So I'm making my way through the Nathan Drake collection to build up to Uncharted 4, and I figured I'd share some first impressions. Not a full review or a narrated playthrough like Verb's doing.
I'm only on Uncharted 1 right now, and I'm really hoping the series gets better from here.
-Great voice acting, animation, and writing (even if it's unoriginal)
-Solid pacing (the 'tutorial' stage transitions seamlessly into the normal game)
-Doesn't include unnecessary origin stuff or backstory info
-The game is frustratingly linear
-The climbing is superior to the first Assassin Creed (released around the same time) but is linear and the camera is often locked in awkward places
-The shooting elements are mediocre and don't add anything to the game except to provide filler between puzzles
-Puzzles are...kind of stupid.
-The camera and lighting make it difficult to solve puzzles or figure out where to go
Overall it's a fun game but I'm just trying to blow through it in the hopes that the later games improve on these issues.