Is it just me, or is the game extremely hard to play?
Honestly I tried Splatoon again after a couple months and it's just...ehhh.
I want to like it, I really do, and I like watching gameplay but everything else about it I just can't get into.
I downloaded the game at launch and I enjoyed it, despite the lack of content. Eventually I stopped playing since I got tired of the 4 maps, few guns, etc.
When I picked it up again (at level 9, only level 10s can play ranked) I felt outclassed by every other player.
I expected a good matchmaking system, but I was a level 9 paired up with people level 30+, and most of the people I ended up playing were from Japan, so I had some lag.
Also, because of the level difference, all the other players had extremely better equipment, for example, being able to take many more hits than I could.
It takes an insane amount of matches to get to the level of my opponents, which means I need to grind levels, not even having the slightest bit of fun, and at that point I just don't give a shit anymore.
Anyone else have this with Splatoon? Any other games with this type of curve?