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Messages - MyNameIsCharlie

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The Flood / Re: Kaiju thread
« on: November 11, 2016, 10:37:45 PM »
And no one brought up Roman's love interests

The Flood / Re: Viagra headaches are terrible
« on: November 11, 2016, 10:36:52 PM »
Dude. Why you taking that shit. That doesn't give you the drive, just the ability. Low drive comes either from depression or low T. Or certain drugs.

Antidepressants can do that, for example. Might want to look at diet as well. You're a bit young to start that stuff

Can he issue Order 66?

The Flood / Re: Someone drew a swastika and Trump on ex Mrs Charlie's car
« on: November 11, 2016, 08:22:00 PM »
You might want to ummm edit that post Das. If CID sees it, you could be put out on a General Discharge.

The Flood / Re: Someone drew a swastika and Trump on ex Mrs Charlie's car
« on: November 11, 2016, 08:11:42 PM »
Starting to believe PSU's theory that it's mostly leftists doing this. How many Trump supporters actually associate themselves with nazis?

I think it be fair to say that any pro Trump nazis were nazis before and will be nazis after
Ok but how many Nazis are there running around in America?

There are roughly 1,000 groups with anywhere between 15 to 5,000 members

The Flood / Trump's REAL 100 day plan
« on: November 11, 2016, 08:08:49 PM »
Day 1-10: wake up every morning and tell his wife that he had the strangest dream that he was actually elected president. After realizing he did, he screams in terror, runs to the bathroom and locks himself in.

Days 11-20: Has trouble accepting the secret service follows him around everywhere without trying to have him make a decision for them or approve a business deal. When one eventually does, he breaks down in tears at the sight of something familiar.

Days 21-40: Realizes that the National Security Briefings are real. He naively asks who will be making the decisions on how to deal with the myriad of problems. Remains frozen in terror that it's him.

Days 41-60: Continually attempts escape from the white house to reassume his old life. He also begins calling Hillary asking if she still wants the job.

Days 61-70: Accepts he did ask for the job. Sets up his cabinet like his businesses. He delegates as much as possible to everyone.

Day 71: Takes a look at his campaign pledges. Picks job creation through tax adjustments is all he can really do anything about.

Days 72-100: Now manageable, he tries to start creating jobs.

On day 100, his followers disavow him for not building a wall, ending Obamacare, deporting every illegal and stopping immigration from the Middle East. 

The Flood / Re: Someone drew a swastika and Trump on ex Mrs Charlie's car
« on: November 11, 2016, 07:41:35 PM »
Starting to believe PSU's theory that it's mostly leftists doing this. How many Trump supporters actually associate themselves with nazis?

I think it be fair to say that any pro Trump nazis were nazis before and will be nazis after

The Flood / Someone drew a swastika and Trump on ex Mrs Charlie's car
« on: November 11, 2016, 03:51:25 PM »
Please say this isn't gonna be a thing.

On a bright note, they fucked it up and drew it pointing to the left. Goddamn amateurs.

The Flood / Thank you, Service members, for standing on that wall
« on: November 11, 2016, 10:28:29 AM »
To the men and women of the military, both active duty and vets:

Thank you for your service

Serious / Re: How not to treat your political opponents
« on: November 10, 2016, 09:47:42 PM »
I am very sad that society and the political climate have regressed to this point.

Extreme political polarization is the norm and bitter hatred/resentment is ever building.

I am sad.

Those little idiots aren't driven by the political climate. They were looking to act like thugs. That's it.

The Flood / Re: 2016 needs to PUMP the fucking brakes
« on: November 10, 2016, 09:03:34 PM »

This is terrible

Serious / Re: How not to treat your fellow political opponents
« on: November 10, 2016, 08:42:51 PM »

That is NOT how anyone should act. Those idiots should all be locked up.

1) Scapegoating isn't something indigenous to the left. It's indigenous to the losing side. Conservatives did it to the last two elections.

2) The left will always be a part of the American political discourse. Remember, before Obama was 8 years of W. Most of which was during a Republican super majority. The pendulum swung the other way and Democrats had one of their own.

3) Trump isn't a party line Republican. He's quite different. I would argue he isn't a traditional conservative. He doesn't really follow the guns, God and gays line neocons do.

So, the question doesn't really apply.

Now, it's the tone of your OP that I asked why is this in Serious. It's a fair question, I guess. But the tone isn't really that serious. It's more troll-snark

Serious / If Trump ends NAFTA, do you think it will bring jobs back?
« on: November 10, 2016, 10:21:31 AM »
Arguably NAFTA was the start of American companies race to offshore much of thier non/semiskilled workforce to cheaper countries. Trump has set NAFTA in his sights for renegotiation or outright ending.

Say he does. Will it bring the jobs home?

You realize this is the serious board

The Flood / Re: LC, come we have mission
« on: November 10, 2016, 12:21:03 AM »
Charles, are you drunk again?

It's after 8 PST. What do you think??

The Flood / Re: LC, come we have mission
« on: November 10, 2016, 12:20:18 AM »
Cheat is the bartender.

The Flood / Re: LC, come we have mission
« on: November 10, 2016, 12:16:28 AM »
PSU is the guy in the apartment.

The Flood / LC, come we have mission
« on: November 10, 2016, 12:13:47 AM »
Das, when will he grow up and see benefits of becoming liberal?

You have breakfast? Most important meal of day. Here have protein bar. Good for butt.  Das may try to hurt yours.

Serious / Re: Trump's plan for his first hundred days as president.
« on: November 09, 2016, 09:13:48 PM »
Oddly and sadly I only really disagree with the climate change and wall stuff.

I wish him luck though. Others have tried to do much of that

The Flood / Re: I have no sex drive now fml
« on: November 09, 2016, 09:09:47 PM »
You gotta push through that shit.

Serious / Re: Now for the $20,000,000 question:
« on: November 09, 2016, 09:08:17 PM »
She got a fifth of a percentage more last I checked, and she was far below Trump in the popular vote before California came in.

The point of the electoral college is to ensure that densely populated urban centers (read: California) cannot run the country by themselves. It did its job.
The electoral college worked as intended. It evened out the representation to the states. The alternative would have NY, CA, and TX ultimately calling the shots for the rest of the nation. Popular vote only works if everyone is spread evenly throughout the nation.
How on earth is this a valid argument for the electoral college? Popular vote doesn't give a shit about borders, unlike the electoral system, and major urban areas (such as New York, California, and Texas) are only ~15% of the US population.

Politicians would only pay attention to NYC, Boston, Atlanta, Miami, Chicago, Dallas, San Francisco, Seattle, Los Angeles, and San Diego. These cities make up the majority of the US population. If you live outside them, your voice isn't heard.
Firstly, since those are largely in 'established territory,' which is to say most of them are not in swing states, they don't get much attention relative to their populations. Swing states get a disproportionate amount of attention because of this.

Secondly, under the electoral system, the folks who don't vote with the flow of their state are essentially going unheard. Anyone who voted for Trump in a state like New York effectively wasted their vote.

I consider a vote an extension of free speech, so on principle I don't believe a vote can be wasted. However, that doesn't matter as far as the electoral system is concerned.

That's a fair argument against. But the EC keeps this from happening on a larger scale. Without it voting against the afore mentioned cities is wasting your vote. At least less people aren't heard with the EC.

Maybe eliminate the winner take all system and let the delegates vote on how their district voted? There's fors and againsts to that too.

I dunno. The current system isn't perfect. Just better than the more visible alternatives.

Something to think about

Serious / Re: Now for the $20,000,000 question:
« on: November 09, 2016, 07:08:19 PM »
She got a fifth of a percentage more last I checked, and she was far below Trump in the popular vote before California came in.

The point of the electoral college is to ensure that densely populated urban centers (read: California) cannot run the country by themselves. It did its job.
The electoral college worked as intended. It evened out the representation to the states. The alternative would have NY, CA, and TX ultimately calling the shots for the rest of the nation. Popular vote only works if everyone is spread evenly throughout the nation.
How on earth is this a valid argument for the electoral college? Popular vote doesn't give a shit about borders, unlike the electoral system, and major urban areas (such as New York, California, and Texas) are only ~15% of the US population.

Politicians would only pay attention to NYC, Boston, Atlanta, Miami, Chicago, Dallas, San Francisco, Seattle, Los Angeles, and San Diego. These cities make up the majority of the US population. If you live outside them, your voice isn't heard.

Serious / Re: Now for the $20,000,000 question:
« on: November 09, 2016, 05:52:18 PM »
Hillary was leading by large margins.
The bullshit thing is that she got the majority of the votes, she only lost due to the electoral vote.

The electoral college worked as intended. It evened out the representation to the states. The alternative would have NY, CA, and TX ultimately calling the shots for the rest of the nation. Popular vote only works if everyone is spread evenly throughout the nation.

Serious / Re: Now for the $20,000,000 question:
« on: November 09, 2016, 03:55:29 PM »
Country people don't answer phone calls from strange numbers.

The country vote was denied to Clinton from the start. It's so consistent that those numbers are known. The surprises were in more developed areas

Serious / Now for the $20,000,000 question:
« on: November 09, 2016, 03:51:47 PM »
How was the polling data so screwed up on the lead up to yesterday?

Hillary was leading by large margins. Too large for what the vote looked like. What happened?

Charlie's Personal Conspiracy Theory
Trump or someone on Trump's behalf skewed the polling data we and Hillary were shown. It wouldn't be fraud per se, if it were to be found out, but definitely dirty fighting.  Basically it lulled her to not campaign hard in states she thought she had in the bag.

I have no proof to this, it is just a theory I have

The Flood / Re: I had the weirdest dream
« on: November 09, 2016, 01:17:05 PM »
You're still asleep. Best way to test it? Jump off a high bridge or building. You will wake up just before you hit

Serious / Re: Johnson, The 2016 Scapegoat
« on: November 09, 2016, 11:45:20 AM »
The Clinton campaign has none but themselves to blame here. CNN compared Obama in 2012 to Clinton in 2016. She didn't even do half as much campaigning. They assumed that blue states would stay blue.

The message to disaffected voters in those districts? I do not care about you and things won't change. Meanwhile Trump was saying he would change things

The Flood / Oh motherfucker!
« on: November 09, 2016, 11:19:25 AM »
I was the one posting vegas odds.

I should have put $100 on trump.

I'd have $2,500

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