Ken Sugimori's alternate artwork for the first 151 Pokemon

Big Boss | Mythic Card Master
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XBL: Badman Kakarot
PSN: GurrenSwagann
ID: Big Boss
IP: Logged

13,961 posts
Jacob Potila was actually a Jacob Flotilla of lies.- WarTurkey

Some of these are pretty cool. I really like the Golem one.

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,041 posts
They're all performing some kind of attack, which I think is kinda neat.

i can't believe i actually did all of them
Bulbasaur - Leech Seed.
Ivysaur - Razor Leaf.
Venusaur - Vine Whip.
Charmander - Ember.
Charmeleon - Slash.
Charizard - Hard to say. It's a small fireball. Either Flamethrower or Fire Spin (or maybe just Ember again).
Squirtle - Withdraw.
Wartortle - Skull Bash.
Blastoise - Hydro Pump.
Caterpie - String Shot.
Metapod - Harden.
Butterfree - Either Stun Spore, Poison Powder, or Sleep Powder. Hell, maybe Whirlwind.
Weedle - Poison Sting.
Kakuna - Harden.
Beedrill - Fury Attack, or Twineedle.
Pidgey - Sand Attack.
Pidgeotto - Wing Attack.
Pidgeot - Quick Attack or Agility.
Rattata - Focus Energy.
Raticate - Bite, Hyper Fang, or Super Fang.
Spearow - Peck.
Fearow - Drill Peck.
Ekans - Leer, or maybe Glare.
Arbok - Acid.
Pikachu - Thundershock or Thunder Bolt.
Raichu - No idea. Maybe Thunder Wave?
Sandshrew - Sand Attack.
Sandslash - Pin Missile.
Nidoran F - Growl.
Nidorina - Bite.
Nidoqueen - Um. Roar? I don't actually think she's doing anything.
Nidoran M - Tackle or Horn Attack or Fury Attack?
Nirodino - Focus Energy.
Nidoking - Horn Drill.
Clefairy - Double Slap.
Clefable - Metronome.
Vulpix - Tail Whip.
Ninetales - Growl or Roar again? Maybe it's nothing again.
Jigglypuff - Sing.
Wigglytuff - Disable.
Zubat - Supersonic.
Golbat - Wing Attack.
Oddish - No clue. Maybe Absorb or something, or some kind of Powder move.
Gloom - Looks like Solar Beam to me.
Vileplume - Petal Dance.
Paras - Leech Life.
Parasect - Spore.
Venonat - I don't know. Maybe Absorb again, or a Powder move.
Venomoth - Supersonic, or maybe Hypnosis, if it could learn that.
Diglett - Dig.
Dugtrio - Earthquake.
Meowth - Pay Day.
Persian - Slash.
Psyduck - Scratch or Slash.
Golduck - Scratch or Slash.
Mankey - Karate Chop.
Primeape - Fury Swipes, or Thrash.
Growlithe - No clue. Doesn't look like Ember to me, but it might be.
Arcanine - Growl.
Poliwag - Hypnosis.
Poliwhirl - Water Gun.
Poliwrath - Double Slap.
Abra - Teleport.
Kadabra - Could be any damaging Psychic-type attack, really. Confusion, Psybeam, or Psychic.
Alakazam - Again, could be any of them, but it's probably Psychic. Could be Recover, too.
Machop - Low Kick.
Machoke - Seismic Toss.
Machamp - Submission.
Bellsprout - Wrap.
Weepinbell - Acid or Sludge.
Victreebel - Uh, Razor Leaf?
Tentacool - Supersonic.
Tentacruel - Constrict or Bind.
Geodude - I don't know. Maybe Rock Throw, or Tackle.
Graveler - Defense Curl.
Golem - Self-Destruct or Explosion.
Ponyta - Fire Spin, maybe.
Rapidash - Agility?
Slowpoke - ...It doesn't appear to be doing shit.
Slowbro - Amnesia.
Magnemite - Thunder Wave?
Magneton - Supersonic.
Farfetch'd - Swords Dance.
Doduo - Growl.
Dodrio - I don't know. Couldn't even really guess. MAYBE it's Rage.
Seel - Rest.
Dewgong - Aurora Beam or Ice Beam.
Grimer - Poison Gas.
Muk - Sludge.
Shellder - Supersonic.
Cloyster - Spike Cannon.
Gastly - Doesn't look like it's doing anything. Maybe Night Shade.
Haunter - Doesn't look like it's doing anything. Maybe Hypnosis.
Gengar - Dream Eater.
Onix - Maybe it's actually doing Bide, but I'm not sure.
Drowzee - Pound.
Hypno - Meditate.
Krabby - Vicegrip.
Kingler - Crabhammer.
Voltorb - Reflect or Light Screen.
Electrode - Self-Destruct or Explosion.
Exeggcute - No idea. Maybe Growth.
Exeggutor - Growth.
Hitmonchan - Comet Punch, or Mega Punch.
Lickitung - Slam, or Body Slam.
Koffing - Self-Destruct.
Weezing - Smog.
Rhyhorn - Maybe Rage.
Rhydon - Couldn't guess. Horn Attack?
Chansey - Sing.
Tangela - Wrap or Bind.
Kangaskhan - Dizzy Punch.
Horsea - Smokescreen.
Seadra - Water Gun.
Goldeen - Supersonic.
Seaking - Horn Drill.
Staryu - Swift.
Starmie - Water Gun.
Mr. Mime - Reflect.
Scyther - Swords Dance?
Jynx - Lovely Kiss.
Electabuzz - Thunder Punch.
Magmar - Flamethrower.
Pinsir - I have NO idea. Is that supposed to be Guillotine or something?
Tauros - Take Down, maybe.
Magikarp - Splash.
Gyarados - Dragon Rage.
Lapras - Nothing. Nothing that I can see, anyway.
Ditto - Transform.
Eevee - Tail Whip.
Vaporeon - Mist.
Jolteon - Pin Missile.
Flareon - Fire Spin.
Porygon - Sharpen, or maybe Tri Attack. Less likely Conversion.
Omanyte - Water Gun.
Omastar - Spike Cannon.
Kabuto - Harden.
Kabutops - Slash.
Aerodactyl - Wing Attack.
Snorlax - Headbutt? Or maybe Body Slam or Double-Edge.
Articuno - I dunno. Doesn't look like Ice Beam or anything.
Zapdos - I can't tell. Only its feet are glowing with electricity.
Moltres - Sky Attack, perhaps.
Dratini - Wrap or Bind.
Dragonair - Dragon Rage?
Dragonite - ...Is that supposed to be fucking Hyper Beam? Wow.
Mewtwo - ...Rocks. Ummmmm...
Mew - Metronome. You can see its wagging its finger.

Kakuna confirmed to have creepy little arms.
Last Edit: June 09, 2015, 08:44:51 AM by Verbatim

Big Boss | Mythic Card Master
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XBL: Badman Kakarot
PSN: GurrenSwagann
ID: Big Boss
IP: Logged

13,961 posts
Jacob Potila was actually a Jacob Flotilla of lies.- WarTurkey
They're all performing some kind of attack, which I think is kinda neat.

i can't believe i actually did all of them
Bulbasaur - Leech Seed.
Ivysaur - Razor Leaf.
Venusaur - Vine Whip.
Charmander - Ember.
Charmeleon - Slash.
Charizard - Hard to say. It's a small fireball. Either Flamethrower or Fire Spin (or maybe just Ember again).
Squirtle - Withdraw.
Wartortle - Skull Bash.
Blastoise - Hydro Pump.
Caterpie - String Shot.
Metapod - Harden.
Butterfree - Either Stun Spore, Poison Powder, or Sleep Powder. Hell, maybe Whirlwind.
Weedle - Poison Sting.
Kakuna - Harden.
Beedrill - Fury Attack, or Twineedle.
Pidgey - Sand Attack.
Pidgeotto - Wing Attack.
Pidgeot - Quick Attack or Agility.
Rattata - Focus Energy.
Raticate - Bite, Hyper Fang, or Super Fang.
Spearow - Peck.
Fearow - Drill Peck.
Ekans - Leer, or maybe Glare.
Arbok - Acid.
Pikachu - Thundershock or Thunder Bolt.
Raichu - No idea. Maybe Thunder Wave?
Sandshrew - Sand Attack.
Sandslash - Pin Missile.
Nidoran F - Growl.
Nidorina - Bite.
Nidoqueen - Um. Roar? I don't actually think she's doing anything.
Nidoran M - Tackle or Horn Attack or Fury Attack?
Nirodino - Focus Energy.
Nidoking - Horn Drill.
Clefairy - Double Slap.
Clefable - Metronome.
Vulpix - Tail Whip.
Ninetales - Growl or Roar again? Maybe it's nothing again.
Jigglypuff - Sing.
Wigglytuff - Disable.
Zubat - Supersonic.
Golbat - Wing Attack.
Oddish - No clue. Maybe Absorb or something, or some kind of Powder move.
Gloom - Looks like Solar Beam to me.
Vileplume - Petal Dance.
Paras - Leech Life.
Parasect - Spore.
Venonat - I don't know. Maybe Absorb again, or a Powder move.
Venomoth - Supersonic, or maybe Hypnosis, if it could learn that.
Diglett - Dig.
Dugtrio - Earthquake.
Meowth - Pay Day.
Persian - Slash.
Psyduck - Scratch or Slash.
Golduck - Scratch or Slash.
Mankey - Karate Chop.
Primeape - Fury Swipes, or Thrash.
Growlithe - No clue. Doesn't look like Ember to me, but it might be.
Arcanine - Growl.
Poliwag - Hypnosis.
Poliwhirl - Water Gun.
Poliwrath - Double Slap.
Abra - Teleport.
Kadabra - Could be any damaging Psychic-type attack, really. Confusion, Psybeam, or Psychic.
Alakazam - Again, could be any of them, but it's probably Psychic. Could be Recover, too.
Machop - Low Kick.
Machoke - Seismic Toss.
Machamp - Submission.
Bellsprout - Wrap.
Weepinbell - Acid or Sludge.
Victreebel - Uh, Razor Leaf?
Tentacool - Supersonic.
Tentacruel - Constrict or Bind.
Geodude - I don't know. Maybe Rock Throw, or Tackle.
Graveler - Defense Curl.
Golem - Self-Destruct or Explosion.
Ponyta - Fire Spin, maybe.
Rapidash - Agility?
Slowpoke - ...It doesn't appear to be doing shit.
Slowbro - Amnesia.
Magnemite - Thunder Wave?
Magneton - Supersonic.
Farfetch'd - Swords Dance.
Doduo - Growl.
Dodrio - I don't know. Couldn't even really guess. MAYBE it's Rage.
Seel - Rest.
Dewgong - Aurora Beam or Ice Beam.
Grimer - Poison Gas.
Muk - Sludge.
Shellder - Supersonic.
Cloyster - Spike Cannon.
Gastly - Doesn't look like it's doing anything. Maybe Night Shade.
Haunter - Doesn't look like it's doing anything. Maybe Hypnosis.
Gengar - Dream Eater.
Onix - Maybe it's actually doing Bide, but I'm not sure.
Drowzee - Pound.
Hypno - Meditate.
Krabby - Vicegrip.
Kingler - Crabhammer.
Voltorb - Reflect or Light Screen.
Electrode - Self-Destruct or Explosion.
Exeggcute - No idea. Maybe Growth.
Exeggutor - Growth.
Hitmonchan - Comet Punch, or Mega Punch.
Lickitung - Slam, or Body Slam.
Koffing - Self-Destruct.
Weezing - Smog.
Rhyhorn - Maybe Rage.
Rhydon - Couldn't guess. Horn Attack?
Chansey - Sing.
Tangela - Wrap or Bind.
Kangaskhan - Dizzy Punch.
Horsea - Smokescreen.
Seadra - Water Gun.
Goldeen - Supersonic.
Seaking - Horn Drill.
Staryu - Swift.
Starmie - Water Gun.
Mr. Mime - Reflect.
Scyther - Swords Dance?
Jynx - Lovely Kiss.
Electabuzz - Thunder Punch.
Magmar - Flamethrower.
Pinsir - I have NO idea. Is that supposed to be Guillotine or something?
Tauros - Take Down, maybe.
Magikarp - Splash.
Gyarados - Dragon Rage.
Lapras - Nothing. Nothing that I can see, anyway.
Ditto - Transform.
Eevee - Tail Whip.
Vaporeon - Mist.
Jolteon - Pin Missile.
Flareon - Fire Spin.
Porygon - Sharpen, or maybe Tri Attack. Less likely Conversion.
Omanyte - Water Gun.
Omastar - Spike Cannon.
Kabuto - Harden.
Kabutops - Slash.
Aerodactyl - Wing Attack.
Snorlax - Headbutt? Or maybe Body Slam or Double-Edge.
Articuno - I dunno. Doesn't look like Ice Beam or anything.
Zapdos - I can't tell. Only its feet are glowing with electricity.
Moltres - Sky Attack, perhaps.
Dratini - Wrap or Bind.
Dragonair - Dragon Rage?
Dragonite - ...Is that supposed to be fucking Hyper Beam? Wow.
Mewtwo - ...Rocks. Ummmmm...
Mew - Metronome. You can see its wagging its finger.

Kakuna confirmed to have creepy little arms.

Weepinbell gives me nightmares

big sponge
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ID: Lord Commissar
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11,900 posts
I forgot how bad his art was at first.

ban me | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: Iberian Husky
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5,080 posts
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ID: Sandtrap
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11,704 posts
Rockets on my X

"Ur a cheeky kunt m8"

alphy | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: An Alphy
Steam: alphy
ID: Alphy
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4,661 posts
uhh charmander are u OK

lmao ekans looks stupid

what the hell is pikachu up to

what the hell is wigglytuff doing, tryna control his mind?

oddish looks like "lmao oops"

meowth looks dumb lol

lol eevee

damn a lot of these are super violent lol

Batch | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: Sips
PSN: Fucking
Steam: Tea
ID: Batch
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8,127 posts
Caterpie is having a good time

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Steam: exige
ID: Luis
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6,172 posts
I like dragonair