why not just get a tv
Quote from: DAS B00T x2 on October 03, 2020, 08:18:12 PMwhy not just get a tvhttps://www.tvlicence.ie/home/tv-licence-home.html?gclid=Cj0KCQjw5eX7BRDQARIsAMhYLP8BPGy-fM3ZG7EKCfgJcLm2bPimp7ZA2U5ZgcjZcCijFasBMhnLiTkaAl4-EALw_wcBThere is a 160 euro (187 $) fee per year for a TV. I have never paid it, but that's because I lived in apartments that can't be easily accessed since the inspector wouldn't be able to get to you.Now that I am moving to a house, I don't want to worry about any inspectors knocking on my door.
I don't know how good of idea it is but maybe you should check Linus channel for monitors.
Quote from: MarKhan on October 04, 2020, 12:15:59 PMI don't know how good of idea it is but maybe you should check Linus channel for monitors.That worked out.Got this bad boyYouTube
How do they determine what's a TV or not Wouldn't an inspector look at that and say that's a TVAlso TV inspector is an actual job?
What the actual fuck why is that a thing though, just make it a normal tax funded program or something I don't fucking know lol
idk how it works in Ireland but in the UK TV license works by whether you watch live TV or not. If you just have a TV and only use it to watch Netflix or DVDs or play games etc it's fine. When I kept up with the Walking Dead I'd watch it an hour after it aired on NowTV because I didn't have a TV license. oh also watching BBC content because TV license is what pays for BBC to do stuff as they don't run adverts but also BBC has nothing worth watching anyway so it's not missing out on anything
Quote from: BaconShelf on October 07, 2020, 05:54:14 AMidk how it works in Ireland but in the UK TV license works by whether you watch live TV or not. If you just have a TV and only use it to watch Netflix or DVDs or play games etc it's fine. When I kept up with the Walking Dead I'd watch it an hour after it aired on NowTV because I didn't have a TV license. oh also watching BBC content because TV license is what pays for BBC to do stuff as they don't run adverts but also BBC has nothing worth watching anyway so it's not missing out on anythingPeople here are wishing for the UK BBC model.The way it works in IE is if a device is capable of getting a TV signal (regardless if you actually watch TV or not) you have to pay it. The kicker is that you cannot watch TV unless you buy an aerial or a decoder box.