Halo 2 terminals had been shown!

| Mythic Sage
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ID: Sandtrap
IP: Logged

11,704 posts
Rockets on my X
Remember when canon stated that all Spartans had identical armor?

Pepperidge farm remembers.
It twas a simpler time, indeed. Then we needed customization in MP, and suddenly now all Spartans must have their own personalized armor sets that reflect their personality. Because, that's totally how a real military functions.

This is what I argued at some point as well. Having all these customized spartans was unneccessary, because it it's core, the standard green mark 4, 5, and 6 was standard issue. Usually, when standard issue is used, this means it's the jack of all trades.

And MJLNOR was built in that sense. It performed well in generally all fields, and because of it's compartmentalized simple design, all you had to do was literally attatch the things you needed. In which case you didn't need fucking much because it was already so damn good. Extra cameras, ammunition belts, thruster packs for space eva's and so on.

I was fine and dandy with customizeable MP armour, cause it was fun. But I will never forgive Bungie for starting that fucking trend, and I will bite 343's ass for not dropping the fucking ball with this shit.

Green Spartans, standardized, uniform jack of all trades gear, simple, little attachments because the armour was built to operate in every line of work a spartan would need to in the first fucking place.

Mr. Admirals | Heroic Posting Rampage
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XBL: Onyx81
Steam: Onyx0193
ID: Mr. Admirals
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1,637 posts
"You are young. I am old. I am dead."
Remember when canon stated that all Spartans had identical armor?

Pepperidge farm remembers.
It twas a simpler time, indeed. Then we needed customization in MP, and suddenly now all Spartans must have their own personalized armor sets that reflect their personality. Because, that's totally how a real military functions.
Actually, if you look at the canonical SPARTANs with different armor, it's suited to their specialization, not their personality.
Fred's specialization of knives is clearly evident, I can see.
Linda, I'm afraid literally cannot see due to having a place to see replaced with a bunch of useless optics.
I didn't know you had the schematics or mechanical understanding of MJOLNIR's visor.

The least you could do, is not look like a total fool by defeating to variants of MJOLNIR with similar designs, or maybe even fancy the notion that those aren't sniper optics.

Assassin 11D7 | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: Assassin 11D7
ID: Assassin 11D7
IP: Logged

10,059 posts
"flaming nipple chops"-Your host, the man they call Ghost.

To say, 'nothing is true', is to realize that the foundations of society are fragile, and that we must be the shepherds of our own civilization. To say, 'everything is permitted', is to understand that we are the architects of our actions, and that we must live with their consequences, whether glorious or tragic.
Remember when canon stated that all Spartans had identical armor?

Pepperidge farm remembers.
It twas a simpler time, indeed. Then we needed customization in MP, and suddenly now all Spartans must have their own personalized armor sets that reflect their personality. Because, that's totally how a real military functions.
Actually, if you look at the canonical SPARTANs with different armor, it's suited to their specialization, not their personality.
Fred's specialization of knives is clearly evident, I can see.
Linda, I'm afraid literally cannot see due to having a place to see replaced with a bunch of useless optics.
I didn't know you had the schematics or mechanical understanding of MJOLNIR's visor.

The least you could do, is not look like a total fool by defeating to variants of MJOLNIR with similar designs, or maybe even fancy the notion that those aren't sniper optics.
I know that seeing everything through a camera lens comes with quite given problems. If 343i could come up with actual schematics for the things they design, then I'm certain they wouldn't look like they do right now.

I know they aren't optics for using a Sniper Rifle, because those wouldn't help at all with using a Sniper Rifle. The helmet's smart-link to the scope mounted on the firearm is incredibly more useful than scopes mounted on the armor. Yet, there is clearly nothing to be gained by the design of that armor.

Assassin 11D7 | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: Assassin 11D7
ID: Assassin 11D7
IP: Logged

10,059 posts
"flaming nipple chops"-Your host, the man they call Ghost.

To say, 'nothing is true', is to realize that the foundations of society are fragile, and that we must be the shepherds of our own civilization. To say, 'everything is permitted', is to understand that we are the architects of our actions, and that we must live with their consequences, whether glorious or tragic.
Remember when canon stated that all Spartans had identical armor?

Pepperidge farm remembers.
It twas a simpler time, indeed. Then we needed customization in MP, and suddenly now all Spartans must have their own personalized armor sets that reflect their personality. Because, that's totally how a real military functions.

This is what I argued at some point as well. Having all these customized spartans was unneccessary, because it it's core, the standard green mark 4, 5, and 6 was standard issue. Usually, when standard issue is used, this means it's the jack of all trades.

And MJLNOR was built in that sense. It performed well in generally all fields, and because of it's compartmentalized simple design, all you had to do was literally attatch the things you needed. In which case you didn't need fucking much because it was already so damn good. Extra cameras, ammunition belts, thruster packs for space eva's and so on.

I was fine and dandy with customizeable MP armour, cause it was fun. But I will never forgive Bungie for starting that fucking trend, and I will bite 343's ass for not dropping the fucking ball with this shit.

Green Spartans, standardized, uniform jack of all trades gear, simple, little attachments because the armour was built to operate in every line of work a spartan would need to in the first fucking place.
Green armor for everyone made sense with the Mk V & VI, but with Mk IV the Spartans had much more time with the armor, so them making personal touches through different paint coats is rational.
The different armor sets were fine, IMO, when they were in moderation.

In Halo 3, each armor set was designed to make the user better in some specific role or situation(and they looked like they would fulfill the roles that they were said to be designed for), but at the cost of not being as jack of all trades. So, it would make sense for some Spartans on certain missions to put, say some EOD attachments onto their armor if they're going on a mission to disarm Innie bombs. However, majority of cases would still have Spartans using the default Mk. VI, as it would probably be more common and if they don't know what they have to deal with they're equally prepared for whatever happens.

In Reach, the armors designed for certain roles were still there, but the reason that almost everything was in prototype allowed more armors to be made. Even still, they all looked like they might've played the part, and it made sense that there would have been more variants early on as the worse designs had yet to be washed out. What I really liked about Reach though was how all the chest armors were still just attachments to the suit, like how Halo 3's were; although most of the chest armors in Reach were added magazine pouches, knives, smoke grenades, ammo, etc., they were still good attachments.

In Halo 4, is really where it went wrong. They tried to make as many different armor sets as they could, and in doing so completely lost sight of what the purpose of them was outside of allowing MP customization. A large majority of Halo 4's armors lack function and purpose, they exist just to exist, not to benefit a specialized role in combat. Not being modular attachments to a base suit like H3's and Reach's armors were makes it seem worse to me. And with how the armors are shown being used by just whoever wants them, without intent to use them for their specific purpose, it's clear 343i just wants different armors for different characters.

My bitching over Halo's art designs never ends, it seems.

| Mythic Sage
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ID: Sandtrap
IP: Logged

11,704 posts
Rockets on my X
Remember when canon stated that all Spartans had identical armor?

Pepperidge farm remembers.
It twas a simpler time, indeed. Then we needed customization in MP, and suddenly now all Spartans must have their own personalized armor sets that reflect their personality. Because, that's totally how a real military functions.

This is what I argued at some point as well. Having all these customized spartans was unneccessary, because it it's core, the standard green mark 4, 5, and 6 was standard issue. Usually, when standard issue is used, this means it's the jack of all trades.

And MJLNOR was built in that sense. It performed well in generally all fields, and because of it's compartmentalized simple design, all you had to do was literally attatch the things you needed. In which case you didn't need fucking much because it was already so damn good. Extra cameras, ammunition belts, thruster packs for space eva's and so on.

I was fine and dandy with customizeable MP armour, cause it was fun. But I will never forgive Bungie for starting that fucking trend, and I will bite 343's ass for not dropping the fucking ball with this shit.

Green Spartans, standardized, uniform jack of all trades gear, simple, little attachments because the armour was built to operate in every line of work a spartan would need to in the first fucking place.
Green armor for everyone made sense with the Mk V & VI, but with Mk IV the Spartans had much more time with the armor, so them making personal touches through different paint coats is rational.
The different armor sets were fine, IMO, when they were in moderation.

In Halo 3, each armor set was designed to make the user better in some specific role or situation(and they looked like they would fulfill the roles that they were said to be designed for), but at the cost of not being as jack of all trades. So, it would make sense for some Spartans on certain missions to put, say some EOD attachments onto their armor if they're going on a mission to disarm Innie bombs. However, majority of cases would still have Spartans using the default Mk. VI, as it would probably be more common and if they don't know what they have to deal with they're equally prepared for whatever happens.

In Reach, the armors designed for certain roles were still there, but the reason that almost everything was in prototype allowed more armors to be made. Even still, they all looked like they might've played the part, and it made sense that there would have been more variants early on as the worse designs had yet to be washed out. What I really liked about Reach though was how all the chest armors were still just attachments to the suit, like how Halo 3's were; although most of the chest armors in Reach were added magazine pouches, knives, smoke grenades, ammo, etc., they were still good attachments.

In Halo 4, is really where it went wrong. They tried to make as many different armor sets as they could, and in doing so completely lost sight of what the purpose of them was outside of allowing MP customization. A large majority of Halo 4's armors lack function and purpose, they exist just to exist, not to benefit a specialized role in combat. Not being modular attachments to a base suit like H3's and Reach's armors were makes it seem worse to me. And with how the armors are shown being used by just whoever wants them, without intent to use them for their specific purpose, it's clear 343i just wants different armors for different characters.

My bitching over Halo's art designs never ends, it seems.

Hey believe me I hear you loud and clear. This has bugged me since it started. Like I said, I too enjoyed Halo 3's versions, to some extent. They looked, to some degree what a spartan would wear. But reach started the trend of straying away, and then Halo 4 just fell over.

But, you know what would be fucking cool?

How about, rather than make a character identifiable through armour, why not make an actual character instead?

In that sense, I mean that Spartans are people. And they have their tells, just like everybody else. Halsey knows every Spartan II by heart even with their uniform armour on. She knows their body language, their feelings, everything.

So, why not build really fucking good characters, and give them a personality, through words, and subtle actions that we get to know over time? In that sense, they could use uniform armour, but with different bits and pieces of course to help people initially identify, but the characters would be so strong that people would see past the armour.

And in that, you'd gain a character 10x more loved, more valued, more cared for and concerned about than what Palmer currently provides. Than what all the various members of majestic provide.

Oh, but tis only a pipe dream. But, a man can dream, no?

Assassin 11D7 | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: Assassin 11D7
ID: Assassin 11D7
IP: Logged

10,059 posts
"flaming nipple chops"-Your host, the man they call Ghost.

To say, 'nothing is true', is to realize that the foundations of society are fragile, and that we must be the shepherds of our own civilization. To say, 'everything is permitted', is to understand that we are the architects of our actions, and that we must live with their consequences, whether glorious or tragic.
Remember when canon stated that all Spartans had identical armor?

Pepperidge farm remembers.
It twas a simpler time, indeed. Then we needed customization in MP, and suddenly now all Spartans must have their own personalized armor sets that reflect their personality. Because, that's totally how a real military functions.

This is what I argued at some point as well. Having all these customized spartans was unneccessary, because it it's core, the standard green mark 4, 5, and 6 was standard issue. Usually, when standard issue is used, this means it's the jack of all trades.

And MJLNOR was built in that sense. It performed well in generally all fields, and because of it's compartmentalized simple design, all you had to do was literally attatch the things you needed. In which case you didn't need fucking much because it was already so damn good. Extra cameras, ammunition belts, thruster packs for space eva's and so on.

I was fine and dandy with customizeable MP armour, cause it was fun. But I will never forgive Bungie for starting that fucking trend, and I will bite 343's ass for not dropping the fucking ball with this shit.

Green Spartans, standardized, uniform jack of all trades gear, simple, little attachments because the armour was built to operate in every line of work a spartan would need to in the first fucking place.
Green armor for everyone made sense with the Mk V & VI, but with Mk IV the Spartans had much more time with the armor, so them making personal touches through different paint coats is rational.
The different armor sets were fine, IMO, when they were in moderation.

In Halo 3, each armor set was designed to make the user better in some specific role or situation(and they looked like they would fulfill the roles that they were said to be designed for), but at the cost of not being as jack of all trades. So, it would make sense for some Spartans on certain missions to put, say some EOD attachments onto their armor if they're going on a mission to disarm Innie bombs. However, majority of cases would still have Spartans using the default Mk. VI, as it would probably be more common and if they don't know what they have to deal with they're equally prepared for whatever happens.

In Reach, the armors designed for certain roles were still there, but the reason that almost everything was in prototype allowed more armors to be made. Even still, they all looked like they might've played the part, and it made sense that there would have been more variants early on as the worse designs had yet to be washed out. What I really liked about Reach though was how all the chest armors were still just attachments to the suit, like how Halo 3's were; although most of the chest armors in Reach were added magazine pouches, knives, smoke grenades, ammo, etc., they were still good attachments.

In Halo 4, is really where it went wrong. They tried to make as many different armor sets as they could, and in doing so completely lost sight of what the purpose of them was outside of allowing MP customization. A large majority of Halo 4's armors lack function and purpose, they exist just to exist, not to benefit a specialized role in combat. Not being modular attachments to a base suit like H3's and Reach's armors were makes it seem worse to me. And with how the armors are shown being used by just whoever wants them, without intent to use them for their specific purpose, it's clear 343i just wants different armors for different characters.

My bitching over Halo's art designs never ends, it seems.

Hey believe me I hear you loud and clear. This has bugged me since it started. Like I said, I too enjoyed Halo 3's versions, to some extent. They looked, to some degree what a spartan would wear. But reach started the trend of straying away, and then Halo 4 just fell over.

But, you know what would be fucking cool?

How about, rather than make a character identifiable through armour, why not make an actual character instead?

In that sense, I mean that Spartans are people. And they have their tells, just like everybody else. Halsey knows every Spartan II by heart even with their uniform armour on. She knows their body language, their feelings, everything.

So, why not build really fucking good characters, and give them a personality, through words, and subtle actions that we get to know over time? In that sense, they could use uniform armour, but with different bits and pieces of course to help people initially identify, but the characters would be so strong that people would see past the armour.

And in that, you'd gain a character 10x more loved, more valued, more cared for and concerned about than what Palmer currently provides. Than what all the various members of majestic provide.

Oh, but tis only a pipe dream. But, a man can dream, no?
Well, it seemed like 343i were trying to make Chief have more of a character in the games in Halo 4, but unfortunately that seemed to require ignoring the characters of everyone else that showed up in the Campaign. I hope 343i brings Blue into Halo 5 for good, doesn't do anything stupid with them, and keeps their personalities true, even if their art team is set on making armor like the "Yo dawg, I heard you like optics?" gear Linda has.

Then again, I still dream of Reach having sections without any fighting, where you would've just been able to free-roam and talk to members of Noble and bonded with the team. I really wish we could get some quality non-combat time in a Halo game where you learn about characters, listen to your teammates joke or reminisce about past situations, some more SII childhood misadventures, and talk about fellow Spartans passed.

God, I think that would make me feel as giddy as I did when I first played through the Halo trilogy as a kid in Grade school. A full-fledged, character-driven campaign that's not just 6-8 hours long, but a serious thing that would take you days to get through. I wouldn't care if they had to release a second half later on like they did with SpOps.

Out of curiosity, might I ask what makes you think Reach's armor started straying away?

| Mythic Sage
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ID: Sandtrap
IP: Logged

11,704 posts
Rockets on my X
Remember when canon stated that all Spartans had identical armor?

Pepperidge farm remembers.
It twas a simpler time, indeed. Then we needed customization in MP, and suddenly now all Spartans must have their own personalized armor sets that reflect their personality. Because, that's totally how a real military functions.

This is what I argued at some point as well. Having all these customized spartans was unneccessary, because it it's core, the standard green mark 4, 5, and 6 was standard issue. Usually, when standard issue is used, this means it's the jack of all trades.

And MJLNOR was built in that sense. It performed well in generally all fields, and because of it's compartmentalized simple design, all you had to do was literally attatch the things you needed. In which case you didn't need fucking much because it was already so damn good. Extra cameras, ammunition belts, thruster packs for space eva's and so on.

I was fine and dandy with customizeable MP armour, cause it was fun. But I will never forgive Bungie for starting that fucking trend, and I will bite 343's ass for not dropping the fucking ball with this shit.

Green Spartans, standardized, uniform jack of all trades gear, simple, little attachments because the armour was built to operate in every line of work a spartan would need to in the first fucking place.
Green armor for everyone made sense with the Mk V & VI, but with Mk IV the Spartans had much more time with the armor, so them making personal touches through different paint coats is rational.
The different armor sets were fine, IMO, when they were in moderation.

In Halo 3, each armor set was designed to make the user better in some specific role or situation(and they looked like they would fulfill the roles that they were said to be designed for), but at the cost of not being as jack of all trades. So, it would make sense for some Spartans on certain missions to put, say some EOD attachments onto their armor if they're going on a mission to disarm Innie bombs. However, majority of cases would still have Spartans using the default Mk. VI, as it would probably be more common and if they don't know what they have to deal with they're equally prepared for whatever happens.

In Reach, the armors designed for certain roles were still there, but the reason that almost everything was in prototype allowed more armors to be made. Even still, they all looked like they might've played the part, and it made sense that there would have been more variants early on as the worse designs had yet to be washed out. What I really liked about Reach though was how all the chest armors were still just attachments to the suit, like how Halo 3's were; although most of the chest armors in Reach were added magazine pouches, knives, smoke grenades, ammo, etc., they were still good attachments.

In Halo 4, is really where it went wrong. They tried to make as many different armor sets as they could, and in doing so completely lost sight of what the purpose of them was outside of allowing MP customization. A large majority of Halo 4's armors lack function and purpose, they exist just to exist, not to benefit a specialized role in combat. Not being modular attachments to a base suit like H3's and Reach's armors were makes it seem worse to me. And with how the armors are shown being used by just whoever wants them, without intent to use them for their specific purpose, it's clear 343i just wants different armors for different characters.

My bitching over Halo's art designs never ends, it seems.

Hey believe me I hear you loud and clear. This has bugged me since it started. Like I said, I too enjoyed Halo 3's versions, to some extent. They looked, to some degree what a spartan would wear. But reach started the trend of straying away, and then Halo 4 just fell over.

But, you know what would be fucking cool?

How about, rather than make a character identifiable through armour, why not make an actual character instead?

In that sense, I mean that Spartans are people. And they have their tells, just like everybody else. Halsey knows every Spartan II by heart even with their uniform armour on. She knows their body language, their feelings, everything.

So, why not build really fucking good characters, and give them a personality, through words, and subtle actions that we get to know over time? In that sense, they could use uniform armour, but with different bits and pieces of course to help people initially identify, but the characters would be so strong that people would see past the armour.

And in that, you'd gain a character 10x more loved, more valued, more cared for and concerned about than what Palmer currently provides. Than what all the various members of majestic provide.

Oh, but tis only a pipe dream. But, a man can dream, no?
Well, it seemed like 343i were trying to make Chief have more of a character in the games in Halo 4, but unfortunately that seemed to require ignoring the characters of everyone else that showed up in the Campaign. I hope 343i brings Blue into Halo 5 for good, doesn't do anything stupid with them, and keeps their personalities true, even if their art team is set on making armor like the "Yo dawg, I heard you like optics?" gear Linda has.

Then again, I still dream of Reach having sections without any fighting, where you would've just been able to free-roam and talk to members of Noble and bonded with the team. I really wish we could get some quality non-combat time in a Halo game where you learn about characters, listen to your teammates joke or reminisce about past situations, some more SII childhood misadventures, and talk about fellow Spartans passed.

God, I think that would make me feel as giddy as I did when I first played through the Halo trilogy as a kid in Grade school. A full-fledged, character-driven campaign that's not just 6-8 hours long, but a serious thing that would take you days to get through. I wouldn't care if they had to release a second half later on like they did with SpOps.

Out of curiosity, might I ask what makes you think Reach's armor started straying away?

There where various attachments that I just looked at, shoulder pieces, chest pieces, helmets, and I said, "What in the flying fuck are these for?"

The EVA helmet, for instance, which is a big space dome for astronaut spartans, in the third attatchment, gets a god damn metal bar right across the mid section. The fuck was the point? How does this help in any way, shape or form?

And in regards to what you talked of, I agree. I think it'd be fantastic if Halo sort of stepped out of combat missions. Maybe, while a mission was loading, you were sent into a free roam sort of room which relates to the past mission you were in, and there's your buds and teammates there working on things, as a result of the previous mission. Talking, or fixing stuff, getting ready and so on.

At it's core Halo has always been a shooter, but I think it'd be great if just once, we tried something a little different. As I talked of long before all this, the early concept art of Guardains or Halo 5 painted a sort of dark, underworld vibe to me. Parts of the Haloverse where blurred lines merged, interspecies joint cooperation and cities, and Locke would have been a fantastic character to go into these places with, since he's ONI.

Potential Inserrectionist holdouts merged with the covenant remnants and species, an overall darker tone to things, another set of eyes beyond chief's black and white view of the world, where there are clear cut sides.

Kinder Graham | Respected Invincible!
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XBL: TFL Blazing
ID: IchEsseKinder
IP: Logged

7,293 posts
(ง ͡͡ ° ͜ ʖ ͡ °)ง
So they discovered Earth in 2551 and yet they wait until 2552 to invade Earth?

The fuck?
Like, didn't Bungie ruin lore with Reach?

Either way, an enemy just can't attack the capital of a power as it needs to make a path through. Reach being one of the last human military strongholds meant that if they attacked Earth then forces would Reach would divert and place the covenant armada in a sandwich. Destruction of Reach was key to invading Earth

Septy | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: DarkestSeptagon
PSN: Fallfav
ID: Septy
IP: Logged

12,028 posts
See you Cowgirl,
Someday, somewhere
So they discovered Earth in 2551 and yet they wait until 2552 to invade Earth?

The fuck?
Like, didn't Bungie ruin lore with Reach?

Either way, an enemy just can't attack the capital of a power as it needs to make a path through. Reach being one of the last human military strongholds meant that if they attacked Earth then forces would Reach would divert and place the covenant armada in a sandwich. Destruction of Reach was key to invading Earth
They didn't discover Reach until 2552, and the Covenant didn't know that Earth was colonized by Humans.