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Messages - MyNameIsCharlie

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The Flood / Re: How fluid is your mindset?
« on: March 14, 2018, 11:03:32 PM »
2 North Korean tourists would probably be a better example of. What I’m talking about. One would see Seoul as a sham city put on as a show, and the other sees he’s been lied to about North Korea being the richest country in the world.

The Flood / Re: How fluid is your mindset?
« on: March 14, 2018, 11:01:31 PM »
I'm not sure what you mean exactly

Imagine 2 nazi skinheads. Both start out believing they are soldiers in the race war. One day they both encounter a black family having a picnic in the park. One continues thinking that being a skinhead is the solution to the world’s problems. The other realizes that he is wrong and stops being racist.

The first skinhead has a very rigid worldview. He didn’t see a family. He saw the enemy. The second skinhead has a fluid worldview. He adapts it toan ever changing reality.

So, if you discovered something that potentially could alter your very belief system, would you see it for what it was and adapt your worldview, or see it through only your limited understanding and remain rigid in your beliefs?

The Flood / How fluid is your mindset?
« on: March 14, 2018, 08:28:14 PM »
How well can you accept big changes in the way you see the world?

The Flood / Re: Things to do in Texas?
« on: March 14, 2018, 08:27:09 PM »
Austin apparently has a huge night life and music scene.
I've really only been around Waco and Killen though. The only thing to do there is drink.

Pretty much the same in DFW

The Flood / Re: Things to do in Texas?
« on: March 14, 2018, 06:40:07 PM »
Depends. What part?
Dallas, but I can move about. What would be the best town for tourists?

I’ve only been there on business, mind you, so I didn’t see much to do. I’ve been to El Paso and Austin too. Austin was fun, but El Paso was a bore.
I think I will stay in Dallas but travel to Austin and Houston for fun. Does that seem like a good idea?

Wait. How old are you and what’s your budget?

The Flood / Re: Things to do in Texas?
« on: March 14, 2018, 04:39:03 PM »
Depends. What part?
Dallas, but I can move about. What would be the best town for tourists?

I’ve only been there on business, mind you, so I didn’t see much to do. I’ve been to El Paso and Austin too. Austin was fun, but El Paso was a bore.

The Flood / Re: Things to do in Texas?
« on: March 14, 2018, 03:55:02 PM »
Depends. What part?

The Flood / Re: Trigger the person above in one sentence or less.
« on: March 14, 2018, 11:06:18 AM »

Activision was the best thing to happen to Bungie and Halo is an overrated pile of crap.

The Flood / Re: Dane Cook stole a joke from Martin Mystery
« on: March 14, 2018, 11:04:41 AM »
He steals jokes from everyone. He deliveres them well, but he’s less original than me, and that’s saying something.

The Flood / Ain’t found a way to flame me yet
« on: March 12, 2018, 01:10:33 AM »
Posts reek with stinking shit
Seems every thread leads me to nowhere
Mom’s kid, a household pet
The basement was no safe bet
The posts scream at me from nowhere

Serious / Re: Trump releases his first MW2 montage
« on: March 10, 2018, 05:20:28 PM »
So... videogames were deemed artistic expression. Which means they are covered by the First Amendment. So we’re actually talking about limiting FA to protect the SA? Just seeing if I have this correct.

I’m pretty sure that we have gone through this before. I also remember it not turning out well for those attacking violent games.

The Flood / Re: Which Dr Dre Album was better?
« on: March 10, 2018, 01:46:58 AM »

The Flood / Which Dr Dre Album was better?
« on: March 09, 2018, 10:04:18 PM »
I still gotta say The Chronic was the better album. 2001 had a few better tracks, but as a whole Chronic was better.

The Flood / Dazzarobo’s bad day
« on: March 09, 2018, 12:19:42 AM »
Dazarobbo was having a horrible day. He just got laid off from his job and his girlfriend just kicked him out of her house when she heard the news. His relationship with her had been deteriorating ever since he became a moderaor on Instead of hammering her, he spent his time hammering noobs on the forums. He had nowhere to go and he had no internet. His family was about 777 miles away and he only had enough money and gas to get to 666 miles. Daza knew he had to find a place to stay. So he called his best friend, Bobcast. Daza explained the situation, about how he got fired from his job and kicked out by his girlfriend and that he just needed a place to stay. Bob listened patiently to Dazarobbo. When Daza was done talking he asked, "Do you think I could stay at your place for a couple of days? Until I find a job at least?" "Sure man, Recon Number 54, Foman, TU and I are going to be having a drinking party tonight. You could join us for a couple of days." Dazarobbo thanked him a lot for being such an awesome friend.
So Dazarobbo hitched a ride on a bus (his ex girlfriend owned the semi-truck since she was a trucker). 30 minutes later, he was at Bobcasts apartment and he knocked on the door. Bob opened the door up and welcomed dazarobbo in. "The other guys are inside playing halo reach, there are chips and salsa in the kitchen and beer in the fridge, help yourself dude. You will be staying in room upstairs on the left." he said. "Thanks man, I'm sorry to drop in on you like this." said Dazarobbo. "No problem man, I am a doctor. It is my duty to take care of people, especially my friends." Dazarobbo went upstairs to put his things in his room. Then he came back down and said hi to the others. "sup?" said True Underdog, "Hey -blam!- whats happnin?" said foman " Hey son? how are you doing?" said recon number, who took up a whole couch. "Just hanging out for a couple of days.
So he sat down to play some games with the other ninjas. When nightfall came, the drinking games started. Foman and Bobcast played against Dazarobbo and True underdog in a game of beer pong while Recon number ate 2 bags of chips and drank one of the kegs of beer. So the games went on and the ninjas got pretty drunk. Dazarobbo, who was staggering drunk, burst out crying all of a sudden. "yo whats wrong bro? *hiccup*" said foman. "Ever since I became a forum ninja, my life went downhill!I had so much fun banning people that I didn't pay attention to my girlfriend or my job! So I lost m-my job and I l-lost my girlfriend a-and she k-kicked me out! " Dazarobbo bellowed. The other ninjas looked at him with sympathetic glances. Bobcast put a hand on his shoulder and said, "You are not the only one. I wanted to become a surgeon. But ever since I became a ninja, my life went downhill. I wasn't able to finish my classes in collegeman, now I am only a nurse. Plus I got kicked out of my girlfriend's house too!" "R-Really?" said Dazarobbo. "So was I man" said foman, who now had tears in his eyes. "I was goin to be a -blam!- lawyer yo! but then I became a ninja! and DAMN! I had so much fun kickin them stupid white folks from and haven them swear me out that i forgot to do my classes an shit. my bitch kicked me out of her house and i was on the street! An my homie, Bobcast took me in!"
Dazarobbo was astounded. He looked at True underdog, who immediatly broke down and cried. "me too man! I have a beautiful son! But I never paid attention to him because I was a ninja on! My girlfriend kicked me out and bobcast took me in!". Recon number 54 burped. "I never knew we were all so alike... I love you guys so much!" exclaimed Dazarobbo "we need eachother don't we?" They all nodded, even recon number nodded, sending undulations through his blubber. So they all gathered around and hugged eachother. Then, what one can only hope was the guidance of the alcohol, they began to fondle eachothers asses.
The ninjas began to undress until they were butt naked. Their throbbing banhammers hanging . Dazarobbo and bobcast caught eachother's eyes and began to embrace eachother. While Dazarobbo and Bobcast were making out, True underdog knelt in front of foman. Then foman shoved his big black veiny banhammer into his ass, making True Underdog squeal. Meanwhile, Recon number 54, who couldn't get out of the couch because of his weight, began to jerk his banhammer. Bobcast looked at Dazarobbo's raging banhammer and knelt down. He put it in his mouth and sucked on it. Meanwhile foman and true underdog cried out and they both sprayed banhammer juice at the same time. Recon number was still jerking. Bobcast's sucking was making dazarobbo moan in ecstacy. All of a sudden he cried out and sprayed into Bob's mouth. They were spent.
But then bobcast looked at recon meaningfully. Recon, getting the message, pulled out his glass eye. Then bobcast came over and stuck his banhammer ino recon's eye socket. This got recon to moan and jerk off even more furiously. Bobcast screamed as he came into that eyesocket, dripping banhammer juioce down recon's cheek. Recon came all over bobcast's legs. The night went on and the ninjas are now closest friends. But then one night, foman was was monitoring the forums and saw this story. "WHO THE FUCK RECORDED THIS SHIT AND MADE AN ALTERNATE ACCOUNT ON BNET?!?!?"

The Flood / Re: The kid next door is restoring a ‘58 Fury
« on: March 08, 2018, 11:22:36 PM »

The Flood / The kid next door is restoring a ‘58 Fury
« on: March 08, 2018, 10:30:11 PM »
Gotta say it’s looking good. Too bad he gets picked on so much.

The Flood / Re: So what? Trump fucked Stormy Daniels.
« on: March 07, 2018, 10:34:05 PM »
At least it wasn't Lisa Ann

That ass is too great for any one man.

People come because what they can do here.

Absolutely nothing

But they stay for what they can be

Totally ineffectual

The Flood / Re: So what? Trump fucked Stormy Daniels.
« on: March 07, 2018, 10:30:54 PM »
i believe the issue with that one wasn't that he fucked her, but that he paid her a bribe using campaign money

That’s not the issue. There are thousands of legitimate things to fault Trump on. He gives us new ones every time he tweets. This is really reaching for shit that truly doesn’t matter. So what? He cheated on his wife and paid off the mistress. He’s on the cusp of starting a trade war with the world, he retweets shit from known white nationalist groups, he’s under investigation for colluding with a hostile foreign power in an election that brought him to power, he apparently hasn’t fully divested himself from his businesses, he’s been recorded blatantly bragging about sexual assault, he’s holding on to a delusion that the wall will be built or even be effective if it were, his tweets fuck up international relations daily, he’s spent more time golfing than Obama, Bush and Clinton combined, and I could keep going on.

After that laundry list of shit, this matters?

Maybe that's the plan. Do something massively stupid and awful, and everyone suddenly forgets that you did something else slightly less stupid and awful last week. Keep doing it until you can cover the stupidly awful thing up, or make a slightly worse one.

Trump just hasn't seemed to figure out how to cover his tracks yet. When you hear he started a trade war with the EU, you almost forget he started a war of rhetoric with North Korea just under a month ago, or shat up Mexico during his election campaign. Or the multitude of other things, it's probably easier to just list what he hasn't fucked up as President now.

Or he just keeps fucking up over and over again.

The Flood / Re: So what? Trump fucked Stormy Daniels.
« on: March 07, 2018, 10:29:32 PM »
id be more impressed if it was dani daniels

I can agree with this.

The Flood / Re: So what? Trump fucked Stormy Daniels.
« on: March 07, 2018, 09:51:29 PM »
>impeccable taste

pick one

What’s wrong with blondes?

The Flood / Re: So what? Trump fucked Stormy Daniels.
« on: March 07, 2018, 09:21:19 PM »
i believe the issue with that one wasn't that he fucked her, but that he paid her a bribe using campaign money

That’s not the issue. There are thousands of legitimate things to fault Trump on. He gives us new ones every time he tweets. This is really reaching for shit that truly doesn’t matter. So what? He cheated on his wife and paid off the mistress. He’s on the cusp of starting a trade war with the world, he retweets shit from known white nationalist groups, he’s under investigation for colluding with a hostile foreign power in an election that brought him to power, he apparently hasn’t fully divested himself from his businesses, he’s been recorded blatantly bragging about sexual assault, he’s holding on to a delusion that the wall will be built or even be effective if it were, his tweets fuck up international relations daily, he’s spent more time golfing than Obama, Bush and Clinton combined, and I could keep going on.

After that laundry list of shit, this matters?

The Flood / So what? Trump fucked Stormy Daniels.
« on: March 07, 2018, 08:39:00 PM »
TBPH, whatever you say about the man, his taste in women is impeccable. And JaLo sang about her love don’t cost a thing. There’s women whose behavior fly’s right in the face of that. These women aren’t with Trump cause he’s handsome or whatever.

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon Reboot: What would you do differently?
« on: March 06, 2018, 11:25:33 AM »
2014? I would have warned myself about soon to be ex-Mrs Charlie.

The Flood / Re: Best Pranked you pulled
« on: March 05, 2018, 10:28:15 AM »
For the record I was 19 when this happened and was the one who told him what happened and offered to back him if he wanted to press charges. None of it was my idea.

The Flood / Re: Best Pranked you pulled
« on: March 05, 2018, 12:17:15 AM »
This is true.

We taped a guy to a chair after he drank too much.

My army buddy’s gf took a rubber cleaning glove and lubed it up.

Yes. She two fingered his ass. We left him duct taped to a chair with vasoline and a sore ass.

He didn’t make eye contact for ywo weeks. When I finally told him what happened he relaxed. He thought he was raped.

Ti this day I feel fucked up for that night.

The Flood / Re: The Oscars 2018
« on: March 04, 2018, 10:53:27 PM »
Ex Mrs Charlie is friends with one of the people who set up the gift bags for those who are invited to the Academy Awards. Each bag has about $120,000 dollars worth of shit in it. It’s not uncommon for companies like Rolex to put a $50,000 item in just so the elite sports their shit for their next bout with the paparazzi. Meanwhile the people who actually set up everything make about $20 an hour.

Fuck that show in its overinflated ass. 

The Flood / Re: Should I take Super Male Vitality?
« on: March 04, 2018, 10:45:41 PM »
I took my first dose. I lookedat the TV and saw this:

And then had a 17” erection. I banged my GF for two full hours and came when I chose to. She’s still having orgasms.

Then I looked in the mirror. I used to see this:

But I saw this instead:

I also see truth. You are all sheeple. Fucking beta cucks waiting to be triggered. You only need to see that interdemensional demons are taking over your lives. It’s not fake. IT’S NOT FAKE.

The Flood / Should I take Super Male Vitality?
« on: March 04, 2018, 04:15:59 PM »
I don’t want to be a beta cuck sheeple snowflake anymore.

What should I expect to happen when I take it?

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