Looks like a bunch of close quarters maps, which is a shame because I like the big open ups but whatever. This looks pretty fun tbh.
I stole this from Reddit
Cards and PickupsScatter Gun Star Card fires microshards that pierces Shields
Dioxis Grenade is like a smoke grenade, that does not inhibit much visibility but does DoT damage.
Adrenaline Stim Card heals over time.
Ion Disruptor Rifle pickup - Charged pickup that does damage in a small radius.
Trait card: Berserker (Effects not known yet)
Bacta Bomb: No info yet. Area heal?
ModesExtraction:15 v 15
Mode is escorting a cart from checkpoint to checkpoint.
Imperials activate to stop it, rebels need to activate to start. Takes about the same amount of time as capping a droid in Droid Run. Roughly 4 seconds.
There's a limited shield that can be deployed on the cart by the rebels.
Each check point has heroes added. Still earned via pickup.
You don't get to choose which hero you play with when you pick it up.
Heroes stack. It isnt just one hero at a time. If you don't die, when the next hero shows up you can play together.
1st checkpoint, only Rebels get a hero.
2nd check point both sides get a hero.
By Last Checkpoint only Imperials get a hero.
Heros will NOT respawn
Heroes Vs. Villains8 vs 8 now only for the Outer Rim DLC. 4 heroes vs 4 villains. This is to ensure that on the original maps, any player who doesn't have the DLC wont be locked out of playing a hero. This may change.
You can choose which Hero/Villain you want to play as at the start of the round now.
In each round only 2 honor guards will be allowed to spawn. After the 2 honor guards die, thats it.
They are going to look at how to handle this mode with future DLC Packs, and how many heros per side will be allowed.
Hero HuntHow the Hero is selected has been changed to be more enjoyable for everyone involved.
Now it is based on damage done to the hero, and is set so that everyone should get to play the hero at least once.
MapsSorosuub PipelinesSorusuub Refinery
Sorosuub Facility has a Dianoga. Lots of Lava. Facility is a manufacturing site for a lot of the tech vehicles.
Designed around verticality, plenty of vertical gameplay
Jabba's PalaceIts the Entire interior of Jabba's Palace.
Droid Torture Room is in
Lots of long hallways.
Like a maze. A lot of routes to go.
Rancor Pit, Rancor is dead in the rancor pit. This is after ROTJ Events in the palace.
Cargo sized game modes take place in the sail barge hangar area.
HeroesGreedo:Sprint faster then normal soldier
Confidence Level: Constant kills streaks in combat keep it high. Being out of combat gradually decreases confidence level. Upgrades your abilities.
Nien NunbProx mines on smaller game modes. He can drop a total of 4 proximity mines. *Larger game modes he can call in an orbital strike
Turret that upgrades as his kills go up. Same as Greedo Confidence. It increases in damage as you get kills. Eventually it gets Explosive shots.
Putting the turret down again will reset this.
Pulse Rifle on shorter C/D
One of the emotes is the laugh from RoTJ. Perfect.
His weapon is the DH-17.
VaderVader's parry/block time has been increased from 4 seconds to 8 seconds
LukeNow runs slower.
New FeaturesGeneral Improvements/Balance ChangesAUTOBALANCING IS BEING ADDED. It autobalances at the end of each map. IT ensures you do not play the same faction twice on the same map.
Team Focus: A way to signify to your team which objective you are going to. The number goes up when you use E/Square/X on a particular obj.
Combat Roll by strafing and pressing alt.
Grenades will no longer go through squad shields/Personal shields. (Cycler Rifle/Scatter gun will still pierce it.)
Ion Grenade will impact and destroy a shield.
Level 60 Alien head for Rebels is a Weequay.
Your hand now shows the trait on the load screen.
First Person Zoom/aim for blasters without a scope now shows you looking right down the sights.
Barrage has had its fuse time lowered.
New imperial skins are planned but no details have been announced yet. Dennis has stated that he has committed to them already.
ScoreboardScore is on the left now.
Ping is now displayed
Who is dead now also shows on scoreboard in a dark grey.
Which player has the hero is now displayed on the Scoreboard
MatchmakingQuickmatch: You can matchmake into any 12 player, 40 player or hero mode using the new Quickmatch feature. This cycles through modes every map.
Hutt contractsYou must be level 12 before accessing Hutt contracts.
The cards, and weapons of the DLC and future DLC's are now unlocked via Hutt Contracts.
You unlock everything by completing tasks, similar to your daily objectives
You must first buy a Hutt contract, and then complete the tasks to unlock the item.
DLT-19X and DL-18 are not included in this and are free for all players at launch.
They are starting out with fairly easy tasks, and will see how long it takes people to accomplish that and change it in the future if they need to.
Current items that came with the base game will not be unlocked through hutt contracts
The Upgraded versions of all star cards will also be unlocked via contracts, by completing tasks that may involve using the base ability.