Do you use NMM?All you have to do is hit the button that will convert it into a .txt file.It's the second button from the bottom on the left side in this picture:SpoilerThen it's just a matter of copy and pasting.
But.... that's what I was explaining in that post.....Unless you use the Steam workshop then what I said is completely irrelevant.
Uninstalled my Skyrim a while back...Wouldnt have posted my mods anyway...'cause...umm yeah...<.<>.>
I never liked using the Steam workshop for technical reasons.
CBBE. Bodyslide is faaaaantastic...being a perfectionist <.<But that is not the reason why i wouldnt post my mods.
Good taste. But why no then?
I've seen some pretty graphic mods on the Nexus. I think they allow just about anything.
Ehh...there's this other modding site...Doesnt have rules like Nexus.So you know...
Cheese Pizza?
Nahhh, im talking borderline controversial to some people.