drunk again
« on: July 23, 2016, 12:10:44 AM »
Oh, update: Ex Mrs Charlie decided to not dump the boys on me. I'm not happy about this, but her pantywaist boyfriend is watching them while she does whatever she does. I met him, al Baghdadi and I agree he's a good soul, but has no backbone. I'd rather have them, but I am legally bound to what she decides on her time.

And she's giving him the exact same excuses she gave me when she was cheating. So god knows how he feels

The Flood / Re: It's Friday night and I'm drunk again
« on: July 23, 2016, 12:06:04 AM »
Did you go scuba diving or snorkeling when you were in Hawaii?

A like for an honest question.

I went ziplining, hiking and cliff diving, but no snorkeling or SCUBA. It was planned (snorkeling) but we just ran out of time

The Flood / Re: It's Friday night and I'm drunk again
« on: July 23, 2016, 12:04:18 AM »
What's your address

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
you're one lucky nigger

High end 40's and the BEST fried chicken motha fucka!

The Flood / Re: #JustJiveProblems
« on: July 23, 2016, 12:03:10 AM »

What'd you choose?  Late night puss or chill?

The Flood / Re: It's Friday night and I'm drunk again
« on: July 23, 2016, 12:02:04 AM »
What's your address

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

The Flood / Re: It's Friday night and I'm drunk again
« on: July 23, 2016, 12:01:36 AM »
For some reason I expected a song

All I got is Flogging Molly's What's Left of the Flag or Denis Leary's Asshole

The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell

Fuckin a. I'm feeding mine with O2 and Complex sugars from fermented whatever Rums made of

The Flood / AMA It's Friday night and I'm drunk again
« on: July 22, 2016, 11:58:53 PM »
3 parts rum to 2 parts coke. Suggested text ftw.

I will answer honestly. Except anything about my real identity 

ive got a much more mind-blowing revelation for everyone.

root beer is often flavored with wintergreen. good luck forgetting that fact

What the actual fuck

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