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Messages - MyNameIsCharlie

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The Flood / Re: I do hella drugs ama
« on: May 05, 2017, 12:55:44 AM »
I gotta say, pills are bad. Keep it to what grows naturally.

Everything in moderation.
Shut the fuck up.

Verb, do you know what the appropriate amount of a opiate is? Enough to limit pain to ensure survival. Heroin saves lives when used properly. Properly is the operative word. Is it bad that I enjoy the relief or even, dare I say, high of dilodid after surgery? There's a time and place for everything.

Back to point, your chosen vice should always be measured against the impact on others. Pot is relatively non adactive and cheap. On the great scale of things it's harmless. Yeah it stimulates the region of the brain that rewards you for accomplishment regardless of actually doing anything, but it pretty much keeps it there. It's much less harmful than other highs that impare judgement enough to adversely effect others outside your immediate circle. 

You sound like a fucking party pooper

I'm fun as fuck, it's just my opinion. Sure I might come across that way, unintentionally but not wanting to smoke or particularly liking drinking doesn't make me any less fun. It's sad that being fun is perceived as only being possible via being drunk or high

No one thinks that you fucking faggot and if you think people think that you're fucking dumb

drinking and smoking is just as fun as any other outlet and its usually just more accessible you just sound like a pretentious retard

How is that being pretentious. You're just getting upset about what I said. I could argue drinking and smoking isn't as accessible as, lets say, playing soccer at a local park


Everyone likes to drink not eveyone like to play soccer

Jesus just kill yourself or drink a fucking beer or nah like a normie person dont be a faggot about it
I know plenty of people who don't like to drink.
Fucking good on them I guess I dont like to go on fucking ferris wheels but Im questioning people that do because Im not fucking retarded
Alcohol destroys lives, ferris wheels don't.

Everything in moderation. Just because you haven't heard of it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I sawa documentary on a guy who's life was ruined by his love of inflatable pool toys. There's always a way to take it too far.

Just asking, what would you consider a less low class high? I get what you're saying. Pot's been a historically cheap high and those who praise it now come from that background. But what would be a high class vice? Hunting humans?

I don't really care, I really don't, but I am bored and the only thing on is Deadpool. What is a classy vice?

I don't really understand what you're saying. I wouldn't really consider any drug "classy".

I didn't say drug, I said high. Interchangeable with rush, thrill, experience whatever. What would be an acceptable replacement?

I genuinely don't have an answer for that
The correct answer is hookers and blow. High class hookers and really good coke. You want to transcend the masses? Get a fat wallet and some good cocaine. That or take up hunting humans.

Just asking, what would you consider a less low class high? I get what you're saying. Pot's been a historically cheap high and those who praise it now come from that background. But what would be a high class vice? Hunting humans?

I don't really care, I really don't, but I am bored and the only thing on is Deadpool. What is a classy vice?

I don't really understand what you're saying. I wouldn't really consider any drug "classy".

I didn't say drug, I said high. Interchangeable with rush, thrill, experience whatever. What would be an acceptable replacement?

Just asking, what would you consider a less low class high? I get what you're saying. Pot's been a historically cheap high and those who praise it now come from that background. But what would be a high class vice? Hunting humans?

I don't really care, I really don't, but I am bored and the only thing on is Deadpool. What is a classy vice?

The Flood / Re: I'm leaving for the US tomorrow
« on: May 03, 2017, 04:05:10 PM »
What kind of gun are you bringing?

You guys have to remember that this is in actuality the 10th book/story. It's picking up right where the 9th book left off. I won't spoil the story, but this should be a bit more action based. It isn't about Roland becoming whole again, it's about what happens after he becomes whole.

Without spoiling anything, is this story even a plausible setup for a sequel, or is it entirely out of left field?

From the books? Or do you mean a King Cinematic Universe?
For the books, I mean.

The movie is the 10th story. That's all I can really say. Could King start writing again after the movie? Why not? That all depends on what this story is and how it ends. All I know is that the 9th book ended on a point that made this story not just possible, but necessary.

So are the kid and the alternate world not in the book series as at all?
There's a kid in the novels called Jake but he exists within the Dark Tower universe. There is no dumb dimension jumping.

Although it's not firmly established, King has hinted throughout the novels that the DTverse is essentially a post apocalyptic version of our world.
That's the impression the trailer gave. That the world the black guy is from is Earth in the future, or just Earth that somehow was destroyed.

The books are set in a multiverse in which all realities are connected in the Dark Tower. A version of the tower exists in all realities, but the Gunslinger's world is where it's in it's true form.

You guys have to remember that this is in actuality the 10th book/story. It's picking up right where the 9th book left off. I won't spoil the story, but this should be a bit more action based. It isn't about Roland becoming whole again, it's about what happens after he becomes whole.

Without spoiling anything, is this story even a plausible setup for a sequel, or is it entirely out of left field?

From the books? Or do you mean a King Cinematic Universe?

Seems hardly as mysterious as the books are smh. Comes off as just some action movie with a Dark Tower theme. Why is the movie industry like this now? Why can't they just understand that the general public can enjoy a more meaningful and in depth story?

Also, the tower used as a weapon to unleash hell? I haven't read through the full series yet, but from my understanding the tower is supposed to be a nexus of realities/universes, right? What's all this about it keeping hell at bay?

The Red King was trying to destroy the towers to undo reality.k
Ah, I get that the tower sort of holds the realities in existence together. Not sure why this movie has to simplify that premise as 'the tower protects us from hell."
It's a trailer. They're going to simplify the most basic plot points to get the broadest audience possible.


You guys have to remember that this is in actuality the 10th book/story. It's picking up right where the 9th book left off. I won't spoil the story, but this should be a bit more action based. It isn't about Roland becoming whole again, it's about what happens after he becomes whole.

Seems hardly as mysterious as the books are smh. Comes off as just some action movie with a Dark Tower theme. Why is the movie industry like this now? Why can't they just understand that the general public can enjoy a more meaningful and in depth story?

Also, the tower used as a weapon to unleash hell? I haven't read through the full series yet, but from my understanding the tower is supposed to be a nexus of realities/universes, right? What's all this about it keeping hell at bay?

The Red King was trying to destroy the towers to undo reality.k

In practice, what would be the difference between a HE shell and a depleted uranium rod wrapped in tungsten? Chemical explosives? The delivery package would provide the energy. Not the warhead.

A warhead would be useless. These things would be Kinetic Kill.

Exactly. Space based platforms are neat. But banned until kenetic weapons are exempted

In practice, what would be the difference between a HE shell and a depleted uranium rod wrapped in tungsten? Chemical explosives? The delivery package would provide the energy. Not the warhead.

The Flood / Re: Can't wait to see Wonder Woman: The First Avenger
« on: May 03, 2017, 01:21:24 AM »
Let's compare everything to Marvel because they were the first movie studio to do everything imaginable
They should stop blatantly copying the MCU's formula then.
Marvel should stop blatantly copying the Godzilla formula
No, coming up with characters separately and putting them together later is cool and not played out or original to anyone specifically.

I was totally looking forward to the DCCU, but they're literally trying to do it according to the exact way Marvel did it, with a few liberties on timing that ultimately equate to a desperate rush to catch up.
Marvel is doing what Godzilla did 50 years ago

Not really.

Marvel is doing something different by having such a broad story arc. Godzilla told one character's story. Marvel has a pretty rich story. The only thing close are the serials of the 20's and 30's.
The Godzilla franchise told stories of monsters like Mothra, Rodan, and Varan in all separate movies before they all teamed up with Godzilla to fight King Ghidorah in Destroy All Monsters. Godzilla did everything Marvel did first.

Again not really

There wasn't a story arc that was being told.

A franchise? Sure. The MCU is telling a bigger story. Everything is building to a bigger story. Godzilla didn't do that. Even though there are plans for phase 5 & 6, Marvel could end everything with the Infinity War. It would be a grand story that spanned over a dozen movies. No one's done that yet. Told a finite story over that long a period. Phase 1 just set up the main players. Phase 2 the macguffins and antagonists and 3 is the final preparations. Even if you hate the franchise, you have to respect the scope

The Flood / Re: Can't wait to see Wonder Woman: The First Avenger
« on: May 03, 2017, 01:03:07 AM »
Let's compare everything to Marvel because they were the first movie studio to do everything imaginable
They should stop blatantly copying the MCU's formula then.
Marvel should stop blatantly copying the Godzilla formula
No, coming up with characters separately and putting them together later is cool and not played out or original to anyone specifically.

I was totally looking forward to the DCCU, but they're literally trying to do it according to the exact way Marvel did it, with a few liberties on timing that ultimately equate to a desperate rush to catch up.
Marvel is doing what Godzilla did 50 years ago

Not really.

Marvel is doing something different by having such a broad story arc. Godzilla told one character's story. Marvel has a pretty rich story. The only thing close are the serials of the 20's and 30's.

The Outer Space Treaty of '67 prohibits orbital weapons platforms.

So... never?
Only WMD platforms, actually.

No space nukes.

That's why Reagan's Star Wars bluff didn't get the US in trouble with the UN.

Many weapons platforms fall in a grey area. Kinetic bombardment is a good example of this.

The Flood / Re: Can't wait to see Wonder Woman: The First Avenger
« on: May 02, 2017, 03:06:01 PM »
But DC is Dark© And Gritty©

The Outer Space Treaty of '67 prohibits orbital weapons platforms.

So... never?

The Flood / Re: Let's talk cattle mutilation
« on: May 01, 2017, 04:10:32 PM »
Cow dies, bloats in the sun, organs are eaten by insects and maggots.


What would happen if I took off that feed bag?

The Flood / Let's talk cattle mutilation
« on: May 01, 2017, 02:40:08 PM »
A rancher finds one or more cows dissected, no blood on the ground and several organs missing. There are no tracks around the animal and sometimes there are strange chemicals found in the tissues of the corpse. The earliest documented case is in the 1600's in England.

The Flood / Re: A young earth creationist museum is down the street
« on: April 30, 2017, 07:25:54 PM »
Wear a t shirt with dinosaurs on it

i believe the current line of thinking is that jesus lived alongside the dinosaurs
Where the fuck is my bible verse about Pharow sending velociraptors after  Moses who fights them off with a flaming T-Rex gifted by Saint Michael himself?

St Michael Bay?

Tbph, if that is made into a movie, I would watch it

The Flood / A young earth creationist museum is down the street
« on: April 30, 2017, 03:02:29 PM »
Should I go?

The Flood / Re: Is Trump really this bad, or is it all media bias?
« on: April 30, 2017, 12:07:59 AM »
I mean... Buchanan, Grant,  Hoover, Reagan, FDR, and  Andrew Johnson were presidents.
You forgot LBJ

He at least had the biggest penis. ...and wasn't afraid to show it.

Google it. It's true

The Flood / Re: Is Trump really this bad, or is it all media bias?
« on: April 29, 2017, 11:37:22 PM »
Still awaiting this supposed nuclear winter and economic collapse that was going to happen on January 21st

And I'm still waiting for a supposed Day 1 ACA repeal and a 4% GDP growth.

So I guess we're both fucking disappointed.

The Flood / Is Trump really this bad, or is it all media bias?
« on: April 29, 2017, 08:06:44 PM »
At this point I am starting to think he may be the single worst president in US History

The Flood / Re: Thinking about buying a gun
« on: April 26, 2017, 12:54:04 AM »
It's probably just teenagers bumming around.

My friends all used to check people's patios for smokes after hours. You're probably not in any danger.

That's exactly what Al Baghdadi is saying.

My worry is a mentally unstable homeless person. San Diego has more than its share.

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