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Messages - MyNameIsCharlie

Pages: 1 ... 678 910 ... 260
The Flood / Re: have you drinken gatorade
« on: March 28, 2018, 09:19:39 AM »
Thats unsafe you have to pasteurize it first

Government propaganda

The Flood / Re: The Irony Is Too Perfect
« on: March 28, 2018, 02:19:14 AM »
Cam, I forgive you for prolapsing my anus. My rage quit only had 5% to do with you. I’v matured. I am glad that you appeared to have too.

The Flood / Re: Why is there a Scientology Network?
« on: March 28, 2018, 02:16:37 AM »
We should be reducing the number of religions to zero. Not letting them grow.
yeah but whenever I say this about Islam in the State's I'm met with negative reactions and told I'm a racist Nazi fuck

But I thought you were a proud racist Nazi fuck?
Whoa whoa whoa, fam, a Rockwellian race realist, maybe, but Nazi? Hitler was a proper fucking cunt and hist labor backed currency would have folded anyway regardless of the war's outcome. That belief puts me at odds with contemporary neo nazis.

So a proper Nazi and not a neonazi?

The Flood / Re: Why is there a Scientology Network?
« on: March 27, 2018, 11:26:55 PM »
We should be reducing the number of religions to zero. Not letting them grow.
yeah but whenever I say this about Islam in the State's I'm met with negative reactions and told I'm a racist Nazi fuck

But I thought you were a proud racist Nazi fuck?

The Flood / Re: Why is there a Scientology Network?
« on: March 27, 2018, 11:10:49 PM »
People want answers even when they have to make them up. I don't think this particular religion is any more silly than the majority of others.

I tried to think of points to contradict you. I really did. But then I realized I was wrong.

But still. This one is pretty fucking wierd. The others have been around long enough to be normalized. We should be reducing the number of religions to zero. Not letting them grow.

The Flood / Why is there a Scientology Network?
« on: March 27, 2018, 08:31:25 PM »
Why is this even a thing?

The Flood / Re: For once, I need actual advice
« on: March 27, 2018, 12:03:47 AM »
It just takes a while, it hurts. That is normal.

Pretty much this. I really wish I had better for you.

The Flood / Re: For once, I need actual advice
« on: March 26, 2018, 11:17:21 PM »
First, how old are you?

The Flood / Re: Photography Thread
« on: March 26, 2018, 11:02:16 PM »
And thank you for making me feel ancient

The Flood / Re: Photography Thread
« on: March 26, 2018, 11:01:29 PM »
If I only scanned in the negatives of my and Ec Mrs Chalies travels. I did a ton of pretty good architectural shots and people. That’s one of my regrets. I didn’t keep my negatives.
Completely serious question. What's a negative?

I used to shoot with a Ricoh 35mm SLR camera. I still have it somewhere.

It used a photosensitive film that had to be processed chemically. The camera exposed the film to light. When processed, the film had a reverse color image on it. You put that over a photosensitive paper and exposed it to light shone through the film. Then you processed that paper to make a picture. The film, after being processed, was called a negative because it looked like a negative image when you looked at it.

The Flood / Re: The Irony Is Too Perfect
« on: March 26, 2018, 04:20:16 PM »

The Flood / Re: Photography Thread
« on: March 25, 2018, 01:43:52 AM »
If I only scanned in the negatives of my and Ec Mrs Chalies travels. I did a ton of pretty good architectural shots and people. That’s one of my regrets. I didn’t keep my negatives.

The Flood / Re: Predictions for Infinity War?
« on: March 25, 2018, 12:48:21 AM »
Silver Surfer. Calling it. What do I win if I'm right?

An after credits scene

The Flood / Re: Avengers: Infinity War - Official Trailer
« on: March 23, 2018, 08:58:23 PM »
I'm still wondering who has the soul stone.
Its most certainly hemdall, you can see the orange in his eyes and the odd orange gem on his chest plate every time hes shown, hell he even connects with Thor’s FUCKING SOUL. If that doesnt prove it, i dont know what

My money is it being in the past, and Thanos needing the space and time stones to get it.

The Flood / Hey...
« on: March 23, 2018, 08:00:04 PM »
You planning on eating that last slice of pizza?

The Flood / Has anyone ever seen this?
« on: March 23, 2018, 01:01:28 AM »

The Flood / Re: Youtube WTF are you doing?
« on: March 22, 2018, 01:18:52 AM »
TBPH, as a father, I really am uncomfortable with there being no filter on YT for content. I hope that this morpgs into something that exceeds the resticted setting
but there is a filter on youtube for content

There is, but it’s shit. It relies on users reporting videos. There needs to be something more comprehensive than that. There’s hours of stuff I would let my kids watch on YT. But there’s days and weeks worth of stuff I wouldn’t approve of. That’s why I don’t let them look unsupervised. I do the same for Hulu. In fact my kids look at neither.

If this signals a sea change in what is presented, I am on board. I don’t care if Das wants to see another alt-righter blow through $1,000 worth of ammo. I don’t really want to see that and I am actively against my children seeing it.
I mean that entirely comes down to parenting. No sense filtering everyone's content for the sake of the politically-based parenting decisions of a few.

If it were just the few. Give parents the option

The Flood / Re: Youtube WTF are you doing?
« on: March 21, 2018, 11:59:06 PM »
TBPH, as a father, I really am uncomfortable with there being no filter on YT for content. I hope that this morpgs into something that exceeds the resticted setting
but there is a filter on youtube for content

There is, but it’s shit. It relies on users reporting videos. There needs to be something more comprehensive than that. There’s hours of stuff I would let my kids watch on YT. But there’s days and weeks worth of stuff I wouldn’t approve of. That’s why I don’t let them look unsupervised. I do the same for Hulu. In fact my kids look at neither.

If this signals a sea change in what is presented, I am on board. I don’t care if Das wants to see another alt-righter blow through $1,000 worth of ammo. I don’t really want to see that and I am actively against my children seeing it.
Do you let your kids see that weirdo shit where people dress up as Spider-Man and the Joker and have anal sex and use needles on each other?

Of course. How do you suggest kids be raised?

Moving past the absurd, I monitor everything they watch. I don’t normalize violence by allowing them to see it. If, when they are at an appropriate age, I decide to allow them free run of the internet, they can choose the entertainment of their choice. Until then, I have strict rules on what they see.

The Flood / Re: Youtube WTF are you doing?
« on: March 21, 2018, 11:32:07 PM »
TBPH, as a father, I really am uncomfortable with there being no filter on YT for content. I hope that this morpgs into something that exceeds the resticted setting
but there is a filter on youtube for content

There is, but it’s shit. It relies on users reporting videos. There needs to be something more comprehensive than that. There’s hours of stuff I would let my kids watch on YT. But there’s days and weeks worth of stuff I wouldn’t approve of. That’s why I don’t let them look unsupervised. I do the same for Hulu. In fact my kids look at neither.

If this signals a sea change in what is presented, I am on board. I don’t care if Das wants to see another alt-righter blow through $1,000 worth of ammo. I don’t really want to see that and I am actively against my children seeing it.

The Flood / Re: Youtube WTF are you doing?
« on: March 21, 2018, 10:03:31 PM »
TBPH, as a father, I really am uncomfortable with there being no filter on YT for content. I hope that this morpgs into something that exceeds the resticted setting

The Flood / Re: Predictions for Infinity War?
« on: March 19, 2018, 10:47:57 PM »
The Guardians of the Galaxy steal the show and are the best part of the movie

So the movie mirrors the franchise

The Flood / Re: Predictions for Infinity War?
« on: March 19, 2018, 08:41:57 PM »
I think everyone is on the board for a cliffhanger death that won’t be revealed until Avengers 4. It will be the end of Halo 2 all over again

The Flood / Re: When does true death happen?
« on: March 19, 2018, 12:56:43 AM »
yo I just watched Coco too

I gotta say, the kids movies make you think now. Way better than the shit I grew up on. Used to be bright colors and thinly disguised Shakespear. Now? You gotta have a degree in philosophy to get it.

Anyways, the spirit of a person lives as long as the memory of the person. Whether or not you experience it first hand or if it’s just the subjective memory itself.

Make a difference. In any way.

The Flood / When does true death happen?
« on: March 18, 2018, 12:51:21 AM »
Brain death or when you are forgotten?

The Flood / Re: President Trump Stress Disorder is apparently a thing
« on: March 18, 2018, 12:50:21 AM »
Is that what you have?

Nope. I am a pragmatist.

The Flood / President Trump Stress Disorder is apparently a thing
« on: March 17, 2018, 07:11:17 PM »
I get disapproving of him. Even protesting. But fretting about it so much that you get a stress disorder?

The Flood / Re: Things to do in Texas?
« on: March 17, 2018, 01:34:22 AM »
There’s an EPIC cajun place in DFW though. Papa something. The gator tail is really good

The Flood / Re: Things to do in Texas?
« on: March 17, 2018, 01:31:53 AM »
Austin apparently has a huge night life and music scene.
I've really only been around Waco and Killen though. The only thing to do there is drink.

Pretty much the same in DFW
it's not even close to the same

Austin has more live music being performed at any given time than any other city in the world, and the night life is way more enjoyable because it's less ghetto af.

Austin is a tourist's city, DFW pretty much only sees business travel.

I meant Waco and Killen

The Flood / Re: Do we need an Internet Bill of Rights?
« on: March 15, 2018, 10:29:45 PM »
as a staunch constitutionalist, I don't recognize any perceived "right to privacy"

While I disagree with Strict Constitutionalism, from that viewpoint, you are 100% correct. Justice Warren was an activist judge and he did form what most Americans think of as a Right to Privacy.

The Flood / Re: Do we need an Internet Bill of Rights?
« on: March 15, 2018, 10:26:56 PM »
as a staunch constitutionalist, I don't recognize any perceived "right to privacy"
I believe unreasonable search and seizure covers it.

But what you do online, lacking adequate precautions, is public.

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