Smash Bros Concept Character thread V2

Deleted | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: ChaosMetalDragon
IP: Logged

10,766 posts
Old one got locked:

Basic premise is just to take whatever charachter you feel like and give them a smash bros moveset.

Neutral A: Basic Jab Combo
Forward Tilt: EVA shotgun
Down Tilt: Leg Sweep
Up Tilt: Upward knife slash

Sprinting attack: Eva Shotgun (can be done multiple times while sprinting but will automaticaly reload after 8 the 8th shot stopping the player )
Forward Smash: SMG spray (Short Range like mii gunner, weak at killing)
Up Smash: Jump Kick: (Kill move)
Down Smash:Some other kind of sweep Kick

Neutral B: Specter drone (Think Duck Hunt's gunmen)
Side B Smart Pistol (Think Palutena's Auto-reticle)
Down B Stim-Counter (Stun's opponet instead of doing knockback)
Up B: Thruster kick

Up air: Flip kick
Back air: Back Kick (strong knockbck with kill potential)
Forward Air: Eva Shorgun
Down air: slow falling kick

Squal/Leon (by SecondClass)
Squall Leonhart

Neutral A: Basic gunblade slash
Forward Tilt: Gunblade shot
Down Tilt: Spin attack
Up Tilt: Gunblade uppercut

Sprinting attack: Roll slash

Forward Smash: Ilfrit GF
Up Smash: Diabolos GF
Down Smash: Renzokuken

Neutral B: Shell (deflects ranged attacks back at twice their initial speed)
Side B: Firaga (powerful ranged attack, takes a short moment to charge)
Down B: Thundaga (AOE attack around Squall)
Up B: Jump slash

Dark Samus
Dark Samus

Basic Properties: Heavy but floaty.

Neutral A: Phazon Siphon (infinite like Little mac, or Mewtwo)

F-Tilt: close range phazon blast
up tilt: Canon swing
Down tilt: Phazon discharge

F-Smash: Phazon scattershot (similar to Mii  gunner but with a wider spread and less range)
Up-Smash: Phazon pillar (think Palutena's Up smash)
Down Smash: short Phazon pulse along the ground

Neutral b: Phazon beam (Either Arc-thunder/Thoron or Rob's beam)
Side B: Homing boost ball (Like sonic's crap)
Down b: Phazon wall projectile counter
Up b: Teleport

F-Air: beam shot  (villager but probably slower)
up air: fires several small shots upward (like samus' up smash but actually fires projectiles
Back Air: Shadow clone Kick
down air: Diagonal moving ground slam

Final smash:
Phazon wave Does large damage and puts caught enemies to sleep

Ares (By Korra)

Neutral A: Shortsword Lunge
Forward Tilt: Axe Swing
Down Tilt: Leg Sweep
Up Tilt: Upward War hammer Strike

Sprinting attack: Shoulder Ram (If it connects then the enemy character is pushed down. Can be avoided.)
Forward Smash: Flame Wave (Moderate at killing)
Up Smash: Spiked Uppercut (Kill move)
Down Smash: Frontal Leg Sweep

Neutral B: Berserker Longsword
Side B Energy Beam
Down B Arm Twist (Stun's opponent instead of doing knockback)
Up B: Dark Energy Blast

Up air: Flip kick
Back air: Back Kick (strong knockbck with kill potential)
Forward Air: Front Kick
Down air: Spiked War Hammer Swing

Final Smash: The Godwave (Ares turns into his Godwave Form, his armor turns dark red, and he does an omnidirectional attack through the screen hitting all enemy characters with enough force to get them to 100-120% damage or kill them if they were already damaged)

Neutral A: boltshot

F-Tilt: Strait punch
Up tilt: overhead swing
down tilt:???

Up Smash???
Down Smash: Pulse attack
F Smash: Charged Boltshot

Sprinting attack: shoulder charge

Neutral b: spawn crawler (or a watcher) press again for it to do an attack based on the range of the person in front. Very light damage.
Down b: Same as Zelda's down B, but with a Promethan knight rather than the Phantom
Forward B: Projectile counter with his force push thing
Up B: Levitating platform (Works like Rob's recovery, except he can jump, fall or be knocked off)

Neutral air:???
F-Air: Boltshot
Up Air: ???
Down Air: ???

Grab: restraint field. Works like a faster version of pac-man's but with less range.
(Is making Forward-throw a kill move too OP?)

Final Smash: composer

Avatar Aang

Neutral A: basic martial arts combo (possibly using his staff

F-Tilt: staff poke
Up Tilt: Another staff Poke
Down tilt: Low swing with staff

Up Smash: Overhead glider swing (also has an effect like Game & Watch's wind bag)
F smash: Fire (or water) Blast
Down Smash:  Earth Quake

Up B: Glider
Neutral b: Fire shots
Side b: Water whip
down b: raises a rock that knocks anyone caught upward and can block incoming projectiles while it's up
Last Edit: January 17, 2016, 05:09:41 AM by ChaosMetalDragon

Zonda | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: Zonda1996
Steam: Zonda1996
ID: Clockman Zonda
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9,212 posts
‘The most inoffensive user on this website’ - Verbatim
Banjo & Kazooie:
Neutral A: Fist Swipes (Banjo)

F-Tilt: Wing Attack (Kazooie)
Up Tilt: Peck (Kazooie)
Down Tilt: Kicking (Banjo)

Dash: Talon Trot
Dash Attack: Somersault

F-Smash: Breegull Bash
Up Smash: Kazooie clapping her wings over her head
Down Smash: Pack Whack

Neutral Special: Egg Firing
Side Special: Beak Bayonet
Down Special: Bill Drill (combo attack, 2% per hit, high knockback+ 8% on final hit)
Up Special: Spinning Wing Whack (Kazooie)

Up Aerial: Upward Peck by Kazooie
Back Air/F-air: Grenade Egg shot
Down Aerial: Beak Buster

Final Smash: Wonder Wing, 10 second attack that deals 15% damage and knockback to anybody who comes into contact, K.O around 100% on a Medium character.

Korra | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Avatar Korra
IP: Logged

19,118 posts

- korrie
ayy my concept is still there

Big Boss | Mythic Card Master
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XBL: Badman Kakarot
PSN: GurrenSwagann
ID: Big Boss
IP: Logged

13,961 posts
Jacob Potila was actually a Jacob Flotilla of lies.- WarTurkey
Gurren Lagann:

Neutral A: Basic Jab Combo
Forward Tilt: 'Who the hell do you think I am?' Kick (A flying kick, similar to Falcon Kick)
Down Tilt: Foot drills
Up Tilt: Extending wings

Sprinting attack: Shoulder Bash
Forward Smash: Drill Punch (Fist turns into a drill, the longer you hold it the bigger it is)
Up Smash: Upwards Drill Punch (Same as above)
Down Smash: Foot stomp

Neutral B: Giga Drill Maximum (Charges up, spikes sprout from your body, hitting everyone around you)
Side B: Drill Rush (Charges forward with a drill, similar to Ike's side B)
Down B: Probability Altering Shield (Counters, but causes the user to teleport a short distance away)
Up B: Jet Wings

Up air: Spinning Kick
Back air: Backwards kick
Forward Air: Drill Dive (Dives to the ground with outreaching drills)
Down air: Drill Feet (Drills emerge from the feet, hitting anything beneath

Final Smash: Giga Drill Breaker. Gurren Lagann pins the opponent by throwing its sunglasses as a boomerang. As the sunglasses fly, they split into two. Once they have pinned the opponent in the place, Gurren Lagann summons its Giga Drill while screaming the attack's name. Gurren Lagann then flies towards the pinned enemy, drilling straight through it. This is then quickly followed by an explosion of the pinned opponent. The sunglasses boomerangs emerge from the explosion, reunite into a single pair, then fly back onto Gurren Lagann's lower face.

Korra | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Avatar Korra
IP: Logged

19,118 posts

- korrie
Gurren Lagann:

Neutral A: Basic Jab Combo
Forward Tilt: 'Who the hell do you think I am?' Kick (A flying kick, similar to Falcon Kick)
Down Tilt: Foot drills
Up Tilt: Extending wings

Sprinting attack: Shoulder Bash
Forward Smash: Drill Punch (Fist turns into a drill, the longer you hold it the bigger it is)
Up Smash: Upwards Drill Punch (Same as above)
Down Smash: Foot stomp

Neutral B: Giga Drill Maximum (Charges up, spikes sprout from your body, hitting everyone around you)
Side B: Drill Rush (Charges forward with a drill, similar to Ike's side B)
Down B: Probability Altering Shield (Counters, but causes the user to teleport a short distance away)
Up B: Jet Wings

Up air: Spinning Kick
Back air: Backwards kick
Forward Air: Drill Dive (Dives to the ground with outreaching drills)
Down air: Drill Feet (Drills emerge from the feet, hitting anything beneath

Final Smash: Giga Drill Breaker. Gurren Lagann pins the opponent by throwing its sunglasses as a boomerang. As the sunglasses fly, they split into two. Once they have pinned the opponent in the place, Gurren Lagann summons its Giga Drill while screaming the attack's name. Gurren Lagann then flies towards the pinned enemy, drilling straight through it. This is then quickly followed by an explosion of the pinned opponent. The sunglasses boomerangs emerge from the explosion, reunite into a single pair, then fly back onto Gurren Lagann's lower face.

Might as well just say: You Lose, Haha.

Big Boss | Mythic Card Master
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XBL: Badman Kakarot
PSN: GurrenSwagann
ID: Big Boss
IP: Logged

13,961 posts
Jacob Potila was actually a Jacob Flotilla of lies.- WarTurkey
Gurren Lagann:

Neutral A: Basic Jab Combo
Forward Tilt: 'Who the hell do you think I am?' Kick (A flying kick, similar to Falcon Kick)
Down Tilt: Foot drills
Up Tilt: Extending wings

Sprinting attack: Shoulder Bash
Forward Smash: Drill Punch (Fist turns into a drill, the longer you hold it the bigger it is)
Up Smash: Upwards Drill Punch (Same as above)
Down Smash: Foot stomp

Neutral B: Giga Drill Maximum (Charges up, spikes sprout from your body, hitting everyone around you)
Side B: Drill Rush (Charges forward with a drill, similar to Ike's side B)
Down B: Probability Altering Shield (Counters, but causes the user to teleport a short distance away)
Up B: Jet Wings

Up air: Spinning Kick
Back air: Backwards kick
Forward Air: Drill Dive (Dives to the ground with outreaching drills)
Down air: Drill Feet (Drills emerge from the feet, hitting anything beneath

Final Smash: Giga Drill Breaker. Gurren Lagann pins the opponent by throwing its sunglasses as a boomerang. As the sunglasses fly, they split into two. Once they have pinned the opponent in the place, Gurren Lagann summons its Giga Drill while screaming the attack's name. Gurren Lagann then flies towards the pinned enemy, drilling straight through it. This is then quickly followed by an explosion of the pinned opponent. The sunglasses boomerangs emerge from the explosion, reunite into a single pair, then fly back onto Gurren Lagann's lower face.

Might as well just say: You Lose, Haha.

That's the idea :^)

Deleted | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: ChaosMetalDragon
IP: Logged

10,766 posts

Neutral A: standard Jab string

F-Tilt: Ice Shock (Pretty much a longer jab with an ice animatrion)
Up-Tilt: Overhead ice shock
down tilt: ???

Up-Smash: Ice Pillar
F-Smash: Ice blast (freezes target, can freeze projectices if timed right and charged enough)
Down Smash: Ice Quake

Neutral B: Ice projectile (charges, cant be held by dash/sheild/ext)
forward B: Horizontal Ice glide
Down B: Ice Armor
Up B: Diagonal ice glide

Down Air: Throws a chuck of ice strait down

Final Smash: Hyper Mode

Properties are large and heavy, and possibly slow
Last Edit: January 19, 2016, 02:44:03 PM by ChaosMetalDragon

Coco | Heroic Unstoppable!
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XBL: Monsieur Cocco
Steam: Mr Coco
ID: Cocos
IP: Logged

2,576 posts
I'm not mapping out the individual moves.

Banjo Kazooie: use combination between Banjo punching and Kazooie swatting/pecking.  Specials include the different eggs, spring-jumping, etc...

Paper Mario: hammer, jump attacks, paper airplane recovery

Splatoon squid-kid-squid you're a kid: all the different paint guns, splat rollers, bazookas, etc...

Shovel Knight: uses his shovel and shit.

| Gay Tupac
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ID: Prehistoric
IP: Logged

18,968 posts
male, he/him

dracula can eat my whole ass!
The last thing we need is more Mario characters. The only ones we SHOULD have are Mario, Luigi, Bowser and Peach.

Coco | Heroic Unstoppable!
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XBL: Monsieur Cocco
Steam: Mr Coco
ID: Cocos
IP: Logged

2,576 posts
We definitely need less Fire Emblem characters, if anything.
At least Paper Mario is unique, both thematically and in abilities.  It'd be infinitely more meaningful than some cheap clone like Dr. Mario or Dark Pit.

| Gay Tupac
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ID: Prehistoric
IP: Logged

18,968 posts
male, he/him

dracula can eat my whole ass!
We definitely need less Fire Emblem characters, if anything.
At least Paper Mario is unique, both thematically and in abilities.  It'd be infinitely more meaningful than some cheap clone like Dr. Mario or Dark Pit.

I definitely agree. When creating my own rosters, I try to limit the amount of characters per franchise to four. Except in Pokémon's case where you HAVE to include Pikachu and Jigglypuff. I dont count them.

| Future Nostalgia
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XBL: HundredJono
PSN: HundredJono
Steam: hundredjono55
ID: Jono
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18,479 posts
Goodness gracious, great balls of lightning!

- puts a demonic rune under every character on the stage and sends them to Hell

R o c k e t | Mythic Smash Master
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XBL: Rocketman287
Steam: Rocketman287
ID: Rocketman287
IP: Logged

22,974 posts
I neither fear, nor despise.
We definitely need less Fire Emblem characters, if anything.
At least Paper Mario is unique, both thematically and in abilities.  It'd be infinitely more meaningful than some cheap clone like Dr. Mario or Dark Pit.
I'm actually really surprised Fire Emblem is one of the franchises with the most characters.

We need Rundas or someone from Metroid prime that isn't a variation of Samus. Heck a federation soldier might be cool.

And Midna obviously.
Last Edit: January 19, 2016, 04:06:40 PM by Rocketman287

Jocephalopod | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: joecephalopod
Steam: j0cephalopod
ID: Jocephalopod
IP: Logged

8,352 posts
lol fuckin NERDS

but srsly put King K Rool in that shit

R o c k e t | Mythic Smash Master
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XBL: Rocketman287
Steam: Rocketman287
ID: Rocketman287
IP: Logged

22,974 posts
I neither fear, nor despise.
lol fuckin NERDS

but srsly put King K Rool in that shit

No, King K. Rool would waste a perfectly good character slot

Jocephalopod | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: joecephalopod
Steam: j0cephalopod
ID: Jocephalopod
IP: Logged

8,352 posts
lol fuckin NERDS

but srsly put King K Rool in that shit

No, King K. Rool would waste a perfectly good character slot



Coco | Heroic Unstoppable!
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XBL: Monsieur Cocco
Steam: Mr Coco
ID: Cocos
IP: Logged

2,576 posts

K Rool DK64 final boss form.  He's a Little Mac clone.

A salt rifle | Heroic Unstoppable!
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XBL: A salt rifle
PSN: A salt rifle
Steam: A salt rifle
ID: Atticus
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1,778 posts
A salt Rifle
lol fuckin NERDS

but srsly put King K Rool in that shit

Deleted | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: ChaosMetalDragon
IP: Logged

10,766 posts
Master chief

Neutral A: jab combo

Sprinting attack: Spartan Charge

F-Tilt: Gun bash
Up tilt: energy sword
Down tilt: low kick

Up smash: Energy sword
F-Smash: Boltshot
Down Smash: Short hop ground slam

Neutral B: Spartan Laser
side b: Grenade
Down B: Armor Lock
Up B: Jet Pack

N-air: Kick
F-Air: Shotgun
Up air: flip kick
Down-air: Ground slam

Zonda | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: Zonda1996
Steam: Zonda1996
ID: Clockman Zonda
IP: Logged

9,212 posts
‘The most inoffensive user on this website’ - Verbatim
Down B: Armor Lock
pls no. We don't need a character specific pause button in Smash

R o c k e t | Mythic Smash Master
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XBL: Rocketman287
Steam: Rocketman287
ID: Rocketman287
IP: Logged

22,974 posts
I neither fear, nor despise.
Down B: Armor Lock
pls no. We don't need a character specific pause button in Smash
It could be like Fox and Falco's reflector, and armor lock had a limited duration in Reach luckily.

Batch | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: Sips
PSN: Fucking
Steam: Tea
ID: Batch
IP: Logged

8,127 posts
Would Shadow play too similar to sonic?

Deleted | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: ChaosMetalDragon
IP: Logged

10,766 posts
Would Shadow play too similar to sonic?
anything sonic related should die into hell

Korra | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Avatar Korra
IP: Logged

19,118 posts

- korrie

Neutral A: Jab
F-Tilt: Power Kick
Up tilt: Power Punch
down tilt: Instant Transmission Kick

Up Smash: After Image Sucker Punch
Down Smash: Ki Cannon
F Smash: Kaioken x2 Kamehameha

Sprinting attack: Slide Kick

Neutral b: Dragon Kick (medium damage)
Down b: After Image Headbutt
Forward B: Ki Blast
Up B: Nimbus Jump (makes him jump higher)

Neutral air: Uppercut
F-Air: Low-Powered Kamehameha
Up Air: Dragon Fist
Down Air: High Kick

Grab: Dragon Throw (Grabs opponent from the head, spins them fast and then throws them hard)

Final Smash: Super Saiyan Transformation (All attacks improve ten times their normal output, turns the Kaioken x2 Kamehameha into the Super Kamehameha which is extremely dangerous)
Last Edit: January 20, 2016, 11:35:17 PM by Korra

Batch | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: Sips
PSN: Fucking
Steam: Tea
ID: Batch
IP: Logged

8,127 posts
Would Shadow play too similar to sonic?
anything sonic related should die into hell
Why? :c

🂿 | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
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ID: Decimator Omega
IP: Logged

21,882 posts
I know this sounds stupid.... but do you think you can make me into a concept character?

Deleted | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: ChaosMetalDragon
IP: Logged

10,766 posts
I know this sounds stupid.... but do you think you can make me into a concept character?

INB4 Ameranian genocide final smash

anyway It'd be cool if Robin and Chrom were one charachter, like Rosalina and luma or the Ice climbers, where Chrom handles the melee attacks and Robin was responsible for the specials.

Deleted | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: ChaosMetalDragon
IP: Logged

10,766 posts
We definitely need less Fire Emblem characters, if anything.
At least Paper Mario is unique, both thematically and in abilities.  It'd be infinitely more meaningful than some cheap clone like Dr. Mario or Dark Pit.
I'm actually really surprised Fire Emblem is one of the franchises with the most characters.

We need Rundas or someone from Metroid prime that isn't a variation of Samus. Heck a federation soldier might be cool.

And Midna obviously.

Minda belongs as an assist trophy

R o c k e t | Mythic Smash Master
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XBL: Rocketman287
Steam: Rocketman287
ID: Rocketman287
IP: Logged

22,974 posts
I neither fear, nor despise.
We definitely need less Fire Emblem characters, if anything.
At least Paper Mario is unique, both thematically and in abilities.  It'd be infinitely more meaningful than some cheap clone like Dr. Mario or Dark Pit.
I'm actually really surprised Fire Emblem is one of the franchises with the most characters.

We need Rundas or someone from Metroid prime that isn't a variation of Samus. Heck a federation soldier might be cool.

And Midna obviously.

Minda belongs as an assist trophy

Zonda | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: Zonda1996
Steam: Zonda1996
ID: Clockman Zonda
IP: Logged

9,212 posts
‘The most inoffensive user on this website’ - Verbatim