No Man's Sky delay generated death threats

CIS | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: AutisticComputer
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3,310 posts

Ayy lmao

As someone who has been immersed in gaming and Internet culture for decades, I'm no stranger to how fans with enflamed passions can spew some heated and at times hateful rhetoric about their favorite properties online. Random Internet users can and do generate huge volumes of uncivil discussion, harassment, and sometimes even threats over everything from Mass Effect 3's ending to arguments over review scores.

Still, a portion of the reaction to news of the No Man's Sky delay in recent days seems fundamentally different in a way that has been troubling me.

The basic news being discussed here is pretty boring by game industry standards. No Man's Sky, which developer Hello Games has been targeting for a June 2016 release since last October, was first rumored and then confirmed to be delayed to early August over the past week.

This kind of short-term delay happens all the time in the game industry, but you wouldn't know it from the way some people apparently reacted online. "I have received loads of death threats this week," Hello Games' founder Sean Murray tweeted on Saturday. "But don't worry, Hello Games now looks like the house from Home Alone" (subsequent tweets suggested Murray was handling the threats with good humor, at least).

The extreme response extended to the mere reporting of the delay. Kotaku's Jason Schreier, who first wrote about the delay as a rumor, shared a message he received from a Twitter user threatening to "come by, say hi to you, and fuck you up... sounds like you have a death wish. We will find you. Be afraid human, we are coming for you." Elsewhere on the No Man's Sky subreddit, users did some questionable sleuthing to cast doubt on the report and whipped each other into a frothing ire over what turned out to be a reporter accurately reporting the news.

There's some risk in over-analyzing and inflating the importance of these kinds of random Internet responses. Nutpicking the proportionally small number of No Man's Sky fans that reacted to the delay with irrational levels of hatred risks making the entire community around the game look bad for no good reason. These threats are from a small subset of the small subset of people commenting on the game online, who are a small subset of those reading about the game online, who are a small subset of those who will eventually play the game.
Simply writing about these responses at all risks giving attention to many people who are likely trolls just looking to provoke a response. The people apologizing to and defending Kotaku and Hello Games certainly don't receive nearly as much attention.

And, as Bithell Games' Alexander Sliwinski points out on Twitter, this sort of thing isn't entirely new to the industry. "Why is getting death threats in games suddenly news?" he asks. "Are we just openly talking about it now? This has been going on for over a decade." Then again, if this is a common problem in game development circles, it's one that developers have largely been silent about publicly, likely for a variety of understandable reasons. That all suggests it's a problem we should be doing more to bring to light in the rare instances it does become public.

In any case, there's something about this specific overreaction from certain fans that has been unsettling me all weekend. Part of it is that No Man's Sky isn't the type of game you'd usually expect to attract this kind of frenzied reaction. Not to over generalize, but there tends to be a correlation between a game's level of macho, adrenaline-fueled violence and the amount of... let's politely say "heated debate" that it attracts online.

No Man's Sky has some shooty bits, but it's overwhelmingly a game about the wonder of exploring a near-infinite cosmos and the joy of discovering new flora and fauna generated by a wondrous generative algorithm. The fact that even this game can inspire this level of blind Internet rage is surprising to say the least. (The fact that No Man's Sky is launching on PS4 and PC but not Xbox One—and is thus invariably wrapped up in the Internet anger machine that is the never-ending console wars—could have something to do with the situation).

There's also something a bit troubling about what generated this response in the first place. As I said earlier, I'm used to Internet commenters getting worked up about various aspects of their favorite piece of entertainment. Even when I don't support the level of unreasonable bile that seeps into the discourse (bile that Devin Faraci analyzed quite well over at Birth Movies Death), I can at least identify somewhat with fans getting so wrapped up in a story that they develop a feeling of ownership over the narrative.

These reactions to the No Man's Sky delay, though, go well past feeling aggrieved over narrative decisions and get into a sense of aggrievement over minor business decisions about release timing. I've seen similar overheated reactions to announcements of a game's pricing or platform exclusivity in the past, but not over a six-week difference in release date.

One Reddit user tried to explain, if not defend, the level of personal outrage the delay has generated in some fans. "A lot of us have been looking forward to this game for years," he writes. "When we got less than a month away from the release date and we get a delay, it was pretty crushing news to a lot of us. Those of us that took time off work have to HOPE that we can reschedule. Those of us that have kids that were also excited for this game have to explain to them that they must wait until school starts."

Yes, sure, that does sound inconvenient. It does not sound like the kind of thing that should reasonably be expected to generate death threats. The fact that this needs to be said at all and that the state of Internet discourse has coarsened to this point is a problem worth noting, even if there are no easy answers.

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
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48,041 posts
I'm always happy when games are delayed. I wish games were delayed more often, actually. Give the developers ALL the time they need to make the best game they can make, and then release it.

I realize it's a business, and people are impatient assholes, but as someone who considers games to be an art form, I can't say I ever find myself that upset when a game I'm looking forward to gets pushed back by a few months.

Better a quality game released late than a buggy, incomplete fuckfest released early.
Last Edit: June 01, 2016, 11:33:28 PM by Verbatim

CIS | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: AutisticComputer
IP: Logged

3,310 posts
I'm always happy when games are delayed. I wish games were delayed more often, actually. Give the developers ALL the time they need to make the best game they can make, and then release it.

I realize it's a business, and people are impatient assholes, but as someone who considers games to be an art form, I can't say I ever find myself that upset when a game I'm looking forward to gets pushed back by a few months.

This is one of those rare times where I'm in absolute agreement with you.

big sponge
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ID: Lord Commissar
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11,900 posts
I'd like to say that I'm surprised the delay caused this kind of reaction, but the hardcore Sony fanbase is absolutely toxic and has a long and vocal history of doing this kind of stuff.

Ian | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Gaara444
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9,245 posts
Signature goes here.
It doesn't even look like that great of a game.

Still better than Scam Citizen though.

Mr. Psychologist
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ID: Mr Psychologist
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17,225 posts
Not to over generalize, but there tends to be a correlation between a game's level of macho, adrenaline-fueled violence and the amount of... let's politely say "heated debate" that it attracts online.

What a load of wank.

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XBL: gamer x7 42
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6,568 posts
You either die a hero or live long enough to become Mythic..
Not surprising one bit.

Most people don't understand what developers have to go through creating the games they enjoy. It's a stressfull and hard to work in environment, ESPECIALLY once a game is announced. Players don't tend to see what the creators see. Creators see that there is multiple issues with this part of the game that they need to work on. Players see that the game they have been oh so waiting for has been delayed.

BaconShelf | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: BaconShelf
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10,737 posts
I'm always happy when games are delayed. I wish games were delayed more often, actually. Give the developers ALL the time they need to make the best game they can make, and then release it.

I realize it's a business, and people are impatient assholes, but as someone who considers games to be an art form, I can't say I ever find myself that upset when a game I'm looking forward to gets pushed back by a few months.

Better a quality game released late than a buggy, incomplete fuckfest released early.

I generally agree with this. Though when a game gets delayed too much and/or a bunch of key staff leave (Ex. Destiny, Mass Effect 4), it can also be a cause for concern.

BaconShelf | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: BaconShelf
Steam: BaconShelf
ID: BaconShelf
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10,737 posts
I'd like to say that I'm surprised the delay caused this kind of reaction, but the hardcore Sony fanbase is absolutely toxic and has a long and vocal history of doing this kind of stuff.

Has it? It seems pretty unanimous across all platforms

Maybe except nintendo. Though I don't follow anything nintendo related so maybe I'm wrong.

True Turquoise
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XBL: Anora Whisper
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25,382 posts
fuck you
Sony community 101

| Gay Tupac
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ID: Prehistoric
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18,968 posts
male, he/him

dracula can eat my whole ass!
Gamers being children. What else is new.

True Turquoise
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XBL: Anora Whisper
PSN: True_Turquoise
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ID: True Turquoise
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25,382 posts
fuck you
Plus the fact the games being delayed means only GOOD

More games need to have as much time as they need, not fucking whenever the publisher wants money

big sponge
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ID: Lord Commissar
IP: Logged

11,900 posts
I'd like to say that I'm surprised the delay caused this kind of reaction, but the hardcore Sony fanbase is absolutely toxic and has a long and vocal history of doing this kind of stuff.

Has it? It seems pretty unanimous across all platforms

Maybe except nintendo. Though I don't follow anything nintendo related so maybe I'm wrong.

They have disproportionately been the source of a lot of this. I can't think of any other fanbase that's actually had articles written about them by journalists working in this industry detailing how that community and its modus operandai has been interacting with them over the last decade and how it differs from the hardcore of other platforms.

CIS | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: AutisticComputer
IP: Logged

3,310 posts
I'd like to say that I'm surprised the delay caused this kind of reaction, but the hardcore Sony fanbase is absolutely toxic and has a long and vocal history of doing this kind of stuff.

You expressed similar sentiments about the sports game community. Do you have any evidence and/or first-hand experience which would demonstrate a pervading culture of hostility within these gaming communities?
Last Edit: June 02, 2016, 05:30:18 PM by CIS

big sponge
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ID: Lord Commissar
IP: Logged

11,900 posts
I'd like to say that I'm surprised the delay caused this kind of reaction, but the hardcore Sony fanbase is absolutely toxic and has a long and vocal history of doing this kind of stuff.

You expressed similar sentiments about the sports game community. Do you have any evidence and/or first-hand experience which would demonstrate a pervading culture of hostility within these gaming communities?

Deleted | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: ChaosMetalDragon
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10,766 posts
literaly why

RadicalClass32 | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: The Smiths01
ID: RadicalClass32
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3,484 posts
So... I guess I'm going to have to pick up after your horrendous mistakes on here too?
I'm not really angry, and no one else should.

The answer is obvious when it's either a catastrophe early, or a success delayed

CIS | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: AutisticComputer
IP: Logged

3,310 posts
I'd like to say that I'm surprised the delay caused this kind of reaction, but the hardcore Sony fanbase is absolutely toxic and has a long and vocal history of doing this kind of stuff.

You expressed similar sentiments about the sports game community. Do you have any evidence and/or first-hand experience which would demonstrate a pervading culture of hostility within these gaming communities?

How does this show that the Sony fanbase is any worse than the Nintendo or the Microsoft fanbase? Don't all fanboys engage in oneupsmanship, zealotry, and petty bickering? I honestly haven't seen anything from the Sony fanboys that I haven't seen from other fanboy groups.

big sponge
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ID: Lord Commissar
IP: Logged

11,900 posts
I'd like to say that I'm surprised the delay caused this kind of reaction, but the hardcore Sony fanbase is absolutely toxic and has a long and vocal history of doing this kind of stuff.

You expressed similar sentiments about the sports game community. Do you have any evidence and/or first-hand experience which would demonstrate a pervading culture of hostility within these gaming communities?

How does this show that the Sony fanbase is any worse than the Nintendo or the Microsoft fanbase? Don't all fanboys engage in oneupsmanship, zealotry, and petty bickering? I honestly haven't seen anything from the Sony fanboys that I haven't seen from other fanboy groups.

Sure you'll find those types of people in all fanbases, but some community are more conducive to that type of behavior than others and the Sony one is one of those that exhibits this type of behavior far more frequently than others. This is something that's been noted by journalists in this industry as they're frequently the ones who are the recipients of this type of abuse and the common thing they all seem to have in common is that this is that the majority of it is stemming from one kind of community.

The "all fanbases are just as bad as each other" argument is the same kind of argument people make when trying to defend the rather high rates of extremist sympathizers in Islam. It's simply not true, some cultures/communities are just more conducive to "bad behavior" than others.

Last Edit: June 02, 2016, 10:22:55 PM by LC

CIS | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: AutisticComputer
IP: Logged

3,310 posts
I'd like to say that I'm surprised the delay caused this kind of reaction, but the hardcore Sony fanbase is absolutely toxic and has a long and vocal history of doing this kind of stuff.

You expressed similar sentiments about the sports game community. Do you have any evidence and/or first-hand experience which would demonstrate a pervading culture of hostility within these gaming communities?

How does this show that the Sony fanbase is any worse than the Nintendo or the Microsoft fanbase? Don't all fanboys engage in oneupsmanship, zealotry, and petty bickering? I honestly haven't seen anything from the Sony fanboys that I haven't seen from other fanboy groups.

Sure you'll find those types of people in all fanbases, but some community are more conducive to that type of behavior than others and the Sony one is one of those that exhibits this type of behavior far more frequently than others. This is something that's been noted by journalists in this industry as they're frequently the ones who are the recipients of this type of abuse and the common thing they all seem to have in common is that this is that the majority of it is stemming from one kind of community.

I hate to play Devil's advocate for console fanboys, but considering how sketchy gaming publications can be, could they be over-exaggerating in order to push a particular narrative that is convenient for them? I've been weary of the gaming press since the whole autistic shitstorm that was GamerGate which made me, and probably a lot of other people, wonder as to who I should and shouldn't trust. I'm probably being retarded though. 
Last Edit: June 02, 2016, 10:33:01 PM by CIS

big sponge
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ID: Lord Commissar
IP: Logged

11,900 posts
I'd like to say that I'm surprised the delay caused this kind of reaction, but the hardcore Sony fanbase is absolutely toxic and has a long and vocal history of doing this kind of stuff.

You expressed similar sentiments about the sports game community. Do you have any evidence and/or first-hand experience which would demonstrate a pervading culture of hostility within these gaming communities?

How does this show that the Sony fanbase is any worse than the Nintendo or the Microsoft fanbase? Don't all fanboys engage in oneupsmanship, zealotry, and petty bickering? I honestly haven't seen anything from the Sony fanboys that I haven't seen from other fanboy groups.

Sure you'll find those types of people in all fanbases, but some community are more conducive to that type of behavior than others and the Sony one is one of those that exhibits this type of behavior far more frequently than others. This is something that's been noted by journalists in this industry as they're frequently the ones who are the recipients of this type of abuse and the common thing they all seem to have in common is that this is that the majority of it is stemming from one kind of community.

I hate to play Devil's advocate for console fanboys, but considering how sketchy gaming publications can be, could they be over-exaggerating in order to push a particular narrative that is convenient for them? I've been weary of the gaming press since the whole autistic shitstorm that was GamerGate which made me, and probably a lot of other people, wonder as to who we should and shouldn't trust. I'm probably being retarded though.

Two out of the three articles/videos i linked predate gamergate. One is by Jim Sterling and the other is Adam Sessler before he started doing coke and went off the deep end.

CIS | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: AutisticComputer
IP: Logged

3,310 posts
I'd like to say that I'm surprised the delay caused this kind of reaction, but the hardcore Sony fanbase is absolutely toxic and has a long and vocal history of doing this kind of stuff.

You expressed similar sentiments about the sports game community. Do you have any evidence and/or first-hand experience which would demonstrate a pervading culture of hostility within these gaming communities?

How does this show that the Sony fanbase is any worse than the Nintendo or the Microsoft fanbase? Don't all fanboys engage in oneupsmanship, zealotry, and petty bickering? I honestly haven't seen anything from the Sony fanboys that I haven't seen from other fanboy groups.

Sure you'll find those types of people in all fanbases, but some community are more conducive to that type of behavior than others and the Sony one is one of those that exhibits this type of behavior far more frequently than others. This is something that's been noted by journalists in this industry as they're frequently the ones who are the recipients of this type of abuse and the common thing they all seem to have in common is that this is that the majority of it is stemming from one kind of community.

I hate to play Devil's advocate for console fanboys, but considering how sketchy gaming publications can be, could they be over-exaggerating in order to push a particular narrative that is convenient for them? I've been weary of the gaming press since the whole autistic shitstorm that was GamerGate which made me, and probably a lot of other people, wonder as to who we should and shouldn't trust. I'm probably being retarded though.

Two out of the three articles/videos i linked predate gamergate. One is by Jim Sterling and the other is Adam Sessler before he started doing coke and went off the deep end.



I know, I know, it's Encyclopedia Dramatica, but they do a fairly good job when it comes to documenting the fuck-ups of internet personalities.
Last Edit: June 02, 2016, 10:54:52 PM by CIS

big sponge
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ID: Lord Commissar
IP: Logged

11,900 posts
I'd like to say that I'm surprised the delay caused this kind of reaction, but the hardcore Sony fanbase is absolutely toxic and has a long and vocal history of doing this kind of stuff.

You expressed similar sentiments about the sports game community. Do you have any evidence and/or first-hand experience which would demonstrate a pervading culture of hostility within these gaming communities?

How does this show that the Sony fanbase is any worse than the Nintendo or the Microsoft fanbase? Don't all fanboys engage in oneupsmanship, zealotry, and petty bickering? I honestly haven't seen anything from the Sony fanboys that I haven't seen from other fanboy groups.

Sure you'll find those types of people in all fanbases, but some community are more conducive to that type of behavior than others and the Sony one is one of those that exhibits this type of behavior far more frequently than others. This is something that's been noted by journalists in this industry as they're frequently the ones who are the recipients of this type of abuse and the common thing they all seem to have in common is that this is that the majority of it is stemming from one kind of community.

I hate to play Devil's advocate for console fanboys, but considering how sketchy gaming publications can be, could they be over-exaggerating in order to push a particular narrative that is convenient for them? I've been weary of the gaming press since the whole autistic shitstorm that was GamerGate which made me, and probably a lot of other people, wonder as to who we should and shouldn't trust. I'm probably being retarded though.

Two out of the three articles/videos i linked predate gamergate. One is by Jim Sterling and the other is Adam Sessler before he started doing coke and went off the deep end.



I know, I know, it's Encyclopedia Dramatica, but they do a fairly good job when it comes to documenting the fuck-ups of internet personalities.

Most of which is post-GG for Sterling and doesn't invalidate anything he said.

This is like screaming that Verbatim is an anti-natalist vegan in a conversation about Tonka Trucks.
Last Edit: June 02, 2016, 11:05:36 PM by LC

CIS | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: AutisticComputer
IP: Logged

3,310 posts
I'd like to say that I'm surprised the delay caused this kind of reaction, but the hardcore Sony fanbase is absolutely toxic and has a long and vocal history of doing this kind of stuff.

You expressed similar sentiments about the sports game community. Do you have any evidence and/or first-hand experience which would demonstrate a pervading culture of hostility within these gaming communities?

How does this show that the Sony fanbase is any worse than the Nintendo or the Microsoft fanbase? Don't all fanboys engage in oneupsmanship, zealotry, and petty bickering? I honestly haven't seen anything from the Sony fanboys that I haven't seen from other fanboy groups.

Sure you'll find those types of people in all fanbases, but some community are more conducive to that type of behavior than others and the Sony one is one of those that exhibits this type of behavior far more frequently than others. This is something that's been noted by journalists in this industry as they're frequently the ones who are the recipients of this type of abuse and the common thing they all seem to have in common is that this is that the majority of it is stemming from one kind of community.

I hate to play Devil's advocate for console fanboys, but considering how sketchy gaming publications can be, could they be over-exaggerating in order to push a particular narrative that is convenient for them? I've been weary of the gaming press since the whole autistic shitstorm that was GamerGate which made me, and probably a lot of other people, wonder as to who we should and shouldn't trust. I'm probably being retarded though.

Two out of the three articles/videos i linked predate gamergate. One is by Jim Sterling and the other is Adam Sessler before he started doing coke and went off the deep end.



I know, I know, it's Encyclopedia Dramatica, but they do a fairly good job when it comes to documenting the fuck-ups of internet personalities.

Most of which is post-GG for Sterling and doesn't invalidate anything he said.

This is like screaming that Verbatim is an anti-natalist vegan in a conversation about Tonka Trucks.

Fair enough.

🍁 Aria 🔮 | Mythic Inconceivable!
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10,560 posts
His eyebrows sparkling, his white beard hangs down to his chest. The thatched mats, spread outside his chise, spread softly, his splendid attos. He polishes, cross-legged, his makiri, with his eyes completely absorbed.

He is Ainu.

The god of Ainu Mosir, Ae-Oine Kamuy, descendant of Okiku-Rumi, He perishes, a living corpse. The summers day, the white sunlight, unabrushed, ends simply through his breath alone.
Delays are fine so long as they don't reach Nuk Duke'em Fornever tier delays.