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Messages - MyNameIsCharlie

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The Flood / Re: The future Donald Trump destroyed (why I am mad)
« on: November 15, 2016, 09:15:16 PM »
Hot Russian women have small tits. They look like failed ballet dancers.
I don't see the problem here

I was actually kind of confused too. Glad someone else said it.

Big Mexican titties. Sooo hot.

If you like little Slavettes with their 13 year old boy bodies, knock yourself out. But I disagree with your opinion. I think a woman should look like a woman.

Why would I give him the benefit of the doubt? He's run a campaign based on xenophobia and hate. He's been endorsed by most white nationalist groups. He selected the head of Breibart to be his chief strategist. I can't think of a single reason I should think he'll pull a 180 and end up a good guy.
Because Barack Obama is asking you to do so. Unless you think you have more justification than the president to be pissed off at Trump, then you don't have much justification. Of course, you don't have to like him, or accept his policies, but you do have to wait until he's in office and running the country before you get to say "see, I told you he was bad".

I haven't said that. I'm saying I don't and more than likely will not trust him. Accept he's in power? Not like I have a choice in that.

I will respect the office but not the man in it.

This is a courtesy conservatives did not show Obama.

Why would I give him the benefit of the doubt? He's run a campaign based on xenophobia and hate. He's been endorsed by most white nationalist groups. He selected the head of Breibart to be his chief strategist. I can't think of a single reason I should think he'll pull a 180 and end up a good guy.

The Flood / Re: Where's roman?
« on: November 15, 2016, 04:38:17 PM »
I just checked, he's playing xbox right now

Batman would win using his anti-Jackie Chan spray, but only if Jackie doesn't have a ladder nearby.

Jackie always has a ladder nearby. Always

The Flood / Re: The future Donald Trump destroyed (why I am mad)
« on: November 15, 2016, 11:51:58 AM »
We can send you over the wall with your beloved tacos, don't you know that mehico has a thriving drug and prostitution industry? You'll be living it up like pablo escobar!

Hell no. The point is to have my cake and eat her pussy too.

Jackie is holding a baby. Batman does have preptime.

The Flood / Re: The future Donald Trump destroyed (why I am mad)
« on: November 15, 2016, 12:21:45 AM »
Russian women. Good for a night.

Mexican maids? Good till they hit 28.

The Flood / Re: The future Donald Trump destroyed (why I am mad)
« on: November 15, 2016, 12:19:13 AM »
Tell them that Russian women have great tits to make up for their lack of ass. That'll show them.
Are you mad?

Hot Russian women have small tits. They look like failed ballet dancers.

Hot Mexican women though. All curves and passion

Serious / Re: Trump to be coached by Obama, surprised by "scope of job."
« on: November 15, 2016, 12:17:33 AM »
Anyways, I don't think Trump planned on winning. I think he was running to prove a point on how fractured the Republican party was. He's been quoted saying how he's having trouble accepting that he won.
Doubt it. The dude's a businessman, he doesn't give a shit about public service. I bet he ran simply because his friends in Moscow told him to. They're just using him to incite divisions within our country and to paint a negative image of American democracy and leadership to the world as a whole. I don't think he ever expected to win either, I imagine he only ran so as to possibly expand his real estate name into Russia.

Russia helped. No question there. Still, There's nothing showing he really intended to win.

The Flood / Re: The future Donald Trump destroyed (why I am mad)
« on: November 15, 2016, 12:15:35 AM »
Have you heard a Russian woman moan "ai poppy?" No?

The Flood / The future Donald Trump destroyed (why I am mad)
« on: November 15, 2016, 12:14:19 AM »
Two of my business school buddies have been working on an idea. Prop 64 (CA legalizing pot opens some doors) made it possible to be rich.

And on the same night Donald Trump vows to deport all illegals.

Now my dream of having a sexy Mexican maid is forever dashed. She'll be deported before I can ever hire her to clean my house, and then fuck.

I had plans. Plans of penetrating markets and then her.

That bastard took my dream from me.

What will I do? Be like him and hire from Russia? It's not the same. Ain't no booty like Mexican booty. Even Arnold got some of that shit. HE'S got illegitimate kids to prove it.

What will I tell my kids? Tell me that Alt-Right. You got your way. What will I tell my kids when they have to go to some Eastern European website to pick the women who will pick them up from Junior High and bang them under fear of deportation.

They'll say "dad, Mexican women are fine and have great asses. Why do we have to have this Russian bitch with no ass?"

What do you say I tell them? Huh? 

Serious / Re: Trump to be coached by Obama, surprised by "scope of job."
« on: November 14, 2016, 10:21:40 PM »
I'm honestly having trouble taking anything seriously at this point from the NY Times and Washington Post after how they handled themselves this election.
Wall Street Journal tho

Isn't it one of Mutdoch's rags?

Anyways, I don't think Trump planned on winning. I think he was running to prove a point on how fractured the Republican party was. He's been quoted saying how he's having trouble accepting that he won.

The Flood / Re: What's the difference between a "nuggie" and a "tendie"
« on: November 14, 2016, 06:22:04 PM »
No one makes tendies like mommy

Do you have enough GBP's to get some?

The Flood / Re: This girl who bullies my girl is trying to fuck me
« on: November 14, 2016, 06:21:00 PM »
Though... while completely morally reprehensible, I should point out that you're missing out on what could be phenomenal sex. Like porn level. This crazy bitch wants to rock your world in a way she thinks your girl can't. That means all morays and taboos get tossed aside.

...but it does mean losing your girlfriend. She'd be telling her all you two did while the cum is still running down her thigh. 

The Flood / Re: $18 haircut
« on: November 14, 2016, 04:41:44 PM »
Sports clips. They do the hot towel. So awesome

You're going to go to jail 40 to lufe, son. As I see it, you gotta get someone to cut your face up pretty bad. You go in looking like you do and you're gonna get face fucked every day

The Flood / What's the difference between a "nuggie" and a "tendie"
« on: November 14, 2016, 12:53:07 PM »

The Flood / Re: This girl who bullies my girl is trying to fuck me
« on: November 14, 2016, 12:29:41 PM »
You're in a dangerous place. Have you been telling your gal each time the bully contacts you?

The Flood / Got into an argument over Trump with my father
« on: November 13, 2016, 09:14:11 PM »
Had dinner with him tonight. Heated conversation. I asked why he voted for Trump. He said because Hillary was in the pockets if the corporations. I told him tgat Trump was the corporation itself. He just stared at me like that had never occurred to him. It was then I heard an eagle scream. The ground shook and a voice boomed from the sky. YOU'RE FIRED! I saw him walk into the restaurant. He walked up to the hostess and forced a manly kiss on her. He then reached between her legs and grabbed her by the pussy. She actually spread her legs wider and thrust her hips forward so he could grab all of it. He pushed her to the side and walked towards is sniffing. He stopped two tables away where a mexican family was eating. The man at the table was sweating profusely. Trump looked at him with a piercing stare. The man just started to cry. Finally he took his family out promising to build and pay for the wall. All Trump did is mutter under his breath a confident "that's right you will."  Trump began to sniff again. Finally stopping at my table. He looked me in the eyes. I have to say I was both terrified of him and attracted to him. I was confused. He just said: "Liberal?" I nodded yes. Unable to talk. He asked "Will your bleeding heart stop this?" As he pulled a gold plated Desert Eagle from his jacket. He looked to it and then to me, suddenly pointing it near me and firing. I was still alive. Behind me a heard a gurgling "Allahu Ackbar" as a muslim terrorist tried to hold the gaping hole in his neck closed. Trump leaned in close and whispered to him: "There'll be no obamacare to fix that."  He looked to me with disgust.

He walked out without another word.


The Flood / Re: Who would lead the Left-lash in 4 years?
« on: November 13, 2016, 05:19:00 PM »
Dwayne Johnson will fix the economy

Prepare for Rockonomics
Not Terry Crews?

PSU aside, do Trump supporters do anything besides posts memes?

The Flood / Who would lead the Left-lash in 4 years?
« on: November 13, 2016, 04:54:55 PM »
Polling data is showing how Trump was elected. Basically he wooed the white working-class into believing a)they had been left behind in the recovery and b) Trump could save them. The media has dubbed this the "white-lash."

Now, Trump didn't win the popular vote. More people at least mistrust him than are ambivalent on him. I don't see him being able to win over those who mistrust him without losing the trust of those who supported him.

This will lead to a reservoir of resentment on the left. The only question is who would be brought in to lead it?

Hard to say, but worth some thought

Desty, please leave the country. Flee. Most importantly don't post here again. You'll be harassed by racist and sexist Trump supporters.

Trust me. You're safer this way. Just go.
McManus, just go!

Also, who are you talking to? Flee or Desty?

I said Desty.

Try and take Loaf with you

The Flood / AMA Ok, I'm drunk AF
« on: November 12, 2016, 04:26:04 AM »
No guarantee I'll even reply. But go ahead 

Desty, please leave the country. Flee. Most importantly don't post here again. You'll be harassed by racist and sexist Trump supporters.

Trust me. You're safer this way. Just go.

The Flood / Re: Viagra headaches are terrible
« on: November 11, 2016, 11:05:46 PM »
I thought Viagra was only for middle aged dudes with no sex drive

It's actually a blood pressure drug. Only way to boost libido is hormonal. ED is a blood pressure problem. I thought the same as you when I spoke to my doc. Everything still worked, just didn't want to use it.

The Flood / Re: Viagra headaches are terrible
« on: November 11, 2016, 11:03:01 PM »
Dude. Why you taking that shit. That doesn't give you the drive, just the ability. Low drive comes either from depression or low T. Or certain drugs.

Antidepressants can do that, for example. Might want to look at diet as well. You're a bit young to start that stuff
My fsh and lh hormone levels didn't recover fully from.....test boosters....(lol) so I just need some HcG to respark my balls into action. In the mean time my girl is a sexy leg tan horny 24/7 goddess so I'm just putting it to use till I'm sweet again

Talk to your doc about a estrogen reducer. I was on one before we adopted. The boys still function as they are, but you don't have the imbalance of the rebound.

So all men are rapists?

Thank you for proving feminists right. Asshole.

Shoulda stuck with PT scores

The Flood / Re: Kaiju thread
« on: November 11, 2016, 10:39:45 PM »
And no one brought up Roman's love interests

What ever happened to him anyways. Did he end up killing himself like he said he was?

He posted afterwards. I think he was just tired of us

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