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Messages - MyNameIsCharlie

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The Flood / Re: Blame it all on my roots
« on: December 18, 2016, 07:29:46 PM »
And ruined your black tie affair

Too bad the last season is shit and religion ruined it.

Have to disagree. It wasn't about religion.
The one god thing which we all know what religion it was about wasn't needed.

If they had been trying to solve how many gods or something stupid like that, then ok.

It was about people in a religious war. Which religion is irrelevant.

...So are you going to tell us this story?

I took my GF's kid to IHOP.  The table next to me eas saying some racist shit about our Mexican server. The manager overheard them and said they could leave or knock it off. They started accusing him of being overly PC.

Have to disagree with you on that.

The Flood / Re: Are you ready to take today's Pirate Pledge?
« on: December 18, 2016, 10:27:34 AM »
So... What you're saying... Is that pirates should observe the NAP?

No, I am saying that Pirates aren't down with OPP
what if her facebook status is "it's complicated"

Give her toast in an envelope. Wait 2 days

Refraining from saying really racist shit, or calling someone out on it, isn't being PC.

Yeah, there's a story behind this.

The Flood / Re: Are you ready to take today's Pirate Pledge?
« on: December 18, 2016, 10:21:56 AM »
So... What you're saying... Is that pirates should observe the NAP?

No, I am saying that Pirates aren't down with OPP

The Flood / Are you ready to take today's Pirate Pledge?
« on: December 18, 2016, 10:12:12 AM »

The Flood / Re: How did 6 milllion Jews die?
« on: December 18, 2016, 08:14:42 AM »
*autism intensifies*

The Flood / Re: Children deserve to be beaten
« on: December 17, 2016, 10:50:26 PM »
Sometimes a slap or spanking is.
ie. Never.

If you wouldn't hit an adult, you should never hit someone who's considerably weaker than you--ever.

I agree to a point.

My oldest has been slamming doors lately. My worry is another kid's fingers will be in the way when he does it. I started with light reprimands. Then timeouts. He still didn't get it. Finally I spanked him. Now he doesn't slam doors. On things that are a safety issue there needs to be an escalation and care that the punishment is appropriate. Could I spank him for any infraction? Yeah, and it would make keeping him in line easier. But I would teach him that violence is the first go to, and that all misbehaviors are equal. Never spanking a child is a fools errand and always spanking them creates fascists.

There has to be a lesson.

The Flood / Re: Children deserve to be beaten
« on: December 17, 2016, 01:33:58 PM »
As a father, all I will say is it's important to appropriately discipline children. Some things a yell or time out is the appropriate response. Sometimes a slap or spanking is. Kids are natural scientists. They are a pure blank slate and test everything. 

Too bad the last season is shit and religion ruined it.

Have to disagree. It wasn't about religion.

DD, that is exactly what is wrong with Star Wars. It tries to be character based,  but ends up trapped by the plot devices. DS9 and BSG are true character stories. It's about the people.

Star Wars is literally just a family soap opera with lasers dude. If people get caught up in the big explosions and lightsabers too much, they may need to get tested for ADHD.

BSG goes so far to make the CIC an actual opera house.

DD, that is exactly what is wrong with Star Wars. It tries to be character based,  but ends up trapped by the plot devices. DS9 and BSG are true character stories. It's about the people.

When will we see that we're a single species?

Men need to realize that women really are treated unfairly. Women (and the associated SJW's and white knights) need to realize that the injustices of the past were decisions of the past made in light of those circumstances and were in no way the responsibility of those alive today.

Until we realize these two things, all we do us split our species down the middle.
You forgot to mention the fact that men are also treated unfairly and face significant problems in today's society.

You're part of the problem. This isn't about identity-based justice; it's just about justice.

No, I said that in my post.

And fuck you. I am a victim of those injustices. I am the better parent and I lost 50% of the time with my boys. I spend most of my time undoing her damage.

I am egalitarian. Men give women equality and women give up on the "crimes" men committed as a sex.

The idea of social "justice" builds an idea that there must be reparations. Nope. My father's crimes are not mine, and I will not stand trial for them. But I will be mindful of his crimes and will not repeat them.
Right, but you keep talking about women having to forget about demanding reparations for past injustices. I doubt most women even believe this should be the case; I'm talking about the increasing failure of young boys in school, the ridiculous rate of suicide among young men in my country and yes the unfairness in terms of divorce/custody/alimony and all that shit.

Women having to realise that the past is the past is a very small part of the equation.

Where did I say otherwise? Do I have to bring up the entire problem in all it's complexity to be correct?

Women were treated unfairly. Men are treated unfairly now. If we want to identify as a species we need to lay that all aside.

Al Baghdadi and I had a fight in the last few weeks. She said something to me that resonated. All that matters is the now. We don't live in the past. While we are shaped by it, all we can be judged by are the decisions we just made.

Men aren't responsible for our fathers' actions. There can't be justice in the true sense of the word. If you interact with a woman, treat her as you expect to be treated. And expect the same from her.

Your life and destiny are your own.

Unlike Star Wars, it's about the people not what's happening around them.


Star Wars is about Anakin/Vader, and in the new trilogy, how his legacy effects his family.

And lightsabers, the millennium falcon, the force etc...

Lucas took an amazing story and fucked it up

When will we see that we're a single species?

Men need to realize that women really are treated unfairly. Women (and the associated SJW's and white knights) need to realize that the injustices of the past were decisions of the past made in light of those circumstances and were in no way the responsibility of those alive today.

Until we realize these two things, all we do us split our species down the middle.
You forgot to mention the fact that men are also treated unfairly and face significant problems in today's society.

You're part of the problem. This isn't about identity-based justice; it's just about justice.

No, I said that in my post.

And fuck you. I am a victim of those injustices. I am the better parent and I lost 50% of the time with my boys. I spend most of my time undoing her damage.

I am egalitarian. Men give women equality and women give up on the "crimes" men committed as a sex.

The idea of social "justice" builds an idea that there must be reparations. Nope. My father's crimes are not mine, and I will not stand trial for them. But I will be mindful of his crimes and will not repeat them.

>Being this wrong

Nope. 1,000 x Nope

Gonna be honest, haven't seen BSG outside a few moments here and there. Is it streamable?

Watching it on hulu now

>Paying to watch commercials


>not liking Star Trek fluff

I am a trekkie too. Always have been.

The problem with Trek is that they didn't believe in a full story arch spanning seasons until after Gene died.

BSG tells a story. From the miniseries until the end of season 4.

Moreover it's character based, not plot device based. Unlike Star Wars, it's about the people not what's happening around them.

DD, if DS9 was solely about the Dominion war, you would have a point. Imagine all the build up, fluff episodes and wandering they had to do to get there taken away and they only had that.

That's BSG

>Being this wrong

Nope. 1,000 x Nope

Gonna be honest, haven't seen BSG outside a few moments here and there. Is it streamable?

Watching it on hulu now

Firefly is a very close second.

Nothing else comes close

When will we see that we're a single species?

Men need to realize that women really are treated unfairly. Women (and the associated SJW's and white knights) need to realize that the injustices of the past were decisions of the past made in light of those circumstances and were in no way the responsibility of those alive today.

Until we realize these two things, all we do us split our species down the middle.

The Flood / Whatever happened to the Floodian mothership?
« on: December 17, 2016, 12:30:21 AM »
I never knew what happened after I hit the escape pod

The Flood / Re: How do weebs procreate?
« on: December 16, 2016, 07:53:10 PM »
I can never figure out the reason behind your threads.

Neither can I. I read so much that I could post on that isn't shitpost tier. Yet when I get on here, I post this.

The Flood / Re: Several Alt Right mouth pieces call for Rogue One boycott
« on: December 16, 2016, 02:01:12 PM »
people should instead be boycotting it because its a garbage movie


Everything I've read an heard puts it at a C+/B- tier movie. Yeah, it's not great, but not garbage.

Unless, of course, you are a part of the alt right and are attempting to have people join your boycott.   

The Flood / Several Alt Right mouth pieces call for Rogue One boycott
« on: December 16, 2016, 12:07:58 PM »
Seriously, is EVERYTHING politicized now?

Meh, fuck it. I support their right to protest, as I did the LGBT's right to boycott Chik fil a.

The Flood / NSFW Heh
« on: December 15, 2016, 11:09:06 PM »

The Flood / How do weebs procreate?
« on: December 15, 2016, 10:34:38 PM »
How does one stick a 3D penis in a 2D vagina?

The Flood / Re: Started going to the gym
« on: December 15, 2016, 10:32:05 PM »

It's been too long since we had a good Bel Air ending.  Thank you for making this

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