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Messages - MyNameIsCharlie

Pages: 1 ... 424344 4546 ... 260
The Flood / Re: McCain calling for an independent investigation
« on: May 10, 2017, 12:21:09 PM »
Why don't you post this in Serious? Or are you just baiting?

A mod can feel free to move it. I don't really care which board it's on, it's conversation worthy

The Flood / McCain calling for an independent investigation
« on: May 10, 2017, 12:09:33 PM »
After Trump sackied Comey, McCain is calling for an independent investigation of Trump's ties to Russia. Furthermore there are an increasing number of calls for a special investigator, which could only mean one thing, Impeachment.

Feel free to look yourself. I am purposely not linking a story, lest it be called fake news.

Now, would Trump survive an impeachment? Remember that it's just a levying of crimes against a sitting official. For whatever reason people seem to think it means their dismissal. What do you think would come out of those hearings? What reaction do you expect from the American people?

The Flood / If Loaf were to kill himself...
« on: May 09, 2017, 08:17:07 PM »
And I am not saying he should...

How should he do it?

The Flood / Re: I have this huge nasty bush on my pubes
« on: May 09, 2017, 08:15:17 PM »
Shaving doesn't make you gay. Being you makes you gay. Now shut your cock holster and hang yourself you dirty queer

Did you know the best way to clean your toaster is to plug it in and wash it in a bathtub while you are in the tub?

The Flood / Did Donald Trump commit treason?
« on: May 09, 2017, 08:06:06 PM »

This maybe the start of the Alt-Right's unraveling. Hopefully it'll take thr Right down with it

The Flood / Re: Guys having teddy Bears
« on: May 08, 2017, 08:02:59 PM »
Oh look, there is

Sooo... yeah. It might mean you have Borderline Personality Disorder

The Flood / Re: Guys having teddy Bears
« on: May 08, 2017, 07:58:42 PM »
I'll just leave this right here.

I wonder if a study has been done for males.

The Flood / Re: Guys having teddy Bears
« on: May 08, 2017, 10:01:22 AM »
It's childish and unmasculine. Frankly, no one over the age of 6 or 7 should. Men or women.

Serious / Re: FCC to Investigate Colbert over "Cock Holster" Joke
« on: May 07, 2017, 04:15:45 PM »
Meh. The FCC got a ton of indecency complaints and are doing their job. The real humor here is the Alt-Right loves to call liberals snow flakes but floods the FCC with complaints when Trump is made fun of. They're acting like a bunch of snowflakes.

What a topsy turvy world we live in. Liberals (in the form of anti fascists) beat up conservatives and conservatives call the FCC when someone says "cock hostler."

The Flood / Re: when you see it
« on: May 07, 2017, 04:05:12 PM »
Is it me, or does he look vaguely like Putin?

The Flood / Trumpcare is fucking TERRIBLE
« on: May 06, 2017, 02:15:06 PM »
I've read through a good amount of it, and more than a few analyses. I don't see how anyone outside of the health insurance industry would benefit at all. Furthermore, I don't see how it will lower anyone's rates.

Can anyone explain to me why we should support this administration or the current congress?

The Flood / Logan is dad porn
« on: May 06, 2017, 12:44:09 AM »
When you guys become dads, you will understand

The Flood / So what if I don't know what Armageddon means
« on: May 05, 2017, 06:47:48 PM »
It's not like it's the end of the world

No one suggested you follow us.
I mean, by offering me a cigarette, that's kind of the exact thing that you're doing.

So we force you?

You have to do whatever you're offered?

The Flood / Re: I do hella drugs ama
« on: May 05, 2017, 02:09:52 AM »
I gotta say, pills are bad. Keep it to what grows naturally.
But they feel soooo gooood

And? Thay take you out of the natural order. That chemical bite? That feeling that you're removed? It isn't natural. Do what you will. I will never judge on someone letting their freak flag fly. I like to lick asses. Who am I to judge? But being in tune with everything? Seeing the machine gnomes? Seeing and feeling the higher planes? It's bliss.
You're insane

Dude? Duuuude?

That's been known and accepted for how many years?

But my insanity doesn't mean I am wrong.
Broski skim my thread and post plz. Same chick from forever ago but this time it's really all done.

I need that old man wisdom ❤️

What do you want out of life?

That's all I can answer.

You feel she wronged you. That's real. But do you want her? In your heart of hearts, do you want that pain?

All you can control is you. Partners come and go. All you have is yourself.

So say no.
How about I kill him instead?

He and I are doing a good job of it. I am smoking a camel wide while posting this. No one is mandating you join us. We know full well what we are doing. Your judgements are your own. No one suggested you follow us.

Verb, I understand, I really do. You see the time we're allowed and you say maximize it. Make it count. Stretch it as long as you can.

Some of us disagree with you. We say we should live on our terms. Let the cards fall where they may.  Control is an illusion. No matter what we do, we could die tomorrow and not do anything important. You have your world view, we have ours.

It is polite.  Turn it down. That's your choice. But offering itis no different than offering a glass of water or whatever you currently are enjoying
A glass of water isn't going to tar up my lungs, you empty-headed fuck.
So say no. You aren't compelled to smoke. You aren't even compelled to be around smokers. My offering one to you isn't an order to do it.

I don't know Verb, I think your friends and mine differed in how they acted.

Everything in moderation.
Shut the fuck up.
Verb, do you know what the appropriate amount of a opiate is? Enough to limit pain to ensure survival. Heroin saves lives when used properly. Properly is the operative word. Is it bad that I enjoy the relief or even, dare I say, high of dilodid after surgery? There's a time and place for everything.
"Moderation" is not an umbrella that medical use falls under. You use "moderation" exclusively for recreational use, which is what I'm against.
And that's your prerogative. When so many outside interests have a profit motive in how we treat ourselves, why would what I say be offensive? Maybe some use it correctly and others abuse it?
All recreational use is abuse.
Is it?  Self medicating can be seen as a failure of a doctor or medical profession. Only we know our bodies and minds
Holy fuck. Do you not understand that self-medication is not recreation?

Recreation means you do it for fun. It doesn't mean you're doing it to help your stupid depressed ass or whatever the fuck.

Sometimes I do it recreationally with a friend that does it for medical reasons because doing it alone makes him sad is that selfish and or stupid

Neither. You're human. Moreover you are with a friend who doesn't have a choice. If anything you are better from coming from a good place.

The one thing I hate about people who drink is how they always try to pressure you to join them, and then they try to make you feel bad after you turn them down more than once. I've found that people who smoke usually don't ask again once you've said no the first time. They might ask "are you sure?" but it generally doesn't go beyond that.
I fucking love how it's still considered polite to offer people cancer-on-a-stick.

I fucking love that.

It is polite.  Turn it down. That's your choice. But offering itis no different than offering a glass of water or whatever you currently are enjoying

The one thing I hate about people who drink is how they always try to pressure you to join them, and then they try to make you feel bad after you turn them down more than once. I've found that people who smoke usually don't ask again once you've said no the first time. They might ask "are you sure?" but it generally doesn't go beyond that.

Those are shitty friends. The kind that turn a pleasant mushroom trip into a nightmare. The point isn't getting high, it's what you learn. The oldschool stoners know that.

The Flood / Re: I do hella drugs ama
« on: May 05, 2017, 01:29:44 AM »
I gotta say, pills are bad. Keep it to what grows naturally.
But they feel soooo gooood

And? Thay take you out of the natural order. That chemical bite? That feeling that you're removed? It isn't natural. Do what you will. I will never judge on someone letting their freak flag fly. I like to lick asses. Who am I to judge? But being in tune with everything? Seeing the machine gnomes? Seeing and feeling the higher planes? It's bliss.
You're insane

Dude? Duuuude?

That's been known and accepted for how many years?

But my insanity doesn't mean I am wrong.

Everything in moderation.
Shut the fuck up.
Verb, do you know what the appropriate amount of a opiate is? Enough to limit pain to ensure survival. Heroin saves lives when used properly. Properly is the operative word. Is it bad that I enjoy the relief or even, dare I say, high of dilodid after surgery? There's a time and place for everything.
"Moderation" is not an umbrella that medical use falls under. You use "moderation" exclusively for recreational use, which is what I'm against.
And that's your prerogative. When so many outside interests have a profit motive in how we treat ourselves, why would what I say be offensive? Maybe some use it correctly and others abuse it?
All recreational use is abuse.
Is it?  Self medicating can be seen as a failure of a doctor or medical profession. Only we know our bodies and minds
Holy fuck. Do you not understand that self-medication is not recreation?
Okay so just to get this clear because your stance is a little confusing. Are you for or against the use of medical cannabis?

Medical? For.

We know our bodies and our minds.

Is there abuse? Yes.

But the relief the majority feels? It goes beyond morals and absolutes.

The Flood / Re: What's wrong with Hedonism?
« on: May 05, 2017, 01:23:33 AM »
I could write a whole dissertation on why hedonism is terrible, but I'll make it short: It breeds selfish behavior.
And maybe, just maybe, all behavior is selfish. Can pleasure be defined so simply as chasing the simple i puts that define flesh? Could achievement be also derived down to the point of earthly pleasure?
No, all behavior is selfish, that's an absolute certainty. The point is to be the least selfish, or the most selfless--as close as you can get. Just because there are no 100% selfless deeds does not mean that we should be 100% selfish.

Can the two be separated? A scientist curing cancer is venerated regardless of whether he or she did it for fame or humanitarian reasons.

Follow your bliss. That's all I have to say.

Everything in moderation.
Shut the fuck up.
Verb, do you know what the appropriate amount of a opiate is? Enough to limit pain to ensure survival. Heroin saves lives when used properly. Properly is the operative word. Is it bad that I enjoy the relief or even, dare I say, high of dilodid after surgery? There's a time and place for everything.
"Moderation" is not an umbrella that medical use falls under. You use "moderation" exclusively for recreational use, which is what I'm against.
And that's your prerogative. When so many outside interests have a profit motive in how we treat ourselves, why would what I say be offensive? Maybe some use it correctly and others abuse it?
All recreational use is abuse.

Is it?  Self medicating can be seen as a failure of a doctor or medical profession. Only we know our bodies and minds

The Flood / Re: What's wrong with Hedonism?
« on: May 05, 2017, 01:17:23 AM »
I could write a whole dissertation on why hedonism is terrible, but I'll make it short: It breeds selfish behavior.

And maybe, just maybe, all behavior is selfish. Can pleasure be defined so simply as chasing the simple i puts that define flesh? Could achievement be also derived down to the point of earthly pleasure?

Everything in moderation.
Shut the fuck up.
Verb, do you know what the appropriate amount of a opiate is? Enough to limit pain to ensure survival. Heroin saves lives when used properly. Properly is the operative word. Is it bad that I enjoy the relief or even, dare I say, high of dilodid after surgery? There's a time and place for everything.
"Moderation" is not an umbrella that medical use falls under. You use "moderation" exclusively for recreational use, which is what I'm against.

And that's your prerogative. When so many outside interests have a profit motive in how we treat ourselves, why would what I say be offensive? Maybe some use it correctly and others abuse it?

The Flood / Re: I do hella drugs ama
« on: May 05, 2017, 01:09:04 AM »
I gotta say, pills are bad. Keep it to what grows naturally.
But they feel soooo gooood

And? Thay take you out of the natural order. That chemical bite? That feeling that you're removed? It isn't natural. Do what you will. I will never judge on someone letting their freak flag fly. I like to lick asses. Who am I to judge? But being in tune with everything? Seeing the machine gnomes? Seeing and feeling the higher planes? It's bliss.

The Flood / What's wrong with Hedonism?
« on: May 05, 2017, 12:59:37 AM »
We're only on this world for limited time. What's wrong with filling that time with pleasure?

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