Did anyone here get invited into the preview program for Xbox?

🂿 | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
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ID: Decimator Omega
IP: Logged

21,882 posts
It's probably too late for an invite to it. I kinda wanted to test backwards compatibility, but I found out that won't happen until November for non testers, pretty much until it's polished.

| alo
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XBL: goooots
Steam: goootsby
ID: Gatsby
IP: Logged

19,293 posts
You will find out who you are not a thousand times, before you ever discover who you are. I hope you find peace in yourself and learn to love instead of hate.
i really hate how polish has become a common word in terms of developing video games. idk why it just annoys me
Last Edit: September 03, 2015, 08:06:35 PM by guts

🂿 | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
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ID: Decimator Omega
IP: Logged

21,882 posts
i really hate how the word polish has become common in terms developing video games. idk why it just annoys me

Okay, the final stages then. You know, out of beta.

But if anyone except for certain people on this site is in the beta, let me know. I'll be asking for an invite if it's still possible.

Girl of Mystery | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
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ID: TheBritishLemon
IP: Logged

23,350 posts
A flower which blooms on the battlefield
I'm in it
Nothing special. There's basically no games for BC anyway.

Gatortag | Heroic Posting Rampage
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XBL: Josh55886
PSN: Josh55886
Steam: Gatortag
ID: Josh55886
IP: Logged

1,507 posts
I'm in it
Nothing special. There's basically no games for BC anyway.
Are Gears 1-4 out yet? Just bought UE, 44 fucking gigs though.


Girl of Mystery | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
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ID: TheBritishLemon
IP: Logged

23,350 posts
A flower which blooms on the battlefield
I'm in it
Nothing special. There's basically no games for BC anyway.
Are Gears 1-4 out yet? Just bought UE, 44 fucking gigs though.

Gears 4 is a 2016 game, so no. 1, 2 and 3 are playable though.

Gears is bad though

Gatortag | Heroic Posting Rampage
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XBL: Josh55886
PSN: Josh55886
Steam: Gatortag
ID: Josh55886
IP: Logged

1,507 posts
I'm in it
Nothing special. There's basically no games for BC anyway.
Are Gears 1-4 out yet? Just bought UE, 44 fucking gigs though.

Gears 4 is a 2016 game, so no. 1, 2 and 3 are playable though.

Gears is bad though
Yeah, my bad, I meant Judgement.

Word Wizard | Heroic Unstoppable!
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Steam: WordWizard
ID: Sly Instict
IP: Logged

2,686 posts
I think borderlands just came out for preview members.

🂿 | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
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ID: Decimator Omega
IP: Logged

21,882 posts
I'm in it
Nothing special. There's basically no games for BC anyway.

Is it too late to send me an invite? I do have borderlands.

Girl of Mystery | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
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ID: TheBritishLemon
IP: Logged

23,350 posts
A flower which blooms on the battlefield
I'm in it
Nothing special. There's basically no games for BC anyway.

Is it too late to send me an invite? I do have borderlands.
it isn't

🂿 | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
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ID: Decimator Omega
IP: Logged

21,882 posts
I'm in it
Nothing special. There's basically no games for BC anyway.

Is it too late to send me an invite? I do have borderlands.
it isn't

Can I please have one? I've been kinda exited for awhile for it really. I mean I could wait until November, but I don't mind testing it.

BaconShelf | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: BaconShelf
Steam: BaconShelf
ID: BaconShelf
IP: Logged

10,737 posts
They're not letting that many people in now.

I've had three people invite me so I can play the battlefield 4 CTE but I'm yet to actually recieve my message.

Girl of Mystery | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
more |
ID: TheBritishLemon
IP: Logged

23,350 posts
A flower which blooms on the battlefield
I'm in it
Nothing special. There's basically no games for BC anyway.

Is it too late to send me an invite? I do have borderlands.
it isn't

Can I please have one? I've been kinda exited for awhile for it really. I mean I could wait until November, but I don't mind testing it.
why? it has next to no games, and they run worse.
just play on your 360.

Girl of Mystery | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
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ID: TheBritishLemon
IP: Logged

23,350 posts
A flower which blooms on the battlefield
They're not letting that many people in now.

I've had three people invite me so I can play the battlefield 4 CTE but I'm yet to actually recieve my message.
When did they send you an invite?

🂿 | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
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ID: Decimator Omega
IP: Logged

21,882 posts
I'm in it
Nothing special. There's basically no games for BC anyway.

Is it too late to send me an invite? I do have borderlands.
it isn't

Can I please have one? I've been kinda exited for awhile for it really. I mean I could wait until November, but I don't mind testing it.
why? it has next to no games, and they run worse.
just play on your 360.

I don't have the room to setup the 360 next to the Xbox One. I have to unplug the Xbox One and move it just to hook up and use my 360.

If that's not a valid reason to ask for an invite, then I don't know what is.

🂿 | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
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ID: Decimator Omega
IP: Logged

21,882 posts
They're not letting that many people in now.

I've had three people invite me so I can play the battlefield 4 CTE but I'm yet to actually recieve my message.


BaconShelf | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: BaconShelf
Steam: BaconShelf
ID: BaconShelf
IP: Logged

10,737 posts
They're not letting that many people in now.

I've had three people invite me so I can play the battlefield 4 CTE but I'm yet to actually recieve my message.
When did they send you an invite?

Several times in the past two months.