Staff Update Discussion

BC | Legendary Inconceivable!
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ID: BC1096
IP: Logged

7,836 posts
Oh, hey.
Icy and Tblocks as Mods
Elegiac and Noelle as monitors
BC for president

Yu | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Yutaka
IP: Logged

12,707 posts
Almost always, with moderation
Would it be a bad idea to have a chart for the most active times compared against active mod times?

Then you can just pick one of the active decent people that is consistently active in a weak timezone (if more are needed, and at the request of mods/Cheat), or just bump up one of the active monitors around that timezone.

Moderation wise it's going fine from what I see so maybe just bumping up some of the montors would be fine. We don't really need new monitors to replace them, as the last monitor applications hired 2 rather than one as advertised (so until Sandtrap had to step down for reasons, we were overstaffed).
So, Americans are Cheat, Demonic EST, LC (West Coast), Slash CST, and the Canadian, the Mexican and the Gay - the last three in EST.

Kiyo and Psy are UK time. Flee is ECT. Isara is Greece.

| Hero of the Wild
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ID: TBlocks
IP: Logged

17,217 posts

Would it be a bad idea to have a chart for the most active times compared against active mod times?

Then you can just pick one of the active decent people that is consistently active in a weak timezone (if more are needed, and at the request of mods/Cheat), or just bump up one of the active monitors around that timezone.

Moderation wise it's going fine from what I see so maybe just bumping up some of the montors would be fine. We don't really need new monitors to replace them, as the last monitor applications hired 2 rather than one as advertised (so until Sandtrap had to step down for reasons, we were overstaffed).
So, Americans are Cheat, Demonic EST, LC (West Coast), Slash CST, and the Canadian, the Mexican and the Gay - the last three in EST.

Kiyo and Psy are UK time. Flee is ECT. Isara is Greece.
I say Meta should be a monitor. He would be a good fit seeing as he owns the serious board and I would say is a good logical thinker. :P
Demote Demonic. While I love the guy, we can't have inactive mods.
And as for taking his spot I say Me, Icy or Yutaka. I don't really care who, just so long as we have another active mod.

w/e | Ascended Invincible!
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ID: DigitalIZesty
IP: Logged

5,269 posts
I'm not willing to become a monitor.
Last Edit: December 09, 2014, 01:17:54 PM by Royal Light

More Than Mortal
| d-d-d-DANK ✑ πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ 🌈πŸ‘
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Steam: MetaCognition
ID: Meta Cognition
IP: Logged

15,060 posts
This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang but a whimper.
Chronic and Kiyo should just be straight-up removed from the moderation team. You promote Flee and demote Slash to regular ninja (or kick him and replace him with Blocks). You also promote Icy to master ninja.

And then you promote me to monitor.

rC | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: RC5908
IP: Logged

10,789 posts
ayy lmao
Demote slash because he isn't around as much, promote Flee to ninja, promote Icy to master ninja.

| Flora Colossus
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XBL: Cheatlancer
Steam: Cheatlancer
ID: Cheatlancer
IP: Logged

6,685 posts
The site staff for this website should be structured around a Pyramid like design: More monitors than Ninja's, more Ninja's than Master Ninjas, and More Master's than Admin's.

The ideal structure for the Mods (In my opinion) would go as followed:


- Flee (Newest to the bunch, so a bit more time on staff before promotion is considered)
- Sandtrap (If he wishes upon return)
- TBlocks
- 2 New Monitor's, depending on need, or Icy/Yutaka


- Icy/Yutaka
- Kiyo
- Slash

Master Ninja:

- Psy
- LC

Ideally, it would also be beneficial to give Ninja's the ability to lite-ban a user for one day, especially if the Master Ninja's are not available - to ensure trouble makers are dealt with effectively.

I'd like to add that Ninjas can already lite-ban users.

rC | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: RC5908
IP: Logged

10,789 posts
ayy lmao
And then you promote me to monitor.

no that'll be me. agree with everything else, though.

Dustin | Heroic Invincible!
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XBL: Greedy Jew
PSN: Jews Did 911
Steam: Chimpout 2014
ID: Le Dustin
IP: Logged

5,814 posts
This is pathetic, Cheat
This user has been blacklisted from posting on the forums. Until the blacklist is lifted, all posts made by this user have been hidden and require a Sep7agon® SecondClass Premium Membership to view.

Magos Domina | Heroic Invincible!
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ID: Kiyohime
IP: Logged

6,711 posts
01001001 01101101 00100000 01100111 01101111 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01110100 01101000 01110010 01101111 01110111 00100000 01100001 00100000 01110011 01110000 01101001 01100100 01100101 01110010 00100000 01100001 01110100 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101
Demote Slash and Kiyo because they're abusive. I don't care that much about who replaces them.
Lol, no

The Lord Ruler | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Lord Ruler
IP: Logged

9,804 posts
Max characters: 420; characters remaining: 374
Images in your signature must be no greater than 500x100 pixels
I'd like to nominate myself for any of those positions.

Plz make me guy 2 ban ppl

Dopameme | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Officer Nasty
IP: Logged

7,806 posts
Your love gets me so high
If someone else is needed for a monitor/mod position for the EST I definitely nominate myself. I have no reason to leave in the near-future and I feel like I'm very unbiased towards everyone here.

🍁 Aria πŸ” | Mythic Inconceivable!
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IP: Logged

10,560 posts
His eyebrows sparkling, his white beard hangs down to his chest. The thatched mats, spread outside his chise, spread softly, his splendid attos. He polishes, cross-legged, his makiri, with his eyes completely absorbed.

He is Ainu.

The god of Ainu Mosir, Ae-Oine Kamuy, descendant of Okiku-Rumi, He perishes, a living corpse. The summers day, the white sunlight, unabrushed, ends simply through his breath alone.
You should totes make Das Boot a monitor, because he's like cool and stuff. and don't let him turn it down either, he's just modest.

More Than Mortal
| d-d-d-DANK ✑ πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ 🌈πŸ‘
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Steam: MetaCognition
ID: Meta Cognition
IP: Logged

15,060 posts
This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang but a whimper.
So, Slash is now gone.

Promote Icy or Flee to be a Ninja, and have three regulars with two Masters. I'd say demote Kiyo to Monitor and have the other of Icy or Flee to take her place, but that's an auxiliary concern.

And, again, you promote me to Monitor to fill the space.

R o c k e t | Mythic Smash Master
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XBL: Rocketman287
Steam: Rocketman287
ID: Rocketman287
IP: Logged

22,970 posts
I neither fear, nor despise.
Regarding  timezones, it would be a great idea to promote Flee.

I know the time slot with the biggest problems, that was brought up, was late evening for the Eastern Time Slot: So, roughly 7-8PM EST through around 1-2AM EST.

The reason it's such an understaffed period is because the Euro Staff is usually asleep by then, or close to it. Meanwhile, the active US Mod (LC) is on the West Coast - meaning he can still be at work/out with friends, and can't enforce the entire forum on his own.

That's just what we've noticed - if you have another time slot that is poorly staffed, feel free to share.

That is 6p.m to 1 a.m my time. I'm usually staying up late anyways, so I could probably fill that gap around the later part. However sometimes I'm busy from 6p.m to 9 p.m due to work.

I can sometimes get all of that time slot, but I can almost always get the latter half of it.

Kinder Graham | Respected Invincible!
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XBL: TFL Blazing
ID: IchEsseKinder
IP: Logged

7,291 posts
(ΰΈ‡ Ν‘Ν‘ Β° ͜ Κ– Ν‘ Β°)ο»ΏΰΈ‡
Promote Icy and Flee to mod positions

Have Vien, Meta, and Noelle become moderators

As for Demonic and Slash, allow them to continue to be ninjas let them work with cheat on what's going on in their lives. If they get on and do their job then I see no reason having to get rid of them as they could be on at a time when no other mods are on

Basing my judgement on users who are very active and who, typically, don't cause issues. I'd suggest myself but obviously that won't work lol

More Than Mortal
| d-d-d-DANK ✑ πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ 🌈πŸ‘
more |
Steam: MetaCognition
ID: Meta Cognition
IP: Logged

15,060 posts
This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang but a whimper.
Have Vien, Meta, and Noelle become moderators
You've been a good son to me.

PSN: ModernLocust
ID: SecondClass
IP: Logged

30,032 posts
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
β€”Judge Aaron Satie
I would honestly be a great monitor if you gave me the chance. Despite my tendencies to shitpost when I'm bored, I'm much more responsible when someone wants me to moderate. I know that public opinion of me on here makes that pretty much impossible, but I figured I should just post this here regardless.

R o c k e t | Mythic Smash Master
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XBL: Rocketman287
Steam: Rocketman287
ID: Rocketman287
IP: Logged

22,970 posts
I neither fear, nor despise.
I would honestly be a great monitor if you gave me the chance. Despite my tendencies to shitpost when I'm bored, I'm much more responsible when someone wants me to moderate. I know that public opinion of me on here makes that pretty much impossible, but I figured I should just post this here regardless.

I actually don't disagree with you >_>

Haven't seen you in a while though.

w/e | Ascended Invincible!
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ID: DigitalIZesty
IP: Logged

5,269 posts
Yeah, you're decent when it comes to handling stuff.

Anonymous (User Deleted) | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: Kupo
IP: Logged

6,364 posts
Give Meta a position as Monitor, promote Icy to Ninja

Naoto | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: Naoto
IP: Logged

3,753 posts
{zzz}°°°( -_-)>c[_]
Not sure on everyone's specific timezones. Makes it somewhat difficult to vote to solve that specific problem.
[Edit: Just saw the post] Regardless here would be my vote for staff organization. Nothing personal to those involved.

Master Ninjas

Mr Psychologist (UK)
Demonic Chronic (EST)

Yutaka (EST)
Icy (EST)
Kiyo (UK)
Byrne (not sure, but is always on especially during lul period)
Flee (ECT)
Meta (UK I believe)
Sandtrap (away for obvious reasons)
One more monitor if needed

Puts most of your Ninjas at EST but Master Ninjas should round it out. Frankly not a lot of time zone options if your moving up from within Ninja/Mod ranks. I'd think in order to get someone who can ban during that lul period you'd have to go outside those already on staff.
Last Edit: December 08, 2014, 06:00:47 PM by Keyu

Mad Max | Mythic Invincible!
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Steam: madmax0808
ID: Mad Max
IP: Logged

7,519 posts
Give Meta a position as Monitor, promote Icy to Ninja
I could get behind that.

I'm also available for things. Just sayin' :P I know people aren't super fond of me, though.

Fat Cat | Ascended Posting Frenzy
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ID: Fat Cat
IP: Logged

397 posts
i like monkeys
I would honestly be a great monitor if you gave me the chance. Despite my tendencies to shitpost when I'm bored, I'm much more responsible when someone wants me to moderate. I know that public opinion of me on here makes that pretty much impossible, but I figured I should just post this here regardless.
i agree with this actually, and also promote IcyWind because I feel he does the most as a monitor (which isn't to say the others aren't doing their jobs)

Mattie G Indahouse | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: BerzerkCommando
PSN: BerzerkCommando
Steam: BerzerkCommando
ID: BerzerkCommando
IP: Logged

9,047 posts
Did he say glass of juice or gas the Jews?

πŸ‘¨πŸ½:honey, he's gonna say his first words



πŸ‘ΆπŸ½:here come dat boi 🐸!

πŸ‘¨πŸ½:o shit waddup πŸ˜‚πŸ’―

I'm willing to consider new, regular users to enter the rotation.
If you do need new staff members I'm on enough where I'm able to control the forums.

Ingy | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Ingloriouswho98
IP: Logged

14,567 posts
I can be a mod since I always appear to be on in the lull of the day

Yu | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Yutaka
IP: Logged

12,707 posts
Almost always, with moderation
I would honestly be a great monitor if you gave me the chance. Despite my tendencies to shitpost when I'm bored, I'm much more responsible when someone wants me to moderate. I know that public opinion of me on here makes that pretty much impossible, but I figured I should just post this here regardless.
i agree with this actually, and also promote IcyWind because I feel he does the most as a monitor (which isn't to say the others aren't doing their jobs)
I'm curious, why do you feel that Icy does the most?

Fat Cat | Ascended Posting Frenzy
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ID: Fat Cat
IP: Logged

397 posts
i like monkeys
I would honestly be a great monitor if you gave me the chance. Despite my tendencies to shitpost when I'm bored, I'm much more responsible when someone wants me to moderate. I know that public opinion of me on here makes that pretty much impossible, but I figured I should just post this here regardless.
i agree with this actually, and also promote IcyWind because I feel he does the most as a monitor (which isn't to say the others aren't doing their jobs)
I'm curious, why do you feel that Icy does the most?
it might be something to do with timezones, but i feel like i see moved threads by him and him telling people to stop fighting in threads the most, and him telling people to stop fighting leads me to feel as though he'd be good with controlling arguments that are getting out of hand

but that's just my input, this is mostly really from a lurker's perspective, not necessarily the 'bigger picture'

| Hero of the Wild
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ID: TBlocks
IP: Logged

17,217 posts
I would honestly be a great monitor if you gave me the chance. Despite my tendencies to shitpost when I'm bored, I'm much more responsible when someone wants me to moderate. I know that public opinion of me on here makes that pretty much impossible, but I figured I should just post this here regardless.
i agree with this actually, and also promote IcyWind because I feel he does the most as a monitor (which isn't to say the others aren't doing their jobs)
I'm curious, why do you feel that Icy does the most?
it might be something to do with timezones, but i feel like i see moved threads by him and him telling people to stop fighting in threads the most, and him telling people to stop fighting leads me to feel as though he'd be good with controlling arguments that are getting out of hand

but that's just my input, this is mostly really from a lurker's perspective, not necessarily the 'bigger picture'
Monitors tend not to be that visible in the moves they make. :P
I can verify that.

Aether | Mythic Invincible!
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Steam: Sofles_Yo
ID: DemonicChronic
IP: Logged

6,954 posts

Long live NoNolesNeckin.

Ya fuckin' ganderneck.
Sorry I haven't been here as much, lately. Real life has been calling.

My activity should pick up again after I get through with my sinus surgery but If the orange has to go, then so be it.