Luci's Fallout 4 review *Spoiler free*

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ID: Luciana
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13,228 posts
So I've sank about 83 hours or so into this. Beat the story and all that. Overall, it's a fun game. Writing was better than FO3, as were companions. I'm glad the Brotherhood was actually handled properly too. Actually, I feel like Bethesda's main writing went into them. Every other faction falls short. However the story itself isn't nearly as bad as 3's, like I've said. It actually makes sense, there are twists here and there that I thought were somewhat clever, and the set piece moments are really cool, like the Brotherhoods arrival via the massive ship, and how the music kicks in when it happens.

However, my main issue is just how bad the dialogue is, and how they limit you down only a few paths. As in, you can never say no, or be a bad guy. Where is the CHOICE? Choice choice choice, THERE IS NO CHOICE! It's you saying no but people around you still saying yes. You've all seen the picture with the dialogue and what not, so I don't need to explain this any more. The fact that New Vegas within the first 30 mins gives you the option to help the people that saved you, or turn thug and kill them all right away, really speaks to how it actually gives you CHOICES!

Moving on, I think having the "unique" weapons drop from legendary enemies was a bad idea, because it means they're very generic, boring and not very exciting for the most part. I got a DB shotgun that deals some radiation damage. Whoopdy doo. I kill people in one shot with it anyway, why is that a thing that matters? Instead, these types of weapons should have dropped from legendary enemies, but then also have actual unique weapons to find like NV.

And make them ACTUALLY unique. Like NV. I also think NV had the better writing, better factions, and better design overall. I guess you can attribute that to the fact they had every other Fallout game to work lore off of for their universe, and it was more direct since it was next to FO 1 and 2, but still. The humor they managed to sink into NV and how it actually felt more post apocalyptic than 4 does, really stands out. Note I say POST apocalyptic. As in, it's already happened and settlements are already happening and things are moving on. It always bothered me in 3 (and 4 but not as much) how it felt like the bombs just dropped less than 5 years ago.

The fact there isn't a realism mode kind of kills it for me too. They set up everything, from cooking, cover system, stims, rads, whatever, to be survival based. However it seems like they just forgot to turn the option on in game. I know mods will easily handle this (along with a lot of things like they have already), and they'd make it better than even the base realism if they threw it in, but still. Part of a sequel should be improving on aspects the past game had in the same series. Bethesda knows they have huge hardcore fans following this series, but I sometimes feel they just forget about it to always appeal to the casual masses. However that wouldn't matter because it's an OPTION like Survival would be. It just baffles my mind.

It also bothers me how much the narrative in the beginning just limits what you can do in a game that says it's an "RPG". It's kind of hard to make up my own backstory when my girl is a lawyer, and my guy in the war and they're an entire family. It just feels like they did a character creation, then gave you the finished character and only let you alter very small things. I mean, the personalities for each person are already set. KINDA HARD to do what you want when you're a family man back from the war, or a hard working woman who turned lawyer.

I get the narrative they were trying to push on you, but I don't think it matches in this game. First time through sure, but 2nd and 3rd time through? It just limits you. I enjoyed New Vegas's character because of how ambiguous their past was. You could decide many things from the dialogue too, whether it be if you had parents, were in the West, or other various things. The dialogue too was far more diverse.

Overall, I'd give it a 7/10 probably. Is it worth the $60? Absolutely, it's a Fallout game. As much as I shat on the game compared to arguably one of the strongest in the series, I did enjoy quite a bit to it. I praise the customization the game gives you, and building settlements just sinks hours into this. I also am glad they fixed the gunplay. It's not "amazing", but I mean, it's your run in the mill shooter with it. I also love how Power Armor actually FEELS like Power Armor now. That had to be one of the highlights for me. The perk system isn't as bad as I thought it'd be too. It's different, but I'm pretty indifferent. While the perks aren't the same, the points sank between 15, 50, 75, and 100 was meaningless in the old games too. So I mean... give and take.

However that's really about the only "new" stuff they've done with this. Everything else relies on things they've already done with 3, and companions are a step BACK (both in how effective they are in combat and what you can do with them) from New Vegas. I apologize if the review is too short or not as in depth as maybe Verbs. It's 4 AM, so sorry if the pacing is off as well. However I intentionally avoided talking about the story because I know it's still new and don't want to dare spoil it for anyone.

My final thought is, the more I play Fallout 4, the more I am reminded why New Vegas is the better game, even without the improved gun play. I'm more than certain if Obsidian got their hands on the new Fallout with this modified engine and gun play and all that, it'd be better in every aspect.

P.S. I hate how many Pipe Pistols there are. I get more excited opening an expert chest and seeing an aluminum can because I know it can DO SOMETHING. I don't need a fucking Pipe Pistol. And why are they in PRE-WAR CHESTS when the lore (and if you have eyes) clearly says they're post-war guns scavenged all around?

Edit: I wouldn't add this but Cindy helped me articulate what I wanted to say. You have a personality pre-established in game, but the only thing given to you is the tone in which you say it. You're either really nice, or snarky about it but still do it. And yes, I hit f5 way too much in convo's because of "sarcastic", and a lot of dialogue really.

Also, Ron Pealman not being there broke my heart. He's been there since the original and they scrap him.
Last Edit: November 22, 2015, 02:38:49 PM by Luciana

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| Mythic Forum Ninja
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ID: Luciana
IP: Logged

13,228 posts
10/10 review fam

I agree in pretty much every aspect
Really? Thank you. I felt it was very... ill paced. I was just kinda typing out my thoughts. I compare it to reviews like Verbs and just tremble when comparing.

Kiwicake | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: Wenggh
PSN: Wenggh
Steam: Wenggh
ID: Fruit
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4,765 posts
10/10 review fam

I agree in pretty much every aspect
Really? Thank you. I felt it was very... ill paced. I was just kinda typing out my thoughts. I compare it to reviews like Verbs and just tremble when comparing.
Naw, it's really good, and other than the thing that I mentioned in the Fallout thread it pretty much sums up my views perfectly

| Mythic Forum Ninja
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ID: Luciana
IP: Logged

13,228 posts
10/10 review fam

I agree in pretty much every aspect
Really? Thank you. I felt it was very... ill paced. I was just kinda typing out my thoughts. I compare it to reviews like Verbs and just tremble when comparing.
Naw, it's really good, and other than the thing that I mentioned in the Fallout thread it pretty much sums up my views perfectly

Thank you, best friend. <3

Cindy | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: Cindy
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1,791 posts
A lot of my complaints will be solved with mods - I know that's not how it should be, but that's practically Bethesda's business model at this point. Mods will fix a lot of the aspects of settlements, dialogue, and weaponry.

My main issues center around your character. If you're playing the male, then you're walking around the house and talking to people before you've even given yourself a name. If you're playing the female, then you enter the game speaking to her as your wife. There's a pre-established character already built for you.

Alongside that, there's a pre-established personality built for you as well. I usually play fallout games as the sort of "rogue with a heart of gold" type of character and imagine them to be ex-military. I know, I know, it's a cliche, but it's a cliche that I enjoy playing out. Kinda removes me from that roleplaying aspect when my dark-haired girl that looked to be in her late 20's played a holotape that TOLD ME I had a law degree and how I kept babbling about "muh baybe ;~;".

There are just so many roleplaying options left out of this game. You can't be evil, as is well-established, but you also can't be a lot of other things - a femme fatale/James Bond sort of suave protagonist, a cold and removed "all business" type character, a character more like Danse that behaves like one might imagine some Teutonic knight from the crusades to act, and so on. Your character is given a personality for you and, while you're able to choose your "tone" and general demeanor, you still can't change the personality of the player character as a sort of snarky, helpful character. I loved that New Vegas gave you the option to do things like sleeping with Benny to kill him easily if you had the Black Widow perk - and little flavorful things like that are just missing from Fallout 4. I have an INT of 10 and doctors still talk down to me like I'm an idiot, and I respond like I'm an idiot. Any extra dialogue things are based purely on charisma and a chance factor rather than having relevant stuff relating to your stats, and I really miss that. Guessing passwords because you had high luck, talking like a neanderthal because you had 2 INT, seducing and flirting with enemies because you had high charisma, discussing technical and medical aspects of what you're doing with doctors and scientists because you had high INT, threatening opponents because you were a musclebound freak, and so on - it's all gone, and I think that removes a HEAVY amount of roleplay from the game.

And, as I went over, they established a character for you as well. You KNOW that you're at least heterosexual or bisexual, in your late 20's or somewhere in your 30's, have a kid, were happily married, and served in the military/worked as a lawyer. I want to be an ex-military girl? Nope, can't do that - it's canon that I worked in a law firm pre-war.

There's also the old Witcher/Mass Effect/LA Noire problem with the dialogue. All roleplay aspects aside, I'd really like to know if "sarcastic" means that I'm gonna make a funny little quip or if I'm gonna berate the person I'm talking to and say his face looks like his ass. Granted, there's nothing as terrible as "you stomped her because you're such a weak fucking sister," but I still feel as though I have to press F5 before I choose any "sarcastic" or otherwise risky dialogue choices - not because I don't know how my conversational partner will react to it, but because I don't know what the fuck I'm going to say and don't wanna come off as a stupid little shit.

My other complaints are minimal, really. The gunplay is fantastic but is supplemented by really shit guns. As someone who's always enjoyed playing without energy weapons, I find myself lacking here. Not as bad as Fallout 3 was, mind, but I loved how many ACTUAL GUNS existed in the world of New Vegas and find the difference here startling. The assault rifles look like super soakers, the 10mm is the only pistol outside of The Deliverer and it looks like something a kindergartner designed, the only option for rifles is the hunting rifle, which also happens to be the sniper and .50 cal variant thereof, and the combat rifle that I have to say I was impressed to even see included in the game. For 90% of the runthrough I've found myself using only the Deliverer, .44 revolver, combat rifle, combat shotgun, and sniper rifle. And as Luc said, I hate how they've done the loot system in this game. I miss unlocking a Master level safe or getting to the end of a questline and finding a super-powerful and unique revolver or a sniper rifle that did extra damage, not just opening some random chest at the end of a skyrim dungeon and finding a randomized weapon that might have a special effect added on.

Don't get me wrong, I love the game and a lot of aspects of it, but it just seems lacking in so many areas that I wish Bethesda had improved on. Settlements are pointless, the factions aren't really all that impressive or impactful on the world save for the Brotherhood, and we've already covered character/dialogue and weaponry.

Oh, and one other thing I wanna bitch about. When you get to the Molecular Level quest where you have to choose a side, You have four dialogue options when talking to the three faction leaders - one of them is "never mind," and the OTHER THREE ARE ALL TO TURN IN THE QUEST. FUCK'S SAKE, BETHESDA, WHAT KIND OF SHITTY IDEA WAS THAT? I HAVE SIX FUCKING QUESTS TO TURN IN AND I CAN'T DO IT BECAUSE TALKING TO DESDEMONA AND PRESTON ONLY LETS ME CHOOSE THEIR FACTION FOR THE MAIN QUEST.


Kiwicake | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: Wenggh
PSN: Wenggh
Steam: Wenggh
ID: Fruit
IP: Logged

4,765 posts
10/10 review fam

I agree in pretty much every aspect
Really? Thank you. I felt it was very... ill paced. I was just kinda typing out my thoughts. I compare it to reviews like Verbs and just tremble when comparing.
Naw, it's really good, and other than the thing that I mentioned in the Fallout thread it pretty much sums up my views perfectly

Thank you, best friend. <3

| Mythic Forum Ninja
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ID: Luciana
IP: Logged

13,228 posts
You nailed what I couldn't put my finger on, Cindy. You have a personality pre-established in game, but the only thing given to you is the tone in which you do it.

Also, Ron Pealman not being there broke my heart. He's been there since the original and they scrap him.

Kiwicake | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: Wenggh
PSN: Wenggh
Steam: Wenggh
ID: Fruit
IP: Logged

4,765 posts
You nailed what I couldn't put my finger on, Cindy. You have a personality pre-established in game, but the only thing given to you is the tone in which you do it.

Also, Ron Pealman not being there broke my heart. He's been there since the original and they scrap him.
Apparently he is in Fallout 4, as the anchorman on TV who talks about the bombs dropping

Kiwicake | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: Wenggh
PSN: Wenggh
Steam: Wenggh
ID: Fruit
IP: Logged

4,765 posts
but yeah

fallout 4 would have been way improved if they had either not done a set character or made the set character actually a part of the world instead of making a set character and treating it like its not

| Mythic Forum Ninja
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ID: Luciana
IP: Logged

13,228 posts
You nailed what I couldn't put my finger on, Cindy. You have a personality pre-established in game, but the only thing given to you is the tone in which you do it.

Also, Ron Pealman not being there broke my heart. He's been there since the original and they scrap him.
Apparently he is in Fallout 4, as the anchorman on TV who talks about the bombs dropping
...Is that really him? What a way too subtle add in.

BC | Legendary Inconceivable!
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ID: BC1096
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7,836 posts
Oh, hey.
You nailed what I couldn't put my finger on, Cindy. You have a personality pre-established in game, but the only thing given to you is the tone in which you do it.

Also, Ron Pealman not being there broke my heart. He's been there since the original and they scrap him.
Apparently he is in Fallout 4, as the anchorman on TV who talks about the bombs dropping
...Is that really him? What a way too subtle add in.

Yes, that's him

Cindy | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: Cindy
IP: Logged

1,791 posts
Also, call me crazy, but I really don't like the music selection in Fallout 4

Butcher Pete and Atom Bomb Baby and a few others are nice, but I'll claw my ears out if I hear Grandma Plays the Numbers or Personality one more god damn time

I miss my Johnny Guitar :^(

Kiwicake | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: Wenggh
PSN: Wenggh
Steam: Wenggh
ID: Fruit
IP: Logged

4,765 posts
Also, call me crazy, but I really don't like the music selection in Fallout 4

Butcher Pete and Atom Bomb Baby and a few others are nice, but I'll claw my ears out if I hear Grandma Plays the Numbers or Personality one more god damn time

I miss my Johnny Guitar :^(
I feel like there's too many songs in Fallout 4 >.> (There's like 40 something of them)

And it doesn't help I always seem to get the ones I don't like :<

But that's only a small complaint and it doesn't affect my opinion of the game

BaconShelf | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: BaconShelf
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ID: BaconShelf
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10,736 posts
I'm still happy to give Fallout 4 a solid 9/10. It's easily the best game I've bought in years- at least since I bought the entire Mass Effect ttilogy pre-owned for £12.

However, I stand by in that NV had the better writing overall. But having seen Bethesda's track record with Oblivion, Fallout 3 and Skyrim, I'd say they are slowly but surely improving.  I'm disappointed that they pretty much pretended NV doesn't exist, from no inclusion of Riot Armour, to simple things like some of the magazines/ skill books and such.  I like that mention of the NCR in one of the quests, though. That was nice. Even so, I pretty much predicted what would have happened to Shaun - I guess I've just seen too much Sci-Fi so I'm able to guess stuff like that. I'm also surprised there's no ability to craft weapons/ armour from scratch- raider, metal, leather armours and simple weapons should be craftable from raw materials, IMO. Similarly, I'm disappointed there's no ammo crafting anymore. The game would lend itself perfectly to crafting bullets and different ammo types.

However, the worldspace is amazing and really fun to play in, I love that power armour is actually power armour, and ammo/ caps are actually somewhat hard to find in the early (and even mid-late) game, meaning you will have to scavenge. I wish Fusion Cores were a bit rarer.

Also, the atmosphere of the Glowing Sea, and when in radiation storms (the weather in this game is beautifully done) is amazing. Really intense, and really feels like they took the Divide/ Capital Wasteland and upped it by 10. It's a really fun location to explore.

| Mythic Forum Ninja
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ID: Luciana
IP: Logged

13,228 posts
I'm still happy to give Fallout 4 a solid 9/10. It's easily the best game I've bought in years- at least since I bought the entire Mass Effect ttilogy pre-owned for £12.

However, I stand by in that NV had the better writing overall. But having seen Bethesda's track record with Oblivion, Fallout 3 and Skyrim, I'd say they are slowly but surely improving.  I'm disappointed that they pretty much pretended NV doesn't exist, from no inclusion of Riot Armour, to simple things like some of the magazines/ skill books and such.  I like that mention of the NCR in one of the quests, though. That was nice. Even so, I pretty much predicted what would have happened to Shaun - I guess I've just seen too much Sci-Fi so I'm able to guess stuff like that. I'm also surprised there's no ability to craft weapons/ armour from scratch- raider, metal, leather armours and simple weapons should be craftable from raw materials, IMO. Similarly, I'm disappointed there's no ammo crafting anymore. The game would lend itself perfectly to crafting bullets and different ammo types.

However, the worldspace is amazing and really fun to play in, I love that power armour is actually power armour, and ammo/ caps are actually somewhat hard to find in the early (and even mid-late) game, meaning you will have to scavenge. I wish Fusion Cores were a bit rarer.

Also, the atmosphere of the Glowing Sea, and when in radiation storms (the weather in this game is beautifully done) is amazing. Really intense, and really feels like they took the Divide/ Capital Wasteland and upped it by 10. It's a really fun location to explore.
Well they're kind enough to not mention NV because it's not their work. I like that they respect the original people's zone across the US. It's 2500+ miles away, so naturally it wouldn't make much of a difference.

In regards to that track record, I'd call Skyrim a downgrade from Oblivion on many a thing. Sure not graphics or combat (though that always sucked), but just production values and how they went about things. Quests and writing was more creative in Oblivion, but has been steadily declining since Morrowind.

BaconShelf | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: BaconShelf
Steam: BaconShelf
ID: BaconShelf
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10,736 posts
I'm still happy to give Fallout 4 a solid 9/10. It's easily the best game I've bought in years- at least since I bought the entire Mass Effect ttilogy pre-owned for £12.

However, I stand by in that NV had the better writing overall. But having seen Bethesda's track record with Oblivion, Fallout 3 and Skyrim, I'd say they are slowly but surely improving.  I'm disappointed that they pretty much pretended NV doesn't exist, from no inclusion of Riot Armour, to simple things like some of the magazines/ skill books and such.  I like that mention of the NCR in one of the quests, though. That was nice. Even so, I pretty much predicted what would have happened to Shaun - I guess I've just seen too much Sci-Fi so I'm able to guess stuff like that. I'm also surprised there's no ability to craft weapons/ armour from scratch- raider, metal, leather armours and simple weapons should be craftable from raw materials, IMO. Similarly, I'm disappointed there's no ammo crafting anymore. The game would lend itself perfectly to crafting bullets and different ammo types.

However, the worldspace is amazing and really fun to play in, I love that power armour is actually power armour, and ammo/ caps are actually somewhat hard to find in the early (and even mid-late) game, meaning you will have to scavenge. I wish Fusion Cores were a bit rarer.

Also, the atmosphere of the Glowing Sea, and when in radiation storms (the weather in this game is beautifully done) is amazing. Really intense, and really feels like they took the Divide/ Capital Wasteland and upped it by 10. It's a really fun location to explore.
Well they're kind enough to not mention NV because it's not their work. I like that they respect the original people's zone across the US. It's 2500+ miles away, so naturally it wouldn't make much of a difference.

In regards to that track record, I'd call Skyrim a downgrade from Oblivion on many a thing. Sure not graphics or combat (though that always sucked), but just production values and how they went about things. Quests and writing was more creative in Oblivion, but has been steadily declining since Morrowind.

I more meant references. Like how Veronica in NV mentions the Brotherhood Civil War in F3, I wish there were mentions in Brotherhood terminals of the NCR-Brotherhood war, or the NCR-Legion war, or ecen the Midwestern BOS-Legion war. Just passing mentions would be nice, not definitive 'this is what happens'.

After playing Skyrim, it was hard to get into Oblivion. The menus were clunky and the characters looked awful. Like, really bad. It was more of an effort to play and the story wasn't interesting enough to keep me going through. The dialogue system was fucking atrocious as well, I never figured that out.
Last Edit: November 22, 2015, 05:27:30 AM by Bacon

| Mythic Forum Ninja
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ID: Luciana
IP: Logged

13,228 posts
I more meant references. Like how Veronica in NV mentions the Brotherhood Civil War in F3, I wish there were mentions in Brotherhood terminals of the NCR-Brotherhood war, or the NCR-Legion war, or ecen the Midwestern BOS-Legion war. Just passing mentions would be nice, not definitive 'this is what happens'.

After playing Skyrim, it was hard to get into Oblivion. The menus were clunky and the characters looked awful. Like, really bad. It was more of an effort to play and the story wasn't interesting enough to keep me going through. The dialogue system was fucking atrocious as well, I never figured that out.
They make references in 4 like you mention. Even the Shi, when even Obsidian didn't mention in NV. As for Oblivion, yeah that skill dialogue thing was bad, but you can't sit here and tell me the main story for Skyrim was better than Oblivion. It was clunky, yeah, but for the time it was in, it's just a much better game for the customization, depth, and actual writing of things such as quests and the journals you find.

This brings up a good point (the whole video actually if you wanna watch)

T6 | Heroic Posting Riot
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ID: T6
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990 posts
But I guess in the end -- Sort of feels like everyday its harder to stay happy where you are. There are all these ways to look through the fence into your neighbor's yard.

Why even risk it? its safer to stay distant.
Fallout is CLEARLY a 10/10

| Marty Forum Ninja
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ID: Flee
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Ushan | Mythic Invincible!
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(っ ͡ ° ͜ ʖ ͡ ° )っ
(っ ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)っ

Also, Ron Pealman not being there broke my heart. He's been there since the original and they scrap him.

Those motherfuckers.

Cindy | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: Cindy
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1,791 posts
You can't be evil?

You can be a dick, cunt, prick, bastard, bitch, and every other synonym thereof, but you're still gonna be a generally good person overall

BaconShelf | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: BaconShelf
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ID: BaconShelf
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10,736 posts
I more meant references. Like how Veronica in NV mentions the Brotherhood Civil War in F3, I wish there were mentions in Brotherhood terminals of the NCR-Brotherhood war, or the NCR-Legion war, or ecen the Midwestern BOS-Legion war. Just passing mentions would be nice, not definitive 'this is what happens'.

After playing Skyrim, it was hard to get into Oblivion. The menus were clunky and the characters looked awful. Like, really bad. It was more of an effort to play and the story wasn't interesting enough to keep me going through. The dialogue system was fucking atrocious as well, I never figured that out.
They make references in 4 like you mention. Even the Shi, when even Obsidian didn't mention in NV. As for Oblivion, yeah that skill dialogue thing was bad, but you can't sit here and tell me the main story for Skyrim was better than Oblivion. It was clunky, yeah, but for the time it was in, it's just a much better game for the customization, depth, and actual writing of things such as quests and the journals you find.

This brings up a good point (the whole video actually if you wanna watch)

I think the MQ for skyrim was terrible and was really just justification for the Shout mechanic. I'm still perplexed why they introduced the interesting concept of the Thalmor/ Great War and the Skyrim Civil War then did nothing with it. The short questline barely affects the game world, and feels pretty redundant. That should have been the main quest, honestly.

My point on Oblivion was that the story wasn't interesting enough to distract me from the awful character models, clunky gameplay and confusing menu system, among others. Skyrims's combat and general gameplay was pretty tight and enjoyable enough, though far from perfect or in-depth. Kind of like Fallout 3,I guess. But that's probably my own fault for playing Skyrim before Oblivion, so it kind of ruined the experience for me. Kind of like playing NV or Fallout 4 before 3.

Cindy | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: Cindy
IP: Logged

1,791 posts
I more meant references. Like how Veronica in NV mentions the Brotherhood Civil War in F3, I wish there were mentions in Brotherhood terminals of the NCR-Brotherhood war, or the NCR-Legion war, or ecen the Midwestern BOS-Legion war. Just passing mentions would be nice, not definitive 'this is what happens'.

After playing Skyrim, it was hard to get into Oblivion. The menus were clunky and the characters looked awful. Like, really bad. It was more of an effort to play and the story wasn't interesting enough to keep me going through. The dialogue system was fucking atrocious as well, I never figured that out.
They make references in 4 like you mention. Even the Shi, when even Obsidian didn't mention in NV. As for Oblivion, yeah that skill dialogue thing was bad, but you can't sit here and tell me the main story for Skyrim was better than Oblivion. It was clunky, yeah, but for the time it was in, it's just a much better game for the customization, depth, and actual writing of things such as quests and the journals you find.

This brings up a good point (the whole video actually if you wanna watch)

I think the MQ for skyrim was terrible and was really just justification for the Shout mechanic. I'm still perplexed why they introduced the interesting concept of the Thalmor/ Great War and the Skyrim Civil War then did nothing with it. The short questline barely affects the game world, and feels pretty redundant. That should have been the main quest, honestly.

My point on Oblivion was that the story wasn't interesting enough to distract me from the awful character models, clunky gameplay and confusing menu system, among others. Skyrims's combat and general gameplay was pretty tight and enjoyable enough, though far from perfect or in-depth. Kind of like Fallout 3,I guess. But that's probably my own fault for playing Skyrim before Oblivion, so it kind of ruined the experience for me. Kind of like playing NV or Fallout 4 before 3.
According to scrounged up game files, it was originally planned to be a much larger questline with an actual strategic "capture" sort of mechanic involving forts and so on

But, as with New Vegas, a lot of content got cut to meet deadlines

BaconShelf | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: BaconShelf
Steam: BaconShelf
ID: BaconShelf
IP: Logged

10,736 posts
I more meant references. Like how Veronica in NV mentions the Brotherhood Civil War in F3, I wish there were mentions in Brotherhood terminals of the NCR-Brotherhood war, or the NCR-Legion war, or ecen the Midwestern BOS-Legion war. Just passing mentions would be nice, not definitive 'this is what happens'.

After playing Skyrim, it was hard to get into Oblivion. The menus were clunky and the characters looked awful. Like, really bad. It was more of an effort to play and the story wasn't interesting enough to keep me going through. The dialogue system was fucking atrocious as well, I never figured that out.
They make references in 4 like you mention. Even the Shi, when even Obsidian didn't mention in NV. As for Oblivion, yeah that skill dialogue thing was bad, but you can't sit here and tell me the main story for Skyrim was better than Oblivion. It was clunky, yeah, but for the time it was in, it's just a much better game for the customization, depth, and actual writing of things such as quests and the journals you find.

This brings up a good point (the whole video actually if you wanna watch)

I think the MQ for skyrim was terrible and was really just justification for the Shout mechanic. I'm still perplexed why they introduced the interesting concept of the Thalmor/ Great War and the Skyrim Civil War then did nothing with it. The short questline barely affects the game world, and feels pretty redundant. That should have been the main quest, honestly.

My point on Oblivion was that the story wasn't interesting enough to distract me from the awful character models, clunky gameplay and confusing menu system, among others. Skyrims's combat and general gameplay was pretty tight and enjoyable enough, though far from perfect or in-depth. Kind of like Fallout 3,I guess. But that's probably my own fault for playing Skyrim before Oblivion, so it kind of ruined the experience for me. Kind of like playing NV or Fallout 4 before 3.
According to scrounged up game files, it was originally planned to be a much larger questline with an actual strategic "capture" sort of mechanic involving forts and so on

But, as with New Vegas, a lot of content got cut to meet deadlines

That's pretty cool. I'm disappointed the seige of Whiterun never really felt like a seige. Would have been cool if while you were in Whiterun, you could see a massive army in the distance.

Also cavalry would have been cool. Shame there's no horseback NPCs.

Mr. Psychologist
| Imperial Forum Ninja
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17,214 posts
Great review, sums up everything good/bad about the game really well >_>

To start with I was a bit disappointed that there was no downright evil option, but I realised that I haven't really played a straight up murderous bastard since Fallout 3. It's not a profitable route to take by wiping out everyone you encounter for whimsy you see.

I was however, relieved to see they kept the cannibalism perk. So combine that with the moralfaggotry that the PC is kind of forced to undertake and you can still make Hannibal Lecter E.E

Turkey | Mythic Inconceivable!
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8,077 posts
Great review. Could anyone with experience with the endings comment on each faction's conclusion? Like, how satisfying are they? I'm leaning towards the Railroad because the Institute are assholes and it's fun to fight vertibirds, but if the ending sucks I'll go a different route.

BaconShelf | Mythic Inconceivable!
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10,736 posts
Great review. Could anyone with experience with the endings comment on each faction's conclusion? Like, how satisfying are they? I'm leaning towards the Railroad because the Institute are assholes and it's fun to fight vertibirds, but if the ending sucks I'll go a different route.

brotherhood ending

You blow up the institute with Liberty Prime's help. It's satisfying enough, the Prydwen stays above the airport and the Brotherhood begins mass deployments throughout the Commonwealth to exterminate Super Mutants, Feral Ghouls and Raiders. A bunch of Brotherhood guys are stationed in Diamond City to trade with locals and I guess generally cooperate with other settlements. They do wipe out the Railroad, though, and the reasons seem fairly half arsed. But as far as I can tell, they don't really care about the Minutemen too much, and don't have any hostilities between each other. Overall, they seem determined to make the Commonwealth a better place to live, alongside recoveribg technology. A nice mix of Lyons' Brotherhood ideals and the Western Brotherhood. Dr. Li gets pissed at you for destroying the Institute, though.

It's fairly satisfying, they don't just bog off and leave the place, they make it clear the Brotherhood's job is far from over and they are here to stay.

I haven't played any other factions so I can't comment on them, or compare yet.

Mordo | Mythic Invincible!
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7,250 posts
emigrate or degenerate. the choice is yours
Mods must be an integral component to Bethesda's business plan. Cut costs by half assing your game and then rely on the community to fix it for free. It's ingenious.

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18,501 posts
The Rage....
After finishing the nation story the other day, i feel like there's only 3 choices to choose from. I do wish the dialogue was better. But good review